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Her. How is she . She is fine. She is dedicated to Mental Health. She has the first pro gam overseas in liberia, which has been for about 25 years and she is now helping to train 150 psychiatric nurses because theyve only had one psychiatrist in all of liberia. So she works on Mental Health all over the world. Now i wreckon you will live another 40 years, which is my guess looking at you, what is your legacy . If you wrote your own tombstone, what would you like it so say. Human rights and peace. Aggressively seek peace and bring hope to people in the world. So peace and human rights. Cant be better ways to be remembered than that. President carter, again, a great pleasure seeing you. I have enjoyed it, as always. Come back soon. Thats it for us tonight. Anders jake tapper in for anderson cooper. The high cost of healthcare is enough to make you sick and some people are getting rich. 4 million, and even 10 million a year, running nonprofits. Who is paying for it . Why you are, of course. We will show you how and how hospitals try to camouflage the bills loaded with bull. Later, why on earth is this man smiling . He came within inches of death by avalanche and lived to tell his incredible story. You will hear from him tonight. We begin with two major developments in the blade runner bail hearing. One a striking change in his demeanor and the twist you would laugh at for putting it in a movie. The investigator in the case, a wouldbe killer. Now this was never going to be a run of the mill court proceeding. But the way things are going, this isnt even close. And bottom line, one of the fastest runs alive is now on a slow strange and sad walk through his countrys criminal Justice System. More on day three of the bail hearing from robin kurnow in south africa. The courtroom exploded with flash bulbs as Oscar Pistorius came in. Previous days, emotional, fre kweently crying. Today though, frozen and immobile. Seemingly unmoved by the latest twist in an already dra mastic case. The lead investigator in past days struggled it offer clear evidence pistorius cleared steenkamp was removed from the case because he himself is facing charges of attempted murder in an unrelated case. The case that is being spoken about, it is a case that took place during the course of his duty. He was at work. And they were patrolling. They saw this car. The car refused to stop. They called for support and they shot the tires. Of the taxi. So we can prejudge the matter. It has to be investigated. Charges have to be laid and justice that has reveil. Both criminally as well as to the department. The police have put one of their most senior detectives on the case. Back inside the courtroom pistoriuss lawyers argue that if pistorius really wanted to kill his girlfriend, cohave done it in the bedroom. The empty bladder props proves she went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. She probably locked the door frantically as she heard him yell about a burglar. He was desperate it save her life. It was sounding plausible until the state delivered a strong argument. I was in the courtroom today and took a copious amount of notes but the key issue came from the states prosecutor at the end of the day and ripped apart Oscar Pistoriuss affidavit and pointed out forensic inconsistencies. Why were the cartridges inside the bathroom when oscar alleges shooting from outside the bathroom. Stating pistorius lacks a realization of what he has done. Because he conceded he fired the gun, the state says he shot to kill. But whether his target was reeva or a burglar, the stark fact is that act is still considered to be murder. While pistorius waits it hear if he gets bail, photos and videos are all that friends and family have of reeva steenkamp. Memory answers dreams shattered. So excited to have kids. Gina meyers was her best friend. She actually, the irony of it is she actually sent me a message in the beginning of the month. And she said, g, this month is going to be amazing. It is going to change our lives forever. Those who loved her say they just hope they will learn the truth about how she died one day. Robyn curnow was inside the courtroom today. What did you see . What did you hear . Oscar pistorius was frozen, immobile. He didnt move. Weve had conversations the past few days. Initially when he walked into the court he barely could control himself. He was shaking, he was crying. Today i sat in that courtroom the whole day and i watched and listened. And he literally was like this. His head bowed slightly. Once or twice he had a little cry but really, this is man who seems to be, you know, under the weight of the realization of what is in front of him. He really seemed i was really struck by the fact that at times, i mean, it felt like he was asleep even or he had checked out completely. So i mean, i think from what i observed, you know, Oscar Pistorius is really slowly digesting the fact that, you know, it is inevitable perhaps that he gets a jail term, according to legal experts ive spoken to. Unless he has an extremely efficient legal team and they get off on some technicality. But fact is, he