Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20140415

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Ukraine. We begin with the breaking news out of the indian ocean. Search area shifting. Day one using the underwater sonar, bluefin21, somewhat shorter day one than planned. 360 exclusive well take you down with it so you can see for yourself what it sees. First, those the u. S. Naval officer who is heading bluefin operations for that, he headed up the search with the towed pinger locator. Captain matthews, the bluefin spent only six out of a possible 16 hours searching the sea bed today. Why was that . Well thats correct. It aborted its mission at about the six hour point. What this vehicle was programmed to do on this mission was maintain an altitude above the sea floor of 30 meters while it conducted a sonar search of the area. One condition that causes it to abort its dive if it reaches its maximum operating depth. Thats what happened in this case. The charted sea floor depth that we have for this area is between 4200 and 4400 meters and 5 x 8 kilometer square or rectangle that its searching. We hate deeper spot than we initially planned so we got to bring it up, reprogram it, shift it a little away from that deeper area and adjust our search pattern. The air chief marshal said the bluefin is being used in the most likely spot. I just was wondering about that. What makes that the most likely spot . Is it in relation to the four sets of ping or other data . Well, the information that tells us is the most likely location is the nature of the detection from the tow pinger locator we had in that area. It was the site of the highest signal strength or the loudest received signal. It was also where we had an increase in signal strength as we drove through the area and then a decrease as we drove out of the area. You know, typically gaining and then losing the contact as we would expect. We had very good crisp clear signal in that area. Additional factor pointing us in that direction is, you know, that oil slick that was observed the other day. Certainly, were analyzing the water sample from that area to see if it was a Petroleum Product related to taxpayer crafter and well know that over the next couple of days and theres many possible sources of an oil sheen on the surface of the ocean but its, you know, would be one explanation it was lubricating fluid or controlled oil from the aircraft. So, just so i understand on the aborting the bluefin today, its not manually controlled, its automatically set at a certain depth. You want good signal return from that sonar. You program it to maintain a certain altitude above the sea floor. You program it before it goes in the water. You have some rcommunication between that and the ship. You can command it to start a certain search pattern. Your seeing things in realtime from the vehicle or is that just data you get once it comes back up . So once you recover the vehicle you go through this four hour process where you replace the battery, you reprogram it and download the data you collected on the previous mission. You take two to four hours to go through that data to see what the vehicle observed. So theres no live data link transmitting the information giving realtime feedback. Do you have a sense the area that youre looking at based on the four pings that you did receive over time, how big an area your talking about and how long would it take the underwater vehicle the bluefin that you have to actually kind of scan that entire area . So it would take approximately six weeks to two months to cover that whole entire area. Right now what were doing is were targeting specific areas based on the information we received from the tow pinger locator, giving us kind of an indication of higher probability areas or higher Priority Areas to go searching and thats what were doing. This is more of what i talk a tactical search than a strategic search. Do you believe you have ping from two separate you cant say for sure they are black box but from two separate manmade devices . The best indication we have is we have a very crisp indication that its a manmade transmitter, at least one. So, im more confident saying one than two. Captain matthews, good to talk to you. Thanks very much. Lets bring in our panel. Is it a surprise to you this bluefin21 reached its underwater depth . Not a surprise to me, anderson. They are operating right the edge of their operating capability. Much of the sea floor is at that depth, 4,500 meters. If they come in a little bit to the south they will be on the flank of an underwater plateau. More rugged. To the north deeper still. They have the maps. I dont know what the accuracy of the maps they have. If they seem to be caught by surprise by this trench or depth does it indicate that they dont have a real good scene of the floor . Well its tough to get that kind of detail when you come down the operations of a vehicle. You get some general sense. You heard Angus Houston talk about gentle rolling terrain. Inside that rolling terrain there could have been crevices, gullies, that type of thing very