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The breaking news. The abc News Washington post tracking poll now has mitt romney ahead by three points and more crucially, hitting the 50 mark for the first time. In our own cnn poll of polls, governor romney currently enjoys a onepoint lead, 4847. As you no doubt know, the race will boil down to a few key states and tonight, we also have new numbers from the nbc wall street journal poll in colorado showing the race there tied. In nevada, the same poll has president obama out front by three, whereas in virginia, new polling from fox has mr. Romney up by two. Thats a ninepoint swing in his favor since september. Now, not coincidentally the campaigns in the last several days have stopped in all of those states. Take a look. How would you like to have this as your flight plan . This is a map of the last 48 hours of Campaign Appearances for president obama. Now heres governor romneys itinerary. Nevada, colorado, virginia, iowa and of course, ohio, ohio, ohio. About the only nonswing state stop, president obama today who touched down in chicago to vote and was asked to show some i. D. All right. I need some i. D. Youre right. Hold on. Ive got my drivers license. Here you go. Now, ignore the fact that theres no gray hair in that picture. Speaking to Chicago Campaign workers, they say mr. Obama reminded them to work hard, its going to be close, he said. If voters dont turn out and these are his words, we could lose this election. More on the president , the challenger and their two events today. Jim acosta is on the campaign trail in ohio. So is jessica yellin. Gloria borger joins us as well. President obamas campaign could not like these numbers. We should ignore National Polls but these are state polls were looking at. Romney has either closed the gap or is ahead. What do they make of that . Anderson, i can feel you smile when i tell you this but they say they dont look at public polls at all either now. One advisor told me that they are there are so many polls out there that they have a broken clock effect now. They are right twice a day. Another told me there are so many public polls out there, soon there will be an Outback Steakhouse poll. Look, the bottom line is what they are paying attention to, they say, im just reporting here, is they Pay Attention to their internal polling. Those are the polls that campaign conducts because, and they tend to be much more accurate to be truthful, than the public polls because they spend so much money and time on them. They get into the granular details. But we dont know whats really in them. We can just trust what they say. What they tell us is their own polling shows the president remains either tied or ahead in the key battleground states and continues to maintain his edge among women. They point to ohio, nevada and new hampshire, iowa as key states where he has this lead. How do we know that theyre most likely telling the truth . Because they continue to spend big bucks on their advertising in all those battleground states, and ill point out one last thing, anderson. To be fair, they did say months ago that they expected the race to narrow to this close, to be a tie the week before election day, and they think we in the media are getting a little too caught up in the fact that its just this tight. We are going to talk to one of those Obama Campaign pollsters coming up. Jim, governor romney hit 50 for the first time, that abc News Washington post tracking poll, national poll. That is a significant number for any candidate, right . It really is, anderson. When you look at the independent numbers in those polls in that poll right now, it is very interesting because according to that poll, independents are moving in mitt romneys direction. He has a 19point lead among independents in that poll, a 27point lead among independents when it comes to who would best handle the economy and a tenpoint lead in terms of who best understands peoples problems but i have to point out that the Romney Campaign earlier this afternoon put out a memo calling into question a Time Magazine poll that came out yesterday showing the president with a fivepoint lead. Some campaigns tout polls they like, they diminish polls that they dont like, but i have to tell you, i talked to a senior romney advisor earlier today who said look at the trend lines in this race, look at where this race stood a week ago, two weeks ago, and look at where it is right now. They feel like that puts mitt romney in a very good position right now and earlier this evening, anderson, the pop rock star of yesteryear, meat loaf, was on stage in defiance, ohio. His song he would do anything for love, right now, mitt romney is pulling out all the stops to win this battleground state. Gloria, you have been digging down into the internals of the abc poll. What can you tell us about it . In addition to what jim said about independent voters, the economic numbers there about how voters feel about mitt romney and the economy are very interesting to me, that he leads the president by nine points, about who would do a better job handling the economy, but the number that i find of particular interest is what they call the economic empathy question, which mitt romney has been doing terribly on, which is do you understand the problems of people like me, and now, the president is beating him still but only by two points, 4846. So you see that on that ground, hes really done very well. I think youd