admitted to shooting and killing somebody. He thought it was a burglar. That itself carries charge of murder, which the sentence is it about three to seven years. Things arent looking good for him. And can you see in his physical demeanor. Arguments in the bail hearing will continue in the morning. Do we expect the decision to be made tomorrow . I do believe a decision will be made. I got a sense from sources within inside the prosecution that they were aware the case was perhaps taking too long. The court itself is backlogged. It is messing up the court schedule. And also they realize a decision has to be made because of the high profile nature of this. How the magistrate is going to rule, i found it difficult to judge the way he was asking his questions. And there was this sort of flipflopping between each side. Ebbing and flowing of the arguments as sort of one legal team took precedence over the other, then the argument flipped. So i find it very hard to sort of look ahead and project at what the magistrate is going to rule. But if he doesnt get bail, just remember his legal team can appeal and go to the high court. So it wont be over then. All right, robyn curnoy in johannesbu johannesburg, thank you. Why this is playing out the way it is and anything can turn out. We are joined by mike geragos, a mistrial on how the criminal Justice System works and sometimes doesnt. And Senior Analyst jeffrey toob toobin. I will start with you. The fact that the lead investigator was removed today because he is facing murder in another case, is this a setback for the prosecution . No, it is not. For an important reason. There are no jury trials in south africa. This will be a judge verdict. A judge is not going to be shocked by the fact that detective has something bad in his past. That is not the kind of thing that a judge whos been around the criminal Justice System for a while would be affected by, the way a jury might be. So obviously, it is an good thing. But in the long run, i dont think it is going to matter much at all. I would agree with you that if this were if they had a jury here, this would be the death mill for the case. But oh, are you kidding me . Can you imagine, have you ever had a case or seen a case where you have your lead investor on the case, who contaminated the crime seen and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. N and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. Cen and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. En and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. Neen and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. N and by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. And by the way, i have seven counts of attempted murder. Then the defendant got acquitted. But there, you didnt have a guy who shot someone four times at point blank range. That is the key fact in this case. And you know, the attempt to make it into something more complicated is obviously what the defense is going to do here. But this is a woman who was killed in cold blood and thats going to be the key fact in this case. I think even the fact that youve got a judge here and thats generally, we have the baseball bat rule in my office. If you wave jury in a case like this, you get a baseball bat between the eyes. You never want a judge deciding the case never have a trial exactly. Clearly, i think he has more than a plausible defense. I would go on on a limb. Youve got me on tape. I will speculate and say, i think this magistrate gives him bail. I think some of the questions he was asking are indicative that he will give him bail and i think that, the prosecutions got a tough road to hoe on this. I would like to make an observation about south africa. It is a different country than the united states. They have different rules. They have, you know and so any sort of cat gore cal predecks about how the South African legal system will action is misguided at this point. Except, remember something too, part of what you see when you turn on cnn or other stations are people in america projecting their cultural kind of assumptions on to south africa. I saw somebody the other night, may have been on this show say, well web didnt call 911, which factually was not correct. They have something there. But the person he would have called is perfectly normal for people i know in south africa that you would call. So it is not the american system. But i think this guy has a pretty good defense, based on what i talked to, people in south africa, his kind of paranoia, his fear of crime, i dont think thats something that is so oud landish. Mike, let me ask you, the prosecutor has been trying to portray pistorius as a flight risk. The idea that he is prone to violence. Do you think that a solid argument against bail . No, i think the opposite. I think what the magistrate replied, is why wouldnt he have every incentive in the world to clear his name. And hes got a very able defense team. I think thats very compelling pep. I think he will get bail. I will be crazy and make the prediction. As i understand South African bail, it has to be extraordinary circumstances to give bail. It f it is schedule