easily. The fact they are tracking the terrain so keeping 30 meters above the sea floor. If the sea floor takes a dive so does the vehicle. Thats where they got in trouble. Theres a crush depth for the vehicle. It goes too depth the pressure my understanding is that 4,500 is comfortable operating depth and that they could get down to 4900 before the vehicle actually implodes. It does raise a question whether they will be experiencing this kind of aborted mission frequently. It does. I dont know if david knew about how deep it was but what i heard him say also is the programming of it. What worries me about that what other programming things have to be reset when it comes back up. We were talk being before about doing 18 square miles a day. At this rate no way they will get that. Mary, what do you make of this oil slick or what they believe to be an oil slick that will take a couple of days to analyze. What do you make of it . Well, i think its a little late in terms of the number of days that it would have had to be out there to still be existent this close to where they thing the wreckage it is. Its so close to the wreckage it would have dissipated or changed and floated away. Its Aviation Fuel. Jet a or aviation oil or lieuberry cant or hydraulic fuel and they are very specific to aviation. They are separate oil Company Divisions just manufacturing aviation products and they will know right away if its aviation as opposed to maritime lubricants. Does anyone on our panel know whats involved in trying to determine if in fact it is fuel from this plane or even just Aviation Fuel . An analysis. On these aircraft you have Continuous Monitoring of that oil. Every time it comes in for servicing they take it out and see if theres anything in there. Why would there be if fritz a plane why would there be oil in the water . The engines on these rolls royce engines they have about 20 quartz a side. Could it be slowly dripping up to the surface. They are saying an oil slick. Im wonder if its some sort of fluid slick. Could be hydraulics. These gentlemen can answer better. Its interesting, its not something necessarily that would have been on the surface from the plane actually hitting the water it could be coming up from the bottom. Yeah. The arizona in pearl harbor is still leak being today 75 years later. This is a Synthetic Oil as well. Its something little bit different than standard oil. But nonetheless its lighter yet than the water is. Certainly if that was the case, if it was a question of bubbling up it would give you a relatively clear sense of location, wouldnt it . Not necessarily because it has to go through a lot theres currents going in every different direction. But close. Nearby. The other issue on the possibility of this cell phone ping, does that surprise you to hear that . What does it tell you what surprises me is we only got one. And im not sure if they are just not telling us there were others or focusing saying that the copilots phone was on. So to me its one very suspicious, very awkward. I cant figure out why there would be one phone that would connect. If it was on surely somebody else in the airplane would leave theirs on as well. Well examine that in our coming segment. Give you a sense how low you would fly to get Something Like that. They only have one side scanning sonar vehicle right now. A, is this the right piece of equipment given the depth issues and i still dont quite under why not have multiple pings. You hear captain matthews say this was a tactical survey. They got an area instead of a point to throw that dart at. We did things differently with air france. We said somewhere in this area is that aircraft and lets start to the west and sweep out to the east. You had three vehicles. We had three vehicles at once. Theres no reason you can have multiple vehicles . No. They could do that. He mentioned going to high probability areas. Again what we would rather do is start with a wider area and cover it completely and then the aircraft will fall out of that. If we say lets do instead of 3 x5 area lets do 6 x 6 area and if the aircraft is there well see pinpoint whats happening in that first six hours of data whats happening to it . Im sure a lot of people staring at a couple of screens. Its a waterfall display. Line by line. Every time that vehicle set out every second a ping. Its painting a picture line by line almost like a tapestry. They are waiting for that to see what the texture, what will they see on the bottom. Rocks, sediment, something manmade . Our randy kay takes us underwater. Lets take a look at that. Takes us underwater and shows us how this bluefin21 works. Reporter on board the rv resolution in the Boston Harbor weve come here to see for ourselves how the bluefin auv operates. Auv block the bluefin21 the tool you would use to conduct a wide area survey. Reporter this is a Marine Operations engineer for bluefin robotics which designs and builds these underwater vehicles in coincidencecy, massachusetts. If this were a mission, a real mission what would it be doing . Next thing that happens the vehicle says ill start the