Transcripts For CNNW Americas Choice 2016 Republican National Convention 20160720

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American freedom and with it, this great nation. The only way we save it, the only way we save it is by electing donald trump the next president of the United States. Thank you and god bless you. Please welcome professional golfer Natalie Gulbis. Thank you. I appreciate this Incredible Opportunity to speak to you about a man i greatly admire, a man i found to be gracious, generous and inspiring. I must begin, however, by saying theres a great deal of irony that im speaking to you tonight because when i earned my tour card 16 years ago, i was told theres only two things you dont talk about in public, faith and politics. Well, tonight im prepared to violate both those admonitions. As i stand before you at the Republican National convention as a christian woman. I believe that gods timing is perfect and he puts people in our lives to help make us a positive impact on those around us and to help us achieve our goals. One of those people for me is donald trump. The first time i played golf with him in 2005, i shared two things i had told countless ceos, billionaires and politicians before him. One, i had a dream to open up my own boys and girls club and two, i was deeply frustrated about being treated differently as a woman. Overlooked and underpaid in business. These words previously fell on deaf, albeit wellintentioned ears, but that day was different. They finally fell on ears that cared enough to take action. Im proud to tell you that with donalds help, i opened up the Natalie Gulbis boys and girls club. And in response to my frustration about being treated unfairly as a woman, he adamantly rejected the notion and instead offered me a simple idea that changed my life forever. Never fear challenging the status quo. He encouraged me to think of myself not as a female athlete but as a businessperson. In everything you do, be fearless, he reminded me. Be fearless. As an athlete, fearlessness came natural to me but as a businesswoman, i faced challenges that werent always on a level Playing Field. Even today, i face challenges and donald remains a consistent voice, encouraging me to stand up to gender injustices and to lean into any professional challenge that comes my way. I hope you take these principles about generosity and fearlessness and that they can have a similar impact for you in your life like theyve had in mine. Ronald reagan said status quo is latin for the mess were in and while i believe that this is the greatest time to be a woman in the greatest country in the history of the world, i have no delusions that there isnt a mess to clean up, and we desperately need someone to clean up that mess. That person is donald trump. And if ones history of fearlessness and challenging the status quo is an indicator for meaningful change, then donald trump is the person to bring that to america. Thank you. Good evening. Are you having fun . Melania and i had such a great time last night, an unbelievable evening. Today has been a very, very special day, watching my children put me over the top earlier, the party seal, what we did, getting the partys nomination, ill never forget it. It was something ill never, ever forget. A little over one year ago i announced my candidacy for president and with your vote today, this stage of the president ial process has come to a close. Together, we have achieved historic results with the largest vote total in the history of the Republican Party. This is a movement but we have to go all the way. Im so proud to be your nominee for president of the United States. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on thursday night on how we build a brighter and more hopeful future for all americans. Its an honor to run on a ticket with governor mike pence, who is an incredible man and who will make a great, great Vice President. Ill be with him in cleveland tomorrow night and well be together again on thursday night, and by the way, we are going to win the state of ohio and also, of course, were going to win the presidency and bring real change and Leadership Back to washington. This is going to be a leadership, by the way, that puts the American People first. Were going to bring back our jobs. Were going to rebuild our depleted military and take care of our great veterans. Were going to have strong borders. Were going to get rid of isis. And were going to restore law and order, we have to restore and quickly, law and order among many and just so many other things. And ill be discussing that thursday night, we will be talking all about it. But together, most importantly, we are going to make America Great again. Have a fantastic evening. Ill see you tomorrow night. Ill see you on thursday night. And we will win in november. Thank you. Thats the second time donald trump has made an appearance at this convention so far. Last night introducing melania trump, was obviously the first time. Both unconventional appearances by a president ial candidate. Usually do not actually hear from the candidate until the night the candidate makes their speech. Jeffrey lord, clearly its something, this room came to a complete standstill to watch this candidate. Yeah. Well, they like him. Lots of these people, most of these people do. He is very unconventional. These appearances, this one where he sort of beams in from trump tower is very unusual. There was talk about tonight being focused on make america work again. Last night, make america safe again. It does seem like a number of the speakers have basically repeated the themes that were spoken last night, national security, about Hillary Clinton, about emails, about mentions about benghazi and others. Im assuming we are going to hear more as the evening goes on. I hope it doesnt go on all night. That is in part what helped get him here. Also interesting, its a mix of, we will hear from donald trump jr. , from Tiffany Trump, Donald Trumps children, again that idea of sort of personalizing him which is what Paul Manafort said he really wanted people to get by the end of this convention. But we have heard a mix of sort of practice politicians not some of whom havent even mentioned donald trump by name, and then also sort of celebrity golfer. Yes. Whats interesting, i think donald trump jr. Kind of gave us insight into that. He said i wish i could stand on this stage tonight and talk about my father and it be a warm, fuzzy kind of speech. We will hear part of that. But the stakes are too high in this country which is why we heard along with the make america work again night a consistent theme of prosecuting a case against Hillary Clinton and highlighting the crossroads this country stands at as we face terrorism, as we face Law Enforcement being targeted. Donald trump jr. Is highlighting the importance of the crossroads and the choice we face in november. Is there a danger, s. E. , you are not a trump supporter, of prosecuting a case against Hillary Clinton night after night without sort of saying what youre for . Not in this room. You cant talk about hillary enough in this room. I do think that having dana white, the ufc president , Natalie Gulbis, who can speak to a working relationship with donald trump, and donald trump helping build their businesses, that to me felt personal. I thought those were two really good moments. As to don jr. , i talked to him earlier, we are friendly, and i said are you going to go personal today or politics . As he said to dana, he said theres too much going on in the world for me to just get up there and talk about my dad. I said but you do it so well and no one is more qualified to talk personally about your dad than you. Please do that a little. He said he promised it would be a mix. Im hoping to hear, and from tiffany as well, hoping to hear the stories about their dad. That doesnt mean they dont talk about the state of the world as well. But i want those personal kinds of anecdotes and moments that i know the trump kids can do really well. Its interesting because Paul Manafort was specifically saying thats what this convention is about, getting to show that side of donald trump. Im baffled by what im seeing. So far this is all anger and no answers, if what you are trying to figure out is what is donald trump going to do. Dana white and Natalie Gulbis werent angry. Fine. There were two people who werent. Basically, i think the main emotional tenor of this is Hillary Clinton is a horrible person, Hillary Clinton is a horrible person. All anger, no answers. I thought we were going to talk about his economic ideas. I thought we were going to talk about how he was going to put america back to work. We havent heard a single thing about that yet. Im concerned about that. Also, if you take the two nights together, you have at a night where you are attacking muslims, mexicans, black lives matter, et cetera, now you are attacking Hillary Clinton, i still havent heard a single answer for how specifically hes going to get a job in this country tonight. Not so far. Have you . Yes, i have. This is what the democrats are trying to do. They are completely misreading the mood of this country. There is fear, there is anxiety. The last two weeks, we have seen nice, we have seen baton rouge, we have seen terror across this world and in this country, orlando. People are scared, they are nervous. It is not hate donald trump is proposing, its Reasonable Solutions to the problem i havent heard a solution. I would love to debate with you about the Solutions Proposed tonight. There have not been any proposed tonight. This werent that many proposed last night and thats a problem. Can we talk to you about that again at the dnc . Of course. These are not places where people list off policy ideas and the intricacies of those ideas. If they do it at the Democratic Convention in detail, i will be very surprised and it will make for a pretty boring convention. I dont think we are talking about needing to hear a dissertation on economics. How about one proposal to build a bridge . How about one proposal to do anything at all except bash Hillary Clinton . Thats not what unites the Republican Party. Because they all disagree about the solutions to hees problems, in fact. Paul ryan on one side, lots of people on the other, including maybe donald trump. What unites the Republican Party is the antihillary sentiment and everybody tonight did what they did last night, just in a little bit of a different way. You had michael mukasey, the former attorney general and you pointed out he didnt mention donald trump. He didnt mention donald trump. But he has talked about him recently. He said we dont need a president who summons applause with tantrums and homicidal fantasies and called those comments about judge curiel baseless and squalid. He didnt mention donald trump tonight. He delivered this indictment of Hillary Clinton. That underscores the problem with the Republican Party right now in that you have large elements of the party who arent comfortable with their candidate. There are a couple other things tonight that i thought were interesting was both chris cox and the golfer were talking of women. Chris cox made the point that american women are the fastest the Largest Group of gun owners, right. That appears directly to the problem that donald trump has lets get back down to wolf. We are about to hear from freshman u. S. Senators. Mitch mcconnell is on the stage as well. Two senators are not here to participate in the socalled show of unity. Ben sass said he would take his children on a tour of dumpster fires in their home state because they are better than either trump or Hillary Clinton. The other ten, most of them from solid red states. The freshman senator from alaska will be speaking on behalf of these ten freshmen senators. Several of them have already spoken here including tom cotton of arkansas. Lets listen in. Hello, republicans im dan sullivan from the great state of alaska. And im proud to be standing here tonight with my fellow freshmen senators. This is who we are. Governors and doctors, educators and ministers, ceos and hog farmers, moms and dads. We have served in the United States army, in the United States marines, and now we serve in the United States senate. In 2014, you made this happen. Republicans all across the country coming together who want a new energy in the senate and who wanted to fire harry reid. And thats exactly what we did. In 2016, we need to keep that momentum going. We need to keep the senate in republican hands and win back the white house. We will put coal miners and oil drillers back to work. Not target them for extinction as hillary has promised. We must, we must reignite Economic Opportunity and the American Dream for everybody. And when we do this, when we do this together, we will make America Great again. Thank you. Please welcome back the speaker of the house, paul ryan of wisconsin. Everybody, hey, thank you all very, very much. Im wisconsin. Delegates, friends, fellow citizens, i cant tell you how much i appreciate the privilege of addressing this 41st convention of the party of lincoln. And as part of my chairman duties, let me thank all of the people of this beautiful city for looking after us this week. And above all, above all, i want to thank the men and women who are here from Law Enforcement for your service. You know, standing up here again, it all has kind of a familiar feel. Students of trivia will recall that last time around, i was your nominee for Vice President. It was a great honor. It was a great honor even if things didnt work out quite according to the plan. Hey, im a positive guy. I found some other things to keep me busy. And i like to look at it this way. The next time that theres a state of the union address, i dont know where joe biden or barack obama are going to be, but youll find me right there on the rostrum with Vice President mike pence and president donald trump. Democracy, democracys a series of choices. We republicans have made our choice. Have we had our arguments this year . Sure we have. You and i call those signs of life, signs of a party thats not just going through the motions, not just mouthing new words for the same old stuff. Meanwhile, what choice has the other party made in this incredible year filled with so many surprises . Here we are at a time when men and women in both parties so clearly, so undeniably want a big change in direction for america, a clean break from a failed system, and what does the Democratic Party establishment offer . What is their idea of a clean break . They are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. And you are supposed to be excited about that. For a country so ready for change, it feels like we have been cleared for takeoff and then somebody announced were all going back to the gate. Its like we have been on hold forever, waiting and waiting to finally talk to a real person and somehow we have been sent back to the main menu. Watch the Democratic Party Convention Next week. That fourday infomercial of political correct moralizing and let it be a reminder of all that is at stake in this election. You can get through four days of it with a little help from the mute button. But four more years of it . Not a chance. Not a chance. Look, the obama years are almost over. The clinton years are way over. 2016 is the year america moves on. From now until november, we will hear how many different ways progressive elitists can find to talk down to the rest of america, to tell the voters that the obama years have been good for you, that you should be grateful and well, now its hillarys turn. The problem is really simple. The problem here is very simple. There is a reason people in our country are disappointed and restless. If opportunity seems like its been slipping away, thats because it has. And liberal progressive ideas have done exactly nothing to help. Wages never seem to go up. The whole economy feels stuck and millions of americans, millions of americans, middle class security is now just a memory. Progressives like to talk like our president like to talk forever about poverty in america and if highsounding talk did any good, we would have overcome those deep problems long ago. This explains why under the most liberal president we have had so far, poverty in america is worse, especially for our fellow citizens who are promised better and who need it most. The result is a record of discarded promises, empty gestures, phony straw men arguments, reforms put off forever, shady power plays like the one that gave us obamacare, constitutional limits brushed off as nothing and all the while, dangers in the world downplayed even as the threats grow bolder and come closer. Its the last chapter of an old story. Progressives deliver everything except progress. Yet we know better than most, we know better than to think that republicans can win only on the failures of democrats. It still comes down to a contest of ideas which is really good news, ladies and gentlemen, because when its about ideas, the advantage goes to us against their dreary backdrop of arrogant bureaucracies, pointless mandates, reckless borrowing, willful retreat from the world and all that progressives have in store for us, the Republican Party stands as the great enduring alternative party. We believe in making government as Ronald Reagan said, not the distributor of gifts and privilege, but once again, the protector of our liberties. Let the other party go on making its case for more government control over every aspect of our lives, more taxes to pay, more debt to carry, more rules to follow, more judges who just make it up as they go along. We in this party, we are committed to a federal government that acts again as a servant, accountable to the people, following the constitution, venturing not one inch beyond the consent of the governed. We, we in this party offer a better way for our country, based on fundamentals that go back to the founding generation. We believe in a free society, where aspiration and effort can make the difference in every life, where your starting point is not your destiny. And where your first chance is not your only chance. We offer a better way for america with ideas that actually work, a reformed tax code that rewards Free Enterprise instead of just enterprising lobbyists. A reformed Health Care System that operates by free choice instead of by force and doesnt leave you answering to cold, clueless bureaucrats. A commitment to a renewed commitment to building a 21st century military and giving our veterans the care that they were promised and the care that they earned. And we offer a better way for dealing with persistent poverty in this country. A way that shows poor americans the world beyond liberal warehousing and check writing into the life everyone can find with opportunity and independence, the happiness of using your gifts and the dignity of having a job, and you know what . None of this will happen under Hillary Clinton. Only with donald