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The right decision in deciding not to run for a higher office. We had some news today that biden is not running. [ cheers ] and i think he did the smart thing because frankly, i dont know that he would have won. He wouldnt have gotten the nomination. I dont think he probably would have and frankly, i really want to run against hillary. Thats the one ive been when youre sort of like if you have a Baseball Team or football team, you get your heart set on something, thats the one we want to go against because you go against that record, you go against that record, youre just going to win. Were going to win. Were going to win big. Reporter now, there is a good reason trump would prefer to run against hillary to joe biden. Thats a much tighter race and biden would have a much easier time beating trump but that matchup will never come to fruition. I understand he went on a long riff or the importance of saying christmas instead of happy holidays, is that correct . Reporter seems completely random until you remember one of the most important voting blocks here is white evangelicals. Talking about christmas saying its politically correct to say happy holidays and hes going to keep Merry Christmas in our schools is a way for trump to connect with these voters and say look, ill stand up with what we believe in, even if im not the traditional candidate you would flock to. Trump leading in the latest polls. The one today shows Republican Voters think he will be the nominee. The abc News Washington post poll shows 42 think trump is most likely to win, ben carson a distant second with 15 followed by jeb bush with 12. Similar percentage, 43 think trump has the best chance to win followed by carson and bush. Good news for donald trump but for some of the gop, positively frightening. So much so some are starting a super pact to defeat trump. Let me say that again. A group of republicans are creating a super pact to stop trump from getting the nomination. The former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party and also joined by trump supporter and cnn commentator jeffrey lord and former regan white house political director. Welcome to you both. In the normal Campaign Cycle and ill admit, this has not been anything but normal, an establishment republican like yourself probably would not be publicly saying they are working on a plan and starting a super pact to cut, eliminate the partys front runner. Why are you doing it . Jeffrey and i both have been doing this a long time and i started with Ronald Reagan as an 8yearold kid in a cub scout outfit in South Carolina. Ive been doing it a long time and understand the polls and the races just started and there are things that are trouble system with me in a trump candidacy. I understand these immigration stance and talking about building a wall, which is the length of from key west to the middle of maine, 1942 some odd miles, 400 miles of that property is owned by individuals taken from them. There are a lot of things that go on and on and on. 62 of the primaries are evangelicals and what a super pact role is to inform the voters who mr. Trump is and what well see if hes our nominee, what the Supreme Court justices would look like and the policies. Right now im concerned trump is the one i think we can lose with. Its interesting because all the things youre talking about are things which in a normal campaign would, i mean, already have been the focus of a lot of attention by trumps opponents, certainly by the media. I can tell you from our perspective, weve done a lot of those stories about his policies saying hell just take iraqs oil, bomb the hell out of isis and ring the oil field, all which you talk to military experts from the top to the bottom that say thats just nonsense, not going to work and yet, all of that doesnt seem to register or doesnt seem to matter to the people that support donald trump. Donald trump has a tough quality to him. Hes entertaining and he has brought a lot to the process but when it comes to campaign elections, most of the campaigns kept their gloves off donald trump and i understand that and jeffrey will acre knowledge. Once a Campaign Goes after donald trump they will get him but themselves. So the role of the super pact is to inform voters there will be the voters in South Carolina and everyone that won the nomination in South Carolina has gone on to win the nomination. What a super pact can do is make donald trump a better candidate or end his campaign in South Carolina and other places but right now, having done this most of my life, i can tell you i have a big concern for his immigration stance, a big concern just because donald trump says they will love me and like me and its going to be great, ive seen a lot of campaigns start like this and a lot of campaigns end like that and i have a big concern that we have great candidates running and i was hoping to have a campaign that actually would talk about where the Republican Party is going, what its going to be like and we have a chance to beat Hillary Clinton and have a chance to take the white house back. Let me bring in jeff here. You think efforts will help donald trump, why . I do. I think well as he said, when candidates go after donald trump like this, they only hurt themselves and hes a great guy but what will happen quickly, this will be seen as the establishment going after donald trump and the establishment is already not in good favor with Republican Voters at the base. So just bolster trumps credentia credentials . Yeah, absolutely. This is the kind of thing to relate to somebody im sure, our old front lee at water. He must be smiling somewhere. This is only going to help donald trump. This is not going to hurt him. What about that argument . Im wondering