have to say on this wall street journal i mean this Washington Post abc news poll that hes really made up a lot of ground during the month of october, and i think youd have to say its probably because of the president ial debates, particularly the first one. You know, jim, its interesting because we heard this new addition to governor romneys Closing Argument today, suddenly he is saying hes the candidate of change, which of course the phrase a lot of people associate with president obama back in 2008. Thats right, anderson. I lost count earlier today when i was trying to count the number of times mitt romney was using the word change and it was not just the word change, he was saying big changes. Hes going to bring big changes to the white house, that he and paul ryan represent big change coming to washington and youre right, that was president obamas slogan, hope and change, four years ago. Mitt romney is trying to present the president now as the candidate of the status quo, of business as usual, and this is essentially a line of argument that the Romney Campaign and mitt romney have settled on in the final stretch of this campaign, and that is he has a plan to turn around the economy, that the president does not. That pamphlet he released earlier this week, in the words of one romney advisor is just a glossy panic button. At this point in the race, a candidates ground game is what its all about. What is president obamas strategy for turning out votes and obviously for turning out women voters and particularly in ohio, how does his ground game compare to that of governor romneys . Ohio is critical. Well yeah. Ohio is what they wont use the word but its sort of the obama firewall. That Time Magazine poll which jim just referenced did show the president with a healthy lead here in the state. So the president is on this multistate blitz because he is working on sort of ginning up the ground game to work to be in action. First they are trying to energize the voters who are already obama voters, so people like latino voters who lean obama but might not vote anyway, theyre trying to get them energized to go out and vote. Union voters. Then women who are already leaning to obama. The second point is to get early voters out to the polls because thats where the obama team feels like their machine, their ground game, actually makes a difference. They think they have the numbers. The question is can you get them there on election day, if not, get them out early. That made a big difference in 2008. Theyre trying to do it again this year. Then you mentioned women voters. This is where they think the margin of difference can come in. There are a lot of undecided women voters, they think a margin of them and they trying to turn them at the very end, one way they are going to do it, bill clinton is hitting the trail with the president next week on monday. The first time the two men will stump together, going to three battleground states. Well see that effort in action next week, anderson. Jim, gloria, jessica, thanks. Let us know what you think. Follow me on twitter. Lets tweet about what you just heard. Do you believe the polls, particularly in ohio . Keeping them honest now, a pair of Romney Campaign ads bend the truth, frankly. Both come from the Romney Campaign and both repeat distortions and outright everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. Massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. If youre caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care Program Offers strategies that can help. Keeping them honest now, a pair of Romney Campaign ads bend the truth, frankly. Both come from the Romney Campaign and both repeat distortions and outright falsehoods that have been debunked time and time again. Heres one titled apology tour. The president began with an apology tour of going to various nations and criticizing america. I think they look at that and saw weakness. The reason i call it an apology tour, you went to the middle east and you flew to egypt and to saudi arabia and to turkey and iraq, and you skipped israel, our closest friend in the region. Thats mitt romney repeating a charge that hes been making since the campaign began. The actual words came from the final debate this week in florida and just like all the other times, Fact Checkers have called the charge flat out false. Its called pants on fire false. This on debate night from our own fact checker, john berman. So what are the facts here . When the president took office he did travel to several countries talking about American Foreign policy. In france, for example, he said america has shown arrogance and had been dismissive, even derisive though he also criticized europe in that very same speech and in none of these speeches, none of them in europe or the middle east or here at home did president obama use the word apology or say hes sorry. So our verdict here is it is false to call the president s speeches an apology tour even if he was critical of past u. S. Foreign policy, he issued no apologies. Yet the ad has just come out. Heres a portion of ad number two titled highest. The world needs a Strong America and it is stronger now than when i came into office. Our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. Thats unacceptable to me. This in my view is the highest responsibility of the president of the United States. And i will not cut our military budget by 1 trillion which is the combination of the budget cuts that