six. If the judge down grids it schedule five, it doesnt have to be extraordinary circumstances. Is it mr. Rau, the defense lawyer, who is schedule five. I dont want it get inside baseball, but that takes it out of that extraordinary circumstances. Jeff, let me ask you. I talked to a South African expert and he said the prosecutor backed himself into a corner because he is aggressively is pursuing the case the way he is. That forced him to have to present the evidence as early as he did. I just dont see that at all. The person who backed himself into a corner is the defendant here. He did something that the defendant should never do. He put forth this affidavit, which locked him into a story before anyone knows what the forensic evidence is. What if she is shown that the shots were not through the door. How does he explain that it is so dark that he cant see the bomb in bed with him yet he can go to the balcony, go back, go into the bathroom. He gets all around there without any problem. I just think his story is preposterous. I agree with you. It is extraordinary to put somebody or their story in a declaration, that early on. Thats extraordinary. You would not have advised him to do. Depends. If it is high risk, high we re ward, people talk about the the South African prisons, maybe this is the gamble. It looks like they are wiping the floor with the prosecution, based on what ive seen. Is that because of the case they are waging or the circumstances. I think they have taken, they staked out a position that i think is inherently ridiculous in some ways. Jeff is absolutely correct thats what a defense attorney wants to do. Inherently ridiculous. Thats the goal. Well, they have taken the position, number one, he is a flight risk. That, i think, even the judge or magistrate, wasnt buying any of that. So if thats the case, then that tends to kind of paint them in a different situation different light with all of the other obligations they have. So when you Start Talking about testosterone and whether or not he was wearing the legs or not and that, i think, is all going to be the ballistics, which you said. And that could or could not end up destroying his affidavit. But my guess is that theyve been out there. Remember, the defense found a casing in the toilet. So the defense has been to that scene. The defense knows whether or not that door was shot through. It doesnt require all kind of analysis to figure out that did he shoot from outside the doror or inside the bathroom. And they knew the cricket bat had blood on it or some kind of flesh or hair. They understand more than we give them credit for. Continued in the days ahead. Let me know what you think on twitter. Next a friend who says he is certain that Oscar Pistorius he knows did not murder his girlfriend. Ill ask him, how he can could be so sure. And later, dangerous weather to tell but. What you need to know about all that snow. Who got hit and who is next. Also, how is this for a budget plan. Congress takes vacation, you get laid off, and they make a promise to cut their own pay that they know they cant keep. 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So has his friend who has been watching the proceedings in court. We spoke earlier today. Kenny, youre a friend of Oscar Pistorius, been in court every day. You strongly contend he is innocent. Why are you so confident . I have always believed in oscars innocence, and once once he give the version of what happened, i became more convinced. That he is innocent. I dont believe oscar is capable of being a murderer. Have you been able to speak with Oscar Pistorius since reevas death, either in person or on the telephone . I havent been able to speak to him, but he knows of my presence in court, inasmuch as he knows of the moral support of others. Have you ever met reeva . No, no, no. I havent met reeva. Their relationship i think is fairly new, and as you would have had that they met i guest last year. Youve been in court with oscar. What is it like being there . What can you tell of how hes holding up . Its not easy for anyone. I think especially in oscars case where an accident has happened. And yet you are being accused of a very serious offense. It cannot be easy. As as we we would have seen in court that it would break down every now and then. It just shows you a bleeding heart and a good man that is that is in pain. With what has happened. And, yeah, its not easy for him. Not easy for his family, not easy for his friends. Lastly, kenny, as a friend of Oscar Pistorius, what is your message to people out there following this trial . What do you want them to know about oscar . Whats your message for those who are watching who think, well, this looks pretty bad . This is a trial. Let oscars trial be treated like any other trial. Just because hes an international athlete, let us not make it an exception and make stupid, irresponsible comments that would seem to influence the proceedings of the court. Oscar is a great man, hes a legend, an icon. Oscar is an inspiration to many young people in the country, both abled and people with disabilities. I just want to say to oscar that tough times never last, but