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These pictures right now are just a preview. A single inch of snow did that in washington overnight. If the forecast holds get ready for two more feet on top of that in some parts. Take a look at the map. Computer models show 30 inches or more in the washington, d. C. Area. Blizzard warnings there and in baltimore 30 Million People facing warnings and watches. About 75 million from kentucky to maine in the storms expected path. They could be facing Gail Force Winds and flooding. New york is already taking steps to make sure that what happened during sandy does not happen again. Public transit in washington shutting down. The only bright note came today. Police will not stop kids from sledding on capitol grounds. New polling in iowa shows big leads for donald trump and Bernie Sanders. Big, however, as you will also see, they also come with a big catch. Tom foreman joins us now. This is the big news from the cold fields of iowa out there. Among republicans who are likely to caucus, donald trump is now at 37 , a full 11 points ahead of ted cruz. And for the democrats, among those who are likely to caucus, Bernie Sanders, look at that, 51 . Thats an eightpoint lead over Hillary Clinton. A big jump for him and a significant decline for her. Why is this happening . On the republican side, it is simply a matter of asking the voters who do you trust to handle the economy . Donald trump by a dig margin there. What about illegal immigration, donald trump by a huge margin. And what about the best chance for winning in november against the democrat . Again donald trump with the big numbers there. What about the democrats . Same sort of things. Bernie sanders has managed to grab some of the issues in his favor. Who do you trust to handle the economy . 58 to 36 for her. What about health care . 51 in favor of her, despite her experience in this field and despite her favor of obamacare. And she also beats him when you ask the democrats in iowa who can beat the republican in november . Democrats there think he represents their values better and will help the middle class more, john. Tom, trump and sanders are drawing large numbers of people who have never voted or dont vote all the time. How does that play into this equation . Lets go back to that first big tally and talk about that for a minute. Remember, we said, likely iowa caucus goers, but if you look at these numbers and change this from likely to who actually showed up the last time there was a contested election for the republicans watch how it changes. Look at those people, suddenly its a dead heat with cruz with a tiny edge there. In the democrats, same effect, likely iowa caucus goers, he has a big lead. But you go to the people who showed up last time, Hillary Clinton has a bigger lead. The question is going to be in that cold, iowa, snowy weather, will all those people who say they are going to show up actually show up . If they do it will be a big, exciting night, no question. That is a huge discrepancy in those numbers. Tom foreman, thanks so much. Potential for an upheaval in this campaign season. We are going to dig deeper into the Shifting Sands of the parties, starting with the republicans. John king is in cedar rapids, iowa. A dana bash in washington. There is the issue of likely caucus goers and people who have showed up before and there is a huge difference in this case it gets to the issue of the ground game. What are you seeing in terms of the ground game when it comes to donald trump and ted cruz . Its a fascinating question. The trump people think you will have record turnout for the republican caucuses. If that is the case and people come out of the wood work many would be there for the first time. Many of them would have to register to vote as republicans that night at the caucuses. If that happened and you see 170,000, approaching 200,000 its a good night for donald trump. The other campaigns, ted cruz thinks that turnout will go up because he thinks he will turn out 30,000 evangelical voters. Mitt romney, just shy of 30,000 in iowa. Mike huckabee won in 2008 with 40,000 votes. Thats all it took, 40,000 votes for huckabee to win in 2008 when the turnout was around 120,000 people. If you get 120,000 to 135,000 then rand paul thinks he will come in third. If you get a bigger turnout they expect donald trump. What are we looking for . Are the Younger Voters going to turn out . Are the older voters going to come out . You have to drive on the icy roads and stay at the caucuses for 30 minutes to an hour. These are the unknowns in the final days of a campaign and some of the campaigns are saying we dont believe that the turnout is going to be that high. That is the rubio calculation. And the Trump Campaign thinks we will be surprised. We have a week and a few days. Dana there is an uptick in republicans, notably bob dole criticizing ted cruz. A lot of people quoting the New York Times as well. Donald trump spoke about this. Donald trump spoke about the fact that there are people saying he is a better option than ted cruz. Listen. Cruz is going down. Hes going down. Hes having a hard time. He looks like a nervous wreck. Hes going down. He had his moment. He had his moment and he blew it. Heres United States senator, republican who doesnt have the support of one other republican