with caden is secretly on the front payroll. Let me assure you im not, im not on anyones payroll and i was for rick perry. Both of those people are out of the conversation and i am at the stable so let me clarify that but at the end of the day, you know, i guess jeffrey, campaigns and he elections are about informing people, telling people in the voters, talking to the 635,000 people and moving the noise out of the way and i think if we inform the voters, what we truly believe that mr. Trump will do to the Republican Party, i understand the anger. I understand the crowd, i have been in and out of the tea party, i get it. Whether you nail me as a establishment or ive been called a lot of things, what i can tell you its our patriotic duty to make sure we inform the voters of exactly what we think a trump candidcy will look like donald trump does not beat Bernie Sanders. Jeff, let me ask you, i was listening to trump tonight at his latest stop and, you know, he constantly is talking about poll numbers and going over them and this poll and that and obviously, hes got a lot to you about. Hes in the lead of the polls but there have been plenty of candidates in the past that led polls and gone on to win elections that dont spend their stump speech talking about how big their poll numbers are. Does it strike you at all as a little odd the focus on his numbers and how many people are in attendance that his desire to let everybody know how big his polls are . Donald trump, i know, is a big believer in selling your product, selling your message, et cetera and that is something right this minute news all the time and this is in essence telling the world, his supporters how well they are doing and his way of encouraging them on saying were in this. Were on top of this. Were winning. Keep going. Keep doing it. Thats really what hes trying to do here and i think thats typical trump. One of the things, anderson, he built this enormous trump organization, his business, not his Political Campaign and this is somebody that really has a good sense how to build an organization, how to lead, how to inspire. I think thats what youre seeing here is the transfer of those skills to a Political Campaign and hes doing incredibly well with it. Well, you cant argue with that. Certainly leading the polls as hell tell you. Good to talk to you. Up next, a sudden announcement ends speculation whether joe biden is getting into the race. You heard it from donald trump. Biden says he will not run for president. The question is why, why did he decide not to run even after all the signs pointed to him jumping in . Well tell you what our reporters are learning and well talk to David Axelrod and a person in custody tonight in connection with a road range incident that left a 4yearold girl dead. The latest when we continue. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . 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As late as yesterday, signs seemed to point to biden running so how did he get from a possible yes to definitive no in such a short period of time . He reached the decision last night and didnt tell president obama until this morning but he had been moving in this direction for several days. The more he found out about the race and exploring he did in calls to early states like iowa and South Carolina the more daunting the path to victory seemed to hill so over the past several days when he was out sort of calling out one of his top opponents, Hillary Clinton for saying republicans are the biggest enemies, he wasnt firing a warning shot as much as offering a lesson in how he thinks washington should work. He talked about his family in his speech and from what i understand, they had given him the thumbs up to run, is that right . That is right. They gave him the green light. Some werent as eager as others but said they supported his decision to run and they believed he would make the best president but when he talked about beau who died of cancer nearly five months ago, its clear they didnt reach this decision in time. So he wasnt necessarily blaming this decision on beaus death. Thats one of the reasons he was looking because beau asked him to run but he still said there wasnt enough time to mount a credible campaign. What does this mean for the Clinton Campaign . I guess there was a sigh of relief to the extent they were worried. I think they were worried. One of the biggest herd ls is cleared but if you look at her poll this week you can see why. She actually skyrockets up to some 11 points more. Shes at 56 to Bernie Sanders 33 with him out of the race. But the question now anderson is whether she can spark that enthusiasm among democrats drawn to biden and still arent that excited about her candidacy. Jeff, appreciate the reporting. Joining me now is David Axelrod and gloria borger. What is your understanding how this came about because the Vice President sounded like a candidate and this morning the tone changed and this kind of arranged rose garden speech. Look, i think this is the nature of the last three months and a real tug and pull between his heart and his head. He clearly wanted to be running for president. That speech he gave today was an announcement speech between a decoloration, of noncandidacy but the politicians were not good and not getting better. Clinic clean had been gaining strength. Bernie sanders gained strength. A lot of folks were committed. A lot of money, a lot of organizers were committed and i just think the press of reality came in and as he said time ran out and he finally came to that conclusion last night. And gloria, especially after the debate, it was hard to imagine what political lane biden would position himself in. It did but he spent much of this week positioning himself in that little piece of space as he started, you