mission. Reporter here in the Boston Harbor the water son lie about 40 feet deep which is easily manageable for the bluefin because this vehicle is used to work in depth several miles. The bluefin21 can dive 2 1 2 miles. Built flight 370s wreckage may be deeper than that. It takes about two hours for the bluefin to reach the bottom. Where it can operate for another 16 hours. It scans the ocean floor as if its mowing a lawn using side scan sonar which identifies objects that stands out from the sea bed. Its not taking pictures, right its measuring sound . Its actually converting sounded the electricity and turning that electrical value into numerical value then turn it into an image. Reporter when it returns to the surface scientists download the sonar data to computers. The results may look Something Like this. What were looking at here, this is a ship wreck in Boston Harbor. Its different. Theres parts of the steam engine flight. Reporter if something catches their eye the navy will send down a High Resolution camera on the bluefin21. It can take black and white photos covering about 15 square miles a day. Its a slow process. Moving at just three nautical miles per hour. Made worse by conditions, freezing temperatures, mountainous terrain and darkness. Even diving blind theres hope that bluefin21 auv will see something. Randy kay, cnn, quincy, massachusetts. Amazing technology. You can follow me on twitter andersoncooper. Coming up next well look more at cell phone transmission from flight 370s flight deck. Reports about that and what it can mean. Well be right back. Master of the digital universe. But do you protect yourself . Apparently not. When you access everything, you give everyone access to everything about you. But thats ok. While you do your thing. [ alert rings ] well be here at lifelock, doing our thing. Watching out for things your credit card alone cant. 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Now were learning that may not be true there was something and it came from his phone itself. Whether or not anyone said anything on it that fact alone could speak volumes. Our justice correspondent pamela brown has been working her sources on this. Again, this is remarkable if true. What are you hearing from your sources about the copilots cell phone being on during the flight . Reporter were learning from source with firsthand knowledge of the gays that the first officers phone was not turned off like it should have been and it was on roughly 30 minutes after the planes communications mysteriously shut off and the jet disappeared. This is information that malaysians shared with u. S. Investigators a while ago. That data is from a cell tower, 250 miles from where that plane turned around indicating that it detected a signal from the first officers phone. Theres no confirmation, though, of any actual calls that were made . Reporter thats right. We know officials have been pouring over millions of phone records and u. S. Official, malaysian Officials Say theres no indication anyone placed phone call on that plane. The minister from malaysia wouldnt rule out that the first officer tried to make a call. Thats a foye. We just dont know. Does it raise suspicions even more on what was going on in the cockpit . Reporter it does. It adds to the mystery, anderson. It refocuses attention back on the cockpit. The first officers phone was turn on. The plane did, indeed turn around and likely flying low enough to connect with a cell tower. But it doesnt tell us who was alive, who was dead. Doesnt tell us about a motive. Its curious because crews are supposed to turn off their phones. This is malaysians sharing information with the u. S. We dont know how reliable this data is. One other question, i guess this means that plane was flying low enough to be picked up by a cell tower. Does this mean for sure nobody else on the flight had their phone on or we dont know . Reporter at this point the information shared with u. S. Investigators according to source ive been speaking with was focused on the first officers cell phone being detected by the cell tower, anderson. So, of course theres a possibility that the passengers phones could have been on but at this point the only information we have is that the first officers phone was detected. We appreciate it. Well be running through a scenario on the Flight Simulator about how low the plane will have to be. Do you buy this . Your skeptical . Im skeptical. Why . Number one as a professional, we even have our electronic checklist to shut off the device. I dont know, you know, whether this was an accurate report, whether the copilot had it off, left it on. This is a violation of a sterile period. Its the period we should be talking about, cockpit operations below 10,000 feet primarily or any activity involved with flying the airplane. In the u. S. Its below 10,000. Like you brought up, anderson, why were these cell phones, you know, had the hand shake. It just doesnt make any sense to me. And why would the copilot use this form of communication, you know, for various scenarios. If he was locked out of the cockpit under