the president asked. That in my view is making our future less certain and less secure. Im mitt romney and i approved this message. All right. So there are two charges in that ad, one that the navy is the smallest at any time since 1917, and two, that president obama is cutting 1 trillion out of the defense budget. Second item first. Keeping them honest, those trillion dollars in cuts were democrats and republicans agreed would happen automatically over ten years, if, i say if, neither side could reach a budget deal by years end. The navy claimed that the last time it was so small was 1917. Keeping them honest, every major Fact Checking organization, ourselves included, has found that simply is not true. Whether youre making the comparison to 1917 as mr. Romney now does in that ad, or 1916, which is by the way what he did previously, there were 342 ships in the fleet in 1917. Right now there are 285 which is in fact lower than 342, obviously. However, its been below 342 a lot of times before this, including seven years in the 1930s, every year since 2000, in fact. Keeping them honest, we wanted to know why the Romney Campaign despite being called out on this time and time again decided to repeat the falsehood in this new ad. Its just not true. We invited them on the program to give their side. Of course they declined. Earlier this week we did manage to ask Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell about these dodgy numbers. Take a look. Youre well aware that under president bush, the navy was actually smaller and that surface warships under president obama have gone up 10 . The broader point is i dont know how many times we have dipped below 1916 but there is a broader point, anderson, and that is if the Defense Department says in the quadrennial review, which is the bible that we need 346 ships and today, weve only got 287, and the president at least infers that whether its technology or anything else, that we still dont need any more, thats factually incorrect. Were actually building more ships. To protect american strength around the world, we do need more ships. Thats the point. We are actually building more ships. Again, just factually under president bush, in 2007 there were 278 ships. Right now theres 285 ships. And we already are projected to build i think get over 300 in the next seven years. So just factually just not correct. This ignores of course all argument over what kind of ships we had back in 1916 and 1917 versus now. Again, the Romney Campaign would not provide us anyone on this. The invitation remains open. They are welcome as they are any time. Back to ohio. To believe they were effective tactics but whether they work or not, shouldnt the truth count for something . Just factually its just not correct. Anderson, lets separate the two issues. On the apology tour, if you try to make a literal definition about the word apology, i dont think that makes this ad invalid. What mitt romneys point is, is that the president goes abroad and speaks derisively about america, talks about the things america has done wrong in the president s opinion in the past and this is how in 2009 he took office. Call it an apology, call it an excuses tour, call it america should be different tour, it all gets the same point. I think its justifiable in politics. As for the number of ships, look, thats a factual matter. If the facts are wrong, then that portion of the ad needs to be recut and he should put whatever the accurate number is, the lowest number of ships since 1939 or whatever the appropriate year is. The broader point about what hes saying about the military is an arguable point about whos going to be better on national defense, mitt romney or president obama when it comes to giving resources to the pentagon. So i dont think either one of these falls terribly out of bounds except for the factual issue if what you said is 100 right and i dont doubt it about the number of ships. Cornell, you think these ads are aimed at energizing governor romneys base and at this point, is that who the ads should be targeted at . Well, from a campaign standpoint, two points. One, from a campaign standpoint, if youre having to do ads in the last two weeks of a campaign to really sort of energize your base, not go after a sort of Middle America swing voters, look, we all know, i think ari will agree with me that that woman in Middle America thats sitting around her Kitchen Table trying to figure out how to pay for her kids college and buy food, isnt counting ships. So clearly i think its sort of aimed at the base and if youre doing ads sort of aimed at your base two weeks out from the election thats strictly for your base youre telling us you have problems in your base. The other point i want to make here, its not the one thing, it is a pattern here thats sort of part of the narrative here where you have, you know, item after item or thing after thing with the Romney Campaign that Fact Checkers check and say well, thats just not true, and what you have is a whole pattern of sort of, you know, things coming out of this campaign that dont seem to be true and it really does speak to the question of trust. I think colin powell hit on this today in his endorsement. How can you trust anything that coming from this campaign, how can you trust mitt romney to fight for the middle class . You cant trust anything coming out of this campaign. Let me push back on the idea that romney has some problem with his base because hes running