senator. Theres something wrong there. They like me, those guys and theres nothing wrong with that, folks. We got to make deals. Dana, you have spoken to ted cruz about this issue a lot, about the issue he is not seen as widely liked on capitol hill among senators. But we also know that they see this a little differently. They are trying to wear it as a badge of honor. It is a big part of his stump speech and how he is trying to appeal to voters. I was on the ground in iowa a couple weeks ago and he took great comfort in saying that he needs a food tester when he is with his fellow republicans in the senate. That is something that he says is important as a guy who is going to break the washington cartel. He says that over and over again. Hes not wrong. Donald trump is not wrong that ted cruz is not well liked among fellow republicans, he does not have one single senate supporter or endorsement. That is all true. But again, if you are the cruz campaign, trying to appeal to people who are so angry at washington, even and especially their own party, they think this whole idea that donald trump is saying its not so bad to be establishment, they think he is walking into a trap. They say low favorite in the senate but high favoriteibilty with voters. I want to play you sound of what cruz said today in New Hampshire. And i would note perhaps one of the reasons that the washington establishment is rushing so quickly behind donald trump is that donald has been an active supporter. He gave 100,000 to the Clinton Foundation and he has supported Hillary Clinton as a candidate. He supported Chuck Schumer and rea rahm emanuel. It has been out there for months and months. Will it work for ted cruz now when it hasnt worked for these other guys . I think he is in a better position to make this argument. He flubbed it in the debate he made it a part of the new york values argument. You saw donald trump in one of his best moments in the debate come back at him. But i do think this could work for him. If you look at the polls in iowa, for instance, 70 of iowa caucus goers like people from the antiestablishment, be it donald trump, be it ted cruz, or be it carson. So he knows if he tags trump as sort of a figure of the establishment, a new york figure, most of those people he listed were from new york, this could ding some of his standing among the people who want change. The voters who i talked to they want a disrupter. If you look at the Des Moines Register polls they want a disrupter and a leader as well. And this plays into cruz hands in a lot of ways. If he is able to in some ways paint donald trump is part of the new york liberal establishment which is what he is trying to do, this does him some good but he has so short of time to do this. This caucus is coming up on monday and as you have seen from trump he has been so antiestablishment it will be hard to reverse that in voters minds. Some establishment folks are lashing out at donald trump. Katie packer who was the Campaign Manager for mitt romney she is putting out mailers and might do some tv. The National Review is coming out with a special edition saying god help us, not donald trump. Will this have an effect on him . Its a good question. The conservatives are mad at their establishment and preparing to embrace trump and the conservatives are saying wait a minute, this is a guy who said Hillary Clinton was great at one point. He said that he put his sister on the Supreme Court and she supported abortion rights. The conservative media are saying were not ready for donald trump and going to fight donald trump. Will it have an impact . Trump supporters in particular are not those who look toward endorsements. If its a very close race and it moves a few people, it will help. But look for this to be the tone. Also look for ted cruz and his evangelical pastors to get tougher. They have the same conclusion. Why are our guys following this guy when he has this past history of being way left of center and flipflopping and change his mind on issues, dont they want a consistent conservative. Look for this to play out in the last ten days. But do the attacks work . So far not so much. He can say i have sarah palin. You can take the national view. Thanks so much. Just ahead. They are some of the loudest voices when it comes to politics, the ones with the widest reach and the most loyal followers and they are starting to take sides. Well hear what Rush Limbaugh and conservative radio has to say about donald trump. And Bernie Sanders surging. Hillary clinton inlaunches attacks. Does this just prove she is rattled . These are the hands that build the machines, the machines that sort, stack and seal. These are the hands that keep private information private. These are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. 