tough people do. And i know he believes in prayer and that his family prays for him and we pray for him, and i know that he they also pray for the family of reeva. But all that i can say is let us all give oscar an opportunity to clear his name within the law. The principle of innocent until Proven Guilty is an integral part of our constitution. Let us respect it. Kenny kunene, thank you for talking with us. Thank you very much. One women programming quick programming note. Well develop a full hour to this story tomorrow night. Blade runner murder or mistake . Watch it starting at 10 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Ahead on 360 whats hiding inside your hospital bill . Who is getting rich off of it . Ceos of nonprofit hospitals let me repeat that. Nonprofit hospitals, raking in multiMillion Dollar salaries while patients are getting billed for every tissue, every warm blanket. Every bed pan. Numbers you need to know. Later a young husband and dad buried alive in an avalanche. He came close to losing everything. He will be here to describe that terror ahead. [ male announcer ] how do you engineer a true automotive breakthrough . You give it bold new styling, unsurpassed luxury and nearly 1,000 improvements. Introducing the redesigned 2013 glk. See your authorized mercedesbenz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Through mercedesbenz ive always had to keep my eye on her. But, i didnt always watch out for myself. With so much noise about health care. I tuned it all out. With unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters. My individual health profile. Not random statistics. They even reward me for addressing my health risks. So im doing fine. But shes still going to give me a heart attack. Were more than 78,000 people looking out for more than 70 million americans. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. A massive winter storm could get this affect 20 of the united states. About 60 Million People are under some degree of Winter Weather warning. Well tell you who is getting the worst of it when 360 continues. [ nurse ] im a hospice nurse. Britta olsen is my patient. I spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. One night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, when a person dies, she said, someone must open the window so the soul can depart. I smiled and squeezed her hand. Not tonight, britta. Not tonight. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. Barrow island has got rare kangaroos. Chevron has been developing energy here for decades. We need to protect their environment. We have a strict quarantine system to protect the integrity of the environment. Forty years on, its still a classa nature reserve. Its our job to look after them. Its my job to look after it. Im just red carpets, big spectacles and the alist. Thats only the beginning. I have more than one red carpet. I like all sorts of spectacles. From the grandiose, to the impromptu. To the completely unexpected. And youll only have to think about a list. When you cross this, off your own. Los angeles. Endlessly entertaining. Plan your getaway at discoverlosangeles. Com a massive winter storm has claimed a life in texas, hammered the middle of the country, and is heading east. About 60 million americans are under some type of Winter Weather warning tonight. The storm dumped a foot and a half of snow on parts of kansas, forced the closing of kansas citys airport. Elsewhere, inches of ice, rivers of rain, and it aint over yet. Its a monster. Meteorologist tom sater joins us from the weather center. Why is this night different from all other nights . Thats a very good question. I think because at one point, 20 of the country was under a watch or warning. If you look at the pictures, what is staggering here is, in the midwest, where the snow is moving to chicago, indianapolis, a mix in chicago. Some of the totals, sure, 9, 10, 12, 15 inches. To give you an idea, wichita, kansas, records go back to the 1880s. The worst snow, you just missed the alltime record. Now that were watching Ice Accumulation in Northern Arkansas and into missouri, it is knocking out power. Knocking out generators and needing oil lamps tonight. The triple threat. The other part is severe weather. Look where the tornado watch is in effect. South of jackson. This includes hattiesburg, mississippi, and into the evening period. Remember, it was going to be two weeks this coming sunday. An ef4. It will lose severity overnight, which is great news. But as snow continues to make its way to the great lakes, here are a few totals. Call ahead if you have a flight in chicago. 6. 3. Minneapolis, 3. 