ads. Jessica yellin was just reporting that president obama is trying to energize the base and get voter turnout. Is that weakness in his base . Well, yeah, thats one thing about ground and a whole other thing to be rolling out brand new advertisement thats clearly not aimed at sort of persuading that last swath of undecided voters. You make a distinction. Okay. Clearly the last swath of undecided voters are more female man male. Ari, i want to ask about the new swing state polls out tonight. The president leading by three points in nevada, governor romney and the president tied in colorado. Good numbers for your candidate. Whats it going to take for him to win there . What do you see in these polls . Well, the movement is definitely toward mitt romney. I think the previous colorado poll, mitt romney was down by five and in this poll, hes dead even. In nevada, previous poll had the president up two, he remains up two. I think nevada is the tougher state for governor romney. I think its in large part because of the significant number of hispanic voters in the state of nevada. The wild card we all have to keep an eye on in nevada is going to be the mormon vote. The fact that theres a mormon candidate running for president. A lot of people that we just dont really pay much attention to in politics, do we. I think thats a wild card in nevada. But nevadas tougher. Colorado looks like its moving pretty well into the romney camp. Anderson, all the state polls, one thing you need to look out for is is the president under 50 and where are independents breaking down. In ohio, independents are going for mitt romney in 15 of the last polls, mitt romney has a virtual double digit lead in the state of ohio among independents. Thats a huge issue in that state. If that holds up, hell take ohio. Were looking at a live picture right now of governor romney in defiance, ohio. Hes just been introduced by governor kasich. Cornell, what about what ari just said and meat loaf. Meat loaf, exactly. Cornell, what are you seeing in ohio . Obviously ohio is critical. Yeah, it is critical. You know, i love sort of aris god bless you, i love republicans now. Theres all this spin about momentum. Its kind of faux momentum. You dont see momentum . No. Look at battleground state after battleground state, the president is either tied or ahead. The race remains awfully tight. You could argue that from a structural or dynamic standpoint, the race looks very much like the race looked before the first debates, where you had the president sort of tied or up in a lot of these battleground states. Heres the problem. If youre the challenger, at some point in these battleground states, you actually have to get ahead of the guy whos the incumbent. If you look at nevada, i think the same problem in colorado, you have in nevada, you have a growing population of diverse population there in colorado as well, and i think out west, i think youre seeing a growth in sort of diversity in america, and republicans are struggling to connect with hispanic voters in a way that i think this election and certainly in the future when you look at changes in the population, its going to be problematic for them. Cornell, can romney win ohio . You can always win it. I think its problematic. Look, i think it goes back to a lot of the sort of talk about the bain ads early on. Look, in places like ohio, in michigan, even wisconsin, you know, they get sort of these big wall street companies coming down, you know, taking over these companies, laying off workers, stripping workers of their retirement and bankrupting these companies and then rolling away with the golden parachute. Those voters really get that. Can he win ohio, yeah, but poll after poll after poll, the blue collar, those working class voters in ohio see the president as the one whos going to fight for the middle class and fight for people like them. Ari, obviously were seeing the importance of ohio right here. You have the president arriving in cleveland, you have governor romney on the right in defiance. Do you agree that romney can win ohio and also, does he have to win ohio . Do you see a path if he doesnt . Well, there is a path if he doesnt. It really centers around wisconsin. He needs ohio, though. But lets go to the numbers. I think thats the best way to figure these things out. In the last three polls in ohio, all three of which came out yesterday, the president was at 49, 48 and 47. Any time an incumbent is below 50 its a sign of trouble. In one of those polls, again, anderson, that old issue, way oversampling of democrats. In 2008 in the democratic landslide, eight Percentage Points more democrats showed up than republicans. When bush took the state in 2004, five percentage point more republicans showed up than democrats. The Time Magazine poll of ohio which had the president up five had plus nine democrat. Theyre saying 2012 is a bigger landslide than 2008. We all know thats not going to happen. Youre saying the numbers theres oversampling of democrats, theres a skewing and bias toward democrats and thats why i went to the independent votes. Romneys up 12 among independents in the last 15 polls in ohio. States over if thats the case. Cornell, i want to get your take on that. Quickly, the problem is you can make the same argument. Look, youre not going to weight your way in a poll. When you look at core democratic groups, younger voters, minority voters, more transient voters, those you really think those show up more than 08 . If republicans are basing their victory on the idea of thinking the base of the Democratic Party being minorities just arent going to turn up like they did in 08, i got to tell you, its fools gold. So you think the levels but cornell, youre saying the levels will be the same as 2008 in those groups . I dont think you will see dramatic dropoff among Democratic Base voters. I think thats a fallacy. I am looking forward to coming back on your program the day after the election and talking about this issue. Well save the tape. Cornell, ari that is the big issue. Thats it. The guy who did the interview joins me to talk about the remark and also the rest of his Oval Office Interview. Treatment for low t,only m can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. 