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[ shots fire ] eight shots fired at the suspect who had turned his back turned the whole time running away. As you might imagine, this video which was just released already drawing National Attention including from federal authorities and theres a lot of details in this video you might not have caught upon first watching. In particular what happened to the stun gun that the Police Officer claims this man took. Was it in fact moved by the Police Officer and placed closer to the body . For more on the story, were joined now by 360s randi kaye. Randi . Reporter this video lasted three minutes and 12 seconds. Heres what we know. It started with a traffic stop this last saturday april 4th. According to North Charleston Police Officer, michael slaiger stopped a Mercedes Benz because of a broken taillight. Heres what we dont know. The Police Officer who pulled the trigger said when the victim took off running takes the victims taser but look at the whole altercation. We highlighted it here for you. You dont see the suspect grab anything but you see something fly off and fall to the ground. And then we only see him running away. And if you watch the whole video again here of the shooting as we slow it down for you, you can see the suspect, who is black has his back to the officer who you said who was white the entire time clearly running away from him. He appears to be a good 15 or 20 feet away and once he falls, you hear the officer, put your hands behind your back over and over. Yet the 50yearold victim never moves again. Still, he is handcuffed left face down on the ground. Our affiliate said the mayor of North Charleston said officer slaiger did deploy his taser but unsuccessful and the reason he knows that one of the taser project project projectiles still there and the taser hadnt stopped the suspect. Something else, anderson that struck me about two minutes into this videotape, watch closely here. You see one of the officers there as you mentioned now on the scene. He appears to bend down and pick something up. Now, its hard to see exactly what that is. We dont know if it could be the taser weapon that the officer says that the victim took or if it was Something Else but clearly, that officer picked something up from the ground. You see it there again. We also listened to the Police Dispatch recordings that aired on abc tonight and officer slaiger could be heard calling in that shooting reporting that the suspect grabbed his taser and letting him know he was shot on the left side of the back and the left side of the buttocks adding that the man is unresponsive. And we never, anderson see him move again on that video. I got to say though theres another important piece of this tape where after the Police Officer shoots the man, after he handcuffs him, he then the Police Officer walks back towards where the altercation originally took place and seems to pick something up off the ground. Whether thats the taser that was dropped immediately by the man who ran, we dont know but the officer did walk all the way back picked up an object and then walked back to the man whos on the ground and later, we see the officer reaching down and picking up something again, whether its the taser, its possible. There was some reporting about the new york times, its possible the taser was dropped by the suspect immediately. The officer went back to pick it up and may have placed it near the the body of the man he has just shot. So and whats in the Police Report is clearly not the same as what we now see in this video. So its a question of not just about the shooting of this man whos running away but the account by the Police Officer who fired the shots about what actually occurred. Reporter right and you have to too by this point, anderson they know this person behind the camera is recording it. This person first hiding and by the time he picks something up from the ground they are well aware that guy is there and that person is there recording their every action. Right. What we dont know is whether what we picked up from the ground is something that officer himself dropped or something the suspect dropped because it very well could be the same object that the officer himself went back to pick up and place near the body of this man. Whats the reaction so far from town officials . Because they have come out very strong very quickly. Reporter absolutely. North charlestons mayor characterized this whole thing earlier saying it was a bad decision by the officer and when youre wrong, youre wrong, if you made a bad decision dont care if youre behind the shield or a citizen on the street you have to live by that decision. What do we know about this officer . Reporter were learning more tonight. According to the post and courier newspaper, officer is 33 years old, served more than 5 years with this department in North Charleston. Has been disciplined. Two people filed complaints against slaiger during his time at the force including one man who said the policeman shot him for no reason with a taser back in 2013. But internal investigation found he did nothing wrong. That was a mug shot of the Police Officer we just saw. Is he still in custody at this point . Reporter were not clear at this point. Okay. But he was arrested, has been charged. Reporter arrested and charged. With murder. Randi kaye thank you very