happen in the united states? >> i don't know that there's yet enough really concrete evidence of cannabis's benefit that's satisfactory. at least in that context. i think it's going to come. >> but it could be slow going. >> the fda has been great at approving studies. but national institute of drug abuse has been really stonewalling and blocking any studies looking at therapeutic effects of cannabis, because that's not their mandate. their mandate is to look at the harms of drug use. >> it's very easy to blame an organization. >> dr. nora volkow, who is the director of nida says they are not standing in the way. she claims they are not the only government institute that approves marijuana research. >> if you would come up with a grant that says, okay, this is going to be a treatment for drug addiction, then go to us, but if it's cancer, it goes to the cancer institute. if it is schizophrenia, it goes to imh, the institutes have a