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E not far enough long to be able to determine that. Ure that those people remain safe and are protected. All right. We have been on the scene. Reporter mooezing where the lusles. It is the top ot ear. Youre watching cnn and hears whats ham. Srjd vrngs that he just up daltsed us on the numbers. They say nech tin h thr ferngtsds. And sm therjd spinel. Wauz its a smef far get this thublgd tucked a lot of people were available to shoot. Can you talk to . Now, paraphrasing they cant wbt to releet the sbiefr sfrurntd nooi sigh nooi deploid r ploed therjds and then koing interviews with swrukds gh they they will while he may have become nx. If shlgd is. And, of course the fbi speedily spobsed noo kwoulgdty with a mes rik educational background ebd lop o. That would be the reason. But, nearby as well. And anywhere in the neighborhood that they until theyre really certain that this guy was just on his own. Just a loan person doing the shooting. Forensic scientists laurjs kobylinski. I would imagine that there is a level of difficulty or levels of difficulty added when shootings happen in public places. Lots of finger prints are there. He said that the coral nor was on the scene. And that he asked for time in the media. To let them sort of get their acts together. Look for critical information there that may help us understand a motive. Obviously, at the scene, there has to be a very thor row crime scene ingres asian e vagsz e gags. That is theyll make sure they leave no stone unturned. Its very mrntd the co. The sbooir stapd e stabld of the virs vick imthes. Ish e it legal, than there may be kwun oar mr. Arnds that pern would have culpability here. So theres a lot of information that needs to be collected. Its going do take many hours to go e go through that taemt. Laboratory comes into play here. Their theyre going to so to look. Everything has kwot to be analyzed. Was he on some strug, comes to these shooters that we have been talking about. Usually, its a young, december fon dant white meat. 58 years old. Is that out of the ordinary . We had a situation here where member was rejekted by the grill. He told them he was too old. And he proved they want hoe wicht dooed. Heres a guy in his 80s. You just dont know when these things happened. Was he gist diagnosed with cancer. I d. Its going to take time. How much time are you looking at before we learn the name of the shoot other . What his motivesings mote ration positionally was. Dentity and notify his next of kin. I would think at that point, theyll want the name to be out. Then theyll want people who knew of him or wrjed with him. Right now, they just want to get the head start. That will be released pretty soon. Those young bodies were on the sfwhoor for an initial 2e 4 hours. But actually treeing to identify who the project ri was, where its . The theetsds of the theater numberer. I think it was caused other the week just for the crime seen sdoen i would think a couple of days would noet be out of the ord northeasterly. Again, San Francisco you other just joining us its a shooting in laugh yet, louisiana vm scene. We are looking at different avenues and different investigations kboik on this the parking lot and inside of the theater. Can you share with us anything about this man. Get this straightened out and get all the afgs that we need. Theyre n now they were in their bsd the other higher ups over there. We want today make sure that all were secured and that nothing else happened. Our main focus here is Public Safety. And i think we got that accomplished. Measures to mike sure that no device was plabted. We just want to make sure that everything was all right. Earlier, you said you were going to sweep the surrounding parking lot for just a possibility, as a recaution, of explosive devices. Thing or not. I dont know. I havent spoken to them yet. Fied it. There state police, look at that view. You aware of his iet . Is he familiar with Law Enforcement. I cant tell you if he was from new york lawen e enforcement or not. So what happens e whans next sis put . Did jowl hare anything about that. So the next bruf e broofings that you know from any official is there, fficial number. Now, three people inside of that theater. I want to brick in jaylon jaylon furnell. He joins us by phone j aerks yla nerks, when last week spoke, you said that you were fwh the theater right next door toelt one where the shooting occurred. Unless he was aktsding in concert with someone else, the investigation in terms of any criminal liability is over. E. So they doo want to get a profile. I think thats pretty much the bulk of of it. Standby, i want to go to this now, anyoneny schumer, the star of train krek said this happened at the movie. M the area that the shooter was in. What did you hair . We got outside and we heard three shots. We walked around the front. So you heard three shots fairly clearly. The movie was off. Berm like what was that . So then the lawn goes off over the intercom . Evacuate the building as quickly as posz. We get outside and theres siernss everywhere. As ever any hostage holding. It turns out not guilty to be true. No no, sir, i just left the scene. How did you get home . They held us on the side. An they think we had to go tru our skaerings. Were you with a number of people . Yes, sir. I was with a couple of friends, right . And everyone is okay, right . Squl yees. Jacob,thank you. I appreciate it. Threatening. Here were other people who may have been involved in this. They sent out officers to other theaters closed other theaters in the area. There is a Grand Theater across town as well that they closed. Inside of this Movie Theater, all still under investigation. Listen. 7 30 p. M. , we received a rort of an active shooter simpluation in progress at the Grand Theater on johnson street. Unit close by responded immediately. Less than a minute. S and a numbered. We do know the quite of the mooter. We are not releasing that at this time. We dont want to anekd can information on the shooter. Security personnel, Police Officers around the city. Just as a precautionary matter. And thats about all we have at in time. We continue to process the crime scene, as jowl can imagine, its pretty chaotic. And our folks are working on that right now. And continuing to do interviews with witnesses. That were quite a few residents. The state Police Commercial is here. So we are all pimping in to make sure we do this correctly. Ef talked about all the folks that are here. I cant begin to name all of them. I want to thank all of the partners. Lafayette is a strong community. Were a resilient community. This is an awful night for the United States. But we will get through this again. We need your thoughts, we need your prayers. A tremendous effort. Right now, in terms of gathering evidence. Their folks taking witness segments. Again, i want to thank these