much. Theres a lot to talk in this video and try to look at it. Theres a lot you could easily miss. Joining us colonel defense attorney mark geragos and former advisor to obama, van jones and former nypd detective howe. This video shocks you. Shocks me. Theres no way that officer can justify firing those rounds at that man. Because no matter what happened before no matter what happened in the traffic stop you know, i think the video is very clear here. You know the man is definitely running away. All he had to do to that officer is wait for his backup to show up. I have been in instances where i have chased after people and say, this guy is giant. Im going to get in a fight with him. Ill slow it down a little bit, just keep him in view and then when the officers arrive then you jump on the guy, get him handcuffed and thats it but this shooting i tell you, im so shocked. The guy is running. Hes not a sprinter by any means. Exactly. Hes going along. They could have very there were a number of other ways to deal with it. Definitely. You know shooting a man running away like that for a simple traffic stop of course when you make a traffic stop you dont know who youre stopping. Why is this guy running in the first place . Apparently had minor offenses in the past but certainly. But still, no reason to shoot that man eight times in the back as hes running away. According to his family, there was a warrant out for back child support. Thats probably why he was running. Van, i mean its pretty stunning to see and again, not just the shooting which is, you know what authorities are calling murder but then to see, and again, we dont know what hes picking up but then the officer walked all the way back to where this altercation began, picked something off the grown and then walked back and then, you know a few minutes later, picking up something near the victim. This looks like coldblooded murder. And it looks like an attempted coverup of that murder that just happened to be caught on video. Now, i think the concern everyone should have is the Police Report says what every Police Report is supposed to say. I was fearful for my life. This was a dangerous person. And yet, it turns out it wasnt true. We see this over and over again. The Police Report says this black man is dangerous. I was so afraid for my life. Oh my god, i have to do something, he was going to kill me and now we finally have something where nobody can say that the Police Report was true and you get this murder charge. But what if there had been no video . What if it had just been another situation where an unarmed black man was killed and the Police Officer said, well, he grabbed me he had my weapon and we would have gone on as if nothing happened. We have to start dealing with the fact there are two standards of justice in this country and you do not see these kind of things happening, unfortunately should not happen to anybody but not in the same level to white men. Theyre happening over and over and over again to unarmed black men in america. And i defy any of the people who said all these other cases, youre playing the race card et cetera shouldnt have fought back. Heres a situation where the person did not comply but nobody could say that this man should have been shot down like a dog the way that he was. This is despicable. It is a coldblooded act of murder and probably an attempted coverup but for the video, no one would have believed that mans family. Mark the fact that theyve charged this officer with murder so quickly. What do you make of that . Well, obviously, the mayor does not want a ferguson reductionre so it doesnt surprise me in the least but they are both spot on. First of all, if this were a civilian and you shot somebody in the back eight times, youd be in custody. There would be no bail. And does this happen all the time . Well ill tell you something. It happens all too frequently and i see the Police Reports. I try these cases in courts throughout the country and the Police Always come up with the same thing. Its always its like a standard script that they teach at Police University 101. Always say that theres a threat. Always say he reached for your gun and then say he wrestled for your gun, because you know thats what this report said. Im sure it had something in it that said he wrestled for the taser, he had my gun, i was in fear for my life. But four the videotape, the videotapes have taken down leaders in foreign countries, maybe its time the videotapes take down some leaders right here in america because this is an epidemic in the various communities of the u. S. And unless somebody sees it with their own eyes this is whats just so crazy about it. They will not believe that this is possible. I see jurors as recently as last month and had a hung jury 84 where the four white jurors could not get their minds around the fact that the police could do this. I mean there is an exalted position that weve put Law Enforcement in and people absent a videotape, they just refuse to believe that this could happen. I think in defense of police and, you know, im trying to show as many different sides here. Right. I think a lot of people on juries give a lot of sympathy to what Police Officers say. Look its a very difficult job. Theyre out there making split second decisions. However, when you have a videotape like this i mean its a very i cant come up with any neither can