trump and mike pence do we have a chance at a better way. And last, last point, let the other party go on and on with its constant dividing up of people. Always playing one group against the other as if Group Identity were everything. In america, arent we all supposed to be and see beyond class . See beyond ethnicity . Are all these other lines drawn to set us apart and lock us into groups . Real social progress is always a widening of the circle of concern and protection. Its respect and empathy overtaking blindness and indifference. Its understanding that by the true measure, we are all neighbors and countrymen called each one of us to know what is right and kind and just, and to go and do likewise. Everyone, everyone is equal. Everyone has a place. No one is written off because theres worth and goodness in every life. Straight from the declaration of independence, that is the republican ideal and if we wont defend it, who will . So much, so much that you and i care about, so many things that we stand for in the balance in this coming election. Whatever we lack going into this campaign, we should not lack for motivation. In the plainest terms i know, it is all on the line. So lets act that way. Lets act that way. Lets use the edge we have because it is still what earns the trust in the votes. This year of surprises and dramatic turns can end in the finest possible way, when america elects a conservative governing majority. We can do this. We can earn that mandate if we dont hold anything back, if we never lose sight of the stakes, if we never lose sight of whats on the table. Our candidates will be giving their all. They will be giving their utmost and every one of us has got to go and do the same. So what do you say . What do you say . What do you say that we unify this party . What do you say that we unify this party at this crucial moment when unity is everything. Lets take our fight to our opponents with better ideas, lets get on the offensive and lets stay there. Lets compete in every part of america and turn out at the polls like every last vote matters because it will. Fellow republicans, what we have begun here, lets see this thing through. Lets win this thing. Lets show america our best and nothing less. Thank you. Thank you, and god bless. House speaker paul ryan. Coming up, Donald Trumps son, donald jr. And his daughter tiffany. They will speak about their dad. Plus trumps former rival, new jersey governor Chris Christie. More straight ahead. Great grains cereals are made fromreal fruit,clusters, wholesome nuts and crunchy flakes. Good things come together to make one great thing. Great grains. Why be good when you can be great . Welcome back to the Republican National convention. Jake, we are about to hear from Chris Christie, the new jersey governor. This is going to be shall i say a very lively attack, probably, on Hillary Clinton. I would guess so. That was his pitch to voters, that he was a former u. S. Attorney and he would be an effective prosecutor against Hillary Clinton. Obviously voters opted to go for the other loud and brash individual from across the river in new york, mr. Trump. Chris christie was the first major current Republican Office holder to endorse donald trump right out of the gate going for donald trump. As soon as he dropped out himself. Yeah, as soon as he dropped out himself. And its been a very interesting ride for him. If donald trump had gone, we know this from reporting, if donald trump had gone with his gut, we have picked Chris Christie as his Vice President ial nominee but he went to unite the party and went with a conservative governor and here is governor Chris Christie. Hes going to be walking out right now. Chris christie. This is going to be, i would guess, the equivalent of what we heard from Rudy Giuliani last night. Rudy giuliani was clearly on fire. We will see if the governor of new jersey similarly really goes on the attack right now. We suspect he will against Hillary Clinton in his defense of donald trump. Good evening. Good evening. Im here tonight not only as the governor of new jersey but also as Donald Trumps friend for the last 14 years. We are about to be led by not only a strong leader but by a caring, genuine and decent person. Im proud to say that the voice of the people of our nation is being heard in this hall tonight and those voices want donald trump to be the next president of the United States. But everybody, this election is not just about donald trump. No, its also about his democratic opponent, Hillary Rodham clinton. Now, in the past few weeks, weve seen the Justice Department refuse to prosecute her. Over the last eight years, weve seen this administration refuse to hold her accountable for her dismal record as secretary of state. So lets do something fun tonight. Tonight as a former federal prosecutor, i welcome the opportunity to hold Hillary Rodham clinton accountable for her performance and her character. Now [ chanting ] all right. All right. Were getting there. Give me a few more minutes, well get there. Heres what were going to do. Were going to present the facts to you. You tonight sitting as a jury of her peers, both in this hall and in your living rooms, around our nation. You see, since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, im going to present the case now on the facts against Hillary Rodham clinton. Now, she was americas chief diplomat so lets look around the world at the violence and the danger today in every region that has been infected by her flawed judgment. But im going to be specific so that you can render your verdict tonight on the basis of the facts. Lets go to north africa. She was the chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow of gadhafi in libya. Libya today after Hillary Clintons grand strategy, their economy is in ruins, theres death and violence on the streets and isis is now dominating that country. So can i ask you this. Hillary clinton as a failure for ruining libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity by isis, answer me now, is she guilty or not guilty . In nigeria, Hillary Clinton amazingly fought for two years to keep an al qaeda affiliate off of the terrorist watch list. Now, what happened . Because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the selfproclaimed champion of women all around the world. These al qaeda terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young women two years ago. These school girls are still missing today. And what was the solution from the Obama Clinton team . A hash tag campaign. So now lets figure it out. Lets decide. Hillary clinton as an apologist for an al qaeda affiliate in nigeria resulting in the capture of innocent young women. Is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty see, she fights for the wrong people. She never fights for us. She doesnt get the real threats that america faces. So now lets go to china. In china, Hillary Clinton praised the Chinese Government for buying our debt to finance Barack Obamas bloated stimulus plan. She was so desperate for chinese cash, she promised to oppose the buy american provision in the stimulus bill in exchange for the cash to finance a huge expansion of federal government spending. So Hillary Clinton putting Big Government spending financed by the chinese ahead of good paying jobs for middle class americans. Is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty lets go to syria. In syria, imagine this. Imagine this. She called president assad a reformer. She called assad a different kind of leader. Theres now 400,000 dead. Think about that. 400,000 dead. At the hands of the man that hillary defended. So we must ask this question. Hillary clinton as an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the middle east. Is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty next, next in iran. She launched the negotiations that brought about the worst nuclear deal in history. Let me be clear. America and the world are measurably less safe and less respected because of the iran deal that hillary helped cut, period. After she launched those negotiations, she became the biggest cheerleader for this agreement in the end. Its a deal that will lead to a nuclear iran and an israel that will be less safe and secure and a much more dangerous middle east. So lets ask it. Hillary clinton, as an inept negotiator of the worst Nuclear Arms Deal in american history, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty next [ crowd chanting ] next, oh, believe me, were not done yet. The indictment is hardly complete. Next lets go to russia. She went to the kremlin on her very first visit and gave them that stupid symbolic reset button. You know what i think that button should have read . It should have read delete. Shes very good at that, by the way. And it should have read delete because she deleted in four years the safety and security it took us to build in 40 years. The next year, she said our goal, americas goal, was to strengthen russia. Strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of reassembling the old soviet empire . What an extraordinarily dangerous lack of judgment. Once again, we need to ask, as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategists, who has permitted russia back in as a major player in the middle east, is Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty . Guilty now, now we go to cuba. Hillary clinton supported concessions to the castro brothers and got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo. She supported a deal that didnt even require this murderous regime to return a cop killer to face justice. See, i know about this personally. Joanne chesimard murdered a u. S. State trooper in cold blood, fled to cuba and lives there under cuban protection to this very day. I want to ask you. How could someone live with their own conscience when you reward a domestic terrorist with continued safety and at the same time betray the family of a Fallen Police officer waiting for decades for justice for his murder . So lets ask the question. Hillary clinton, as a coddler of the brutal castro brothers and betrayer of the family of fallen state trooper and his family, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty [ crowd chanting ] now finally, finally here at home in one of her first decisions as secretary of state, she set up a private email server in her basement in violation of our national security. Lets face the facts. Hillary clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she cared about protecting americas secrets. And then she lied about it over and over and over again. She said there was no marked classified information on her server. The fbi director said thats untrue. She said that she did not email any classified information. The fbi director says thats untrue. She said all workrelated emails were sent back to the state department. The fbi director said thats not true. So as to Hillary Clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty . Guilty [ crowd chanting ] ive got another question for you. Ive got another question for you. As to Hillary Clinton lying to the American People about her selfish, awful judgment in making our secrets vulnerable, whats your verdict . Guilty or not guilty . Guilty now, time, time after time after time, the facts and just the facts lead you to the same verdict. Both around the world and here at home. In libya, nigeria, guilty. In china and syria guilty. In iran and russia and cuba guilty. And here at home for risking americas secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up guilty. Her focus group tested persona with no genuineness to be found is a sham. Meant to obscure all the facts and leave you able to vote for her. We cannot promote someone to commander in chief who has made the world a more violent and dangerous place with every bad judgment shes made. We cannot make the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States someone who has risked americas secrets and lied to the American People about it day after day after day. Here it is, everybody. We didnt disqualify Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States. The facts of her life and career disqualify her. See, i can tell that everybody in this hall agrees with this but i want to take our last moments here to talk to you in your living rooms. Youre the ones that will decide. We have an alternative. We have a man not afraid. We have man who wants to lead us, who understands the frustrations of our fellow citizens. We have a man who judges citizens based on their performance regardless of their gender, their race, your ethnic and religious background. I implore you, we do not need to settle for less in this election. We cannot reward incompetence and deceit. We we need to demand more than what Hillary Clinton offers for america because we know exactly what four years of Hillary Clinton will bring, all the failure of the obama years but with less charm and more lies. Tonight those of us here, it is our obligation to stop Hillary Clinton now and never let her get within ten miles of the white house again. It is time to come together and make sure that donald trump is the next president of the United States i am proud to be part of this team. Now lets go out and win this thing together. Lets go get em. Good night. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tiffany Trump. Thank you all so much. Its so amazing to be with you tonight and say a few words about my father and your nominee for president. Please excuse me if im a little nervous. When i graduated college a couple of months ago, i never expected to be here tonight addressing the nation. Ive given a few speeches in front of classrooms and students but never in an arena with more than 10 Million People watching. But like my father, i never back down from challenges. Im a little new to the Convention Scene but incredibly honored and very confident in the good man. Its often said with enough effort and determination, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. But saying those words and living them are two Different Things and my father has lived them. Its one of his defining qualities and ive seen it in action all of my life. Whatever he does, he gives his all and does it well. His desire for excellence is contagious. He possesses a unique gift for bringing that trait out in others, starting with those closest to him. Hes always helped me be the best version of myself, by encouragement and by example, he motivates me to work my hardest and to always stay true to who i am and what i believe. Thats what he does. He draws out the talent and drive in people so that they can achieve their full potential. Thats a great quality to have in a father and better yet in the president of the United States. As a reent college graduate, i still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them, contrary to what you might expect from someone who places the emphasis on results, my dads comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom. Just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. Donald trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent. My father always asks about my family in georgia to make sure they are safe and my 97yearold grandfather served in world war ii. I believe the measure of a person is revealed in their darkest times. For me the measure of a parent is based on how they support and bolster you when youre down. A few years ago someone very dear to me passed away and the first call i got, as i knew i would, came from my father. Without his unwavering care and support for me during such a challenging time, i dont know how i would have made it through. As far too many know, it is the small, loving acts that help an enormous amount in times of grief. My father is good with advice, as you might guess, but he keeps it short and the takeaway is the same, to help us find our own way and own gifts. If you do what you love, hold nothing back and never let fear or failure get in the way, then you pretty much figured out the trump formula. My dad is a natural born encourager, the last person who will ever tell to you lower your sights or give up your dream. They meet a man with natural charm and no facade. In person my father is so friendly, so considerate and so real. My friends walk away with a glimpse of all that he is and all that he means to me of the strong, protective, kind, endearing man i am so proud to call my father. I have admired my father all of my life and i love him with all my heart. God bless you and thank you. Tiffany trump speaking about her father. Shortly her brother, donald trump jr. , will also be speaking. Well be bringing you that address. Lets get some thoughts from our panel. Chris christie, i felt like i was at the salem witch trial, guilty, guilty, guilty. Theres a twofold purpose here. Its to crown the victor and to begin winning the fight for the fall and i havent seen the outreach with the latter goal in mind. Is it strange to go from a Chris Christie to a Tiffany Trump . I would have wanted her in that 10 00 hour because she was excellent. Now donald jr. May be even better. I thought as opposed to melanias speech last night, which was fine, this one had intimate sort of reflections some details about report cards. This is the first speaker that painted a portrait of donald trump as a human being that was believable and touching. So actually i think she did a very good job. As for christie, i suspect he gave a speech that was meant to make donald trump miss the fact that he didnt pick christie for Vice President. You think that was the subtext . Donald trump wanted an attack dog and Chris Christie delivered what he he delivered the goods that he would have delivered tomorrow night if he was picked at v. P. Obviously it played well in this room. Im curious to know how independents, others on the fence watching around the country essentially call for the conviction of badly. The other candidate. Weve seen Hillary Clintons honest and trustworthy number take a dive and the fbi director essentially indicted her, not in a court of law of course, her numbers are just 28 of the country trusting her. That is a remarkably low number, bring that case and hammer it home mia. I think after last night, it felt a little redundant. He essentially said what we were hearing last night. I feel like it would have been better if he made a case for donald trump rather than making a case against Hillary Clinton. Weve heard that before. Hillary clinton is one of the most controversial and least liked political candidates in history and youre acting like exploiting that is somehow beyond the pale. Are we not going to about but donald trump also has those same problems in terms of honesty and trustworthy and likability. Let it not be forgot that Hillary Clinton pounds away just like this on donald trump almost every time shes got a podium. Can i just ask what happened to jobs and the economy night . Yeah. That was supposed to be the theme of this evening. I think Chris Christie, i agree with david, i think he gave a speech he wanted to give as a Vice President ial nominee and i think he, you know, provided a very tough indictment of Hillary Clinton. I thought tiffanys anecdotes were very personal but weve heard all of these speakers, including members of congress basically say hell pass our bills. And except for paul ryan, who was uplifting i think paul ryan did something very important tonight. I think Chris Christie, i thought he sounded terrible and if you like that kind of stuff, good for you, good for you. But i think that for ordinary people, i think paul ryan was trying. That was the first major person ive heard really try to get out there and appeal to a different part of what republicanism is. Those folks respond to Chris Christie, but when he was talking about his vision and ideas, they were very quiet. I think part of what was talking about paul ryan, when he talked about kindness and talked about empathy, thats incredibly resonant but its not of a candidate. Here he is in disagreement to donald trump. I know paul ryan. I did not hear him utter a single word that he doesnt believe in tonight. What he said tonight was both helpful to the candidate and honest though it want too much about donald trump. It was much more about it was his agenda. His agenda. And we should point out donald trump jr. Is going to be coming up soon. Hillary clinton has tweeted out in response to Chris Christie, if you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you with a link to an article about the timeline of the whole bridge. It was a very smart speech. He did not hold donald trump while supporting him because he has a political future and hes walking a very fine line here. I heard that from ryan and i heard that from the other members of progress. They were supporting him but not holding him too close. Can we just reiterate, too, not to go back to tiffany, but when Tiffany Trump said when i brought home my report cards, van and i both sat up and clapped. We were all waiting for those personal moments. Let listen in. Heres donald trump jr. Good evening. Im donald trump jr. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] im the father of five young children, of 2yearold chloe to kai who just turned 9. Im the husband to vanessa, an a amazing wife and mother and the son of a great man. Im an american and tonight i want to talk to you about the country we live in, the country our children will grow up in. For my generation, this is the most important election of our lifetime, one that will determine the future of our country and in turn the future of the world. For too long our country has ignored its problems punting it down the road for its future generations to deal with. In business i was trained by my father to make the tough investments and decisions today to ensure a Brighter Future tomorrow. Weve actually started to believe that solving our great problems is an impossible task. And thats why we need to elect a man who has a track record of accomplishing the impossible. [ applause ] for the first time parents no longer think that their kids will be as well off as we were. Weve lost the confidence in our leaders and the faith in our institutions, but remember one thing, were still americans. Were still one country. And were going to get it all back. Were going to get it back better than ever before. I know well get it back because i no my father. I know that when people tell him it cant be done, that guarantees that he gets it done. I know that when someone tells him that something is impossible, thats what triggers him into action. When people told him it was impossible for a boy from queens to go to manhattan and take on developers in the big city, rather than give up, he changed the skyline of new york. Ive seen it time and time again, that look in his eyes when someone says it cant be done. I saw that look a little over a year ago when he was told he couldnt possibly succeed in politics. Hmm, yes, he did. For my father, impossible is just the starting point. Thats how he approaches business projects, thats how he approaches life. Whether its teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club or tackling the toughest negotiations, hes always fully committed. Thats why the person who would never run for office before stood on the stage in this very arena with 16 professional politicians and this week that same man will stand before you as our partys nominee for the president of the United States of america. As a proud son, its one of the greatest honors of my life. His unrelenting determination is why hes going to become our next president and why i know when my father said hell fix the country, he means it. You want to know what kind of president hell be . Let me tell you how he ran his businesses, and i know because i was there with him by his side on job sites, in Conference Rooms from the time i could walk. He didnt hide out behind some desk in an executive suite. He spent his career with regular americans. He hung out with the guys on construction sites, pouring sheet rock and hanging pouring concrete and hanging sheet rock. He listened to them and he valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from harvard and wharton locked away in offices away from the real work. Hes recognized the talent and the drive that all americans have. Hes promoted people based on their character, their street smarts and their work ethic. Not simply paper credentials. To this day many of the top executives in our company are individuals that started out in positions that were pblue colla but he saw something in them and pushed them to succeed. He sees the potential in people they dont even see in themselves, the potential that other executives would overlook because their resumes dont include the names of fancy colleges and degrees. I know he values those workers and qualities in people because those are the people he had my siblings and me work under when we started out. That he would trust our fo formative years to these men and women says all you need to know about donald trump. We didnt learn from mbas. We learned from people who had doctorates in common sense. [ applause ] guys like vinny stelio, who worked his way through the ranks to become a trusted adviser of my father. Its why were the only children of billionaires who are as comfortable in a cat perpillar we are in our own cars. My father knew it would teach us the dignity of heart work at a young age. He knew that whoever we are, wherever we are, we can get ahead, where everyone can prosper together. The other party tells us they believe in the American Dream, that we should worry about economic inequality and immobility. Theyre right but they dont tell you it was their policies that caused the problems and it was their policies that have know accountability. No accountability. They gave us the worst immigration system in the world, one that imports immobility, one that drives down employment and wages for hispanic americans, africanamericans and others. And favors illegals over those trying to go through the process legally and at times even over lawabiding citizens. It was Bernie Sanders himself who warned a large tide of new workers keeps wages low and poverty high. The other party gave us Public Schools that far too often fail our students, especially those that have no options. Growing up my siblings and i were truly fortunate to have choices and options that others dont have. We want all americans to have those same opportunities. [ cheers and applause ] our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now theyre stalled on the ground floor. Theyre like soviet Department Stores run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers, the teachers and administrators and not the students. You know why other countries do better on k through 12 . They let parents choose where to send their own children to school. Thats called competition. Its called the free market. And its what the other party fears. [ cheers and applause ] they fear it because theyre more concerned about protecting the jobs of tenured teachers than serving the students in desperate need of a good education. They want to run everything top down from washington. They tell us theyre the experts and they know whats best. The other party gave us a regulatory state on steroids. Dodd frank was a thousand pages long and its already spun off 22,000 pages in regulations. Imagine trying to digest all that before you even open your doors for business. That doesnt help consumers. What it does is destroy Small Business in favor of big businesses, who can afford the vast number of lawyers and accountants needed to comply. Dodd frank is Consumer Protection for billionaires . Its composed of a selfsatisfied we cant win that any longer, it too risky. The other party is the party of risk. I spent many times with many great americans who have served this country in the military and they know whats at stake. When we have weak leaders in position of power, americans risking our lives for our freedoms are less safe. Almost daily i get a call for a text from a real american hero. His name is mark geist and im proud to call him a friend. Mark was part of the Security Team at the annex on our grounds at the consulate at benghazi. Mark was one of the men who received frantic phone calls from his buddies at the compound, calls that pleaded for help, calls that he and his friend tried to answer. The secretary and the state department ignored their pleas for help both on the night and weeks and months leading up to the attack. It was a tragedy and one that would be repeated were she to win the election. Ask mark who is fit to lead, who has the judgment to lead, who will take that call at 3 00 in the morning. You know, or better yet ask yourselves if you were in marks shoes that night, who would you rather call . [ crowd chanting ] let me tell you something about risk. If Hillary Clinton were elected, shed be the first president who couldnt pass a basic background check. Its incredible. Hillary clinton is a risk americans cant afford to take. She said shell issue executive orders to take away americans guns, shell abolish the second amendment, just look at how effective those laws have been in inner city chicago. 70 people were murdered last month alone and where over 3,400 american lives were lost since this Administration Took Office in 2009. You know why those laws failed . Because criminals by definition dont follow laws. Rather than prosecuting real criminals, she would strip hard working law abiding citizens of their rights to protect themselves and their families. Shell throw every obstacle in the path of safe, reliable, Affordable Energy produced in america by americans for american businesses and families, rather than being energy independent, our country would be forced to remain beholden to her buddies in the middle east. Those are risks we cant afford to take. And when we win, were not going to have to. Theres so much work to do. We will not accept the current state of our country because its too hard to change. Thats not the america i know. Were going to unleash the creative spirit and energy of all americans. Were going to make our schools the best in the world for every single american of every single ethnicity and background. Were going to put americans first, all americans, not a special class of crony elites at the top of the heap. Were going to elect a president who will work with everyone to pass legislation that will make our country great again, a president who will give us a tax code that will free the American Economy and end special loopholes for the wealthy. A president who will give us an Immigration Law that protects american citizens and gives them jobs. A president who will repeal and replace obamacare without leaving our most vulnerable citizens without health care and who will do it without destroying medicare for seniors as Hillary Clinton has proposed. A president who knows we cant simply delete our problems but that we have to tackle them head on. A president who wont allow a p. C. Culture to put the safety and well being of our children and loved ones at stake, a president that wont bow and pander to nations that shudder at the very thought of americas existence. A president more concerned with the safety and comfort of his fellow americans than the feelings of those hostile nations abroad who if given the option would wipe america off the face of this earth. A president not beholden to special interests, foreign and domestic and one who funded his entire primary run out of his own pocket just to prove it. A president who will secure and defend the borders of the United States and will appoint judges who believe that freedom requires a limited government. A president who wont use the highest office in the land as a path to personal enrichment. A president who has actually created real jobs, who has actually signed the front of a paycheck and doesnt just talk about it in theory. A president who has real peoples families and livelihoods dependent on his success and the success of his company for decades. A president who speaks his mind and not just when it bewho whoo him to do so. And who doesnt need analytics to form a simple opinion. Who says what needs to be said and not just what you want to hear. A president who will unleash the greatness and give the hard working money and women who built this great country a voice once again. That president can only be my mentor, my best friend, my father. Donald trump. And when we elected him, well have done all that, well have made America Great again, greater than ever before. Thank you and god bless. [ cheers and applause ] donald trump jr. Delivering what may have been, jake and dana, the most effective, powerful speech so far these first two days of this convention. You know, a child of a nominee is expected to give a speech that is exploring the human side the way that you dont normally see out of a candidate. And we heard that with Tiffany Trump. She gave a very moving, emotional account of report cards and that sort of thing. Donald trump jr. , like his dad, is not conventional. And im sure somebody said to him you should give a speech and talk about how your dad taught you how to ride a bike or whatever and he wanted to give a different kind of speech and he gave the kind of speech that you would be able to hear generally from lets say a senator who knew donald trump. Who went after Hillary Clinton. He talked about the aspirations of the American People, almost as if he were running for office himself. Or had the intention or has the intention of wanting to do so. I dont mean any of this dismissively or as a neg if i have judgme negative judgment. Like his dad, he does things the way he wants to do them. It was a very effective speech and not the kind of speech you would expect from a child. I think he delivers a speech from a teleprompter a lot better than his on father does. That goes without saying. You forgot that he was actually reading from a teleprompter. It was an incredibly well delivered speech, a very polished guy and very polished speaker. I was actually a little bit surprised. I think youre right, jake, that he talked obviously a lot more about issues and about politics and education right, policy than you would think a child of a candidate would do but the beginning of it he actually did give a lot of information that maybe a friend would know but something that he said that really struck me was that im the kid of a billionaire and yet i can drive Construction Equipment as much as i can drive a car, which is his way of humanizing him but also kind of trying to explain why he is something who lives in trump tower but has been able to get in part why hes been able to get working class voters on his side. Thats an excellent point. We we should also point out that don jr. Went to boarding school and largely raised by his wife. His relationship with his father obviously he will a relationship with his father when he was a boy and it was strong and this and that but i know that they bonded most strongly when don jr. Came into the business and his father taught him the business. And it is interesting, as you know, that he did talk about the way that donald trump would introduce him to the guys doing the construction on the sites. And thats obviously something that im sure a lot of the voters here found it was a good combination because he spoke personally as the son of donald trump and he said the future of the world is at stake in this election. He went through defending his dad in a very serious way. I was looking at my twitter feed. And eric eriksson, who is not a fan of donald trump tweeted wow, one of his kids really is a republican, meaning the trump family not that long ago led by the father tended to sound and be more of a democrat. When he was talking about needing competition for education and so forth, those are thats republican credo. Don jr. Is definitely a republican. Ivanka and eric trump were registered as independents, done jr. Was able to vote as a republican. Which is why he was able to be a delegate. Hes 38 years old. Tiffany only 2 2 years old and thought she was effective. S. E. , i saw you smiling through a lot of that speech. It sounded like a lot of what you thought you would hear. First of all, im incredibly proud of my friend don jr. Wolf talked about how comfortable he looked and how easy and amazing. It was personal in a way i didnt expect. He talked about his relationship with his dad at work and maybe thats because he doesnt have those stories of his dad teaching him to ride a bike. Maybe the relationship was forged in the office or on a construction site. I did get a sense of who donald trump the dad is, just not in the way i was expecting in on the other stuff, on the policy, it is clear he is fluent in this language in a way i think his dad is not. Donald trump jr. Knows what hes talking about when it comes to politics. He knows the conservative meat in a way that i think his dad has missed at times throughout this campaign. There was another fascinating aspect of this piece, it had some a populist undertone. We heard don jr. Say he got out there and stood by the guy pouring concrete, promoting people who had doctorates and common sense, not just ivy league pedigrees. Those are the voters donald trump has been so effective at reaching and those are the ones that could put him over the top because between the polls of new york and l. A. , theres a whole segment of society donald trump knows how to speak to as opposed to Hillary Clinton who said shes dead broke upon leaving the white house and cant connect with voters on the same visceral level. One of the phrases he used was people have a doctorate in common sense. If we remember the phrase from our youth about the best and brightest, which were j. F. K. s folks, Lyndon Johnsons folks, they had all the degrees and yet they gave us vietnam. This is coming down to those having doctorates in common sense versus the best and brightest and Hillary