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Cruz also got a big endorsement recently or he heard that glen beck will be appearing with him this weekend on the stump which brings up a storm cloud that is forming on Donald Trumps horizon and all over conservative talk radio. Here again, tom foreman. You know, we wont wait, well go ahead, right . Reporter surrounded by adoring fans and roaring rallies, donald trump has enjoyed oceans of praise on conservative radio. The last ten minutes of what trump did last night sealed the deal. The censerity sincerity, the appreciation of the audience that showed up. Reporter now that hes taking on his closest challenger, ted cruz. The tide is turning. A genuine conservative, even in the republican field would not go after cruz this way. The attack on cruz in many ways is an attack on us. Thats the problem. Thank you, senator cruz. Reporter when trump and cruz were playing nice, it was a different story. Last summer conservative radio gushed over the big city businessman. Im for trump. Point blank, best choice we have. Reporter but as the months passed and the battle with cruz became inevitable, the conservative talkers sharpened their words. I know theres a lot of people in the gop who are like, look, hes better than Hillary Clinton. Maybe. I dont know. Lawrence tribe and numerous of harvard, said there is a serious question as to whether or not ted can do this, okay . There are other attorneys that feel and very, very fine constitutional attorneys that feel that because he was not born on the land, he cannot run for office. Reporter trumps challenge to cruz citizenship brought a brutal response from mark levin that posted new york city bully tactics, adding friendly advise, donald, either cut the crap or you will lose lots and lots of conservatives, and the deep of conservative talk, Rush Limbaugh . I think trump is making a strategic error in the way that he criticizes cruz. Its unrealistic to expect they wont go after each other. The conservative talkers will almost certainly hurt trump if they keep hitting him this way but if he looks like he could win the nomination and the white house, they could change their tune again. After all, they have been mad at the democrats a whole lot longer. John . All right. Tom foreman, thanks so much. A lot to talk about here. Joining me now a familiar voice on conservative radio, hugh hewett, host of the hugh hewitt show. I want to start with your thoughts on Donald Trumps reaction to glenn back appearing with ted cruz this weekend. Donald trump tweeted whack o glenn beck is a sad answer to the endorsement of sarah palin that cruz so desperately wanted. Glenn is a failing, crying, lost soul. I am switzerland on this. I had Carly Fiorina this week. Marco rubio tomorrow. Donald is coming back next week. Jeb bush will be back. I have them all on and i will vote for whomever the party nominates, ill endorse them. I have stayed switzerland. What i think is going on right now is that those who are not obliged by doing the debates like i am, staying far away from endorsing are picking up sides and themming you what they really think. Thats what conservative talk radio has done is sift through everything and tell you what they think and amplify their voice. Senator cruz good friend of mine but i like all these people. I will say do not under estimate talk radio especially in South Carolina where, you know, after New Hampshire where independents get to vote. And in iowa where it is easy to go into any caucus, it doesnt who, that way in a lot of primaries. Youll get get a lot of closed primaries where talkers amplify their audience voice. I remind people of the shy tory effect in 1992 john major won in england. Nobody saw it coming because a bunch of people were too embarrassed to say they would vote for the dull and boring john major and remind the audience the Kentucky Governor was supposed to lose. He won by nine. Tom cotton was supposed to lose by a lot in arkansas and won by 17 in 2014. The british election, israeli, these polls, you know, cnn org polls are well done but the turnout model as john king painstakingly went through and i think for us, its best for people like me and like you and like john and dana to just sit back and wait and see what happens and then try and figure out how it will impact the next one. Switzerland might be getting smaller, let me throw that out there. Its true. Glenn beck, mark level inare pretty clear. They are going pretty hard against donald trump. But its not universal. Rush limbaugh for instance and when some people will consider the dean of conservative talk radio, hes gone back and forth and in some cases given donald trump a lot of cover. Rush is donalds friend and the big kahuna, and maker of the feast as scrooge on christmas. He always makes the market and more than anybody else and he does like ted cruz a lot. I was listening to his show today and so maybe there is a tilt there, maybe there isnt. I dont think hes declared but Laura Ingraham is a big trump factor. On my network, i thinking you see Michael Medved trying very hard to keep some of the other candidates up and buoyant. And i think you will see people like bill bennett and Mike Gallagher torn and very much so. The Republican Party has been awakened. Donald trump came out of the ocean like godzilla did in japan in the 1950s movies and took down the power structure and just completely evaporated and is there a mothra out there . Well wait and see. Only you, hugh hewitt, thank you. Just ahead, Hillary Clinton attacks Bernie Sanders on Foreign Policy and says it seems like he hasnt thought it through. Well hear what else she is saying and whether it will work, thats next. Later a different kind of storm ready to hit the Nations Capital. Washington could get 2 feet of snow or more. Considering the problems an inch caused last night, can d. C. Handle a blizzard . Beyond that nearly 30 Million People under blizzard watches and warnings tonight. The latest when ac360 continues. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. He has a sharp wit. A winning smile. And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you. It started with a single connection. And the network was born. Then, we connected more and more people until it became clear that the network was not a fad or aluxury but a basic human necessity. And so, at t built a network, just for you. 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With the Iowa Caucuses just a little more than a week away in the new cnn poll showing Bernie Sanders now ahead in the polls and Hillary Clinton on the attack taking Bernie Sanders to task on everything from health care to Foreign Policy. Jeff zeleny has been following Clintons Campaign saw it all firsthand and joins us now from des moines. Jeff, exactly what did secretary clinton say today . John, usually its trump, trump, trump. Today that was not the case. It was sanders, sanders, sanders. I was struck sitting in the audience how intently she was going after senator sanders. We got a bit of a hint that was coming from the teleprompters. Her campaign was filming this speech as a potential ad for next week. She went after senator sanders on health care to big liberal ideas but zeroed in on Foreign Policy. Listen to what she said. Senator sanders doesnt talk very much about Foreign Policy, but when he does, it raises concerns because sometimes it can sound like he hasnt really thought it through. For example, he suggested we invite iranian troops into syria. That is like asking the arsonist to be the firefighter. So essentially she was saying, listen, folks, hes not fit to be commanderinchief. What they are trying to do stop his growth anymore. Obviously she realizes that his supporters are true believers here. But, john, there was very Strong Language to a crowd of fellow democrats. You know, clinton is trying to show her tougher side. Bernie sanders is trying to, what, show his musical side. He has this new ad that a lot of people are talking about. It was an optimistic ad that will start running tomorrow here in iowa and New Hampshire. A 60second ad set to the simon and garfunkel 1968 anthem america. Its very optimistic. It looks like hope exchange. Sort of reminds me of an obamatype ad. Senator sanders had his fair share of shots against secretary clinton in terms of her speaking fees and other things but he is closing this campaign at least right now on an optimistic tone trying to make some of those true believers believe again. He all but ignored her today campaigning in New Hampshire. I dont expect that to continue. As they both return to iowa over the weekend, things are so close here. Shes leading in the cnn poll but things both campaigns tell me they believe are deadlocked here. So this final week of campaigning is so, so important. Yeah, i doubt they will ignore each other on monday night, either. Jeff zeleny, thank you. Joining me now, peter and cnn political commentator, donna brazil, vice chair of the dnc voter project. And you know, donna, look, Hillary Clinton not holding back when it comes to Bernie Sanders today, especially on the issue of readiness to serve as commanderinchief. Is this what Hillary Clinton on the ropes looks like . Hillary clinton the fighter . Well, first of all, i think from day one shes been willing to not only raise her voice and talk about how she Will Champion issues facing the middle class, she talked about Kitchen Table issues, the economy of course. This is not really at the end of the day just about these very important issues facing this country. You have two distinct personalities who are running for the Democratic Party nomination. Hillary clinton, who in my judgment, came in first lace with voters in 2008 but didnt have enough delegates to get over the threshold. And Bernie Sanders who caucused with the democrats in the United States senate but now running as a democratic as you know, a democrat for the presidency of the United States. This is a very spirited debate. Im just glad they are not talking about birth their birth certificates. They are not hitting each other in a personal way. It is going to come down to those closing arguments, and, look, as a democrat im excited that these two candidates are out there and along with Martin Omalley and taking it to voters in iowa. And who knows, we might see some surprises come monday, february 1st. Peter, shes doing more than talking about herself. Talking about Bernie Sanders and readiness to serve. Weve seen this before. I mean, eight years ago, didnt we see this . Wasnt this the 3 00 a. M. Phone call . It didnt work for her then. Right, i mean, if Bernie Sanders could exploit this, she is very vulnerable to exactly what you just said. Wait a second, this is the same line you tried on barack obama and on the biggest Foreign Policy decision of this century, the decision to support the iraq war, barack obama and Bernie Sanders were against it. Hillary clinton was for it. The problem is that Bernie Sanders doesnt have the same Comfort Level on Foreign Policy that barack obama did. Barack obama felt confident enough to hit back very effectively. Sanders seems to avoid the issue. But, and iraq is not the Biggest Issue in the world as it was in 2008. Its