i. Any explanation. I cant find any way hell be able to defend this. Also, two gentlemen, blanketing this this happens all the time. This does not happen all the time. Two incidents for the millions of millions of Police Officers who interact with people every day. This is not an epidemic proportions. Harry harry. [ talking over each other ] let him finish. Let me finish okay . Let him finish mark. What happened in ferguson in new york the u. S. Attorneys office is not going after them for civil rights violations. Those two incidents, the officers are justified in what they did. This incident the officer is not justified in what hes doing, okay and therefore, hes going to pay the price for it. But the blanket Police Officers only because mark, go ahead. Harry, ill tell you. I understand youre a cop. You have your position. Your viewpoint. The fact remains i can give you, take off 100 different examples in the last two years. The only reason that youve got to fess up at this point is because theres a videotape. Come on. Come on counselor. It happened twice [ talking over each other ] listen harry, why dont you let me finish . Let him. Over me why dont you just let me finish harry . Mark go ahead. Let me just tell you something, harry. It happens all the time and it happens in these communities generally where they dont have a voice. And the problem is unless theres a videotape, nobody wants to believe that it happens, but you know what . Doing this over 30 years, ill tell you theres one thing that happens repeatedly. You hear the same story every time virtually almost as if its a script coming out of the cops mouth whenever theres a shooting. Mark let me ask you. They got a script. Mark just as a defense attorney what do you foresee as the defense for this Police Officer . Well ill tell you exactly whats going to happen. Theyre going to say that he was in fear for his life. That he wasnt sure that the guy didnt have a gun, that hes going to say basically what his report said he thought he had a gun, thought he had the other one, it was a split second decision, he fired because he thought he turned and that maybe he was going to turn and fire at him. Its going to be the usual script that they read from. The fact remains, he was pulled over for a broken taillight. You know my father who was a prosecutor for many years used to say theres more guys in state prison for broken taillights than any other offense. Broken taillight means go hassle somebody of color. Thats what its code for, go pull over somebody with some bs justification. Van, i want you to be able to weigh in but got to take a quick break. Weigh in as soon as we get back. More with our panel and also talk about the Justice Department decision to launch a federal investigation and later, more breaking news. Computer hackers striking again. Russian hackers. This time, theyll target the white house. Pain from your day can haunt you at night, dont let it. Advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. New york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. We cut the rates on personal income taxes. We enacted the lowest Corporate Tax rate since 1968. We eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. With startupny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. All to grow our economy and create jobs. See how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at ny. Gov business taxi. Vo after years of being treated like she was invisible it occurred to mindy she might actually be invisible. But mindy was actually not invisible. Ooh, what are you doing . Can you see me . She had just always been treated that way. Yeah. You dont have to look at me like that. There are worst things than an attractive woman touching your body. Ill go. Join the nation that sees you as a priority. Nationwide is on your side welcome back to breaking news tonight. A Police Officer in North Charleston South Carolina. Michael slager is his name. Thats the mug shot. Arrested today, could face life in prison or a death sentence if convicted. Alleged crime happened on friday. Slager shot eight shots at a fleeing suspect, entire incident caught on video. Take a look. [ shots firing ] and again, in addition to murder charges, officer slager could at some point face federal charges. The Justice Department late this evening announced it is getting involved. Details from evan perez who joins us now. What are you hearing from sources, evan . This is something moving extremely quickly. I havent seen one start so quickly so soon after an incident. The Justice Department said both the fbi down in South Carolina and the Civil Rights Division are both going to be taking a look at this. The Justice Department said well take appropriate action in light of the evidence and developments in this case. And of course the state is already bringing charges, which, you know sort of gives you an impression that postferguson, a lot of things have changed in the way both state and federal Law Enforcement deals with these incidents. Evan obviously some people seeing this say, racism is involved. The officer is white and victim is africanamerican. Because the federal government investigating, doesnt mean theres any federal charges or civil rights charges. Could remain solely a state case. Yes, weve talked about this on this program many times what the high burden that the federal prosecutors face in