know, to take on Hillary Clinton, which is why a lot of people thought he was running but i was told today by someone whose close to him that the longer this dragged on, as david was saying, both personally and for his own legacy, the more he thought about it, he didnt want to be a threetime loser, which is what he probably would have been because it would have been very difficult for him to take on Hillary Clinton and that when congressman of South Carolina told the Huffington Post that i would not advice biden to run, i think he heard that and i think he listened to that. Its interesting, david, you can always play a what if game but had this been a couple months ago, and had this been before that first democratic debate where Hillary Clinton whether you side with her or not clearly, you know, probably answered some of her critics in terms of whether or not she was a weak candidate or whether she was able to kind of turn the corner on some of the issues shes been facing, had it been sooner, i wonder or pre this debate, i wonder if the decision would be different. No doubt there was a moment sometime bag during the summer when Hillary Clinton appeared to be a much more vulnerable candidate when there was a great deal of angst among democrats. Democrats are good at angst and there was a great deal of it. People worrying about what kind of candidate she might be and they were urging biden to consider running to save the party. A lot of that dissipated with the debate and the realities as i said crept in. I agree with gloria. A little noted but very important factor was jims comments because part of the biden strategy as i understand stood it is to see hillary stumble in iowa and New Hampshire losing one to sanders, biden hanging close and biden over taking her in South Carolina largely with the support of the black community there and jim is the leader of the African American community on the democratic side and carries a lot of weight. When he said dont go, thats a meaningful sign and im sure one the Vice President took seriously. Gloria, what do you make of his remarks about, i dont know if you call them digs saying he doesnt consider the gop an enemy even today, what do you make of that . Is that a sign you have to earn my support or what is that . I think it reflects his own personal ambivalence about this. He wanted to run for president. That speech today sounded like somebody who was announcing and running for president only he didnt. I think he was putting her on notice. I think it was also saying should the whole thing fall apart here i am . I dont want republicans to be my enemy. I provide a different way but i would have to point out that joe biden is a person who has been a fierce partisan to lots of republicans calling them among other things homophobes. He is a partisan and she would have shot right back at him. I cant quite figure out, honestly, why he took the opportunity to do that in the rose garden today. It was kind of discordened. Good to have you on. Thanks. Just ahead tonight, breaking news about paul ryan and whether he is getting the support he needs before he commits to running for House Speaker and breaking news in the road rage killing of a 4yearold girl, a possible major break in the case. The possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. 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This is the relatively small group of about 40 House Republicans, the same ones that forced john boehner out of the speakers office. They had a meeting about whether or not they were going to endorse paul ryan, the answer is no but here is the but, they enough of them said they will support him that paul ryan does have the votes to be the next House Speaker if he wants it. I just spoke with one of the key members of this caucus about it. Take a listen. Voting for him in here means you would vote for him on the floor, right . I havent decided then. Were just trying to decide if we can support because nick walked out and said if paul ryan wants to be speaker, he has the vote, doesnt have the endorsements but the votes. Do you agree with that . I do. Correct. So where does that leave us now . The ball effectively in paul ryans court, around sonderson. What ryan said is that he would only take this job with conditions, one of the conditions was to have the endorsement of some key caucuses inside the very large and vast republican, House Republican conferen conference. The key one is this, he doesnt get endorsement but has support from a super majority. They took a vote and told us a super majority, so close to 70 supported him. Now its up to paul ryan to decide whether or not thats enough for him to go forward, formally put his bid in to be House Speaker or not. All right. Well have to see. Thanks very much. More breaking news on the search for the killer of a 4yearold girl, lily garcia was shot and killed. The result of road rage. The fbi joined the manhunt and there may be a break in the case. What have you learned, anna . Police say they are questioning a socalled person of interest. They say tips from the public led them to a house where they did surveillance and followed this individual to a parking lot where they took him into custody without incident. They are not calling him a suspect now, so they arent releasing names but this could be a huge break in the case coming more than 24 hours after the murder of an innocent little girl. A community seeking justice for lily. 4yearold lily garcia, a little girl shot and killed while riding in the backseat of her familys red pickup truck. A crime that let veteran Law Enforcement in shock. To me, this is one of those crimes, which is unexplainable. I have never seen it before. Reporter new mexico investigators are calling ate classic case of road rage. This should have never happened. This is a complete disrespect of human life. Reporter it happened around 3 00 tuesday afternoon. Albuquerque Police Say Two vehicles cut each other off, a short time later shots rang out. The daughter is not conscious, 4 years of age. Reporter the deadly incident unfolding over the course of two miles. The suspect pulled up along the pickup and fired multiple shots. One bullet striking lily. Her 7yearold brother was in the truck and not injured. His daughter is breathing. Head injury. 