nefarious scenario but he wouldnt know where he was because theres no way of knowing without navigation equipment. We dont know what could be behind it. The fact that it was just a brief one and never made a connection would be typical if its flying over a cell, flying too fast to communicate but fast enough to make that connection. So thats what i would wonder if its actually just made a connection or indict connect and then try to transmit. Again, we dont know. Mary, even though the instinct is to say it wouldnt make any sense for the copilot to turn on his cell phone theres nothing that makes sense about this entire tragedy so far. Could very well have been i mean he was trying to make contact. We simply dont know. Sure. Could make sense if you had some sort of catastrophic event after they said good night malaysian 370 and they had a catastrophic event that took out the communications the pilot could have said to the copilot im going to get down low. Lets see if we can get them. We dont want to head back into airspace as an unidentified aircraft. Theres a million scenarios you can think of. Maybe it was intentional. Maybe they were trying to contact somebody. Of course, the question is why wouldnt anybody elses phones on the plane have been on. I look around my flight everybody has it on. Curious. Particularly if there was something going wrong taryn craft all along. Because weve been getting tweets about this from the beginning. Why werent there cell phone calls and the information we always had up until now was well they were never within range of contact that would take up the phone call. If this report is true they were close enough to pick one up from pyongyang, other people aboard that plane with phones on should be able to pick up. I think there would have been some awareness the plane went down a low altitude. Lights outside of the airplane. It was dark. People would have been aware something was not happening that was correct. We want to take you inside the Flight Simulator coming up. Show you what it looked like from inside the cockpit and show you what kind of maneuvering would have brought the plane there at that altitude to get a cell phone signal. Also later what were learning about the three whose lives were taken what appears to be an attack in killing jewish people the day before one of the faiths holiest days. En fixed i. Work with equity experts. Who work with regional experts. 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Its a data point that opens up to a variety of scenarios. If this report is accurate and, again, based on pamela browns u. S. Sources with information they got from malaysian Law Enforcement sources, the copilots cell phone did make contact with the krocell tower malaysia. Thats a good question. Theres a lot of different thought on that. Lets show you one example at least from the simulators perspective. Were flying over pyongyang dropping from 10,000 down to 5,000 feet. Begins with a steep turn, a bank angle and then also into a strong descent. Were thinking, of course, initially when this aircraft went off course it was 30,000 feet over the South China Sea and it was night not daylight and you couldnt see the maneuvering as well. It stems fit the story that taxpayer craft of course turned back, went over the northern part of malaysian peninsula and was descending at some point and when it got along pyongyang maybe could it have been around 5,000 feet, 4,500 feet and it was at that point that perhaps this connection was made. You know, there have been reports that you need to be at 3,000 feet, others say no you can do it at 15,000 feet. Its difficult for the simulator to tell you the exact altitude. We know it fits with what had been reported earlier. The weird thing is why was it on . Although its even lower than earlier reports about various altitudes and a 777 flying over pyongyang malaysia at 5,000 feet is pretty noticeable . Thats a recreational area. Thats a resort type area. Its going to make some noise. Thats why the whole thing adds more. People would notice it. Absolutely. Even at night. Martin, its unusual for a copilot to be using his cell phone while in the cockpit particularly at this stage of the flight . Yeah. I mean mitchell can talk more about it goes into sterile cockpit. Below 10,000 feet you want to be focused on your fantastic. Ideally you should be doing that at niall ti attitude. But its not unhear of. Cell phones are shut off. Pilots know that. Its not something you forget. Everything is on the checklist. Its on the checklist. If this was on what does that say to you . It says that to me that something abnormal happened. It was outside of the Standard Operating Procedure which itself is rare and unusual. Just what were seeing out of window of the plane again this is during daytime, is that the ground that, as you were turning is that the ground that we see there . Yeah. Yeah. Were at 4900 feet. Doing about 238 knots. Yes. This is over the area. You could have been over the water somewhat and still presumably from an altitude connect with the cell tower. I dont know what would be