Clinton who is the epitome of the best and the brightest. I appreciate what he was doing. As a parent, you cant imagine how proud they must have felt. Then he just goes off and does the same stuff everybody else has been doing and i felt it lost a lot of its power. His purpose was really served very well, the first five, ten minutes. After that, he lost me. I think that republicans like s. E. Cupp and Eric Ericsson were thrilled and wishing that donald jr. Was running for president of the United States, but he not running for president of the United States. It may be that his more youthful purpose here, you say they didnt really know each other. He mentioned he has a whole bunch of kid. I wonder what Donald Trumps relationships are with his kids. I think he could have fleshed out he taught his daughter how to swing a golf club. He got there a little bit. I think he did it in another way, when he started describing the character of his father, he gets that look in his eye when you tell him something is impossible. Now, of the people ive spoken with who are friends of donald trump, they say the things you have to say to him is you cant do that and then he goes and does it. And i think thats what his son was talking about. In addition to all the rest of the it was interesting to hear him flip from who is ready for the 3 a. M. Phone call to who would you want send it to, donald trump or Hillary Clinton . Im hearing from friend who are not republicans at all and very skeptical of donald trump loved this speech. He also made an olive branch to Bernie Sanders. He talked about Bernie Sanders, he talked about the new aristocrats, the sort of 1 that sit on the top of the heap and keep the little guys down. I thought the whole idea of donald trump investing in blue collar workers, talking about education, thats something that certainly moms around the country are worried about when they have to send their kids out to schools. I think this speech had something for everyone. I mean, it was a way that people could see themselves in a donald trump business, in a donald trump world. I thought that was a rare thing and sort of flipped what weve seen from donald trump. Im going to Say Something thats going to sound like a sleight, its not. Donald trump is on his third wife. This is an awfully impressive family. Theyve endured divorce. Every one of these kids is impressive, theyre all high achievers. You have to respect and admire the way theyve been raised. Many are look at november 8 and thinking its a waterloo on the trump phenomenon, forget it. These kids are going to be around for a long, long time. Somebodys running for office. This was to me one of a few, including tiffany and melania, personally enthusiastic speeches about donald trump. All of these politics have not hugged him too close and theyve walked this real tightrope here. This was policy, yeah, im with him, im a real conservative as donald trump jr. Is but also personal. Hes his son, i get it, and all the rest but he clearly understands the policy and he embraced it and gave people an idea more than the candidate of where he would take the country. One thing to be fair, ive gotten some texts from people who surprised me and said, yeah, we really liked that speech. The question is is as michael hinted at, do people impute to donald trump qualities they admire . Thats a place where donald trump has had an advantage in the latest poll of you see yourself having a barbecue if donald trump wins by 14 points. I think the children really helped push him over in that likability category, making him relatable and it helped obama win the election. If youre undecided and maybe tuning into the election now by the way, theres still five months, to go, right . If youre just tuning in now and you have reservations about trump, what don jr. Just did was maybe reassure you, a, he understands conservatism and if he understands conservatism like we understand conservatism, you dont have to be that afraid. I understand your dad. Despite his extravaganceextravae are well raised, normal kids. This also makes you think he cant be that bad. Theyre not normal kid. Those are phenomenal kids. When my kid are big enough to walk on a stage, if they can do what those kids did, im going to be bursting with prize. That does rub off for a viewer. Hey, he must have done something right. The other thing that happened tonight, you never heard donald trump and Construction Material put in the same sentence. Its usually the platinum, the gold. I think that was good. Listen, he gets points tonight for having great kids. But i still this if youre dr. Ben carson is coming out. Lets listen in. Thank you. Thank you very much. Dont eat up my time. Thank you. I thank you all very much. I want to start out by saying one very important thing, i hate Political Correctness because its antithetical to the founding principles of this country and the secular progressives use it to make people shift down and shut up while they change everything. Its time for us to stand up and shout out. You know, i devoted my career who to studying and operating on the human brain. This remarkable organ defines our humanity. It gives us the ability to not only feel and observe but to reason. When we elect a president , we need to use that power of reasoning to look at their history, their character, what kind of people they really are. It makes all the difference in the world for us. And it is going to be so critical right now. We must resist the temptation to take the easy way out and to passively accept what is fed to us by the politically elite and the media. Because they dont know what theyre talking about but they have an agenda. Now, we must also be weary of the narrative thats being advanced by some in our own party, the notion that a Hillary Clinton administration wouldnt be that bad, the effects would only be temporary. You know, that it would on last for four and at most eight years. Theyre not using their god given brain to think about what theyre saying. Because it wouldnt be four or eight years. Because she will be appointing people who will have an effect on us for generations and america may never recover from that. S that thats what we have to be thinking about. Interestingly enough, we have to start thinking about what would Hillary Clinton do if she was in fact the president. She would appoint Supreme Court justices, she would appoint federal judges and that would have a deleterious effect for generations to come. Not only that but she would continue with a system that denigrates the education of our young people, puts them in a place where theyre never going to be able to get a job, where theyre always going to be dependent and where they can, therefore, be cultivated for their votes. This is not what america is all about, this kind of deception. And this is what we, the people, have the necessary obligation to fight. Now, one of the things that i have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heros, her mentors was saul olinsky. And her senior thesis was about saul olinsky. This was someone she greatly admired and let me tell you something about saul olinsky. He wrote a book called rules for radicals. It acknowledges lucifer, the original radical who gained his on kingdom. Now think about that. This is our nation where our founding document, the declaration of independence talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator, a nation where our pledge of allegiance says we are one nation under god. This is a nation where every coin in our pockets and every bill in our wallet says in god we trust. So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer. Think about that. The secular Progressive Agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation. If we continue to allow them to take god out of our lives, god will remove himself from us, we will not be blessed and our nation will go down the tubes and we will be responsible for that. We dont want that to happen. Now donald trump, he understands this very well. He understands that the blessings of this nation come with the responsibility to ensure that they are available to all, not just a privileged few. This is exemplified by his willingness to take on the establishment against all adodd to work on behalf of american interest, not his selfinterest. Im proud to support donald trump, an extraordinary businessman, the right leader for a time such as this. But but you know what . It is not about donald trump. It is not about me. It is about we the people. And Thomas Jefferson said that we would reach this point because we the people would not be paying attention and it would allow the government to grow to expand and to metastasize and to try to rule us, but he said before we turn into something else, we the people would recognize what was going on, what we were about to lose and we would rise up and we would take control of our nation and i say now is the time for us to rise up and take america back. Dr. Ben carson. We have van jones. I cant even go there. I mean, for him to get up there and talk about saul olinsky, some book nobodys read. The destruction of an icon he is a man of integrity, we saw him talking about being able to stand up for your faith. Lets be reminded hes admonished to be respectful of faith. I know you respect my analysis here. I cant with ben carson. I cant. Lets be very clear. He was joking in his analysis to lucifer. He stood up for Hillary Clintons faith publicly on tv. Ben carson and share of david clarke. You have tiffany and you have donald trump jr. , and if i were running this and youre the impra czario, id have donald trump talking after my children. Don jr. , his speech was not only powerful but helped his dad in many ways. If thats the case, if he was the star of the show, why would you not end on the star of the show . Why would you bring ben carson out to talk about lucifer and saul olinsky. Lets listen in to Kimberlin Brown. Many of you know me from the bold and the beautiful but since we only have one life to live, im now an avocado grower for all of you guacamole lovers yes, california avocados and i also run and operate my own design business. And with my husband, gary, we just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. We run a sport fishing business, retail operations, rented operations and assorted other enterprises. Like millions of women across our nation, i have many responsibilities. And because we women have many roles in our lives, im offended when the media and democrats typecast us as singleissue voters. We take care of our families, work inside and outside the home, pay the bills, we manage the costs at home, take care of our parents, all focused on one thing, securing the future for our families. Like so many parents today, you know, i have great concerns about the direction of our country and what it means for the future of my children. And i cannot let this election pass by without doing my part and helping get us back on the right track. Thats why i am so grateful and honored to be here with you all tonight. You know, when i look back at my grandparents, my mom and dad, i realize that so much of their lives were devoted to one goal, helping me, my sister tammy, my brother chris have every opportunity to succeed. I was always told by my grandmother i could do anything i put my mind to and i did. And i did. I worked very hard. Ive started businesses which have succeeded and still do and weve had ventures that have not. We have created jobs and even more tax dollars. We have worked 80hour weeks and have gone without paychecks to keep our employees paid. You know, this isnt unique to gary and me. It is the story of every Small Business owner in america. Im a member of californias business women for trump. And we are comprised of farmers, doctors, Small Business owners, attorneys and women in just about every field, professional, race and ethnicity. Women for trump. And were concerned about out of control, unreasonable government regulations that needlessly add costs to doing business and ties all up in red tape. And dont get me started on the bewildering tax code and high taxes to boot. This isnt true just for Small Businesses but for farming as well. This past week our business has been confronting a problem caused by obama care. Thats a shock, isnt it . As a Small Business, we used to offer medical insurance to our employees. And for those who chose to be covered, we paid most of their premiums. And this quarter, we had several employees work over the 30hour threshold set by obamacare. And by the requirements of law, they must now sign up for one of the approved Health Care Plans and our younger employees, they dont understand why theyre getting forced off of their previous plan, which was significantly more affordable and tailored to their needs. Most of our employees are college age and theyre very healthy. Yet their required to buy coverage that does not meet their need and is too expensive for their wallets. One good thing, its been a wakeup call to all of our young employees and they are all voting republican this year. You know, one third of Small Businesses are owned by women. And to the 9. 4 million Women Business owners who employ about 8 million workers, a value of about 1. 5 trillion to our economy, i urge you to think about how important this election is for your future. Who do you think better understands your challenges and will stand with you fighting for a better economy and more opportunities . A career washington insider who only knows how use your tax dollars for government jobs and in senator clintons office and the Clinton Foundation, men have been paid better than women. Or a successful businessman who knows how to make a payroll, who understands the special challenges Women Business owners face, such as gaining access to needed capital and who has an admirable record of hiring and promoting women in his businesses. Up know, for a moment id like to touch on an issue that donald had spoken about from the beginning of his campaign, trade. As an actress and a farmer did you ever think those two would be in the same sentence, huh . Yeah. Ive seen firsthand the impact of high taxes over regulation and suspect trade deals. I have seen tv and Movie Productions move out of the country. If you were an alister like Leonardo Dicaprio or an owner of a studio producer, you were okay. But if you were a cameraman, a sound tech, a boom operator or did any of the many jobs in production, you were just out of luck. And at the time it didnt affect me and i didnt understand what high local union boys were talking about. And now i do. And im sorry for not understanding the plight of these men and women who lost their livelihoods and they did. And as an ofavocado grower, i fe the impact of our trade policy. Ive seen firsthand our domestic market flooded with imports that harmed local farmers and even drove some out of business. My neighbors who have raised this product for years are being forced to cut down their groves. Ill leave the decisions about trade policies and how you balance the many economic interests of our nation to others, but this much i do know, donald trump raised concerns on behalf of working people before the washington elites did. He will make trade deals that benefit working men and women and their families right here in america. Theres going to be a time and i hope soon for a woman president , and we have so many outstanding women in congress and in our state and local governments who are ready for the job now or in the very near future, but lets be clear, the democrats offer up a woman who when she had a chance to stand up for women did not do so. Instead she attacked women, denigrated them, called them liars and i personally novick tims and they find hillarys actions and remarks repulsive. Her comments are comments of convenience only and if we are to prosper as a nation, if we are going to grow the economy and create jobs, we need a leader who will go to washington and shake things up. A president who will bring common sense regulations and eliminate unnecessary ones. Hes going to tackle problem problems,. Since it was announced i was speaking to you all tonight, i have been attacked in social media with all kinds of outrageous insults. None of which are even remotely true. In politics on College Campuses and in business, this must stop. And i will not standly idly. Stand by idly. Donald trump will turn thing around in washington and and in our nation. So i ask you to join me and californias business women in supporting trump and americas best opportunity to return to greatness. Donald trump, the next president of the United States, yes. Thank you. Announcer please welcome the founder of american muslims for tru trump. Lets take some time and pray for a safe america and lets ask god to make us strong to fight terrorism all over the world. Join me in prayer for god our nation is in need of new leader, a commander who will guide america along a path of righteousness. We as americans are ready for real hope, a change, truly make America Great again. As americans it is our obligation as a leader who will guide us with justice, equality and most importantly integrity, the prophet mohamed please be upon him, said that we all have a piece of flesh in our bodies. If it is good, our whole is good. And if its not, then the whole body is spoiled. It was written in bakari, and as a representative of the United States of america, the values reflected by your leader must reflect the values that our forefathers set in stone at the inception. We can only pray for such a leader in hopes that greatness will soon follow. And once givagain, god bless america, god bless you. And god bless once again to all of you. Thank you so much. Announcer please welcome back reince priebus. And hes going to be calling an end to the night of the Republican National convention. Theyre finishing on time. They reach an emotional climax at the end and if you got a don jr. Speaking, that would be a very good place to end the evening. And, you know, to bring out ben carson, to give this bizarre Kimberlin Brown at the end who should have been at the beginning of the program, i have no idea who is making the decisions or why. I sense this is a part of the problem, when you dont have that many highprofile people to speak at a convention. They didnt have george w. Bush, they didnt have mitt romney john mccain. Lets get joanie ernst. A lot of people so opera and has been since 1989, a lot of black women watch that show. Its a different part of america. Andy dean, youre just joining us. From a ratings perspective, the Cable Network picked up the program at 10 p. M. , leading with your best speaker is not such a bad idea. I think leading with don jr. At 10 p. M. When people have just seen their comedies and tuning in the first time, if you bore them right out of the gate with somebody who may seem impressive, like a senator or governor but they put you to sleep, thats not good tv programming. Donald trump jr. , that was one of the best