International Terrorism right now. So maybe Clinton Clintons argument will have more resonance. Shes more hawkish than the Democratic Base on that. Its a pattern with her. If he was draaft, he could explt that. I want to talk about her interview with wolf blitzer. He asked if she was the establishment, listen to how she responded. But are you the establishment . I just dont understand what that means. Hes been in congress. Hes been elected to office a lot longer than i have. I was in the senate for eight wonderful years representing new york. Hes been in the congress for 25. And so ill let your viewers make their own judgement. Shes not wrong. Bernie sanders has been in Congress Since 1991, before that he was a mayor of a city. Hes been a politician for a long time. But she lived in the white house for eight years. I mean, is it hard for her to make the case that shes not part of the democratic establishment . In some ways, there is a generation of the democratic establishment that is based on the clintons. Absolutely. Youre looking at one and guess what . I owe my, you know, credentials as a member of the Democratic Party, the vice chair of the party, im proud of it. Im an activists. Like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, i spent many, many of my years and they have spent thats why they are politicians. They have been fighters for equality and champion for children. And the underprivileged in this society. Im proud of both of them. Im proud that they have been members of the establishment. But theyre not running because of who they are. They are running to help to level the playing field. Thats what this election is all about. So if hillary doesnt feel comfortable telling wolf, you know, that shes x, y and z. You know what, so what . Shes Hillary Clinton and shes been a fighter for the underdog all her life and so has Bernie Sanders. So peter, you talk to many democratic insiders that will whisper to you that, yes, Bernie Sanders may win New Hampshire and may win iowa, its getting very close but at the end of the day they think Hillary Clinton will win the nomination. Does this leave a mark . Is there lasting harm to her brand . If Bernie Sander as democratic socialist from vermont can beat her in key states, can that make her a weaker candidate . Primary candidates hurt primaries when the general can pick up on. Bernie sanders isnt doing that. Primarily because hes not attacking her on character. He maybe moved her to the left a little bit, maybe on domestic policy, not on Foreign Policy. Maybe republicans will try to exploit that a little bit. Shes gone further left on guns to exploit that against him a little bit. But hes not really going after her in the kind of way that i think will hurt her in the general. Peter and donna, thank you so much. Again, a quick reminder, the democrats will get together monday night for a cnn town hall in des moines and face the voters and their questions, chris cuomo moderates. Should be fascinating. Gets underway at 9 00 p. M. Right here on cnn. A lot more ahead including the latest on the blizzard. New information just coming in. Were going to check in on chad myers. And why the Washington Area has already virtually skidded to a halt in the face of the storm. How a thin coating of snow and ice overnight did so much damage to the roads expectations that the storm response may not be up to the challenge. Soup and sandwich and somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back good, clean food pairs well with anything. The clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. At panera. Food as it should be. Inthe midsize van, from mercedesbenz. Its got smallability and bigability. Towingability and stowingability. Rackability and hvacability. Its fully customizable and sized just right to give you cupcakeability, entourageability. Garageability and even affordability. Starting at 28,950. Available in cargo or passenger. From mercedesbenz. Late developments in the breaking weather news. Airlines have now cancelled more than 3,000 flights tomorrow and saturday. 3,000. Here is another staggering number. 75 Million People tonight from the mississippi to maine are facing what could be recordbreaking winter storm conditions. Chad myers bringing together the very latest computer models of who may get hit and how hard. He joins us momentarily. First, rene marsh with more on washingtons damaging and embarrassing sneak preview overnight. Reporter when cars could move, tires spun on black ice. But for hours last night, this is what much of the d. C. Area looked like, a parking lot. Im on my way to work. It usually takes me 20 to 25 minutes. Ive been on the road close to five hours now. Reporter some gave up and decided to walk, making the situation go from bad to worse as abandoned vehicles blocked oncoming traffic. Emergency personnel also brought to a stand still. A fire truck and two balances here in Fairfax County stuck for hours. Im going to have them move over there. Reporter Virginia State Police Responded to 767 accidents. In maryland, at least one person died, a pedestrian hit by a snowplow in a d. C. Suburb. Even the president couldnt break break through the gridlock. His motorcade at points completely stopped in traffic. Slipped and hit curbs on the usually short ride from Andrews Air Force base back to the white house. How is