required. In theory that would be possible. The other exactly how this happened we dont know. The other question is that this would be the only phone that happened to be on a plane of 239 people virtually impossible. It doesnt make any sense point that way. Again she said what they were doing is to discussion on the investigation for the copilot. If they were to discussion on that, have that cell phone number they are check against the records. Are they check being against the records for every cell phone. They may not know what other cell phones were on there. You would think thats something they would check on or contacted family about. I would think so. They said they did. I want to thank our panel. Thanks very much. Coming up we remember the lives cut short by what authorities are calling a hate crime, shooting outside of two Jewish Centers near kansas city. The victims include a man driving his grandson to a singing audition, both of them gunned down. What their family is saying next. Also breaking news, a deadly Ebola Outbreak in new guinea. Well find out what they are doing to keep the virus from leaving the area. Okay, listen up im reworkin the menu. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. And his new boss told him two things cook what you love, and save your money. Joe doesnt know it yet, but hell work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. Hell start investing early, hell find some good people to help guide him, and hell set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isnt rocket science. Its just common sense. From td ameritrade. Its just common sense. Im mom at the playground the kids get trail mix, and you get a delicious milos kitchen chicken meatball. I wish you liked my cooking that much. Milos kitchen. Made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. The best treats come from the kitchen. Crime and punishment tonight investigators are filing an pursue federal hate crime charges against a suspect who left two people dead. The suspect is a 73yearold man with a long history of racist activity. This is not a story about a coward with a gun, this is a story of three people whose lives were cut short. William corporon was a doctor who cherished his family, drove his grandson to a Jewish Community center so he could audition for a singing competition. Both were gunned down. He was 14 years old and a High School Freshman with a beautiful voice. O say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed his mother had this to say about the death of her son and her father. I prayed and prayed and prayed that he would survive. But i later found out why he didnt. I know they both died from head trauma. I feel confident from what i heard that they didnt feel anything. They didnt know what was coming. They were ambushed. So, its going to be really hard and i wanted to tell people that last night at the vigil, this isnt easy. The uncle spoke about his father and nephew. It takes no character to do what was done. It takes no strength of character. It takes no back bone. It takes no morals. It takes no ethics. All it takes san idiot with a gun. So, theres no need to focus on that. Thats why were not focusing on that. Were not using the killers name tonight. I hope you noticed that. We want you to know the names of those who died. Terry lamona who was is going visit her mother was also shot. She was a warm, loving and beautiful person. More now from kansas city. Reporter just hours after her father and son had been killed in a senseless rampage, mindy losen appeared at a vigil. I went to a vigil last night impromptu because i heard that students from reeds school would be there and he loved school and he loved his friends so i wanted to thereabout. Reporter 14yearold Reed Underwood was getting out of a car when a man almost 60 years older than him ambushed him in a hail of gunfire. O say can you see by the dawns early light ripe Reed Underwood loved to singer sang in the school choir. He was at the Jewish Community center to audition in a singing competition. His grandfather was there too. Supporting his grandson. Reepds mother said he planned form the hit song cup. I was lucky enough to get to hear both of those songs before he left the house. I waited for my dad to pick him up, make sure everything was okay. And i had him sing it one more time. And i got to kiss him and tell him i loved him. Reporter reed also loved to act had earned a role in sum brother ducks of tom sawyer and a individual debate engineer. Bill corporon was the grandpa. His grandkids called him popeye. Bill was a doctor running a Family Practice in oklahoma for more than 30 years. He then moved to the kansas city area so he could do things like take his grandson to a singing competition. We dont know why bad things happen to good people. Nobody does. We choose not to focus on the why or what happened or it really doesnt matter to us. The fact remains that two of the people we love most in our life are now not here with us and we do take comfort that they were together. Reporter 53yearold terry lamona was not too far away. She was visiting her