speeches. This is somebody who could also one day be president of the United States. I guess the question is do you start off the 10 00 with Tiffany Trump and build to a crescendo because you had governor Chris Christie and Tiffany Trump comes out after that and it sort of goes back and forth. You have to divide up your highenergy speakers so that you can keep the energy level at a certain point for the entire period of time. I walked into this arena at 10 p. M. And it felt like a basketball game when your team was getting blown out at 60 points. This place was an exodus of people leaving the arena while donald trump jr. Was still speaking. I give a lot of credit to the kids. For the first time speaking here or any time speaking here, they did a terrific job. Their delivery was very good, their stories was very good, their tone was very good but this convention by this time at night is sorely lacking energy. These last speakers, its painful to look down on the floor and see these empty seats and have the poor man come out and talk about the high energy in the room when we all know its highly lacking. I want to talk a little bit about the substance. The last speaker, he was a muslim. I thought it was odd. He was a muslim who was apparently afraid to say the word allah, he was a muslim that did not address the fears that so many people in his community have. And so for me that was a jarring moment to see an american muslim come out and thank goodness, you expect to hear something that may be a bomb but he doesnt even speak frankly in the ca cadence of his faith. I thought that was odd. This cheer leading for the nra and for the gun stuff plays very, very well here. Let me tell you how i hear it. My concern isnt that theyre going to take guns away from people defending their homes, i never heard anyone say that. My fear is that we have a country awash in guns and places like chicago, which maybe we can argue about the best way to protect it but youve got a real gun crisis and there seemed to be a tone deafness to the number of funerals, to the mass shootings, to the snipers, all this stuff and guns, guns, guns. So there was some way we were just off tonight. If you know the muslim community, we were really off. Not all muslims think alike or like alike. We saw africanamericans that think very differently from most of my africanamerican friends, including yourself. I dont think we should question his motives. You might disgra with what he just said but im not sure if its the right thing to do. If youre trying to reach educated women in suburban areas, is this the way to do it . Do you want to emphasize that issue to it that gdegree . You dont do it by abandoning ship on your principles and this is a pretty core principle. This is not, if you will, the new york d. C. Set, this is the folks where i live who watch shows like this, who have respect for someone like this, who has created a business, a whole series of businesses as has donald trump. I have a tweet here i want to read to you which i think is significant. It from Michael Reagan, Ronald Reagans son, i am not going to allow donald trump to lose to hillary because i refuse to show up and im voting donald trump. Who is this . Michael reagan. Can i just return to the gun thing for a second . Do you even make a nod to what people in metropolitan areas in particular are feeling about gun violence that isnt so polarizing and that may give you a chance to reach a larger core of voters . Let me flip that around on you. From president obama goes to some of these recent events, one of the first things he does is talk about gun control. I would ask the same question in reverse because he never seems to go in the direction of expanding the Democratic Base by reaching out to folks 90 of americans support background checks. As a matter of pure politics, hes on the side of the vast majority of americans and the Republican Party is not. I do think one of the things that speaker who i think is a lobbyist for the nra chris cox. He was targeting in particular women saying that, you know trying to turn it into a womens home. Issues. I formally declare donald j. Trum. Trump. Melania and i had such a great time last night, an unbelievable evening. A little over one year ago i announced my candidacy for president and with your vote today, this stage of the president ial process has come to a close. Together we received historic results with the largest vote tot total. Were the only children of billionaires as comfortable in a d10 caterpillar as we are in our own cars. He drags out the drive in people so they can achieve their full potential. Thats a great attribute to have as a father and as president of the United States. You know what we call them, signs of life, parties to the just going through the motions, not just mouthing new words of the same old stuff. Hillary clinton has the character of a dictateor and butcher montana middle ea eer i. Is she guilty or not guilty . It is important. Donald trump tonight did get the nomination for the republican as the republican candidate for president. If you remember where i started, everyone thought interesting, didnt think he was going to run, there was not a prayer this man was going to bes n be the nominee of the Republican Party. Give him his due. He won tonight and he won by a huge vote on the floor here. This is my seventh Republican Convention and my 14th convention overall. Ive never been in a hall that is so flat and so weird. Thats not necessarily a criticism. That doesnt necessarily mean anything about whats going to happen in november. But ann and i were talking about this offset. I mean this respectfully, this is the island of misfit toys. There are a bunch of people who dont know each other and arent with each other. You have all these pop culture people coming in, the mitch mcconnell, paul ryan wing goes, huh . And all the trump people are saying, eh . So theyre trying to get along. This is part of the conversation, they need to get along. Its also interesting. Im trying to watch the hall how are people responding and i said this to david, when its a lot of the Asa Hutchinson as and the practice politicians, people kind of moving around, people arent really watching whats going on. Theres not the energy. If it were donald trump jr. , ben carson, huge response, Tiffany Trump as well. But in the speeches in past conventions perhaps would have felt more enmeshed. The stuff that van jones was citing before his appeal to a broader constituency. The program didnt build in a way that the people in the audience understand that theres going to be some kind of a major thing and youre building a theme and they went from can i just finish . They went from women when they were talking about chris cox, they when chris cox was talking, he was talking about women and guns and they never got to make america work again except for donald trump junior really. There wasnt a lot of sort of positive Energy Leading to some kind of moment here. And i think thats why it if i can just use this to illustrate, this is an email, onesentence email that i got from someone in pennsylvania. Nobody cares about the order of the speakers but them. Meaning us. Ill tell you who does care, almost every other network did not cover Kimberlin Brown. She may be connecting with people in harrisburg but only through cnn. Which in a way is a very good thing. I think people dont watch tv from start to finish anymore, right . They sit there and do this. They watch it on social media and its replayed on air. Theyve got clips from the nra, donald trump jr. , Kimberlin Brown for the young the restless fans. And there is one hour covered broadly by networks and that is the hour that you ought to plan to keep peoples attention for as long as you can. I think its a much, much bigger felony than you guys are describing. You sound like Chris Christie. Im in the moment. If were going to prosecute, theres a crime or a tort called false advertising. Tonight was supposed to be the night that we talked about economics, about how we were going to get jobs. I feel mad because i did my homework and i have all these talking points about how Donald Trumps economic plan is going to cost 30 billion i mean a single idea that would result in a job. Don jr. Did. God bless don jr. , i guess i missed his speech. We might get too technical about it but theres a promise that this thing is going somewhere, that this is going to be this big opportunity for the new trump party to explain how its going to fix america and weve heard all anger and no answers. And two nights in a row. I just find it weird that the hall is emptying out at 10 30 in the middle of what is their prime supposed to be the primetime hour. Im telling you, i was walking in at that time and it was overwhelming to see the sea of people that were exiting while i was one of the only people walking in. Now i do disagree with you that we heard nothing but the same tone that we heard last night. Last night if you had tack e ta cardia, you needed to keep your medication near you because you thought you were going to get attacked by aliens at any moment. I thought tiffanys speech had things that frankly melanias la lacked last night. Paul ryans speech meant a lot to me. It was the first time in the hall i heard the word empathy. Weve seen him wrestling with trump and his conscience. I give him a lot of credit. You just solved the mystery for me. Now i know who was clapping. Who . You. No, it want me. But don jr. Certainly captivated this room. For somebody who is not a practiced politician, reading off from one of those president ial teleprompters i wish you hadnt felt the need to remind us hes a billionaires son. He very honest donald trump jr. I worked with him. Hes incredibly grounded. These are very hard working, very serious people that love their country and donald jr. I thought did an excellent representation of what Donald Trumps Business Life is about. John king mentioned an island of misfit toys. A lot of people think thats a bad thing. I always remember the movie money ball and that you find talent where nobody else does. The ranges of the upper tiers are filled with i always loved the island of misfit toys growing up. Charlie in the box. Let me point out i loved money ball but the as didnt win that year, so you should keep that in mind. You know what was interesting was the contrast between donald jr. Giving this unbelievably polished performance off of the teleprompter and donald senior speaking to the convention very awkwardly from a teleprompter and one of the problems for donald trump is hes so much better, the candidate, when hes riffing but is scares the heck out of everybody here when he does it and they want to tie him to this teleprompter and hes just not that good at it. Lets check in with our wolf blitzer. Wolf . Tiffany trump, the 22yearold, she delivered a very passionate speech about her dad. She just recently graduated from the university of pennsylvania. She kept saying what a great dad he is, what a good man he is and she wanted america to know all about him. Listen to this little clip. So here i am, a little new to the Convention Scene but incredibly honored and very confident in the good man that america is coming to know. Her speech was effective i thought. Her older brother, 38yearold donald trump jr. , he had a very powerful speech. Hers was much more emotional, much more meaningful from a younger persons perspective. For anybody who saw tiffany tonight and thought they recognized her, she is the daughter of marla maples and she is the spitting image of her. In conventions like this, we really do hope that members of the family and expect them to tell anecdotes to reveal sides of the candidate that you dont normally see and donald trump for sure is somebody who is known for his business acumen, who is known for his celebrity status,apprentice, we havent seen the softer, warmer, fuzzier side of donald trump. And like all the trump children, shes only 22 years old and very poised. I was out on the floor when she was speaking and i was watching the vip box where her adult siblings were all sitting there really membermerized with her and you could almost see them cheering her on because she is the youngest sister that they have. Her mother, you mentioned marla maples, she was here, she was back stage. She was not in public view, which i think is kind of interesting and also a reminder that this is a blended family and it is not your Traditional Nuclear Family as weve seen with most republicans. Im sure marla maples was very proud of her daughter. Of course. Heres another clip of tiffany speaking about her dad. His desire for excellence is contagious. He possesses of unique gift for bringing that trait out in others. Hes always helped me to be the best version of myself, by encouragement and by example. He motivates me to work my hardest and to always stay true to who i am and what i am and what i believe. She did provide some personal anecdotes, how she kept all of her report cards going back to kindergarten because her dad would write on those report cards. And a big task for a 22yearold out of college, there are so many undecided voters and a lot of women undecided voters and a lot of those women voters want to know more about donald trump as a person, as a father, as a husband. And her father is so brash, but others want to see the human side that we dont get to see on the campaign trail because it not appropriate, it not who he is and she brought that in a way that we didnt see yesterday ironically from his wife, which is the other task we normally see from a spouse. Were going to hear from eric trump tomorrow night and ivanka trump, i believe shes going to be introducing her dad thursday night and both of them, theyre very impressive as well. Ivanka trump widely expected as one of the brightest members of the family, which is obviously a very smart family and eric trump in some ways doesnt get as much attention, don jr. Is older. Eric trump, the reputation he has is he is the hardest worker. Hes the one that really, really gets the business for the trump corporation. Sharon day, the cochair of the Republican National committee, she spoke earlier tonight and she was extremely tough on Hillary Clinton. Let me play this clip and then well discuss. As first lady, you viciously attacked the character of women who were sexually abused at the hands of your husband you dont often hear that at a Republican Convention. I think the truth is a lot of the reasons why people like donald trump is he will, quote unquote, go there. But the clintons have been in blackli public life for a long, long time and this charge has not really been used against her, not in the primaries in 2008 and not by Bernie Sanders. It is something that these are charges that are out there, they are denied strongly by Hillary Clintons, denied strongly by bill clinton and i guess were going to hear a lot more of them. And for the chief officer of the Republican Party, a female, to be the one to deliver that, i mean, it doesnt take a Rocket Scientist to realize why shes doing it, which is to try to show these women who are supporting Hillary Clinton and supporting her maybe because they do want to see the first female president in their lifetime, no, wait, wait, wait a minute, shes not necessarily all that great for women in her own family and when it came to her own life. Having said that, your point is incredibly important, it hasnt been proven and the allegations have been out there. I suspect were going to hear a lot more of this and from women who are allied for the Republican National committee for trump and, two, the last thing that the Clinton Campaign wants to be talking about is this. So are they going to be issuing challenges on their email Fact Checking device of what is true and not true . No, they dont want to talk about any of it. If you listened to Chris Christies address, he would say guilty or not guilty . And he would pause and begin the chant lock her up, lock her up. Chris christie was talking about policy and character having to do with things in the public record. International issues and the emails as well. Her tenure as secretary of state, the email affair. What Chris Christie did, a very aggressive prosecution as we talked about before, hes been waiting to do this for a year. He thought he was going to be the nominee laying out this case and he is a former u. S. Attorney. It was about her record. He didnt get into sexual allegations. I just want to make sure people dont think were suggesting it was the same thing because Chris Christie i thought was i thought it was a very effective attack and he had the crowd. I was out there. In a way that don jr. And tiffany had the crowd. He had the crowd and. The theme of the night was make america work again. Roughly what i think we heard were about, i dont know, somewhere between five and seven speeches that were this is why you should vote for donald trump, hes my dad, hes great, he was my business friend, et cetera. You heard about twice as many speeches like that prosecuting Hillary Clinton. And then you heard maybe a couple from Kimberlin Brown, the so opera actress and avocado former, she was giving a make america work again speech, paul ryan giving a make america work again speech. A lot of people behind this think donald trump will be very effective at creating job in the United States and bringing jobs here from bad trade deals, we didnt hear a lot of that tonight. You heard a lot of these charges against Hillary Clinton, including mike mukasey who also sought to indict her. Kimberlin brown, she was speaking very late and there werent a lot of people in the hall but she did try to give that argument about trade and she actually did it visavis hollywood, talking about how even in hollywood theyre shipping jobs overseas, shooting movies and Television Shows overseas. For highly paid actors, its not that big of a deal, but for the grips and boom mic operators, it matters. Although her speech was not in the hour that the networks televised. So she didnt get as many eyeballs as she could have gotten. I dont know how big a deal she is. Im not a so opera guy. I want to go back to anderson right now. Anderson . Thanks very much. Donald trump jr. Obviously one of the highlights for many tonight certainly in this hall and no doubt watching at home. We put together about a minute or so clip just in case you missed his remarks. Lets play that. A president who has actually created real jobs, who has actually signed the front of a paycheck and who doesnt just talk about it in theory. A president who has real peoples families and livelihoods dependent on his success and the success of his company for decades. A president who speak his mind, and not just when it behooves him to do so, who doesnt have to run a folks group or use data analytic to be able to form a simple opinion. Who says what needs to be said and not just what you want to hear. A president who will unleash the greatness in our nation and in all of us, who will give