all of this possible from oneinch of snow . Were very sorry for inadequate response. We believe that we did not provided a quit resources at a time where it could make a difference. Reporter officials in d. C. And its surrounding suburbs did not pretreat the roads with salt. The snow quickly turned the entire beltway into one big ice slick. As daylight broke, all of those abandoned cars made the morning commute as painful as last nights. At Regan National airport, many changed their flights to get out of town before the blizzard hit. This man opted for a lastminute get away. Im going somewhere hot. Im not going to be stuck in two feet of snow paralyzed for two or three days. Reporter so you made a lastminute trip. Lastminute trip. Reporter American Airlines has already announced theyre canceling all flights out of d. C. And other airlines are preparing to do the same. As far as the rest of the city, officials are urging people to stay off the roads, to allow crews to deal with up to 30 inches of snow, residents in our Nations Capital fearing if one inch of snow can do all this, what will 30 inches do . Well the mayor of d. C. Was on cnn earlier today and she said while the snow did catch them off guard yesterday, they will be well prepared for tomorrow. They plan on being out in full force. 6 00 a. M. Just in case the snow comes early and they say that they will be pretreating the roads this time around. Back to you, john. Probably a good idea. Thanks so much. Want to turn to chad meyers who is with me tonight. That was an inch of snow and ice that did that to d. C. Last night. That is nothing compared to what they are facing now. Correct. But there will be nowhere near the number of cars on the road when this hits, right . They werent prepared for it because they were looking at the big football, which is this. They werent looking at the one inch last night. So they took their eye off the ball and dropped the ball like running backs do when they try to do a screen pass. Heres what we have in d. C. On a normal year, 15 inches. Heres last year. Heres what may come down in the next 48 hours, john. Significant snow and this is and could be of course historic. There you go. 28 inches. The greatest d. C. Picked up in one storm, not one day but one storm because this is a multiday storm and its coming to new york city, as well. History being made in d. C. Potentially. You mentioned new york city. Where is this going to hit . How broad are we talking about and what is going to happen here . Asking for a friend. Asking for me, too, because now im up here. D. C. , charlottesville, bwi, baltimore, those are for sure going the pick up a foot of snow, probably two feet of snow, maybe more west thats a lot. For baltimore a foot of snow is a lot. A tremendous amount of snow and heavy snow, too. East of there, there will be sleet mixing in but its going to be just as hard to move. Along the i95, that is two feet of snow. Right there up and down bw parkway, i95. New york city, im not sure because i have another model thats painting somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 inches of snow right there. That is not the forecast but its possible. All i can guarantee you is that someone is going to get surprised by this storm and maybe richmond, virginia, if they dont get much, i think theyre going to get 20 inches. It could be new york city. Right now six to ten and could be more. The line there is the difference between millions and millions and millions and thousands of people. Chad, thanks so much, appreciate it. The breaking news, a federal official resigning over charges she did not do enough from to prevent flints residents from being poisoned by tap water. And dr. Sanjay gupta takes us inside the Public Health crisis unfolding in flint. A family with 4yearold twin boys on the front lines. But now that shes taking osteo biflex, shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. With continued use, it supports increased flexibility over time. Karen shes single. It also supports wonderfully high levels of humiliation in her daughter. Karen shes a little bit shy. 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Susan headman, the epas top midwest official is resigning over charges that she did not do enough to prevent the poison Drinking Water crisis in flint. Last week headman admitted her department knew back in april the residents were at risk for lead poisoning and knew about the risk but did not alert the public. For 18 months, state officials ignored complaints about the nasty looking and foulsmelling water and belittled a local doctors concerns. This manmade disaster started when the citys emergency manager who was appointed by the state switched flints water source from the huron to the flint river to save money. Dr. Sanjay gupta shows us the consequences. Look right at me. Look right at me. Reporter when her son gavin started to become ill, it was subtle, so subtle she wouldnt have been blamed for missing it. Look at me. Keep your head straight. How many fingers . One. Look up. Look down. Do your fingers feel numb. One day she looked at gavin and his twin brother garrett side by side. The difference was staggering. The size he is right now is pretty much the size he was last february, february 5th, of 2015. So almost a year ago. Yes. How much does he weigh versus his twin . Hes 35. 