mother. This week she was supposed to be celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary. She worked with children who are visually impaired. This mother was honored today with the words from her son. He wrote, my mom was a beautiful soul. She always thought of everyone before herself. The world needs more people like her. She was a warm, loving and beautiful person. So unbelievable. Ed lavandera joins me now. Obviously, i mean, for the families to speak out today takes tremendous strength, one day after this horrible violent act. Why was it important for them to do so. Did they talk about why they wanted to speak out . Reporter it was one of the first things they talked about. They said they didnt, mindy losen said she didnt want to floyd this. She had gotten so much attention and phone calls from family, friend, even people that dont know the family that they wanted to be table share publicly in the grieving process and she talked about going that ceremony yesterday that vigil with her sons friends and thought it was important because of that. One of the things that shes hoping for and hoping to get good news of is her son on his own accord had checked off the organ donor box and shes waiting to here if some of the tissue or began might be able to be used to help save someone elses life. She hasnt gotten word on that but hopeful his legacy will carry on in that way. The family prepared Funeral Services, grandfather and grandson will be memorialized friday afternoon. One Funeral Service for boston them. Tears in confrontation in the blade runner trial. Stuff of horror movies, deadly virus that could go global. Dr. Sanjay gupta is on the front lines. He gives us an up close look. Also tonight cry since ukraine. More clashes with pro russian supporters. Major deadline passes. President obama and Vladimir Putin talk. An update ahead. Im nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. When my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. It wasnt just about me anymore. I had to quit. 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Swift and bloody killer has struck the countrys capital. The city is a short distance from the International Airport. A person may not know they are infected and fly to the other side of the globe. That has not happened but a concern. More than 100 people have died over the last three weeks including 14 health workers. Get infected with one microscopic drop. With ebola theres no cure. Dr. Sanjay gupta joins us now with more. The death toll is continuing to rise . Reporter yeah. There was some unwelcomed news with regard to the numbers, anderson. Since april 10th just a few days ago the death numbers have gone from 101 to 112, 11 more deaths now being reported just over the last few days and thats the wrong direction, anderson. Ill point out a lot of the care thats being given to these patients is happening over here. We have pretty unique access. This is Doctors Without Borders camp isolation camp. They set it up literally in the middle of this field, trying to isolate patients. Its remarkable work they are doing. Dangerous work. I can tell you just even getting the testing to get these numbers that were talking about, getting that testing can sometimes be risky. Take a look. A simple blue box. Potentially carrying one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world. In less than four hours well find out if it contains the ebola virus. The fate of three patients depends on whats inside. Simply getting the blood sample is a life threatening job. One of these workers told us he has a 9monthold baby at home. They will do everything they can to protect themselves. Three pairs of gloves. Boots. Layer after layer of gowns. They go in to see the patients. Every single inch of their body covered, impermeable suits, nothing in, nothing out. You see even a drop of the ebola virus that gets through a break in your skin can infect you and we all have breaks in our skin. This is the pain staking detail and process you have to go through to be able to interact with these patients with ebola. This is as close as we can get. They decontaminated themselves but taken the blood samples and put it in this blue ice chest and its suspicious that it contains ebola. W. H. O. Lab technicians suit up next. They have been hand delivered the blue boxes. Now its their job to test the sample for the deadly virus. They will have the results two hours from now. But a few hours year ago being able to test ebola on its own turf was impossible. Precious brood samples had to be flown to the cdc in atlanta or the w. H. O. In geneva. Pilot wos sometimes refuse to fly the dangerous pathogens. Even if they did it could take days or weeks to get the results. 