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Doug brinkley joins me to talk about the Oval Office Interview next. I am probably going to the gas station about once a month. Last time i was at a gas station was about. I would say. Two months ago. I very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. I go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and its not just these owners giving the volt high praise. Volt received the j. D. Power and associates appeal award two years in a row. We had a little bit of loose banter time both before and afterwards talking about the Chicago White sox or whatnot. He made a joke with eric bates, Rolling Stone editor who was simply joking with the president about his daughter saying, you know, my daughter asked what i should tell you and she said you can do it. He said thats all i need, im great with that demographic, 6 to 12, i do well with kids. With the followup, why dont you lower the voting age, the president made the joke and just said you know, the kids can tell when the other guy is a b. S. Er. Did you sense a personal animosity with president obama toward his opponent . I think the word meant nothing to me. I have no sense of Political Correctness and everybody uses it but i do think that theres a frustration with what colin powell said today, you know, theres one romney Foreign Policy in one debate, then heres what he said back then and what hes calling romnesia up there. Thats hard, how do you pin down a politician thats like mercury. I think theres a frustration a little bit with that. But i also felt the president was in fine form, almost clicking his heels ready to go, and he has an extraordinary amount of energy as were seeing from this nonstop, you know, travel. This interview was done pretty soon after the first debate. It was. It was done october 11th so i didnt know what kind of mood he was going to be in after denver but he had obviously regrouped and i read that he is able to do this. He kind of comes on now like a bit like a tidal wave. You can feel the kinetic obama on the campaign trail right now. What do you take away from him . Some historians, im one of them, have had dinners, a group of us go once in awhile. Hes deeply schooled in history, hes very serious but has a great sense of humor. I dont think the humor gets on display much. Now hell go on jay leno or one of those shows and do the lines but underneath it, i think hes someone who wants to be one of the gang in many ways. In that artificial bridge of being president , sometimes a little tough for him. I do get the feeling he would like to be able to just walk around d. C. Or drive a car or do things that he cant do. He said yesterday he cant even carry a cell phone with him. You said in the article that yes, we can has become no, he wont. Thats my central point. In 2008 it was yes, we can. Now its like no, you wont. No, you wont undo decades of progressivism. No, you wont overturn roe v wade. No, you wont make medicaid or medicare into a voucher system. On and on. In many ways, hes a custodian of the Great Society and new deal. The last of the line of a really major progressive president , if obama incidentally, he thinks its great we call it obama care if that sticks, he will be seen as a giant achievement. If he loses, it will romney ryan will go after it, as governor romney said, from day one they will try to undo obama care. But no he wont is more a retive thing as opposed to a Forward Vision of what i want to do over the next four years. I think it is. You know, but were dealing with unusual politics. In bill clintons day you still had moderate republicans. I was with Lowell Weicher last night, a republican from connecticut. Hes for obama now. Colin powell. Theres nobody in a lot of ways to do business with because the Republican Partys become very strong on the right so one of the arguments i think of bringing a base out in the last days is even if youre a little disappointed in my performance as president , imagine if im not here, this could happen. Its a way to bring young people, latinos, the womens vote up, i think. You write in the article, theres this great moment about being at a rally and seeing two young africanamerican girls and bringing them up so they could meet the president. One behind me was an 11yearold girl and the other side was 14. I was with my own kids but allowed these two young people to come in and the president s working the rope line, and this 11yearold wanted her shirt signed with a sharpie. He signed it but when he got to the 14yearold, he said 14s too old to be ruining your clothes. You have a nice shirt, you got to take care of that. It was very unusual because most president