bringing civil rights charges in these type of incidents. Tonight, anderson before i came on here dan henry the name of a 20yearold College Student in suburb ban new york in Westchester County kill bachelors degreeded by a Police Officer. There was a lot of disputed details about that incident. Tonight, prosecutors in manhattan say theyre not going to bring civil rights charges partly because its really difficult to show a Police Officer intentionally, willfully tried to deprive this person of their civil rights. And i guess thats probably the same thing theyre going to face in this incident anderson because it is simply very difficult to reach that standard of proof. Evan perez, thank you for being with us. With van jones and harry howe. Im getting tweets saying why are you even talking about race here because theres no evidence race played any role in this shooting this could just be a Police Officer making a bad decision and thats what the authorities there in South Carolina are saying. Well listen. First of all, the problem is that when you see the same pattern over and over again, its hard to ignore that. Let me just say a couple of things i want to say before. We have a problem with the police doing things like this and turning in the same Police Report over and over again. We have to start to understand police are not super heroes and not super villains. You dont have to deify them or demonize saying theyre all bad. They are city employees. And what happens is with city employees, you have a mix of people with a mix of motives and youve got to take each one as they come. The problem we have right now is that every Police Officer is coached. Whenever they fire their weapon, to write the same thing on the Police Report. I was in fear for my life because thats the Legal Standard not because its true. In this case its obviously not true. But across the country, you have over and over again, literally the same cookie cutter language and then the public is fooled jurors are fooled the media is fooled. And unless theres a video like this horrible video, africanamericans in particular are just not believed and i feel so sorry for the family and for the friends of this man to see over and over again him being shot down like a dog. But the only way you can even prove to some people in america that there is a potential problem of race is to have to show this video over and over again. This is happening all too often and its happening all too often to unarmed africanamerican men and we have to deal with that fact even as we try to figure out the specific circumstances of this shooting. Mark ive got to say. The person who took this video, in my opinion, showed a remarkable display of frankly of courage. I mean to be standing there so close to a shooting and then to approach officers in this situation with your camera out and apparently, you know, they know that at some point, they are being videotaped. Thats a tricky situation. Its an amazing thing for this person to do. You heard how many shots were fired there. You also see the officers what it looks to me at least an attempted coverup and the planting of evidence and, you know it wouldnt be that much of a stretch if youre taking that video to say, jeez what am i doing . All of the sudden they could come over to me grab my phone and i could end up face down. And the one thing id say is the only thing i probably disagree with van about is it doesnt look to me like they treated him like a dog. Dogs get treated better than this guy. They left him there. One of the things we havent talked about. Take a look at the Police Report because the reporting is that in the Police Report these cops said they attended to him, tried to give cpr and everything else. They didnt. They didnt do a thing. They just sat there and let him bleed out and die. Worse than you would with an animal. Thats whats absolutely stunning to me on top of everything else. Yeah. Theyre more worried about the coverup than they were in saving somebodys life. Harry, for the first couple of minutes, they are just standing by and one point, they bend down and actually feel for a pulse. Longer. Somebody the officer comes with some sort of medical kit but several minutes have already gone by. Officers checked him and hes dead. Which was a possibility. They checked his pulse and he was already dead. Why would an officer but then why lie about it . Why the officer lie about it . In the Police Report it said they attempted cpr and attempted cpr. All of this is the stuff but why its what you see in every Police Report. Every Police Report. Every single one. Every single one. Is there any reason for an officer whos just shot somebody and handcuffed them to then walk back and pick something up whether its a taser or whether its Something Else. Its not a gun. Thats what were definitely thinking. Can i please answer the question mr. Geragos . I mean, is there any justification to actually go back in the heat of that moment . Maybe hes going back for evidence. Maybe going back to plant something. We have to give this video enhanced to see what the second officer picked up first and then when he went back did he come back and drop something . We have to go through this scene by scene. And certainly, authorities are doing this now. Why do we have to do that . Why do we have to do all that . Civilians, you wouldnt have to do that. If these were civilians