104. Reporter a passing sheriffs deputy happened to spot the red truck and stopped to help. Others driving by called 911. Looks like a medical emergency. There is an Adult Holding what looks like an unresponsive child. Quickly they shout down the highway to search for the shooter and the ambulance rushed to the hospital to try and save the little girl but tragically, too late. 26,000 reward urging the public to call with any possible clue. More than a dozen tips called in so far and now a person of interest is in custody. So what does this mean for the investigation, what is next . It could be a big deal. We know police have said that this person of interest does indeed match the description of the shooter that witnesses have provided but they have at least a couple of search warrants they need to execute they say to gather enough evidence to move this person of interest to suspect and they are still urging anybody with Additional Information to come forward to give them a call. They want to make sure they get this right, anderson. All right. Anna, thanks for the reporting. On the eve of Hillary Clintons testimony on benghazi, well look at her track record. Shes definitely battle tested, not her first rodeo on capitol hill and been on the other side of the table, as well. Isnt it beautiful when things just come together . Build a beautiful website with squarespace. Where their electricity comes from. They flip the switch and the light comes on. Its our job to make sure that it does. Using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. 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Mrs. Clinton spent the week preparing instead of campaigning and knows shell face tough questions but shes battle tested. Tom foreman takes a look. Reporter since the killing of four americans in benghazi in 2012, in all the congressional grilling, Hillary Clinton let her frustration show in a big way only once. Was it because of a protest or four guys out on a walk to decide to kill americans. What different at this point does it make . Aside from that her testimony is marked by steady nerves even amid withering attacks. Mthats National Security malpractice. Reporter thats what led her first to the witness chair. In a starring roll on capitol hill, Hillary Rodham clinton. Reporter the first first lady to Face Congress over massive pending legislation making the case for her husband east Health Care Reform plan. The benefits package is a fair one because it emphasizes reporter her composure and command drew rave reviews even if the legislation did not. I think in the very near future, the president will be known as your husband who is that fellow . Thats hillarys husband. Reporter since then shes been in congressional hearings dozens of times, often fielding the questions sometimes as a senator asking them. If 9 11 was a failure of imagination and katrina was f l failure of Initiative Reporter even when sharply challenged, shes rarely been pushed off talking points. With specific security requests, they didnt come to me. I had no knowledge. Reporter when Hillary Clinton walks into that room, she will have more experience with congressional hearings than most of the people there and that can make a hot seat if not comfortable at least cooler. Anderson . Tom, thanks very much. A lot to talk about with our panel, senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, senior political analyst and president ial advisor David Garrigan and donna brazil. David, Hillary Clinton has a lot of experience testifying on both sides of the table. You yourself have testified during white water, does it ever get easier . I mean, no matter how many times youve done it, do you think it gets easier for her . I think this one has gotten easier. Because of the politics . Shes on a roll and will come in a much more confident position. Shes got the debate, joe biden dropping out and two republicans undermining the credibility of the investigation itself. So i think shes going to come in, you know, i havent gone through this, shell be very lawyered up. They will spend a lot of time with her. I think David Kendall will be right there at her side and hes been with her on this whole email controversy. Shell be in command of the facts but mostly i think her temperament. I think shell come in respectful but be tough if she has to be. Shell let them hit her first. Bully her. Mistake will be to jeff, you say these are more theatrical events. Absolutely. I think david raises an interesting point that im not sure what the resolution is. David kendall, her very excellent attorney will be there but will he sit by her side . I could envision he does not. The message being i dont need some lawyer to tell me what to do. I dont need a lawyer to protect me. He may sit behind her. Now, thats a risk because as Brendan Sullivan who was also from williams and conley did during the hearings, he was very aggressive wasnt that exactly. Im not a potted plant and he intimidated the members of congress out of asking some tough questions. So thats going to be a very interesting thing we learn from the very beginning whether David Kendall is sitting by her or behind her. They were cautioned to stick to facts and focus strictly on what happened before, during and after the attack on benghazi. Do you think