5. Green bay, 3. We wont see large totals, jake. The storm is just beginning. As it moves toward areas of the ohio valley, the northeast saturday for new york city, looking at rain mainly, boston, looking at a little bit of a mix, change over to rain. But the flood problems will continue in the deep south. We could see four to six inches of rain by tuesday. Tom, thanks. The latest on the other stories were following. Susan hendricks joins us with a 360 bulletin. Three People Killed and at least three other injured in a fiery crash on the las vegas strip. A gunman an suv shot into a car, at a stop light. And that car ran into a taxi, setting off a chain of crashes. In central damascus, a car bomb kills 53 according to activists and staterun media. It targeted the headquarters of syrias ruling party and damaged the russian embassy. Walmart says stores are struggling to keep shelves stocked with guns and ammunition. Boosteds Sporting Goods division was boosted in the fourth quarter. Oscar ceremonies will pay tribute to 50 years of bond, james bond. The longest running movie franchise. The bond villains are also getting their due at washingtons International Spy museum. Jaws with his unforgettable steel teeth, just a bunch of bad guys given center stage at that exhibit. I havent seen those choppers since moon raker. Brings back good memories. You have to head out and see them. Thank you. If congress doesnt cut a deal in the next seven days, 85 billion of forced spending cuts will be triggered on march 1st. Over time, a total of 1. 2 trillion in cuts will kick in. Did we Mention Congress is on break this week . Thats right. No formal negotiations going on right now. Zip, nada. Just a lot of finger pointing. If march 1 arrives with no deal, lawmakers on both sides of the isles say pain will cut wide and deep. But here is the thing. Members of Congress Wont actually feel any of that pain in their own paychecks. Here is dana bash. Reporter pain from forced spending cuts is a week away and lawmakers are preparing their aides for fallout that could hit them like other government workers. Weve actually budgeted with a 10 cut in mind. We reorganized our office last december. We had to let people go then, because we were anticipating at least a 16 cut. Reporter get this. Members of congress, the very people who voted to put these cuts in place, wont see any change to their own 174,000 a year paychecks. They are exempt. They didnt include their salaries in these spending cuts. So before lawmakers left town for a week long recess without doing anything to head off the coming cuts. Hey, congressman, dana bash, cnn. We took an informal survey. Do you think you should take a cut as a member of congress . Certainly. Were all in this together, suffering together. Reporter most lawmakers in both parties say yes. Would you take a pay cut . Absolutely. Lets make sure we are doing our part as well. Reporter but cutting lawmakers pay now is not so easy. The 27th amendment prohibits members of congress from changing their pay until after the next election. They can get creative. Write checks to the charity or the treasury. Ironically, some tea party backed Party Lawmakers are reluctant to give up their own pay. Do you think members of congress should take a pay cut . I dont think some of i dont think we should raise our pay. Republican billy long elected to cut washington spending. Its such a miniscule part, it wouldnt have an effect. Reporter would you take a pay cut as well. Michele bachmann asked that question, talking several times only about her staff, not her. Wed like to keep everybody on the payroll if they can, they will have to work at fewer hours. Were looking at reductions in staff. Thats what we need to do. Reporter ironically, one of the biggest opponents is one of the wealthiest. Nancy pelosi says she knows others are not so for the so fortunate. Most of my colleagues are the bread winners in their families. A pay cut to me doesnt mean as much. Dana those comments from nancy pelosi, your average american is likely to be hurt by forced cuts, if and when they come, but somehow members of congress who approved the cuts shouldnt feel pain . I spoke winan its one of her mantras that most of congress shouldnt be made up of millionaires. She didnt want the cuts to begin with. They called it a satan sandwich with a side of satan fries. Interesting. How about negotiations . Anything happening at all . Or is it more likely that these cuts will kick in come march 1st . It certainly is looking that way. The short answer is, no, no negotiations going on to avoid this that i can detect. The president did place calls to congressional leaders, most notably republicans, the House Speaker and he is not rate Republican Senate republican leader. But remember, these are just phone calls. Not actual negotiations. If you want to know how little is going on. Listen to this i was told by a boehner aide this is the first conversation the two of them had since december 28th, almost two months ago, and mccoll aide said it was the first conversation they had in 2013. I think that probably tells you all you need to no. My friend dana bash, thank you. Thank you. More secrets. The people who are cashing in on health care dont want you to know. Bulked up medical bills. While some ceos of nonprofit hospitals, let me repeat that, nonprofit hospitals, are making small fortunes. [ woman ] we had two tiny reasons to get our adt Security System. And one really big reason the house next door. Our neighbors house was broken into. Luckily, her family wasnt there, but what if this happened here . What if our girls were home . And since we cant monitor everything 24 7, we got someone who could. Adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, adt has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. We have more monitoring centers, more of Tomorrows Technology right here today, and more value. 