why, harry . Why doesnt the other cop arrest him . Why doesnt the other cop arrest him . The other cop. Mark youre saying the other Police Officer should but we dont know what the officer Police Officer saw. You dont have to administer. The other Police Officers certainly did not talk about what happened. The other Police Officer also dummied up a report. How do you know he dummied up a report . Did you read it . Did you read the report . There you go harry. Default. Harry why dont they do [ talking over each other ] weve got to take a break. Why dont they do arrest first, ask questions later. Spin the truth. Were just hearing there may be a press conference shortly with the family of the man who was killed. Well bring that back to you. Up next every single encounter between the Police Officer and suspect has the potential to go deadly. We show ordinary to deadly in just a heartbeat. So,as my personal financial psychic, im sure you know what this meeting is about. Yes, a raise. Im letting you go. I knew that. You see, this is my amerivest managed. Balances. No. Portfolio. 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Reporter tense moments in a gas station in South Carolina. Sean reuber a Highway Patrol officer just pulled over a man. Watch what happens next. Police. Get out of the car get on the ground get on the ground reporter when the man turned back inside his car to get his license, the officer fired in an instant. Are you hit . I think so. I cant feel my legs. I dont know what happened. Why did you shoot me . Well you dove headfirst back in your car. Im sorry. Reporter the victim 35yearold lavar jones, survivored. Officer officer was charged with aggravated assault and battery. Police officer approaches four men sitting inside their car. Hands up. All four of you, hands up. Reporter officer Grant Morrison appears to recognize one of them as a suspect from an earlier shooting. He tells him hes making him nervous. And then this. Hands up. Hands on the [ bleep ]. Get your [ bleep ] hands up i will shoot you. I will shoot you. Hands up. Hands up hands up ill shoot you again, hands up hands up. Ill shoot you, [ bleep ] get on the [ bleep ] ground. Reporter the man killed was unarmed, it turns out. But morrison feared for his life because he dropped his hands. The shooting ruled justifiable homicide. In arizona, this video shows the last moments of his life. The casual conversation between the officer and the man suspected of domestic violence. Officer stewart doesnt even have his gun drawn but watch what happens when the officer asks to frisk the man. Dont have anything in here . No, no. Nothing in here . No, my smokes. The video ends there as the suspect pulled a. 22 caliber revolver shot six times and the hit five, never had a chance. There were a series of rounds fired at the time in his face. Reporter the 24yearold officer died at the hospital. The suspect, meanwhile, used the officers weapon to take his own life. Randi kaye cnn, new york. Just a reminder were hearing that the family of the man shot in South Carolina walter scott, his family might be holding a press conference around 8 45. Bring that to you if and when it happens. Authorities already charged the Police Officer with murder. We talked to evan perez earlier, learned the department of justice is investigating, the fbi and Civil Rights Division of the department of justice. In other news Russian Hackers have gotten access to white house computers. That story in just a moment. Toenail fungus . Dont hide it. Tackle it with fdaapproved Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. Most common side effects include ingrown toenail, applicationsite redness itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. Tackle it ask your doctor now if jublia is right for you. You cant predict the market. 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The way you described it as exactly how it happened. Very typically. This was the sophisticated hack however, according to officials ive talked to. They first got into the state departments email system and then managed to trick someone to let them into the executive office of the president s system and thats how they were able to get access to sensitive information. Again, this is not the kind of emails but the email system the white house uses to manage a number of things from policy announcements to things coming down the pipe from other agencies in the government. Do we have any idea how long this was hacked for or what exactly was compromised . We dont know how long they were in there. We know the state department was hacked for some time. I was told by one official they owned the state department system. These are russian government hackers. With the white house, it appears that they again, the white house said in october they disclosed they had seen sus suspicious activity for unclassified system but doesnt portray how serious this is. As i said you can get a lot of very prized information that foreign spies really want to get their hands on. Evan perez, i appreciate the update. Joining us sean henry, a top fbi official responsible for the bureaus division investigating cyber crime. Sean when we say Russian Hackers, what exactly does that mean . Individuals working for the russian government or contracted or direct Government Employees . I think in this case the white house hasnt done attribution directly