brave men and women in yun 230r78they serve ousz eous prouszly mplts. This is the time for america to come together. Ders. All right. Thats from the gov northerly and state police just moments ago there in lafayette, louisiana. Again, three people dead, seven injured. Theyre at the hopt and their injuries vary from critical to nonlifethreatening. What jumps out to you so far . Theyre obviously going to have a lot of work on their hands. Theyre going to work this quiet some time. Help them to sderm if there are other people re of the individual. I know the medias ha to report it. But i hate when the media shows a mans picture over and over and other again. The record. And nor 2 record we mist say the persons name heres the thing. Lets talk ant this. We often fauk abtsd ploo e e. It tends to be younger individuals like the columnbine shootser, sandy hook. Todays day abds age, we see a lot of people with Mental Illness and a lot of problems going on. It doesnt take a lot to talk things off. Thats where our to cuds needs to go. Tleem people dad in laugh yet, lavr la. Bere back after the quick break. Isnt it beautiful when things just come together . Build a beautiful website with squarespace. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has okay its going to be a tough night. I asked everybody, keep these families in your prayers. Keep them in your thoughts. Shower them with love. The best thing we can do across lafayette, across louisiana, across our country, is come together in thoughts and love and frayer. Where is the chunty. And when one suffers, we all the suffer. From the people you saw inside there, any children that were injured . Not the patients we saw. Im going to defer to law enforestment. If they want to refer to some of those details. We have been briefed on some of the details. But, again, we want to let them complete their investigation. Ame time youre saddened, frustrated and angry. You dont think it will happen in louisiana. You dont think it will ham in lafayette. Ive got three young kids. We go to the movieings all of the time. One last movie before they go back to school. Care providers, given the circumstances, everybody is in relative live gootz gootz. There will be folks kept overnight but, again, the doctors and nurse e nurses are doing a great job. Anything anybody said to you. Its amazing. Too help to help to save others. A lot of people would be just thinking about themselves. Trying to get out of harms way. Everyone the worst in times, this brings out the best in people. Sure tonight is not the night for us to be political. Lets focus on helping those get better. There will be time for all of that. The Governor Holding an impromptu briefing there in frobt of lafayette general medical center. Gun control laws hes compared the rightings of a gun on the ship to religious liberty. And he has said the struggle to preserve gun access is a pimpal fight. As governor he has signed several builts into law my home state, where i grew up lots of gun owners. It is so lush when it comes to hunting and fishing and sport. Now, ill want to bring in which is still going on. At least the sentencing part of it. Thats right. Certainly, when there is an incident like this there are repercussions for an industry the theater is not comments on it neert is the studio that got relesioned. Queue know i think its uniquely horrifying to hear about violence in a pras with a movie thooet ere. More in some says. But one of the nings thats so treasures that you can want. But there is metal doe tech xxs. Ter now since auction . Thaekt. Very education specially when i have my chirn with me. I live in the state of ga fa. Im a concealed carry permit holder. And i have extensive training in Law Enforcement and military andrewise. Nobody knows that im pro paired to take auction and my family. And so in all things being equal, i think you have to take a long look. We want to allow our citizens to be armed to protect themselves from this sort of family. And youve heard, mr. Holiday, there were some acts of heroism there . Other people pulling the alarms so that the alarms would ring. These acts happened every time. You will find acts of american heroism all throughout the United States. Especially when you have open fire in my personal opinion, is something that is just an abonn nation. In my mind, being able to do something about it. Louisiana has open carry law. Georgia has a very good law in my opinion. Even if the Movie Theater has a sign that says no guns allowed. There in a state where one of the contenders for the president of the United States is governor. Hes going to have to answer questions about gun 2350ir in his own state. Were back with our breaking News Coverage after just a short break. Bring us your aching and sleep deprived. Bring us those who want to feel well rested. Aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Be a morning person again with aleve pm. The mercedesbenz summer event is here. Now get the unmistakable thrill. And the incredible rush of the mercedesbenz youve always wanted. But you better get here fast. Yay, daddys here here you go, honey. Thank you. Because a good thing like this wont last forever. See your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c300 sport sedan. But hurry, offers end soon. Share your summer moments in your mercedesbenz with us. 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We just want to mike sure that everybody in Public Safety is okay. Thats our number one priority. Bout that . Im here on scene. That,i can not confirm with you until we speak to all of the witnesses out here. I asked you earlier about his intentions ou earlier, as well about have you been able to identify where he lives and if you have if they are investigating and searching his home. Are the bodies still on the scene . We do have everybody here if you dont want to move any everyday until it is safe to do so and the bomb squad gives us the okay lafayette p dex gifts the oerk. And, you know the coral nor allows us to move in bodies. Any uch date who said governor he saw one of the vick at this particular times leafing the hopds. Flo, i cant connell firm that. All right. Ser jent brooks of the Louisiana State police joaning us by phone to give us an update here. R 16. This happened where the movie train wreck was playing. Our live coverage continues now with George Howell and Linda Kincaid United States and around the world. Im George Howell. Hello. Im Linda Kincaid. We continue photo follow breaking news out of louisiana. A shooting inside of a Movie Theater. It is an active crime scene at this hour. A mass shooting that happened around 7 30 local time. 8 30 p. M. Eastern. In the city of lafayette, louisiana, west of the city of new orleans. Police say the shooter is a 58yearold white male an he acted alone. Two were killed and the shooter

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