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good morning, everyone. you know financial literacy is critical. how did you first learn thousand manage money? through your parents, through your teachers, or through trial and costly errors? well, in a recent survey by the national foundation for credit counseling, only 6% of people polled say they learned about personal finance in school. just 6%. and that, some say, is the problem with financial literacy in this country. cnn's christine romans found one school on chicago's south side that is trying to change that. >> reporter: meet america's future investment bankers and accountants. >> we have to look out for the dividends. >> i like checking the dow. >> my favorite stock is apple. >> reporter: at the academy, students learn to you to make money -- save money -- >> i think everybody should at least save half of their money. >> reporter: and invest money. real money. thanks to the school's unique saving and investment curriculum. >> the incoming class gets an endowment. when they get to fifth grade, students will start to choose stocks they think we should be buying, and we will buy them. >> stock prices, $57.58, and the dividends is 14 cents per share. >> reporter: when students graduate from eighth grade, the $20,000 goes back to the incoming first grade. half goes to charity, the other half divided among the kids. >> an estimate. >> reporter: some years, like 2009, there's no profit, and the kids learn that investing is no slam dunk. but that doesn't deter kids like these graduates. >> i have my own portfolio. it's amazing. it will take everything to the next level. >> reporter: they weren't the only ones in the family getting an education. >> i started looking over some of the materials they were bringing home. still a little foreign to me, but then they kind of broke it down, like children do, and i started getting a little excited about that, and the knowledge, and i'm like, wow. you know what? this is fun. >> reporter: fun and finance doesn't often appear in the same sentence. but that's not true leer. from age appropriate learning to an ins spatial environment and a ut milt reward. attending a mcdonald's shareholding meeting. ariel along with investments put up the $20,000 for each great. in 1991, ariel started working with this public school on the south side of chicago, because it was one of most under served in the city. 98% of the student body is african-american. 78% are considered low income. nowadays, test scores are on the rise outperforming the district and the state average with the help of teachers like connie moran. >> good morning. >> reporter: named teacher of the year by the national foundation for teaching entrepreneurship in 2007. >> ever since i've listened to her in class i heard her say invest in your money. invest your money, now i'm going to listen to her. >> reporter: christine romans, cnn. >> great story. if you're not lucky enough to have a school like ariel in your neighborhood, how do you make sure your kids learn these money lessons? lynette cox is the author of "the millionaires' kids club." glad you're here. >> great to be here. >> i think the main question is, just how critical do you think especially now for kids to learn about how to manage their money? >> i think it's enormously critical. if you look at the past two years and what we've experienced as adults in this country, a lot of that was linked to a lack of financial lis reece and i always tell people simply put, financially illiterate children grow up to be financially illiterate adults. if we don't teach the young jern ace now they are doomed to make the same mistakes a lot of us made. >> i'm sure most parents have the best of intentions want to teach their kids about money but say 3, 5 years old, too young for that. what's age appropriate? >> i tell people, listen, as soon as your kids start asking about money, picking up the pennies or coins and nickels, or go into walmart or target and ask you for toy, that's the age at which it's appropriate to start talking to them. the marketers are not waiting. the commercials trying to sell to them, they're not waiting. i have a 4-year-old at home in addition to a 10-year-old and 12-year-old. i talk to all of them about money. my 4 yard, since she was 2. >> toddlers aren't too young. >> absolutely not. again, she'll say, she shot a nickel was more in value than a dime, because the nickel was bigger than the dime. i had to explain. no. this is the equivalent of five pennies. which is more? five pin e! pennies or more? and she got that. do in in age appropriate way, make it fun for the kids. >> you do have to teach them. i had to take my -- i took my nephew to disney world he wanted everything. >> you said author of the series called "the millionaires kids' club". the idea kids between 5 and 12, the central message of the book, i hope parents learn this message, to tell their kids, you have choices with what you can do with your money. kids see us spending all the time. they think that's what money is for. to spend and buy stuff. we actually have to tell our kwids to save money. yes, you can spend it, but you can also invest it and donate it. that's the lesson they're learning at that school in chicago. it's great. >> a little philanthropy at a young age. >> exactly. >> what about parents saying i'm not financially literate. got into a mess with my house, forecloche. think they can't teach their kids. are they wrong? >> very wrong. even if it's only your mistakes that can be incredibly instructive to kids. you know, i've been very open about my own personal story. wrote a book "zero debt" i was $100,000 in credit card debt and paid it off in three years. even kids can understand, mommy made a bad choice in the past. this is what we did wrong. if you are willing enough to be open and honest with your kids they were learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. don't just think i'm not an expert. haven't done it right. if you can say it in an age appropriate way to your kids, you'll say, i don't want you to make the same mistake. that's a great thing. >> thanks. appreciate it. up next, from travel insurance to the best deals on airfare, thousand navigate the skies this summer. that's coming right up. hi, we're the campbells. here's what we can do with 4g from sprint. using the overdrive 4g mobile hotspot, jimmy's playing some video game online, jenny's video-chatting with a friend, and i'm downloading a huge presentation. and while that's happening, we'll enjoy some family time. 