to russia but that is speculation. Oftentimes we are talking about the russian government although there are those sympathetic to the russian government that might be hacking for the russian government and maybe hackers on behalf of themselves but the russian government is actually monitoring their communications. So the russian government is benefitting from the actions of these other hackers. Theres a whole range of who might have been behind this attack. Theres capabilities in theres russia china, to a lesser extent north korea and iran . There are dozens of Government Agencies that have capabilities that are very very sophisticated. Russia china, iran are three of the probably most sophisticated with the largest capabilities. China being the country that has probably the most prolific and the widest ranging group of collectors that are out collecting intelligence from the government from the commercial sector to educational institutions et cetera. On a global level, the u. S. Is not the only target. The u. S. Is one of the targets of these intelligent services. U. S. Also has these capabilities as well. The fact they were able to get into the white house system thats scary and one thing. But the fact that evan was saying they were able to own the state departments system and it seems like that went on for quite some time. Thats kind of shocking isnt it . Yeah. I dont have specific information about the state Department Hack but i can tell you its very typical for these sophisticated hackers. Once they get a foothold into the network to be on there for many months or even years, completely undetected. Wow. That is really the disturbing part because with that level of access that theyve got, theyve got the ability to see everything that occurs on that network. Theyve got the ability to get data off the network and most importantly, they have the ability to destroy components of that network. Thats one of the concerns of Critical Infrastructure when the adversaries breach the network, they can take total control and destroy the networks. Seems like we see more and more of this stuff. Shaun hen shawn henry, thank you. 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Reporter i tell you, anderson youre right. For the very first time we hear from the defense that the 40 Million Contract player for the new England Patriots they describe now this is their words, a 23yearold kid who witnesses something committed by somebody he knew. That tortured language implying hes blaming it on the two other people who were with him that night at the crime scene. But we also heard something for the very first time from the prosecutors in this case. Going so far as to say that Aaron Hernandez was actually the trigger man. Now its up to the jury to sift through ten weeks of evidence. Hear ye. Hear ye. Reporter each day, a traditional call to order after 135 witnesses stretching over nearly 11 weeks, a jury will now decide the fate of former new England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez. The commonwealth is going to prove to you that the defendant committed the crime of murder. Reporter but a hard fought defense contends hernandez would never kill his good friend odin lloyd. Who was dating shaneah jenkins, the sister of his fiance. Not a murderer. Reporter there is a mount of circumstantial evidence from the crime scene. An isolated pit in an Industrial Park where lloyds bulletriddled body is found. Experts testify a marijuana blunt with dna from hernandez and lloyd with them both at the spot. A tire on hernandezs rental car is consistent with tracks in there too. A shoe impression in the dirt comes from the same kind of sneaker he has seen on video wearing that night. In each case the defense attacks those findings. You cant tell sir, can you . That that outsole pattern made that impression. Can you, sir . No. Reporter prosecutors tried to prove this grainy Home Security video minutes after lloyd is killed shows hernandez holding a glock. In my opinion, the firearm shown in the video stills is a glock pistol. Reporter the defense argues thats no glock. Maybe an ipad. Glock pistols dont have a white glow to them sir . No they do not. Reporter the murder weapon is still missing. Does hernandezs fiance Shayanna Jenkins throw it out . She gets immunity and testifies hernandez told her to ditch a box inside this black trash bag from the basement. Reporter the defendant had called you and said it was important that you go down and get this box to get rid of it is that right . I believe so. Reporter but on cross, she said she smells marijuana inside that bag. What may be harder to challenge is video of odin lloyd getting into a car with hernandez and his two friends. The same car going into that dark Industrial Park and three minutes and 40 seconds later, reappearing. And then driving back to hernandezs driveway without lloyd. A show stopping witness, hernandezs former boss, patriots owner robert kraft who met privately with his tight end two days after the murder. He said he was not involved that he was innocent and that he hoped that the time of the murder incident came out because i believe he said he was in the club. Reporter yet evidence shows hernandez was not at a club that night and raises the question how would he know the time of the murder when it was not yet made public . Throughout the trial, hernandez is laser sharp