ial aspirants kiss babies. Hes a busy man and hes standing on a rope line differentiating between an 11 and 14yearold. Thats the father side of president barack obama. Everybody knows what an extraordinary dad and husband he is. Doug brinkley, thanks. Thank you. Well, obviously the latino vote could top 12 million in this election. It will be vitally important. President obama promised to deliver Immigration Reform in his first term. Univision journalist challenged mr. Obama on that and joins me ahead. S seeee l lififee inin t thehe b besest t lil. Eveverery y titimeme o of f. Ououtdtdoooorsrs, oro. Trtranansisititiononss® ls auautotomamatiticacalllly y fift ththe e ririghght t amamouountn. Soso y youou s seeee e eveg ththe e waway y itit is memeanant t toto b be e ses. Mamaybybe e evevenen a lilittttlele b betette. Exexpeperirienencece l lifife e, asask k fofor r trtrananss adadapaptitiveve l lene. Ive been fortunate to win on golfs biggest stages. 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[ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. Hurricane sandy is making its way to the bahamas, could be headed to the northeastern United States as a frankenstorm. A winter Storm Hurricane hybrid. An update, when we continue. Ew m two things cook what you love, and save your money. Joe doesnt know it yet, but hell work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. Hell start investing early, hell find some good people to help guide him, and hell set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isnt rocket science. Its just common sense. From td ameritrade. There was a dustup this week between an iowa paper and president obama. Mr. Obama did a Conference Call with the editors seeking their endorsement on the condition the conversation be off the record. Later one of the editors blogged about not being able to tell readers what the president said, arguing that keeping the conversation off the record was a disservice to voters. Within 24 hours, Obama Campaign officials released the transcript of the call. At one point, president obama talked about a pivotal voting bloc. He said, quote, i will just be very blunt. Should i win a second term a big reason i will win a second term is because the republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the Fastest Growing Demographic Group in the country, the Latino Community. President obama also said he would get Immigration Reform done if he wins a second term. It is a promise hes made before and broken. There are over 12 million registered latino voters today, 26 more than just four years ago. In a recent interview, univisions jorge ramos asked president obama tough questions about why latinos should vote for him again. He joins me now along with maria salena. Its interesting what the president doesnt say in that interview. He doesnt say if he wins, it will be because of his huge amount of support from the Latino Community. Rather, he says that if he wins, it will be because romney alienated the Latino Community. What do you make of that distinction . The reality is that republicans have really alienated the hispanic community. Republicans opposed the antiimmigrant laws, voted against the dream act in the senate, voted against Immigration Reform. So you can see the polls, most latinos will be voting for president barack obama and president barack obama cant do it alone. He needs republicans. The reason why he says he couldnt get Immigration Reform this year is because or the first year when he was in office is simply because republicans dont support him. Yeah, theres a big distinction. Its not only that democrats are trying to get Immigration Reform. Mostly it has to do with republicans criticizing the Latino Community and immigrant community so much that its going to be close to impossible for them to get more than 33 , 35 of the hispanic vote. The latest polling shows the president with strong support from the latinos. If this election is going to be about turnout, is there any indication about what latino turnout is expected to be like, especially when compared to 2008 . When you compare it to 2008, it is expected to be just as high. The enthusiasm and this is measured usually by latino decisions and media, they have been doing a tracking poll for the last nine weeks and they do measure the level of enthusiasm and we have been following that and from when they started nine weeks ago to today, it has increased tremendously to the point where it is at the same level as it was in 2008. But you really hit it right on the nail. The answer for barack obama, the secret to his success with latinos is going to be the turnout. The latest polls show that 71 of latinos support president obama while only 20 support governor romney. But they do not go out and vote, it wont make a difference. It should make a difference nationally and should make a difference in several battleground states, particularly in colorado and in nevada. Yeah. Jorge, you recently challenged the president on the fact he hasnt lived up to his promise on Immigration Reform. I just want to play that. A promise is a promise, and with all due respect, you didnt keep that promise. Well, heres what i would say, jorge, is that weve had this conversation before. Theres the thinking that the president is somebody who is all powerful and can get everything done, and so i am happy to take responsibility for the fact that we didnt get it done but i did not make a promise that i would get everything