- ♪ and you say we shouldn't worry about bin laden ♪ ♪ have e you forgototten ♪ - in musicic there wasas no oppositionon to that m messag. but when t the "war o on terror" " began... [enginine roaring]g] [shotsts firing] and we're talking about invading countries, well, then music had a lot to act in opposition to. - the didixie chicksks are thep countrtry touring g act of thehr despite the firestorm unleashed by their words during the first days of the war in iraq. - when n natalie maiaines sai, you u know, "w"we're so asashamed of or prpresident riright now,"" their r career tooook a sesevere beatiting. - someme protestorors took a tractor r and their r fet to smash the group's cds. - if you want to feel some good old fashioned american pride, look no further than the uproar ovover the dixixie chicks.. - and how w they can s say, "i"i'm ashameded that the prpresident's s from texa" comeme on, man.. - - screw themem, right? say it.