they are actually going to end up heeding advice . Absolutely not. You have six other members of the committee and god knows they want to get down to talking points. Secretary clinton requested this for months. Im sure that shes ready to not just answer the questions regarding what happened that night in benghazi to four americans that she cared deeply about. I also think that some of the testimony thats been leaked, especially the leaked testimony about cheryl mills will back her up on just how deeply involved she was during that episode but i also want to say this, i think the committee itself is under investigation for the way in which the care man gowdy conducted himself and members with the selective leaks. You heard from the whistle blower. The fact that weve had a committee for all these months and havent built up the case. We havent heard from the defense department. We havent heard from the former defense saecretary. I think tomorrow shes going to show the American People that not only was she at her desk that evening or whatever, word about those americans, she did everything within her protect them . David . I think it will be on trial itself tomorrow and that is they have to, after at least a year and a half, one of the largest investigations, have to come up with new information. If they cant come up with it and show there is anything in these investigations other than bring down poll numbers, thats going to make them look silly. I would think do you agree with that, jeff . Yes, but one other problem the committee has is that members of congress are notoriously terrible questioners. They talk, they dont ask questions. Joe biden when asking chief Justice Roberts and his confirmation hearings, he had 30 minutes to ask questions. He talked for 24 of those minutes. I mean, thats an extreme case but that is often how the hearings go and the witness gets to answer whatever she wants and it works out usually better for the witness than questioner. Donna, do you think to that point that republicans on the committee have to be careful about going too hard on Hillary Clinton . Look, we saw just afew weeks ago with cecil richards, the president of planned parenthood came in there to show something totally untrue. I have to agree as a former congressional staffer and i sat through many hearings during my day, there are members there to make a point and if republicans are there to make a point about why they dislike Hillary Clinton or why Hillary Clinton should not be president , they will miss the point of the hearing tomorrow and that is to figure out how do we prevent this from happening and to learn more so no american will ever face what those four americans faced back in benghazi. On the other hand, if the committee does have something, and they ask it in a civil war and respectful but tough way, they could turn this whole process around. Thats what the drama here is which way is the committee we know Hillary Clinton will come in poised. What we dont know is will this committee be a rogue committee or will they Say Something to grab the attention of the American People . Does the matter how she answers questions . Oh, yeah, but shes going to do it very well. We saw them in the debate. Shes on her game now. Yeah. David garrigagarrigan, donna. Details we rarely hear after a child accidently shoots and kill as sibling. Sean smith lived with guilt, selfhatred after his sister died in his arms at 10. He didnt know it was loaded. It took decades to forgive himself. The story ahead. In study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. Nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. Not tylenol. Not aleve. Nothing. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. The markets change, at t. 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Thats the story we want to show you tonight. Sean smith knows the toll it takes. Hes a grown man today with a bullet he fired nearly two decades ago nearly derailed his life. He shared his story with randi kaye. Its definitely a reminder of that entire day and its bone chilling, it really is. Reporter sean smith is talking about the call he made to police 26 years ago after accidently shooting his baby sister. My sister is choking. Shes choking. Shes dead. Shes dead . Yes, please get my mom and dad. Oh my god reporter it happened in an instant, a brother and sister and loaded gun. I didnt know my dads gun was loaded and i shot her. Okay. I didnt mean to. It was june 5h, 1989. Sean smith was just 10 years old, his sister 8. The two were home alone after school. Sean was searching for his video games in his parents bedroom when he came across his dads. 38 handgun. Sean didnt know the gun was loaded. I was just waving it around one more time and aimed it out the window and as i pulled the trigger, she was running out of the room and unfortunately, it did strike her in the shoulder. Reporter so you werent aiming at your sister. No, god no. Reporter the bullet traveled to his sister erins heart. Immediately dropped the gun and ran and got the phone and called 911 and i picked her up and held her in my lap, you know, as she unfortunately passed away. Reporter sean tried cpr, even put pressure on the wound but nothing could save her. She died in his lap. I never got to see her in the hospital after they had cleaned her up and everything like that, so unfortunately, the last image i have of her is in my lap. Reporter its become sadly common place to hear about a tragic gun accident like sean and erin so the world including the media moves on, but sean, seans never been able to do that. He felt alone and had to answer painful questions at school. A kid had actually come up to me and literally asked me word for word, what was it like to kill your sister . Reporter by 16, he was deep into