8 00 p. M. , we get the call. So two are positive. Reporter two of the three patients now have confirmed ebola. Incredible. I was reading your blog on this on cnn. Com that the number of hearth workers who have died from this because they are really the ones under constant exposu exposure. In the past ebola rarely made it out past. Now there are outbreaks in the city. How big of a concern is that . Reporter i think its a real concern, anderson. I mean, you know, in some ways it was sort of a grim reality because ebola kills so many people, nine out of ten people in the past have died and because it killed so quickly, it didnt spread. People would die too soon, too suddenly. Now 2 Million People here and an International Airport and theres an incubation period that can take anywhere from two to 21 days after youve been exposed before you develop symptom. To your point could someone get on a plane, be on the other side of the world during that time. Thats the concern. It hasnt happened anywhere ebola has not left africa yet but thats a concern. Its part of what these doctors back here are trying to prevent, identify these patient, test them, isolate them and get them whatever treatment they can. The mystery, where it comes from theres so much we dont know. How contagious is the requires . Youre right outside of the tents. You dont have a mask on. How risky is this to you to others . Reporter yeah. First of all with regard to the mystery youre right. 1976, anderson, when they first identified this and we still dont know from where it comes. We dont know why it goes away. We dont know how to treat it. We dont know how to vaccinate it. We dont know how to cure. Theres more what we dont know than what we do know. That want teeds the fear. For me, theres a lot of science here thats important. This is not an airborne virus not like the flu. So me standing here just outside these tent wheres you have patients with ebola im not at risk. Ive study this i feel very comfortable being here. But if you go inside and youre around patients you got to cover up every square inch of your skin because even a drop as you said earlier if it gets on your skin and theres always breaks in your skin that can cause an infection. So here im okay. You go inside where those patients are and its a whole different story. Again these Doctors Without Borders, i know you worked with them, ive reported on them, they are the ones doing this. Going in and putting suits on and taking care of these patients. Its a heroic organization. Remarkable that these Health Care Workers continue to treat patients even though, i mean 14 as you said have died in this outbreak alone. We appreciate your team. For more information how you can help those suffering from ebola go to cnn. Com impact. Theres a lot more nooipgt. Pamela brown is back. Reporter Oscar Pistorius was back on the stand in his murder trial today where the chief prosecutor accused him of hide trugt about what really happened when he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. Listen to one exchange between pistorius and the prosecutor. Hes chosen not testify on camera so this is just an audio feed. You fired at reeva. These other versions of yours its not true, my lady. Why your getting emotional now . I did not fire at reeva. The Washington Post and the United States and the guardian received the Pulitzer Prize for their stories based on documents leaked by edward snowden. Snowden said the awards are a convenient die occasion for everyone who believes the media has a role in the government. Ive always kept my eye on her. But with so much health care noise, i didnt always watch out for myself. With unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. But shes still gonna give me a heart attack. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. Time to take care of business with century links Global Broadband network and cloud infrastructure. We constantly evolve to meet your needs every day of the week. Work with equity experts. Who work with regional experts. Thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. S about night for breaking news including the crisis in ukraine. Activists storming several building. Staying put. Exactly who they are thats a question. At his request russian president Vladimir Putin spoke with president obama on the phone. Mr. Obama calling on putin to use his influence to get these pro Russian Forces to leave and over the weekend echos of cold war russian warplane coming dangerously close making passes over u. S. Naval vessel in the black sea. Nick the tension between the russian government and the pro ukraine is getting more tense. Reporter weve had a remarkable absence of Ukrainian Government response. I should say weve seen social media in the last few hours suggesting Ukrainian Army is on the move. That could be the harbinger of something to come but frankly right now people who have been behind me are pro russian protesters. Pro russian protesters. Are these also Russian Troops or mercenaries. Reporter its hard to disscene who these pro russian militants are here. They are not all obviously russian servicemen as we saw moving into the crimean peninsula. These are men in similar camouflage uniforms who are trained. They know what they are doing but not that same sense of them being part of a broader force. Theres similar tactics in crimea backed up by pro russian protesters who moved in and very well organized, very well

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