during the proceedings. Barely glancing at victim odin Lloyds Family there every day. So the jury of seven women and five men began deliberating late this afternoon for about an hour and a half. And, anderson they will be back here first thing in the morning for their first full day of deliberations. Yeah thats a great report. Kind of put it all in perspective and context. Quick programming note. Were airing susans special report with all the new developments downward spiral inside the case against Aaron Hernandez that airs after us 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Just ahead, senator rand paul throws his hat in the president ial ring and look where he stands now among republican candidates. Sometimes the present looked bright. Sometimes romantic. There were tears in my eyes. And tears in my eyes. And so many Little Things that we learned were really the biggest things. Through it all, we saved and had a retirement plan. And someone who listened and helped us along the way. Because we always knew that someday the future would be the present. Every someday needs a plan. Talk with us about your retirement today. Ive been drivin a lincoln since. Long before anybody paid me to drive one. I didnt do it to be cool. I didnt do it to make a statement. I just liked it. Anncr lease an mkc for 349 a month plus competitive owners and lessees get 500 bonus cash, only at your lincoln dealer. Another republican candidate announcing hes running for president s. This time senator rand paul. Today, announce with gods help with the help of liberty lovers everywhere that i am putting myself forward as a candidate for president of the United States of america. He becomes the second republican to declare candidacy in the 2016 president ial race joining ted cruz the field on the republican side growing in the months ahead. Senator marco rubio expected to launch his Campaign Next week. Jeb Bush Chris Christie and so we wanted to see where senator rand paul is right now. I talked to Cnn International correspondent correspondent correspondent john king earlier. Where does rand paul stand . Not bad but proves he has to grow. Weve been following this question for about a year and a half. At one point, rand paul at 16 and now at 12 . Again, a quick look at the history. He was at 16 more than a year ago, that put him in first place nationally among republicans. Governor huckabee governor bush down there and halfway through, Chris Christie getting buzz rand paul still strong and huckabee and rick perry there. This is a poll from three weeks ago, jeb bush walked ahead and you can bet in those three weeks since ted cruz likely moved up since his announcement. What does that tell you . In a crowded field, rand paul over the course of time kept a steady base at least of 12 or 15 . A good place to start but needs to grow and thats the challenge. If he cozies up to the establishment, some of the tea party slice might think cruz is a better candidate. If he changes views, some libertarian voters might say, he is changing views and stay away. As he tries to grow, thats the challenge. Is iowa and New Hampshire particularly important for him . I would say so yes. His dad proved he could last in the campaign but knew ron paul was never going to be the nominee or win the state. Rand paul because hes different, anderson, probably has to win early. Hes well organized in iowa. The most recent poll in february ted cruz likely moved up as well but again, you see him where . In the teens. Rand paul consistently gets these numbers here. He has to do better in iowa. His dad is well organized out there. Rand paul has a good Grassroots Team in iowa. The mix of libertarian and tea party is an opportunity for him but again, he needs to grow. Move on to New Hampshire, live free or die is the states slogan. Is a libertarian will win anywhere you would think its New Hampshire. Hes in the mid teens. Walker, bush walker moved up. We look for pauls in the days ahead and in a state like this independence can come through in the primary. He doesnt want to be ron paul but if he doesnt want to be his dad, he can prove he can win and win early. Hes been working since 2013. Been to iowa 6 times. He gets it. Hes working the ground hard. Knows the first two states are critically important. Theres no doubt, anderson rand paul will be an impact player in this race. The big question is can he grow enough to win . John thanks. Well one quick note before we go. The Family Press Conference in the shooting of a fleeing suspect in South Carolina that we expected to begin at 8 45 obviously that has not yet happened. If and when it does don lemon will have the details at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Well see you again at 11 p. M. Eastern. Right now, the cnn special report downward spiral inside the case against Aaron Hernandez. The following is a cnn special report. Tonight, Aaron Hernandez. He was a rising nfl star racing toward greatness. Whats the meaning on your forearm . If it is to be, its up to me. Basically saying my life is in mai hands, and whatever i want my life to be, its up to me to make it out that way. The question now, what sort of life did the expatriot make for himself . He wanted to be the best. Whats the evidence . In my opinion, the firearm in the stones is a glock pistol. Wheres the murder weapon

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