drugs, mainly cocaine and he didnt care if it killed him. He had zero selfworth. He was jailed once for theft and eventually dropped out of high school but when he was 20, sean had a son. It changed his life. He got clean and sober and started therapy. It was about 20 years later, you know, when i finally could truly and honestly forgive myself. It was an accident and it was horrific but, you know, i cant help but, you know, think that shes at peace and im okay with that today. Reporter more than two decades later, sean misses his sister so much he had her name tattooed on his arm. Erin with a halo above it. He says he still feels her with him every day. You know, i know shes with me always and always watching over me and i have, i thank her for giving me a good spirit and making me stronger. I mean, its so hard to imagine what its like to live with that. Do experts you talk to say this is how kids typically react . The psychologist, anderson, we spoke with said each case really is different but there are come common alties, with a case this extreme, were told it would not be uncommon to have repercussions in life. The risk for many like sean is that when Something Like this happens at such a young age, a child can let it define him and he becomes that kid that shot and killed someone and magnifies the trama and leads to many more problems down the road and a lot of guilt and Young Children dont really know how to process that. Remember, it took sean 20 years to forgive himself but the good news overall from our expert is that a child can process a horrible tragedy with the help of others, learn how to move forward. In seans case you saw he had strong support from his parents he told me. He gives his mother a lot of credit for keeping the family together. In this case, the love from his family and new son may have really saved him in the end. Randi, thank you. A major arrest until the hunt for el chapo and why it may lead to finding him. Woman its been a journey to get where i am. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. Well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. Thats 5 extra gigs for the same price. So five more gigs for the same price . May i . 50 more data for the same price. Now get 15 gigs for the price of 10. The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. 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Reporter authorities held a News Conference to announce they arrested a group of people. These people have been brought up on charges for helping to construct and carry out that incredible breakout that he had, the tunnel and of course led us to where we are now, this massive manhunt in northwestern mexico. Are the real question, are any of these people able to give information to the authorities that could help them in their search on going now. Thats the big question. We spent much of the day to get to a Small Community thats actually in the neighboring state but its also one of the areas that was most recently searched by the mail forry. I cant tell you how small, its really a collection of homes very poor People Living out the land and yeah, helicopter descended on saturday and apparently, caused chaos there. Soldiers got off and began kicking in doors and turning out what little goods the people had, apparently in the search to find guzman. They went to an 82yearold man and asked him does he know where guzman is and the 82yearold said look at my home, would a billionaire be hiding here . That raid is just one of many that have been taking place throughout this area and shows how aggressive authorities are being. How much support does this guy el chapo have in an area like that. Reporter you know, thats a really good question. He does have a lot of support. Much of it in community leaders, mayors, those in government. There is also Police Forces thats believed have been corrupted and looking out for him. Thats why the National Police are looking for him and military is looking for him. There are a lot of people that sympathize and support him. The people today arent angry at him but the military. Shows the sentiments being felt here in the middle of the search area. Is it still believed that its still believed i should point out he was injured in escaping from them a couple days ago so well continue to follow it. Coming up next, a new episode of this is life with lisa ling talks us to a father daughter dance behind bars. The dance is part of a program that tries to teach inmates to be better fathers. I spoke to lisa about it. This father daughter dance, moving. A lot of these dads had no relationship with their kids before. Everybody in this Fatherhood Program has Substance Abuse issues so for most of them, they havent even spent time with their daughters sober ever. It was such a profoundly special and moving experience. I mean, they go through classes, etiquette classes, how to tie a tie, basic things for a lot of people but you consider they havent been sober in their childs life. Certainly, they wanted to teach them etiquette for the dance but these are skills they will be able to take with them after they leave jail. A lot of these guys never had fathers in their lives so the idea of being a father is unfathomable because they had never known how to be a father because they had no frame of preference this is life with lisa ling starts now. Its early spring in richmond, virginia and Terrance Williams is an hour away from the most meaningful day of his life. A tie, going to look good. The city of richland is hosting a father daughter dance for terrance and 12 other dads. Man, i feel like money. But there is a catch. These men are inmates of the richmond jail, and this dance will be the first time terrances daughter takayla will have see

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