the hard working men and women who built this great country a voice once again. That president can only be my mentor, my best friend, my father. Donald trump. Certainly not the typical speech perhaps of a child of a candidate would give, not just a personal speech but a very political speech, a speech you could have heard from a senator or a congress american. Most of the night was talked about last night and the plagiarism on the melania speech. They want to say, hey, we have 100 days left, give us another look. The family is critical to that. There are a lot of again, theres a debate here between the trump people and the people who understand trump and who understand what its what he wants and the old guard, the political pros saying this is the way to do it. Is it too much of the children . Should we do the children all in one night . This is the way they want it. The professional politicians did not get a huge reception. Paul ryan may is given a speech that anna loved but he didnt get the kind of reception in this hall ill tell you who did get that reception was Chris Christie. Now, Chris Christie gave a red meat, Old Fashioned political speech. He is the only politician who really got that kind of reception and he must have gotten great satisfaction from it because he would have liked to have been getting that at Vice President. As Chris Christie got a show what you would have gotten had you picked me Vice President. You know what, folks, some of you are going to have great buyers remorse. You cant you cant expect that kind of reaction from mike pence. Were going to see mike pence, and i mean, even under the influence of medication mike pence couldnt reach the energy level and just the prosecutorial effectiveness of a Chris Christie. What you saw tonight was Chris Christie saying, hey, guys, this is what you could have gotten had you picked me. I think that everybodys talking about the style of the trump kids. They actually opened up a political problem i think for democrats. One of the thing that democrats are going to want to do next week, theyre going to want to have a parade of victims of trump, ordinary people who trump has mistreated, ordinary people who can say this guy is not on your side. But opening up this whole lane, which you point out, that he lets ordinary people who dont have the ive league degrees have a real shot, its a counterbalance to that. So if they continue down that road, they may actually be foreclosing some of the arguments democrats will be making next week. These ordinary guys the democrats are going to say he screwed over so many ordinary people, so many small contractors, so many people who relied on trump were left hurt bankrupt bankrupted. Thats going to be a big part of next week. Theyre going to bring up Donald Trumps alleged use of illegal polish immigrants back in the building of i think it was the foundation for trump tower, which became a lengthy lawsuit, which i think was eventually settled if memory serves me correct, which donald trump has been asked about and his answer is that was a long, long time ago. I think we may have patronized the young people a little bit by saying they were great kids. But politically they may have been more useful than we even recognize. Particularly don jr. No narrative goes unrebutted and unchallenged. No democrat is going to walk out with a white flag and say, man, that was a great speech, were done. And no republican is going to yield to the arguments theyre going to hear next week. But i think thats part of a president ial race and well see if the narrative that don jr. Presented tonight survives that process. And i think theres a strategy here that maybe is being missed at that table that i think donald believes in and donald jr. Believes in and that is they are builders. They physically build things with their hand. The route to victory is through the industrial midwest. That loss of connection, which i think trump will make with the working class in the industrial midwest is missing. I think that is very important and i think donald jr. And donald do that very well. And another line that i think resonates is about his instinct and hiring people, he said they see potential in people they dont see in themselves. He talked about having people at the top echelons of his company who didnt go to wharton, who didnt go to harvard, who just worked their way up and were promoted on merit. On confidence and common sense. I also think whats missing with the Political Class is in congress right now, over 200 people in congress have law degrees but we have less than ten engineers. Thats something fascinating to think about. Less than ten people in Congress Know how to build with their hands. The midwest is the key and i think thats important. Wolf blitzer standing by. Thanks very much. Sajid tarar, the founder and chairman of Muslim Americans for trump. We have some questions. Thanks very much for joining us. Youre welcome. When i heard there was the founder and chairman of Muslim Americans, you must be asked all the time, he has said he wants a temporary ban on muslims coming to the United States. It is part of a long story. Im part of the americans who were upset with the nonfunctioning washington, d. C. And the legacy politics, i have been a student of Political Science all of my life, i went to law school. The first time when the candidate came up here and hes rewriting history of democracy in this country, selffunded campaign, antiestablishment, antiPolitical Correctness and first time in the history, but he has identified radical islam as a threat and he is willing to learn where the hatred is coming from islam and i believe hes a doer. So these were all of the elements that appealed me and i looked into it. I was born and raised in pakistan and a conservative culture. What about the temporary ban on muslims coming to the United States. Youre a muslim. Yes, im a muslim. He has said the ban will be with exception, only with the war torn countries but not from the other countries. There will be exception. Like he said he will build a wall but there will be doors. You cannot put a ban on 1. 5 billion muslims. He never meant i think this was misunderstand and plus sometime the liberal media doesnt justify at the same time. Mr. Tarar, thanks for being here. First of all, just a very basic question. How many members do you have in your organization . We started this organization around five months ago. We had about 200 people in attendance in the tristate area, virginia, maryland, d. C. We dont have any registration or process but we have an email list of approximately 400 people, sympathizer of donald trump with our message and i have been waiting for this convention to mobilize social media efforts and am planning to start traveling. I have been traveling when mr. Trump has been going into the northeast. We are traveling to the states where most of the Muslim Population is. What has the reception been look for you, your support support of mr. Trump within the baltimore community, right . Yes. In the beginning it was an uphill battle, people were calling me a traitor, either im getting paid by donald trump. So it is an uphill battle. But i have been going to different events with Muslim Population and trying to put out that we are most is ruled by a dictator and king, without any fund al rights. What is oppression is education and opportunities. Most of unemployment and most of the opportunities, unemployment, so all of these things, when i put my kids in front of them and they listen. I tell them we come from the wartorn countries, america accepts us, gives us a refuge, American People, they take us with open arms so we have to think about American Safety first. Have you ever met with mr. Trump . Yes. Tell bus about that. My meeting was it recently . About a month ago. I went with them into new york and met him and trump plaza. Youre the ceo of the center for social change, a nonprofit providing care for the elderly and developmentally challenged people. I heard from from a lot of people who have children or brothers and sisters with disabilities who were very upset after mr. Trump appeared to mock that disabled reporter. Did you see that . Did that bother you . Did you hear anything about that . I think it didnt bother me that much. I think it was misunderstood. First of all, mr. Trump doesnt have an ivy league staffer writing his speeches. Hes antiPolitical Correctness. He says what comes to his mind. Were sick of traditional politicians, those having 15, 20 staffers preparing speeches. Thats worse in your mind than someone mocking people with disabilities . I think the media took it on a different angle. Im looking at a block from a New York Times reporter who heard and saw a delegate stand up and say no islam. A guard tried to stop him but then he stood up and tried to do it again. Did you hear that . No, i didnt hear it. Whats your reaction to that . Thats one of the reasons im here is to stand up and tell americans all of us we are not bad people. We are living here, we are part of American Fabric and we will stand behind america. You cannot stop of of those people. Im here today, im a proud american, i love this country more than my life and i mean it. And you obviously feel you felt welcome here and you were invited by the now nominee to do that. Were you bracing for a reaction like that . Did you think maybe that would happen . I am very humble today to be honest with you. I was very humble, i was it and very well after my benediction, i came downstairs, so many people, they asked me for the picture. Everybody was shaking hand with me and this is what i wanted. I wanted this is what part of my mission is, to tell america, Muslim Americans, to be loyal, to be patriotic to america, even islam says they have to be loyal to the country where they live in, especially to the Young American muslims, i wanted to tell them, to teach them how to love america. Who invited you tonight . I was invited by the campaign. By the trump campaign, not the Republican National committee . They introduced me to the audience. But it was the campaign . It was the campaign yes. It was my pleasure. Have a safe trip back to baltimore. We heard republicans hammer away at Hillary Clinton tonight. Did their attacks pass our reality check . Youll find out just ahead. A true travelers journey doesnt end at the horizon. So it most certainly doesnt end. At gate c47. With travelocity, get help through social media 24 7. Travelocity® wander wisely™ we believe that you should keep what you buy. Thats why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. Some major carriers say you can keep your data. But when you read the fine print, your data does expire. But tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as 20. Unbeatable nationwide coverage. No contract. Tracfone. Do everything for less. Michael mukasey, the former attorney general during the Bush Administration leveled some serious charges. Many republicans were obviously disappointed when the sitting u. S. Attorney general decided not to press charges against Hillary Clinton over this whole email controversy. No one more disappointed than the man who used to hold that job. After all, he said look at what she did. Listen. She sent and received secret and top secret emails on a private email system instead of a security government system and did it without authorization. Mukasey laid out three Central Claims here, that it was not authorized she said it was he said it was used out of the country, opening new avenues to potential Security Breaches by being in places you shouldnt be with this and it involved classified information even though for a long time she said no, no, no, we never said anything that was classified at the time. Mukasey said this was all true and guess who else said it was all true . The fbi said it was all true. It wasnt authorized, it was used ot of country and it did involve classified information. So the verdict on all of this, absolutely. And the case said about her is true. Theres a whole lot more if you go to our web site, on cnn. Com reality check. Were very busy on nights like this as you know. A lot of things are said. Tom foreman, thanks very much. All of the allegations he made were in fact true, he said. But there were no charges recommended by the fbi director or the attorney general. I talked to a republican prosecutor who was no fan of Hillary Clinton and he said after the decision was made, if you go after somebody that high profile as Hillary Clinton and you try to bring them to court and charge them, send them to jail or whatever, you better get that case 100 right because your career can be ruined, the person youre charging can be ruined. It is the belief i believe the fbi director said this, that any credible prosecutor wouldnt bring this case because it was so risky and so high stakes. And she wasnt prosecuted in the court of law but he, comey, made sure she was prosecuted in the court of public opinion. His words were devastating, devastating. Im sure youve heard that privately from the Clinton Campaign and people around Hillary Clinton as i have. It would have been a whole different ball game if she were indicted. He said she was extremely careless and negligent. And he was asked to define that. He said extreme sloppiness when it comes to secret. One other point, as omar on the wire and that is that, you dont like that question. Can you give me a real house wives reference, please . There are two systems of justice here because if a Lieutenant Colonel in the army or some sort of midlevel functionary at the Justice Department did the same thing, there would be charges, you Better Believe it because the stakes are lower and im not saying that is right or wrong, but that is how it is. We did checking, how many mentions of donald trump there were tonight, how many mentions of Hillary Clinton there were tonight in the various speeches. Thats right. These are in the prepared remarks, not in the as delivered, and it is interesting, when it comes to donald trump or trump, there were 61 mentions. When it comes to Hillary Clinton or clinton, what is your guess, higher or lower . Go ahead. You already have the number. I would have guessed but i saw. 79. What you knunifies republica here . We dont have the mentions of lucifer here. Dr. Ben carson. Guess what . Next week, you Better Believe there will be a lot of speeches that have as much vitriol against donald trump. We did get the advanced text of the speeches and most of them stuck to the advanced of the speeches. I saw the word cloud earlier and for the night, hillary is the big word. Trump, a little smaller underneath which is interesting. Especially on make america work again night. Not, well, i think youre right. We will hear similar criticisms, political kriz simss in reverse the next time around, next week, but im guessing if we do the exact same thing it will be a lot more references to their own candidate than their i dont know. These are the two least popular candidates in the modern airate. In the modern era, the two least popular, and so the idea of each candidate is going to try to make the election a referendum on the other one is a fairly cogent one. A lot of people who love donald trump and a lot of people who hate Hillary Clinton and the reverse is going to be true next week. Remember how Bernie Sanders was trying to appeal to his supporters to vote for hillary. We have to stop donald trump. Exactly. But in this hole, because you have it is not much as much as we thought it might be, that is the unifying force, Hillary Clinton. In terms of the percentage of the delegates that donald trump got at his own convention, i think it is lower than a lot of recent candidates. Hey, look, he won. Obviously he is the nominee and the numbers of delegates doesnt really matter but the idea that remain big divisions in the Republican Party. There are big divisions in the Democratic Party, too. Well see next week. There is a sizable number, a sizable number of Bernie Sanders supporters. I met one who will not vote for Hillary Clinton. Here . Yes, i met. A lot of them are saying they will vote for gary johnson or joe stein. Whos numbers are going up. This guy still held out hope that Bernie Sanders was going to join go on the Green Party Ticket and become a third party alternative which Bernie Sanders has said he will not do. My only point in citing this uber driver was that he represents jake tappers poll. It was bob schieffers uber. Dont blame me. He does represent thousands and thousands of bernie supporters who do not like Hillary Clinton and will not vote for her. And one other thing, we just interviewed the man who has guts to create a group like that, knowing what donald trump has said. Also to come here for this convention. I loved what he said when he said you know what . I thought maybe there might have been some opposition, but that is why i came because i wanted people to understand that what muslims are and who we are and they are, you know, people who are incredibly religious but in his case, people who is politically conservative. That is his background and those are his political believes and it is possible and he showed it. Except he was arguing about the need to recognize radical islamic extremism, the need for the muslim world. It has deck tatictators and opp. But donald trump has expressed antipathy towards the religion itself. I asked him, islam hates us . He said something along the lines of, well, a lot of them. There is a group of muslims out there who make the point, and it is totally accurate, if you take a look at al quada or isis or any of the terror groups, most of the people theyve killed are muslims. Of course. In syria, in iraq, whether in pakistan where he is from or elsewhere and they say they hate the radical terrorists just as much if not more so than you and i do. Of course. Because, i mean, and that is actually one of the strong men arguments. Now were into a whole new area of Foreign Policy. That is why dick chaney loves mubarek. He would throw people in prison with little regard of human rights. Back in the hall, the ending point he made of trying to explain that muslims are not scary people and that were a religion of peace and so forth. To your point about him telling you and anderson cooper, donald trump say taking is all of islam, perhaps he was trying to say, not just trying to tell people here around the country but maybe the candidate. He a agrees with conservative issues. Coming up, the most compelling moments of this night is donald trump is officially nominated. Plus, a closer look at what is in store tomorrow. Stay with us. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. 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Together, were building a better california. Welcome back. The hall is pretty much empty now. We are still going over some of the key moments from this evening, the second night of the Republican National convention. Tomorrow, of course, well hear furthermore family members. Ivanka trump will be introducing her father on the final night, on thursday night. Here are probably the key moments. It is about three minutes long. Take a look. I formally declare Donald J Trump and Michael R Pence the republican nominees for president and Vice President of these United States. Im so proud to be your nominee for president of the United States. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on thursday night on how we build a brighter and more hopeful future for all of americans. It is an honor to run on a ticket with governor mike pence who is an incredible man and who will make a great, great Vice President. For my father, impossible is just a starting point. That is how he approaches business probab projects. Whether it is teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club or tackling the toughest negotiations, he is always fully committed. That is why the person who would never run for office before stood on the stage 11 months ago in this very arena, with 16 professional politicians and this week that same man will stand before you as our partys nominee for the president of the United States of america. As a recent college graduate, many of my accomplishments are still to come, but my dad takes such pride in all that ive done so far. No matter how big or how small. I still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. Contrary to what you might expect from someone who places the emphasis on results, my dads comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom. Just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. We cant make the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States someone who has risked americas secrets and lied to the American People about it day after day after day. Here it is, everybody, we didnt disqualify Hillary Clinton to be the president of the United States. The facts of her life and career disqualify her. What do you say we unify this party at this crucial moment when unity is everything . Lets take our fight to our opponents with better ideas lets get on the offensive and lets stay there lets compete in every part of america and turn out to the polls like every last vote matters because it will. Fellow republicans, what we have begun here, lets see this thing through. Lets win this thing. Lets show america our best and nothing less. Some of the key moments from tonight. Lets talk about it with the panelists, what do you think the headline is tomorrow . You can disagree with it if youre a democrat or an independent. I think theyve done a good job what theyre against. What they see wrong in Hillary Clinton whether it is her personal character, her judgment on Foreign Policy, the private email server, they made a strong case. Democrats will disagree with it. They wont like it. What are they for . There has been a lot less than that. Theyre at the halfway point. You decide to build and structure your convention. The challenge in the second half, sometimes challengers dont think they have to do this. That is an interesting dynamic. If youre in an environment where people are fed up and theyre different. Theyre saying Hillary Clinton is a third term. Sometimes challengers dont think they have to fill in the here is what i with willdo different. They just have to say i am different. I think because trump has never held office, they need to put more meat on the bones in the second half. But havent a lot of, you know, observers been saying trump hasnt had meat on the bone and he has to do that for his entire campaigned and so far voters dont republican primary voters did not. He needs to grow beyond that now. If every republican in America Votes for him it is not enough. The middle might be smaller, we live in a world where there are fewer people in the middle. He needs to grow beyond where he is. There are still some. I think he is making progress here at this convention and since the primaries, there are also still republicans he has to get. There are skeptical republicans that are saying not sure. You have to expand the base and you have to be, as david knows this better than anybody, you have to be aspirational at a certain point and not only tell people what youre for but present a picture of how different this picture could be if youre running it and what could be great about it. Nobody did that better than barack obama. And Ronald Reagan. And Ronald Reagan. Okay, ill give that to both to you. I think what we saw on day one was kind of, anna was talking about, the dark, negative view of this country. Today we saw paul ryan giving an optimistic speech but it was mostly still hillary is awful, just as it was on day one, lock her up and all the rest and i think maybe pence, maybe the Vice President ial candidate will Start Talking to some of that aspiration for the future of the crew. When jack kemp died, congressman pence took to the house floor to say he is a jack kemp republican. As is paul ryan. As is paul ryan. I imagine you will hear some of this stuff from pence. One of the things he said publicly in a speech before was very much a full throated attack on Hillary Clinton. And im wondering you can do both. You can do both at the same time. But you know, it is important to do the positive. No question about it and i think mike pence will be the i think donald trump i believe that. His entire record, i mean, this is where we get into a political argument here. I see him that way and a lot of people see him that way. Here is where wl i think i think tonight is the night to take a step back. Something tremendous happened in the history of the country tonight. I mean, we can get in the weeds and fight about it and go back and forth but you just cant get away from the fact that there is something happening in the country that is almost impossible for ordinary people who are political professionals to understand. We got it wrong. It is almost i feel a meteorologist using meteorology tools trying to understand a tsunami. Next week, 43 e of the delegat for the Democratic Party voted for a socialist. The rebellost but that was a massive rebellion. You have a rebellion in this party who actually won. We have to take a step back and say what is happening in america where Something Like this is even possible . I think tonight we might have lost some of that but this is a huge the history books, no matter what happens in november. I think there are two big stories out of tonight. One is the finalities of the Never Trump Movement and trying to steal it from trump on the floor. It is over. Today he became the official nominee of the Republican Party. There is a resignation that comes with that for people who dont like him. I think that is why you see Michael Reagan who has been very critical of trump until now say okay, you know, there is no alternative i will say a lot of never trump people i think Erick Erickson is one of them says never trump means never trump. No matter what happens. As i told you yesterday, unless the virgin mary appears to me on a piece of toast telling me to vote for him, will not be voting for him. See me at breakfast. I will do nothing but pork rinds between now and november. The other is the kids. These are not political kids. Donald trump junior does have a lot of experience in front of the cameras. He has been part of the apprentice thing i think. Tiffany is 22 years old. Think about what we were doing when we were 22 years old. I dont even remember, thank god. They were impressive. They were eloquent, passionate about their father. They will get a lot of credit. Theyre working their guts out for their father. I hear from a lot of my friends in the donor world how they often get calls from donald trump junior and theyre just very impressed by him. Do you know much about for tomorrow about whether the supposed theme was. The theme tonight was make america work. There was quibble whether we heard about that. Is there more on not just an indictment of Hillary Clinton but a positive of what trump is about . The theme is supposed to be make america one again. Im not sure what that means. That is a good thing. So i think youll have the negative and the positive and i think in politics you need both to win. I mean, youre running against Hillary Clinton. You have to point out all of the faults. You have to say,o u know what . The Economic Situation is bleak. The Labor Force Participation is as bad as it has been since jimmy carter. Im a job create yes im a builder, i know how to get things done. I thought that was night. Make america one again, economy and national security. Tomorrow is make America First again and well see mike pence. One of the things i think mike pence can do, weve seen the prosecution of Hillary Clinton tonight over and over again with a lot of the speeches, but mike pence has a record. He has a record in indiana. Weve heard donald trump talk about that and that is something that i think has been missing from this. Sort of showcasing some of the republican approaches to the economy and maybe that is something that pence can get into. That is the way that romney used republican governors in 2012. I think the difficulty is the economy is doing pretty good 230, 268 jobs in june. The Unemployment Rate is 4. 9 . Dont dont necessarily feel it but in terms of the data, it is hard to in terms of the data, how many people are not in the, you know [ inaudible ] so maybe the theme tomorrow will be make america work again, again. Right. Yeah, yeah. Or another day of look, here, here, i think the most important point here is what do people take away from these four days . Do they have not just a picture of the case against Hillary Clinton but a picture of what a future under donald trump would look like and whether he has some of the concerns about his temperament, his experience. We havent heard a lot of that to date and i think that is very important because donald trump has done well to this point. He has won 13 million votes or something in that order. He has to earn 65 million to be president of the United States. There is a big gap he has to fill that there and filling the gap of people who have already voted for him there not get him there. One is a tom barrett. This is the final night. An old dear friend. But has done a lot of business with him. To your point which is about the qualifications of trump for president , we really havent heard a lot about that other than the fact that he is a businessman. They will have to try to fill that in with people who have worked along side him with this is how he does business and how his business skills will translate into the presidency, so he and other Business People will be able to fill that in. And the democrats will have a hard time with that. I think what the democrats will have to figure out a way to do is say look, what a ceo does is not what a president does. In other words, you cant fire the senate. Right . You cant reorganize the Supreme Court. They will have a tough time trying to rehabilitative now. It will be very, very tough. For me, what im looking for the next few days, if it is only ill be frankly relieved, if it is only Hillary Clinton is horrible, Hillary Clinton is horrible, and there is no bridge to people of color because i havent seen that yet. There is no bridge to anybody who wants an actual idea or solution. That is going to be, hey it will be tough but you can rope a dope that and we have a lot of room next week. Donald trump has a lot of challenges left, david made the point. They have gone after Hillary Clinton. They havent done as much as they think they need to do to address Donald Trumps weaknesses. About whether he is ready to be pred. Hillary clinton has a long list of problems to deal with at her convention. Were wrapping up the convention. We have two more days and then the next one right away. We dont get much rest. We go through that one. Why should we think it is over . Why should we think that just because now we have donald trump and then well get Hillary Clinton, were done. There wont be any more disrupti disruption. What will it be . Jerry johnson goes just up enough to make the debates . I have no idea. Weve been on a roller coaster blindfolded. If gary johnson does, who does he take votes away from . Her. Dont you think her . Both of them it seems like. I think you can make the case. The never trump, the Erick Erickson type conservatives saying they cant do it. They can vote for gary johnson if they want. But he is to the left of clinton. If youre say ill ignore that and vote on fiscal issues, you can do that. Bill well is a law and order guy. If youre a Bernie Sanders voter, gary johnson, im not saying theyre all about this but wants to legalize pot. Fine on the social issues. Tries to talk to them bit libertarian issues. Get the government out of your bedroom. Gloria raised an interesting question. Most people think there are disaffected republicans it will hurt trump more, state by state it depends on where they play. Are they playing in the rust belt or in the sunbelt, the more diverse states. I think Hillary Clinton is obviously trying to stave off some losses in terms of bluecoll bluecollar, White Americans and is doing better among College Educated americans. They can mix things up. Jill stein as well as the other candidates. Polling may not i think polling at this point is of limited value. Yes. But the polling suggests that it doesnt make all that much of a difference, that the race pretty much stays the way it is whether it is for people being tested or two people being tested, where the debate will make the differences, gary johnson doesnt have any money or profile. If he can get an opportunity to get on a platform, he may i want to go back to the point that van made which is important which is that i havent heard any out reach to minorities in this convention and you know, the Washington Post is reporting thag there are 18 africanamerican delegates out of 2,472. The lowest number until a century. That is a woeful, woeful number, folks. It is not where my party should be. And youve got a guy who is polling at zero with africanamericans. Donald trump has spoken out about reaching out to africanamericans. And doing well among latinos and gay and lesbian americans saying he will do better than Hillary Clinton. Much of the messages is there shouldnt be a White America or a blue state or a red state of White America. There should be one america as we heard from paul ryan. When you say he isnt reaching out. This is where i think there is a legit difference here is when weve ben carson here or sheriff clarke here, theyre here as americans. Theyre not here as black americans. That is the fundamental difference, so to have to appeal to quote, unquote americans is to in essence go over to that side of the Playing Field and do you think there is any justification to have less than 1 of the delegates to be africanamericans. I dont think we should be counting. I think theyre all human beings. I think we should have a Representative Democracy we have to hold that thought. Well continue this discussion. We have to take a break. Well have another reality check on tonights speeches including Chris Christies claim that Hillary Clinton is to blame for the turmoil in libya. Details ahead. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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Welcome back to the Republican National convention. We wrapped up day two of the national convention. Tom foreman is with us. Were doing more reality checks on the accusations against Hillary Clinton involving both libya as well as guns. Absolutely. Chris christie lit this place up when he went after Hillary Clinton on what is supposed to be her strong point. Her Foreign Policy and he said to the contrary, libya is a mess and she is the chief architect of it. Listen. She was the chief engineer of the disasterous over throw in libya. Libya today after Hillary Clintons grand strategy . Their economy is in ruins, there is death and violence on the streets and isis is now dominating that country. Lets break this down. 2011, yeah, there was a lot of turmoil over in the middle east, north africa, kadafi was using incredibly brutal measures to put down the oppositions, all up rising. If we put a no fly zone over this it will suppress him, his opponents will have a better chance. Hillary clinton according to senior people say, they didnt really like that idea to begin with and the administration wanted to do economic sanctions, they wanted to do other things. Found out it wasnt working fast enough. They went with the no fly zone. He was toppled and then Hillary Clinton said, yeah, this was smart power at its best. This is the thing that were supposed to do. However, this is important to bear in mind here. She didnt initiate this plan. She wasnt the only person involved in trying to clean up afterwards. When everything cleaned up there, she neither deserves the credit for it working nor as much blame for the bad parts so christies claim about this, well say is false. She wasnt that key of a player in it. Not the sole player as he implied. Another big issue that came up here was the matter of guns. Hillary clinton says the country is not doing enough to control guns. Others suggest maybe she wants to do way too much. Listen. In case youre wondering where Hillary Clinton stands, she said, quote, the Supreme Court is wrong on the second amendment. It is that simple. A Hillary Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone. Very tough claim and one of several here. Yeah, Hillary Clinton has been critical of the Court Rulings that would limit the ability of states and municipalities to impose stricter gun rules, for example, the over turning of washington d. C. s rule that would make it so you couldnt have a handgun. She wants universal background checks. Stricter gun control rules overall but she has never said she wants to do away with your right to own a gun and in fact, if you go on to her website, it says there that the gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law abiding communities. You may not like her views on dp guns, there is no sign she is trying to over turn the second amendment. Verdict is also false. I know youre working on more reality checks as well. On the issue of libya, this is a really important issue because so much of the criticism of her four years as secretary of state revolves around the fact that libya is today, for all practical purposes post gadhafi is a failed state. It was her baby. They were the ones aurjing president obama to be involved with libya as well as the governments of france and england. She was, in many ways, in charge, at least theoretically, of that country, of that specific policy as secretary of state. That is one. Two, the disaster, the tragedy of benghazi, of the deaths of those fourn americans. Largely those four americans, largely, i think reported on this and covered it for years now, largely because at the very least, Inadequate Security for the people there. Obviously the primary fault lies with the horrific islamic extremist terrorists