8 and his twin is 5 53 pounds. For months they were drinking the same water. But gavin was showing the effects of being poisoned by lead and such is the nature of lead poisoning, it can affect people very differently, even twins. Do you remember the number . 6. 5. What is normal . Nothing. There is no safe exposure to lead. Its a mantra repeated by doctors all over the world, no lead, not even a little bit is acceptable because we know more than ever what it does to the body. When lead is ingested or inhaled, no organ in the body is spared. Lead even attacks the d. N. A. Affecting not just you, but your future children. All of it essentially irreversible, equally frustrating, the symptoms could show up now or years from now. Wait, watch and see. How do you live your life like that . Upsetting. Hes 4. The lead was coming from the corroded pipes carrying water. The longer the water was in the pipes, the more hazardous it became. One of the problems is the walters house is one of the furthest away from the treatment facility. It partly explains why the testing here was among the highest. 13,000 parts per billion. To give you context, five parts per billion is cause for concern. 5,000 is considered toxic waste. This home, 13,000 parts per billion, but of course, its not just one home. Its an entire community here in flint. 100,000 people live here. 10 , 10,000 are under the age of 6. They are most at risk. When pediatricians hear anything about lead, we absolutely freak out. Reporter it wasnt a freak out at first but doctors in flint started hearing whispers about elevated lead levels in the water in 2014 so this doctor started looking at lead levels in her young patients and what she found was shocking. The percentage of children with lead poisoning doubled and in some neighborhoods it actually tripled. Reporter she sounded the alarm to state officials as loudly as she could, but no one listened. Instead . We were attacked. And i was called an unfortunate researcher and causing near his terra and the state numbers were not consistent with our findings. Reporter maybe denial was easy because of this, flint, a city surrounded by some of the largest fresh water lakes in the world was now delivering some of the worlds most contaminated water to its citizens. In october of 2014 general motors, you say, stopped using the water because it was corroding their parts. Right. Reporter that seems like a pretty obvious clue. Red flags and loud alarms should have been going off in peoples brains. If its corroding engine parts what is it doing to our plumbing that is predominantly leadbased . Reporter water that could corrode engine parts, just imagine what it was doing to the body and brain of gavin walters. These kids did nothing wrong. They did nothing wrong except being poor. In may, professor mark edwards from Virginia Tech sounded an alarm about lead in flints water. Governor says look, you can having anything you want, anything . I want a rewind button to april of 2014. Thats what i want. Because you cant undo this. You cannot undo this. Reporter if there has ever been a u. S. City in need of a rewind button, its flint, michigan. More than a third of people are living in poverty. Life expectancy is ten to 20 years shorter than the rest of the state. There is not a full scale Grocery Store anywhere in sight. Then we got lead like if you were to think of something to put in a population to keep them down for this generation and generations to come it would be lead. Its just a loss of words. Reporter but they, dr. Mona leeann, the hundreds of thousands of citizens of flint have to believe that clean water will return, one day soon. Do you know why people have been putting you on tv lately . Yeah. Reporter why . Because they wanted to put this on tv so they can see us. Because youre handsome. Yep. Yep. Sanjay gupta is with us. Thank you for explaining this so clearly. The water was changed back to detroit in october, right . So why is there still concern . Reporter this is a really important point, john. During the time that they were using the water from the flint river, it was so corrosive, there werent any anti corrosive agents mixed into the water. So it was so corrosive it essentially damaged the pipes. Many pipes are leeching lead. Even if you put new water in there, water coming from lake huron or from detroit, it still has this leeching of lead process going on. So you have the better water in there and the pipes are now the problem. Thats why you hear the number of a billion dollars needed to replace the pipes, the infrastructure here in flint. Got to put in new pipes. There is no way to reverse the effects of lead poisoning, right . There are doctors trying to treat it but you cant actually turn back the damage thats done . Reporter no, thats the unfortunate part this is a heavy metal that once it gets in the body, it just binds very, very strongly. It binds to things and it doesnt let go. So thats the real challenge here and you dont know if the symptoms are going to appear now or years down the road, john. This could last a long, long time. A manmade crisis. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you so much. Well be right back. Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you. It started with a single connection. 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