done 100 when i was elected as president. What i promised was that i would work every single day as hard as i can to make sure that everybody in this country, regardless of who they are, what they look like, where they come from, that they would have a fair shot at the american dream. So when the president tells the Des Moines Register hes going to get Immigration Reform done in the next year, to your point, thats a promise latinos have heard before. Exactly. Many latinos are disillusioned with president barack obama. The reality is that he has deported more immigrants than any other president in the history of the United States and he broke a promise. He said that in 2008 and its very difficult for latinos to believe president barack obama. However, when latinos have to choose between president barack obama who still supports Immigration Reform and the dream act, and governor romney, who supports selfdeportation, who says that hes going to veto the dream act, who doesnt have a plan for 11 million undocumented immigrants, hes saying he has a permanent solution but hasnt given any specifics. When latinos have a choice, they still prefer president barack obama. Maria, you reinforced this earlier. When people think of the latino vote, where its especially important, people typically think of states, big populations like florida or california, but as you said, if you look at a state like colorado, where the president and governor romney are neck and neck, 13 of the electorate thats latino, it could make the difference between winning and losing that state. Thats a huge percentage. Latino decisions recently did an analysis of National Polls and they believe that they might be off about 4 , because maybe some of these polls are not including latinos. Latinos in both english and spanish, because even though of course u. S. Citizens that are latino speak english because they have to pass the citizenship test but a lot of them prefer to get their information in spanish. Therefore, theres a good possibility according to latino decisions that the polls that were seeing nationally and in some battleground states are not accurate because they did not measure adequately the hispanic vote. So its very possible that that number could be 4 more toward president obama. So were expecting that in this election, november 6, approximately 12. 2 million latinos will vote. Thats about a 26 increase from 2008. But if they go out and vote it will make a difference. If they dont go out and vote, it wont. Thank you very much. Great to have you on. Thank you. Its been called a frankenstorm and by chad myers, the imperfect storm. Its Hurricane Sandy and its headed for the east coast just in time for halloween. Chad has the latest on where it could hit and how bad it could be, next. A desktop in zurich. And a telepresence room in brazil. The secure cloud helped us get some numbers from my assistants pc in new york. And before i reached the top, the Board Meeting became a congrats we sold the company party. Wait til my wifes phone hears about this. [ cellphone vibrating ] [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, working together has never worked so well. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, energy is being produced to power our lives. While Energy Development comes with some risk, north americas natural Gas Producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleanerburning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within selfcontained well systems. And, using stateoftheart monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. Were americas natural gas. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. Together for your future. Together for your future. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. And that their Homeowners Insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesnt. Stop pretending. Only Flood Insurance covers floods. Visit floodsmart. Gov pretend to learn your risk. People in the bahamas are preparing for Hurricane Sandy as people here on the east coast of the u. S. Are starting to hear a lot about what it could bring as it gets closer. Its being called a frankenstorm, a mix of a hurricane and a winter storm. Sandys now a category 2 hurricane with winds of 105 miles an hour. Damaged more than 3,000 buildings in eastern cuba according to state television. Its cost lives in cuba and haiti and jamaica. Meteorologist chad myers joins us now live with the latest. Chad, wheres the storm now and when could it hit and where . Its 285 miles from miami, not moving toward miami, moving to the northwest, not to the west, where it would have to be. Heres miami itself. Theres the florida peninsula right through there. Right here, not that far from the keys, thats where the center of sandy is now, about 100, 105 miles an hour. Hurricane Hunter Aircraft not finding hurricane speeds over 100, 105. Thats about it for right now. Still a category 2. Big storm. Lots of waves. Huge, huge waves coming onshore here in florida and that will do beach erosion, that will also cause significant rip currents. Cant be in that water tomorrow as we start to move this storm closer and closer to florida. It turns away from america and then it turns back to america, its been a very fickle storm but it will be sucked in here into the northeast somewhere as a pretty significant storm. Worst case scenario, this could be a 1 billion storm. No question. This could be like the perfect storm was, what, 21 