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[ male announcer ] experience 4g from sprint. it's more than a wireless network. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilities, it's a wireless revolution. access volcanic ash has been the bane of many travelers this week with more than a few folks spending long awaited vacations stuck at the airport. so when does it pay folks to buy that travelers' insurance and what will the summer airfare look like? a lot of big questions out there for fliers. joining us from dallas with the answers, rick, thanks for being here. appreciate it. >> great to be on. >> volcanic ash. truly has a bane of travelers this week. say, like most folks, you didn't buy travelers insurance and are stick stuck because of this vol can ish ash. what can do you? >> a couple things can you do. if you're in europe, a european passenger bill of rights that says, really, they should put you up. a big argument in europe right now. for instance, some of the airlines selling $20 don't want to put people up in hotels. a variety of other things. a big argument going on. in the u.s. typically it's called an act of god. really, the airlines don't have to do anything for you, except refund your ticket price and try to reaccommodate you when they can. you're left to your own devices. >> you're seeing so many shacking up at the airport. the question, too, brings to mind people who don't buy travel insurance. when is it worth it and when is it just a waste of money? >> if you're buying a $200, $300, not worth your effort. buying a trip costing thousands of dollars, you're looking at, you know, between 15% and 5%, 15% cancel for any reason, because you feel not like going, and 6% to 8%, something happens, going into the caribbean during hurricane season. something like that. it's really -- i've done it for medical insurance purposes when i go to asia, stuff like that. you can cover your trip and medical. i personally like doing the medical part, especially being away a couple weeks. >> good point. people should also check before they buy travelers insurance, see if it's included in home insurance, auto, life? yes? >> check all of those things and also not all insurances are created equally. you need to read the fine print. i know a lot of people stuck in europe didn't read the fine print on travel instructions. >> you've got to do. shop around, obviously, and we look towards the summer. people book tickets now. what are you seeing for summer airfares? we know the airlines that have lost billions because of this vol can ish ash issue will try to make up money somewhere. >> this week we've already gotten a $20 round-trip hike for domestic airfares. it will stick as of yesterday. prices going up for dough mevg, i think, and a lot because some travelers have the jitters about going to europe and we'll see more traffic to canada and the u.s. right now if you're buying a ticket, you probably should wait, because all of the sales, saled fares are only good to the end of june travel to. wait a couple weeks if you want to go in july or august before you buy the tickets. >> the best time to look online for the tickets. what are they? >> really the best time, a tuesday, 3:00 p.m. through thursday. whats is airlines file sales monday night. all the other airlines start matching during tuesday morning, and the maximum number of cheap seats are in the system on tuesday afternoon. >> good to know. finally, the cheapest days to fly? would assume, what is it? saturday? something like that? >> actually, tuesday, wednesday and saturday, cheapest days to fly. those are your best bets. even if you do half the trip on yore days, you can save money. >> tell me about it. rick, thank you. you can, of course, check out for more on travel insurance, when it pays off and when it's a waste and, of course, the day's business news that matters middle east to you. we've all heard the pitch, we'll beat or match any competitors price. come on. highway does that work? how do you get the best deals or just about anything? stick with us. that's coming right up. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. absolutely! i have a lot of stuffiness at night. it wakes me up. i have allergies. ♪ you're right. i'm getting more air. -oh, yeah. -oh, wow! [ female announcer ] for two free samples, go to all right. you've heard of the pit. the store promises to match or even beat a competitor's price, but is the deal too good to are true? here to tell us what to watch out for to make sure you're getting the best deal possible is mandy walker, the senior project editor with "consumer reports." thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >> we all want to save money. spending a little more now, still careful. you say you really have to read the fine print, because not all merchants match competitors? >> not all match prices or price adjustment, after you buy the item, see it at a bet are price with 30 days, they may match it. may do that. may do a price adjustment, price matching, or may either one, check it out first. >> often price reductions online, you say look there? >> look online definitely first. for the best price. >> when it comes to the proof you need to get that price match or adjustment, you need it in writing, right? >> probably. they're probably going to require that. you can go in and say your competitor's offering half price. they're going to want the proof. makes sense. bring that ad in. bring the printout from the website. see if they accept photocopies. find out ahead of type, again. >> often you have competitors that are beating prices, not just matching them? >> sometimes they will give you an additional 10%. like sears, usually exceptions. holding companies, kmart, match the price. >> makes total sense. you think when it seems like a great deal, some things are not covered if you do a price guarantee. >> that's right. sometimes they won't include things like delivery, or installation on that. >> some stores won't even match certain merchants. like apple. whatever it is. a lot of ifs, ands or buts, but you can save money. >> is the item in stock or not? that matters if you're trying to get a price match? >> because