24 7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of Carbon Monoxide starting at just over 1 a day. And now get adt installed for just 99. Isnt your family worth americas numberone security company, adt . Our girls got us thinking, but the breakin got us calling. And after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one Security System adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just 99. And ask about adt pulse, advanced Home Management here today. Adt. Always there. A skier buried alive in an avalanche in colorado. He knows how lucky he is that he lived to tell the story and what a story it is. Tony robinson will be here in studio to talk to me about what its like to be caught in an avalanche and how he survived when 360 continues. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Keeping them honest. Tonight, more secrets to share with you about the high cost of health care. What were going to show you could save you money, possibly lots of money the next time you get a bill from a hospital. Weve partnered with Time Magazine. The special report called bitter pill why medical bills are killings us. A journalist spent seven months investigating and what he found is jaw dropping. Drew griffin is digging on our end, finding why a lot of people are profiting on your high bills, even those hospital whos call themselves nonprofit. How are hospitals pulling in so much money . Oh, let us count the ways. Heres part two of drews report. Reporter pat palmer has built a business around helping patients fight hospital bills. She says in no other business are all of the costs of doing business itemized and billed separately. You dont have a separate electricity bill added on to your grocery bill or a refrigeration bill charged separately when you buy ice cream. If hotels ran their business like hospitals, would you be charged for lying down on the bed. Absolutely. If we went to a hotel and charge us for sheets and towels, there would be a ruckus made over those kinds of charges. And a major issue. But let we let medical industry do this on a daily basis. Reporter palmer says she found hospitals billing for everything from tissues to little white cups that hold aspirin. Everything has a charge. The bill sometimes, hundreds of pages long, have hidden codes or names. Steven brill writing a special report for Time Magazine makes just one conclusion. Hospitals want to prevent patients from knowing what they are paying for. All in an attempt to charge as much as they can get away with. I defy you to take any hospital bill, anywhere around the country and everybody watching this program knows this, and try to read that bill and try to understand what it says and what the prices actually are, let alone what the prices are based on. It is the opposite of transparency. Reporter but not everyone, of course, is feeling that pinch. In the world of nonprofit hospitals, some people are making a small fortune. Public records show ceos of top billing hospitals across the u. S. Can garner salaries, deferred compensation and other revenues that rival ceos of major forprofit businesses. Take a look at this list put together by a Health Care Journals review of 2010 and 2011 tax filings, which showed ceos of top grossing nonprofit hospitals making multiMillion Dollar figures. Watch as the numbers get bigger. The top salary paid in 2010 . Dean harrison, chief administrator of the prestigious Northwestern Memorial Hospital in chicago. His salary and onetime bonus earned him a whopping 9. 7 million. When we asked about the high salaries and high hospital bills, the American Hospital association sent us to taylor, michigan and to malcon henoch at Oakwood Health care system. Even he didnt want to talk about Hospital Health care executive salaries. He was willing to discuss hospital billing. Here the hospital says it tries to work with patients, to understand their bills. The information we provide is not perfect. It doesnt disclose everything. And its not for everyone always easily understood, but its a start. This notion of transparency in health care is important. Reporter henoch admits billing at hospitals can be confusing, but he notes the cost of, say, a simple blood draw, have lots of costs that patients dont see. The cost of that is not just the cost of that vial, but the cost of a technician who processes that sample, the cost a fraction of that cost individual who has drawn that blood from you, a fraction of the cost of that equipment that analyzes that blood sample, a fraction of that cost that Electronic Laboratory Information System that we need to collect and store and disseminate that information to the physician, to the nurse, to perhaps a number of physicians not even practicing at the hospital. Reporter which is why some people may be billed up to 200, just for a warm blanket. It is, in fact, all up for negotiation. If you are insured, your Insurance Company does the negotiating. If youre on medicare, the government does the negotiating. If you pay out of pocket, then the hospitals, paying those Million Dollar salaries, determine just how much you will pay. Your wealth or your health. And here is a staggering figure about how much money we are talking about here, jake. Time magazine reports americans will spend 2. 