years ago. We just have to see where it hits. It could possibly hit new york city, right . Absolutely. No question about it. Let me show you the models. Models a couple days ago were all out into the atlantic and kept turning right. Now theyre all turning back on the left. It could hit maine, could hit massachusetts, could be all the way down into the carolinas, new york just happens to be in the middle of that cone. Okay. What kind of impact are we potentially talking about here . We will obviously have high water, there will be flooding along the coast. I cant tell you yet. Its still four days away. This could have a significantly bigger impact on new york city, connecticut, long island, new jersey, than irene did last year. This could be a big storm as it makes that turn and slams directly into where new york and new jersey come together, the water could really pile up in here. Maybe that problem we thought about last time where waters in the subway, if it gets to be right in new york harbor, were talking about that scenario potential again. Chad, well keep watching. Thanks. A lot more were following. Isha is here with the bulletin. A late breaking story. Here is what john sununu said moments ago on piers morgan tonight. When you look at coll inch colin powell, you have to look at whether this is the issues or a slightly different reason for endorsing the president. What would that be . Well, if you are proud of someone of your own race being president , applaud colin for doing so. There wasnt enough real time information to determine exactly what was happening in benghazi, libya last month. Four americans were killed in the assault. Business news now, apple says profits jumped 24 last quarter, driven by sales of the new iphone. The Company Earned 8. 2 billion on sales, off 36 billion, slightly below predictions. And after a year of ren novations, the statue of liberty will reopen on sunday, the monuments 126th birthday. The improvements will make lady liberty easier to navigate. For the first time, visitors using wheelchairs can reach one of the observation decks. Thank you, isha. I wish my patients could see what i see. That over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. So its even more important to lower their cholesterol, and thats why, when diet and exercise alone arent enough, i prescribe crestor. In a Clinical Trial versus lipitor, crestor got more highrisk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. Like people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor about other medicines youre taking. Call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of rare but serious side effects. Is your cholesterol at goal . Talk to your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Ah, yes, time for the ridiculist. Tonight were bringing you word of something that has probably been missing from your beauty regimen. Just speaking in general for a moment here, i dont think its fair that women sometimes men, mostly women are made to feel that they have to go to extremes and sometimes painful lengths to look a certain way. The eyebrow waxing, botox, facelifts, that prescription for socalled inadequate eye lashes, whatever that is. Theres even a deodorant thats supposed to make womens armpits more attractive. Thats right, armpits more attractive. Its madness, all of it. But at least no one was suggesting you get punched in the face to try to look younger. Until now. Yes, there is a place in San Francisco that will slap you in the face in the name of beauty. Its supposed to help wrinkles look smaller and make the skin firmer and it isnt just for women. On Good Morning America a reporter tried it out but didnt seem to notice results so he had to get help from the owners. You see the jaw line right here . This side, you dont see a jaw line. This technique is supposedly a thai tradition passed down from generation to generation although nick wasnt afraid to cut to the chase on that one. Perhaps because he had just been slapped in the face for 15 minutes. You can say anythings with ancient thai wisdom and everyone will think its great when actually its rubbish. This is definitely not rubbish. This is very serious. You may be wondering how much it cost to let someone slap you in the face. Its 350 for one treatment. Yeah. 350 for one face slapping in a specific area or for 1,000 you can really treat yourself to a full course of face slapping, choosing from the following styles. Face slapping to look like a celebrity. Face slapping to look younger. And face slapping to charm your significant other. Of course, the big question is, does it really work. Of course there is no medical evidence this really works, although doctors concede it might improve circulation and bring on a healthy flush. Look, i dont want to sound cynical because apparently this face slapping thing has been going on for a long time in other parts of the world and theyre not stopping at the face, either. Oh, no. In thailand for years they have been slapping faces and chests to enlarge and Something Else that roughly translates as butt pinching. Its to firm the butt. Its to help shape the butt, make it bigger as well. By punching it . Correct. All right. Listen, can we just call the game right here and admit theres already too much emphasis on looks before we expect people to make room in their budgets for cosmetic butt punching . Thats a sentence by the way i never thought i ul

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