the merchant say nobody's getting that prit because it's not in stock. if it can you ordered and in with a certain number of day, sears, with seven, they'll still do the price change. >> what if thing are on sale? you see price reductions already. if an item is on sale, does the price matching or beating the competitor's price even play in there? >> depends on the sale. sometimes there are exceptions to things like liquidation sale, clearance sale, grand opening sales or even black friday sale. certain seasonal sales they won't match. best buy might not match prices on thanksgiving or a few days after. economic that out. >> the most fascinating thing, look, i'm a deal hunter but didn't know what we were talking about before. it's that you can get a better deal sometimes by returning the item and also using your credit card? your bank can actually help you win in this one? >> they may be able to, if the price goes down, you find a better price out there, and the store won't do a price adjustment, check with your credit card company. see what their policy is. citibank, for example, will do a price adjustment for you. you'll have to have a proof of purchase, what the new sale price is and with 60 days, they'll refund you up to a limited amount, and maybe some restriction there's as well, like online purchases. once again, you've got it read that fine print u. do, but, good. thanks for helping out there. mandy, thanks. appreciate it. >> sure. as banks shy away from making risky consumer loans, credit score folks, it's not going to cut it any more. to get the best rates you need a killer score. how do get that, right after this. it can happen anytime. an everyday moment can turn romantic at a moment's notice. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven, low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right for you and your partner. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed back ache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to important. you all know that, but most of us know that your credit worthiness ranges on a scale from 300 to 850, but what most of us don't know is how that score is made up. so here's how it works. five categories that make up your credit score. of course, your payment history is a big chunk of that. 35%. debt load is 30% and how old is your report? how long have you had that credit? that counts for about 15%, and then finally, whether you're searching for credit, that's another 10%, and the diversity, the different types of accounts you have, that wraps up the final 10% there. according to the folks at fico, lenders have already raised their standards by about 20 to 40 points this year. while a score in the 720 to 740 range before might have gotten a great mortgage rate in the past, some lenders are looking for at least 760 to other the best loan they've got. what are the sure-fire ways to cure your credit? president of consumer education is here to make sure that you don't do that. john, thanks for being here. appreciate it. >> my pleasure, poppy. >> talk about first the number one way to just destroy your credit. what is it? >> absolutely. this is, remains true even before the credit crunch. missing payments. when lenders give you a due date, they're not kidding. they want the payment in by that date. do not ever give a lender any reason to ever say anything negative about you to the credit reporting agency, because that is the number one way to destroy your credit score. >> and i would assume that carrying a huge balance is also a major no-no when looking at keeping a high score. right? >> absolutely. people think if you make your payment on time you'll have good credit. not true. carrying lorg balances of credit cards, balance that approach the credit slimt another sure-fire way of destroying credit scores very, very quickly. >> what if you want a card, the suggestion of a lot of money managers, cut up a lot of extra credit cards. you close accounts is that going to hurt your credit score? >> it absolutely can hurt your score and here's why -- fico scores love to see separation between your balances and your credit limits across all of your credit cards. if you're closing credit cards you're not using, you're actually taking away available credit from the calculation, and you do not want to do that. if you don't want to use your card any longer, fine. shred it, hide it. just don't close t. any exceptions to that? what about the department store cards that you get to get 40% off your bill and you just want to close it? any exceptions to the rule there? >> yeah. it's more important if you have visas, mastercards, with large credit limtsz, $15,000, $20,000. credit cards issued by retail outlets are usually very, very low. limits are very low. if you're going to choose to close a card, closing a card from a retail store is probably safer than closing one say, from a bank that's issued it to you. >> good to know. i've done that. also what about starting a new line of credit? will that help you out? >> it were help and it can hurt. if you take on a lot of new debt in a short period of time that's going to hurt your score for a couple reasons. a a bunch of inquiries on your credit record, and inkwur is can lower scores. additionally, all of the new accounts on your credit reports, remember in your chart earlier, 15% of the score is driven off of the age of your credit report. >> sure. >> if you have a bunch of new accounts, then you're lowering the average age of your credit file. that can lower your score. >> a great point. i think there's a big misconception out there among folks that say i'm just going to use my checking account and cash. the idea no credit is good credit. >> poppy, i am so glad that you brought that up flap is very, very true. a lot of people make the assumption that credit avoidance is the same as solid credit management. that is absolutely not the case. credit scoring model it's like to see you using credit. a lot of different types of accounts, and they're going to reward you in your score because of it. >> use it responsibly. makes sense. thanks, john bp appreciate it. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. last, not least for us this morning, today's free for all, free products, free services. all courtesy of us. that show that saves you money. uh... yeah? 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