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0 medical marijuana works and a group of women who swear pot makes them better parents. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper's "360" starts right now. tonight, breaking news in the search for an alleged killer and the young woman he's believed to be holding. also tonight, dr. sanjay gupta's bold claim that we've been systematically misled for 70 years about the medical value of marijuana. why he abandoned everything he thought he knew about it. later, anderson hears one man's account of capture and captivity in one of the deadliest war zones on earth, held in syria for 81 days. we begin with breaking news in the search for james dimaggio and the stakes that keep rising. not only is he expected of kidnapping 16-year-old hannah anderson and her 8-year-old brother, ethan, not only is he wanted for the murder of their mother, not only do they think he's hiding out in some of the most remote parts of the west and northwest, but they're now saying he might be armed with explosives. this is a fast-moving story. what is the latest, paul? >> reporter: well, authorities telling me, wolf, just a short time ago they have strong reason to believe that dimaggio may be armed with homemade bombs. and along those lines, they are cautioning citizens and law enforcement officers to make sure they stay away from the suspect's vehicle. they say it's a very real possibility that he has now booby trapped that vehicle with an improvised explosive device. so that's the latest on that front, wolf. >> i know officials are saying the suspect could be hunkered down in a really rural area somewhere. what makes them believe that? >> reporter: well, strong fear here that he does have camping skills, if you will, that he is an outdoorsman. there were those two sightings yesterday, allegedly in a part of california. that's in extreme northeast part of the state. and across the border in oregon. the sheriff in that county telling me today that it was an 18-year-old maid who spotted what she believes was the suspect's vehicle, and he was saying one difficult thing about his county, there's been no sign of that vehicle since. there are many, many rural roads which he could hide. and i just need to add it was a short time ago that we understand mexico is complying, going to issue that amber alert for all bordering mexican states and to interior states. >> i understand he also has had another run-in -- previous run-ins with the law. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: we started digging and we found that in montgomery county, texas, near houston, 18 years ago, we have a booking photo of him when he was 22 years old. he was basically charged with, and then convicted of fleeing from a police officer. what's interesting about this, at one point they said he was going down a rural or dirt road somewhere around 60 or 70 miles per hour. this lends credence to the fear that he's using rural roads to get himself in and around northern california, oregon, nevada or washington. there's an amber alert issued for all four of those states. >> thank you. of all the things that makes this story so troubling is the notion that the fugitive was once a friend and someone so close, someone so trusted could become the kind of monster that james dimaggio allegedly has become. brett anderson spoke about it earlier today with chris cuomo. >> explain the relationship between your family, your kids, their mother and mr. dimaggio. >> mr. dimaggio came into our lives about six months before hannah was born. he and i had a very close relationship over the years, and we've done many, many things throughout the years together, and he's basically became like part of our family. he was always around, and we always did stuff together as a family. sometimes we took the kids camping. but we were just very good friends. >> this is your buddy. you know him. >> yes. >> was there ever anything about him that found suspicious. i know the easy answer is no because you wouldn't have had him around the family. but is anything there? >> i have come up blank. i have been through every scenario in my brain. there was nothing ever to show any indication of this. everybody loved him. he would give you the shirt off his back, and he was there to help any time you called. and nothing like this ever indicated anything. >> we've heard these rumors, as have you, your 16-year-old daughter had become uncomfortable around him. he expressed he had a crush. we don't know what really happened, but had you heard anything about that until now? >> i had not heard anything about that. if i had heard something about that, or my wife had heard something about that, it would have been cut off. >> please, if you can, tell us what made these kids so special to you. >> ethan wore his heart on his sleeve. he would do anything for anybody. loved everybody. he was just my buddy. hannah was just a beautiful, beautiful girl. very good student. hundreds and hundreds of friends, and there was nothing bad to say about my kids. >> if anyone knows what brett anderson is going through is john walsh. on july 27, 1981, his only child adam was abducted. two weeks later his body was found. he's been fighting on behalf of children like adam ever since. john is joining us right now. john, thank you very much for coming in, as you always do for us. this father, we just heard, he's obviously trying to get the word out, at times speaking directly to the suspect, other times to his daughter. is that exactly what he should be doing at this point? >> exactly, wolf. i've tried to reach out to brett today, left my unlisted number with his advisers and if he would call me, i would welcome talking to him. he's doing exactly the right thing. pretty soon, if his daughter is not found alive, and we're all praying this creep will let her go, she'll just become another poster of a missing child when she drops off the news cycle. she's got to stay up and do every media interview he can. hopefully somebody will see that girl. we've gotten back lots of missing children because the public can make such a difference. >> clearly the suspect, john, this man dimaggio is very close to the family. the kids called him uncle. should it be a surprise that someone so close to this family could possibly have done these things? >> i don't think anybody should be surprised. and it's another horrible lesson. look at ariel castro. his daughter's best friend was gina dejesus, who he kidnapped at 14 years old. this is a guy who knew his 14-year-old victim and his daughter was her best friend. i've done hundreds of cases of live-in boyfriends, stepdaddies, you name it that have pretended they were friends of the family, pretended they were interested in the mother and hurt or took the children. so i don't think people should be surprised. i think people should realize that if this guy could kill an 8-year-old boy and kill an unarmed woman that he was friends with for ten plus years, he's dangerous and that he has to be caught before he hurts hannah. >> if dimaggio developed an actual crush on this 16-year-old girl, as a friend says he did, what does that tell you, if anything, about her chances for survival? >> well, that's hopeful. if he's obsessed, if he's so obsessed he kills an 8-year-old boy, and hannah's mother to get at her, i hope he's still got her and he's treating her right and doesn't decide like so many nutcases, i'll kill her, i'll kill myself and be in paradise together or kill her and leave her in the woods somewhere. i'm better off alone. i hope none of those things are going through his mind. i hope he realizes he should do the right thing. give this girl, if he loves her and is so obsessed with her, give her back. bring her back. turn yourself in. i think it's very hopeful that he was very -- that he is obsessed with this girl. >> is there a window of time, and you know this subject very, very well, john, when the chances are better that a child has been abducted might be found? >> absolutely, wolf. the first four hours are crucial. that's why the amber alerts are so great. it took six years to get the emergency broadcasting system and congress to vote the amber alert as a nationwide program. in those years, 550 kids plus have been found within the first six or seven hours. four hours are crucial. so that window is getting smaller, but now that they have issued an amber alert in mexico, i've caught over the last 25 years about 50 guys in mexico who have easily crossed that border. he may have tried to make everybody think he's in that desert in the northeast because he's a survivalist, but he may have gone south thinking that no one is looking for him. but thank god the federalis are issuing that amber alert. because we've caught guys in mexico spotted by tourists. that's a good thing. >> excellent advice from john walsh. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. just ahead, dr. sanjay gupta's stunning conclusion after nearly a year of reporting, he now says americans have been misled for decades about medical marijuana. sanjay will join us to talk about his provocative new documentary entitled "weed." also, a photojournalist's nightmare in syria, held for 81 days. anderson spoke to him about what he endured and how he escaped. ew gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. inside the only 3 chamber laundry detergent. ♪ now, here you go, let it go ♪ ooh ♪ 'cause it's a bright light stain fighting, cleaning, and brightening... in tide pods. pop in. stand out.

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