that killed the four men but there was Inadequate Security and ultimately, she was the secretary of state. Now, you might not you might not hold her responsible in the same way that a lot of people here do, but those are serious parts of her record to be discussed. And in the very lengthy report that the Republican Benghazi Committee just put out a couple of weeks ago, it does go into detail and shows emails about, back on libya as her legacy, at the time when it looked like it could be a sort of, a good story, a positive story of getting out a dictator and turning it into potentially a democracy. You can see the email traffic about how all in, her advisors were and maybe her friend sydney bloominthal about the need to hold on to libya as kind of a crown jewel, potential crown jewel as tenure of secretary of state. And then obviously in addition to the failure to provide Adequate Security there, is the post attack part of this which is in the context of the 2012 Reelection Campaign for president obama, the white house was very eager to have the narrative to continue the narrative that the terrorists are on the run and that this was not al qaeda and to blame this on that antiislam video and Hillary Clinton, without question, went along with that narrative even though she suspected accurately that this was terrorism related. Now, was she the reason that that narrative was important . No. That was from the white house, that was president obama, that had to do with his reelection, but did she put out that it was a video when privately she is sending messages to her daughter and saying we think this is an al qaeda related group . Yeah, she was. Well hear a lot more about benghazi and libya over the course of the next several, several weeks. The republicans will not let go that at all. Thanks very much. We put together some com pilations. You had wanted to correct something you said before the break. Right. Neal told me during the break that she got an email from the rnc saying it wasnt 1 of the delegates. It is 3 of the delegates. You said there were 18 africanamerican delegates. The rnc is say taking was some black republicans did an unofficial count of black delegates. They had reported in june that it was 18 but their count here said it was 80. They will put out more official numbers in the coming days. Again, that still gets them at 3 . It is more than mitt romney in 2012. It is less than george bush who had 167 in 2004. It is painful to me and the reason it is painful to me is because i know ryan preebus. I kn reince priebus. He wanted to draw in africanamericans and latinos and months ago, you were saying publicly that democrats should not assume that donald trump cannot get africanamericans. Can not get latinos and others. Do you still believe that . No. I think the milk has occurredcu. The big danger is we have to get 60 of the black vote. No, im sorry, 70 . No, im sorry, 90 to 92 of every africanamerican that votes for president has to vote for a democrat for us to be secure in our victory which means if you get three africanamericans out of 20, you cant, if donald trump got three out of 20. He would have a real shot. He blew it. He is getting zero of the black vote in pennsylvania, in ohio, why . Because his tone has been so awful toward mexicans, towards muslims. And at a certain point, you get the hint. If youre mean to that group and if youre mean to that group, youll be mean to me. He had relationships that have occurredled. I should tell you, i should tell you. Ive actually told this to van but Walking Around here over the last two days, ive had two different delegates, both of them africanamericans who stopped me personally to say that they wanted to send a message to van jones that they were enthusiastic donald trump supporters. Those two. I want to talk bigger numbers than those two. Hillary clintons real vulnerability. Hillary clinton lost michigan to Bernie Sanders and she has not been connecting with africanamericans in the north. She did in the south but in the industrial midwest, she did not connect. It is a huge vulnerability. If trump can focus his advertising to africanamericans, especially in michigan and pennsylvania it is a huge opportunity. I do think, ive never seen worse numbers for a nominee. Zero, now, in fairness there, is a margin error for 4 . 14 among hispanics is half of what mitt romney what is he actually doing about it . There was an official. He officially appointed amarosa to director of africanamerican research. That is a good sign. Listen, i have a great deal of respect for her. She is somebody who does have some appeal and standing in the communities. I wouldnt say anything bad about her but it is very hard for her to undo what has been done. Listen, weve had a lot of these discussions. And there do seem to be two different views. One is, you know what . It almost doesnt matter. Im not going to count your beans. Im just going to be be myself. There is another that says, it is a complex country and we have specific pain, sometimes we need specific solutions and he is blowing that. And i also, you just talked about low turn out. I remember that low turn out conversation in 2012. People thought there was going to be a low turn out of the obama coalition. Youre going to have president obama banging the drum for Hillary Clinton. Youre going to and i agree with you. Hillary clinton provokes the enthusiasm of over cooked asparagus in a lot of minority groups but the panic about the idea of donald trump being president could make a surge of voters come out. One word. Berther. Hillary clinton mentioned it at the naacp. I know people talked to the president about it. Van might have spoke to the president. Politicians hold grudges. Politicians hold grudges. Barack obama remembers the bertha movement. And donald trump, just the clock is ticking. I dont question mr. Trumps faith to go into the community. Just the clock is ticking and there is a democratic infrastructure in place. If youre going to do it, again i dont question his good faith for wanting to do this, but tick, tick, tick. They missed the opportunity with melania trump, plagiarism. Listen, she did, in some ways borrow from the state. She acknowledges that Michelle Obama had the american story and it reminded her of her own story. They couldnt do that in some ways because they spent so much time tomorrow night, a speech well be talking about is refera reverand darryl scott. One of the biggest speakers. It wouldnt surprise me if were analyzing the speech that that could turn the tied to get africanamericans on board. Well take a short break. Our coverage continues in just a moment. My belly pain and constipation . They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. 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As head of a foundation, you accepted tens of millions of dollars from Foreign Countries who enslave women and who treat them as second class citizens. So what is she talking about there . Well, the Clinton Foundation has indeed accepted many millions of dollars from Foreign Countries, saudi arabia, australia, norway. The netherlands and kuwait, qatar, brunel, oman and one to 5 million east. There is not really slavery legal anywhere in the country. That reference is made there. There is illegal slavery in various forms in other places. Lets go past that part and get to the point where women are treated as second class subsidi citizens. There are several countries in here that have low scores in terms of how they treat women. So, if we look at that part of the claim alone, we can simply say when it comes to the Clinton Foundation, yeah, they have taken some money out there. It is true. Theyve taken money from countries that do not treat women very, very well. Millions of dollars. Another issue out there was the matter of coal and energy and where youre going to get it from and what does that mean when Hillary Clinton is in charge if she becomes president . His recklessness has cost more than 60,000. 60,000 coal workers their job since 2011. Not to be out done, Hillary Clinton has already promised to put a lot of coal miners and businesses out of business. Theyre going after president obama and Hillary Clinton. Lets look at the stats here. Here is what is happening from coal miners from 2011 to 2015. There were 84,000 in 2011. Now it is down to 53,000. If you look at that period of time, that would suggest that her numbers are a little bit high there. There is still a very significant and important job loss there but the numbers will be off enough to say that that is false. What about this idea that Hillary Clinton said were going to put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. Yes, she said that at a cnn town hall. There were caveats about this. She said she was simply acknowledging the state of the economy, that that is going to happen and she wants to put a whole lot of money into revitalizing coal communities, making things move forward but this statement bitten her in the communities very hard and much as much as she tried to explain it away, people still said look, you said these words and said them loud and it didnt sound like we were confused. She said the words. That is true. Tom foreman. Thank you for the reality checks. The argument that you hear from the Clinton Foundation people is yes, they took money in from saudi arabia, the united emerites but used the money to help the people in africa with vaccines, hiv. Doing good deeds and a lot of the money has gone to very important causes. Im not going to defend anyone taking the money from any of the governments that treat their people so horrifically that have indentured servitude, treat women at second class citizens. If youre going to start faulting people from taking money from the saudi royal family, look into the records of the bush libraries, the idea that any party would criticize any other party of these two parties that are both incredibly cozy with the saudi royal family is beyond hypocrite ca. There are plenty of things that apply to the clintons and the clintons only. It is a joke. It is a joke. No question. I mean, i remember, i think you were covering the Bush Administration with me, george w. Bush, kind of Holding Hands, actually Holding Hands. Actually Holding Hands with the Saudi Crown Prince and you know, having incredibly important meetings and on the flip side, when the current, the late prince died, president obama went to the funeral and he was criticized for doing that and not going to, at the time it was right after Charlie Hebdoe it is bipartisan. Chris christie issuing his prosecution against Hillary Clinton. Listen to that i. Hillary clinton, as an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the middle east, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty as to Hillary Clinton lying to the American People about herselfi herselfi her selfish, awful what is your verdict, guilty or not guilty . Guilty the crowd here kept saying guilty, guilty, and then you also heard, jake, the crowd saying lock her up. Lock her up. And in fact, the junior senator from arizona jeff flake put out a tweet discussing all of the calls for clinton to be jailed because we should point out the lock her up chant started yesterday. I think fairly spontaneously, fairly organically. And there were people with hillary for prison. That has been a meme for awhile. I think it was the mother of sean smith, she was criticizing people and people started shouting lock her up. The senator from arizona said he had to mow his lawn which is why he is not here. He is in arizona where they dont have lawns. That is exactly the point. He said at Hillary Clinton belongs in prison. We can make the case. That she shouldnt be lecced without jumping the shark. Maybe he was moved by scott baio. He wanted to make another happy days reference but the point is that not everybody is thrilled with going so aggressively, so hard core against Hillary Clinton. But again, he is not here. On the subject of happy days, we should point out that garry marshall, the legendary producer of happy days, we just learned about his death recently, and i feel a miss, i would feel remiss if i didnt mention that. He brought such Great Entertainment from our lives. Standby there, is more coming up. Donald trumps children in the moment when he became the republican president ial nominee. They opened up to our dana bash. She was right there with them as it happened. [engine sounds] the Bud Light Party believes in change. Thats why bud light has a new look. And we want to share it with everyone. From our national parks. To our furthest shores. 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Im so proud of my father. Im so proud. We all are. Reporter did you ever think that you would be right here nominating your father for president of the United States . You ever think it would come to this. Amazing. Hes the ultimate outsider and he did it. Were so proud of him. Ive never underestimated my father ever. Hes an amazing guy. Ive never underestimated him. You see it today. This is just a special day for our family. Reporter tiffany, youre going to speak tonight. What are your thoughts . Yes, im speaking. Im so honored to have the opportunity. And the crowd sounds pretty excited for everything going on. So well see how it goes. Reporter we look forward to your speech. We just dipped in to don jr. , were live on cnn right now. That was quite a moment. You were able to nominate your father for president of the United States. I see that youre taking a deep breath. You know, it doesnt get bigger than that, dana. Its incredible. I mean, one of the more surreal moments of my life other than perhaps the birth of my children. Ive watched him work so hard, speak to so many people feeling left out, in the dark, here in new york, all over the country. To be able to do that, its historic. Its awesome. Reporter i have to say, im not so sure people can see, youre tearing up right now. Its pretty real. I get to speak later on today. I got to get my composure back together. Reporter bet yourself together. Its a surreal moment. Its a real movement. As i said in there, its not a campaign. It never was. Were not politicians. Hes a real person whos gotten stuff done, has had a track record of success and accomplishment and wants to bring that to this country. Hes going to do that. Everyone talks about it in theory. Hes actually done these things. Reporter lets talk about how your dad is feeling. Did you talk to him before coming out here before you were doing what you just did . Ive been running around crazy today. I havent had time to speak with hit him. Im sure ill be hearing from him and my phone will be ringing in a few mvninutes. Its so awesome. Reporter youre speaking tonight. Any preview . Youll see. Its going to be fun, interesting, impassioned. Yoi going to talk about my father a little bit and talk about the severity of the nation were in, ive seen the fluffy joking about the father thing. Id love to be able to deliver that speech, but were not there. Reporter you talked about the fact youre not from a family of politicians. Youve been in the public light because of who your father is. Still, this is a different kind of moment. Could you ever have imagined this moment happening right now . Not before he announced. Last june. The second he announced, if theres one thing i learned about my father, one thing i know about my father, never bet against him when he puts his mind to something. He gets things done, what hes done his whole career. You cant do what hes done without being able to do that. Its spectacular. Hes one of a kind. Reporter as you sit here looking around with all of these signs and youre kind of in the moment, can rue reflect for a second on what this year has been like for the trump family . Listen, its been tough. Its been brutal. A lot of work. I mean, you know, we by de facto have gotten involved because we believe in his message, meaning my siblings, myself, the whole family. We want him to do whats right for this country. We want this country to be better for our kids than received it. Whats going to change . Whats different about this batch than the last . Hes such an outsider. He can do that. He can make the changes and going to do a phenomenal job. Dana, great work. You were at the right place at the right time. You got exclusive access at that historic moment. Sitting there, i was watching them fix sated on their faces as they were watching the states vote one after the other then donald trump jr. s siblings watching him. It was emotional. Look, this is theyre human beings and as weve heard tonight with speeches afterwards, weve seen throughout the campaign, theyre very close with their father, but to see them really overwhelmed with emotion was really Pretty Amazing to witness. Who would have thought a year ago we would be here at this moment . There thats the thing that we really need to take a moment, i think, on this day toward the end of our coverage on this day donald trump accepted formally the republican president ial he hasnt accepted yet. His name has been thrown into contention. He is nominated as the republican nominee. And that is it is amazing that you might not like donald trump or maybe you love donald trump, on its face, an outsider like donald trump has never gotten the nomination like this. It is unprecedented in american history. Certainly is. All right, guys. Thanks very much. Don lemon is going to be picking up our special coverage from the cnn grill right here in cleveland after a short break. You were once. Pretty bad at. Its the same for credit. Because credit isnt just a score. Its a skill. Go to experian. Com and start Getting Better at credit today. Hello welcome to holiday inn. Running our own business, weve been traveling a lot. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com dont bring that mess around here, evan whoo dont do it. Dont you dare. I dont think so [ sighs ] its okay, big fella. Were gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. Raaah when you bundle home and Auto Insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. Im gonna need you to leave. You get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. So were all on board . [ paul ] no. This is a stupid plan. Hate drama . Go to cars. Com. Research. Price. Find. Only cars. Com helps you get the right car without all the drama. And its official. Just like that, republicans nominate donald j. Trump on day two right here in cleveland, ohio. Suspe isnt that a beautiful shot . Were not even up yet. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Its after hours at the cnn grim. Speeches from former rivals, Chris Christie and paul ryan, and from the candidates son, donald trump jr. , laying out the case for his father and blasting Hillary Clinton on the night after his stepmother, melania trumps, very controversial speech. We have got a lot to talk about tonight. So i want to get right now to may political dream team. Thats who

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