8 trillion on health care this year. Per person, thats 27 more than other developed nations spend on health care, and hospitals get a lot of that money. And, drew, as you reported last night, there are some measures to control health care costs, in obama care, nothing addresses these specific runaway costs in hospital billing fees. Any support in washington to try and drive these costs down . You know, let me put this in perspective for you, and, jake, you know how that town washington works. This is in Time Magazines special edition. According to the center for responsive politics, since 1998, doctors and hospitals have spent 5. 36 billion lobbying in washington. That is nearly double of what was spent by the Defense Industry and oil and gas industry combined. So people make money in health care certainly have the governments ear and i might ad add they have our pockets. Indeed. Drew griffin, thanks. 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Got our breath because obviously at that point, especially youre way up there, and we all were getting towaready to go. He said, take it easy. If you twist an ankle or something, down here, its hard to get you out. I went back to my military days and i went back it Safety Office he and said, what if theres an avalanche, and he said, ski left or ski right. Someone else said, make sure to cover your mouth, i hear its hard to breath. With that, we are off. We jumped in and i bet it wasnt, a minute later, im talking a hundred feet in, i heard a sound like what was it . Like a rumble . No, like the earth moaning a little bit. Giving you a warning, if you will. And then, the it just the snow started to move underneath you. Wherever you put your feet, the snow was move willing down hill. What does it feel like to be tossed around in the middle of Something Like that. You are basically gasping for air. And fighting to just figure out which way is up and down and theres moments where, like, youre so tight and enclosed and cant breath and i know at one point, i swear i was upside down. I dont know if that is possible. I could swear i was upside down, rolling down the hill. And i thought, this is not going to end well. Does it feel anything like when you are caught in a wave in an ocean and you have no idea what is up or down. Thats it. Someone said like a washing machine. It is no maytag washing machine. It is like a tidal wave hitting you and you dont know which way up is. How long did it take before they dug you out . So once the snow stopped, it really like, weights you down and at that point, is when youre supposed to get your hands to your mouth. I wasnt able to. You couldnt lift your arms . No. It came quick. It comes to pretty much a screeching halt. It stopped, and like you mention, mention mentioned, a small hole opened up and i could see the sun and blue sky. Ways the. I was there five or ten minutes before someone found me. Why did that hole open up . Im a godfearing man. I believe luck, fate and you know, a lot of things came at once. To open that little space. And again, it was the picture, it wasnt much after hole when they came to dig me out. And the smile on your face in that picture says it all. You must have just been i mean, you thought you were going to die. Oh, yeah. It was i was pretty sure. I was hoping to live, lets put it that way. I wasnt thinking i was going to die. Im an optimistic guy. I wasnt thinking, what i should have done in life. There was in time for that. Were you thinking about your wife and son . That was the only three thoughts. My wife, who is expecting our second. And my 18monthold little son, and god hoping that you know, would he help me through it. And the thing is, you actually, talked about avalanches before you set out. But was there any sort of sign . Was there any sort of warning . Was there any sort of, do not do this, indicated to you . My last Facebook Post was crossing the fence, out of bounds. There is a large sign that says danger, avalanche area. Theres sign one. Sign number two on the lift they set off quite a few charges. They were trying to cause the mountain to, you know, naturally have an avalanche. So you know, there were two signs. Maybe a wiser man than i would have said, heck no, im not going that direction. So tony, you ever going to go skiing again . Im going to keep living, keep skiing, yeah. Well, were very glad that you made it back okay. And were very glad that your wife and your soon to be two children have their daddy and their husband. Thanks for joining us. Thanks, jake. Thank you. Just ahead, they spent a fortune to get a degree. Now they are driving taxis and mopping floors. What it is costing the economy to have so many underemployed college graduates. Thats next. Ile a body in motion tends to stay in motion. 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