after him for this or this what they really care about is that they're trying to figure out how to pay their gas bills. they're trying to figure out how to pay their electricity and put food on the table well, for their kids. and they want a president back in the white house that puts america first. the decides that americans should be a priority and not lead and like we'd have happening at the southern border continued happened that they really care about the citizens that are here in the united states. >> governor, i just want to push on this question of what actually happened because donald trump himself acknowledged in 2018 that he authorized payments to stormy daniels and reimbursed michael cohen. we actually have the reimbursement checks to cohen signed by donald trump. so those are the facts. >> are you comfortable with this michael cohen worked for president trump. president trump paid his legal fees, he paid his michael cohen legal fees and bills. and that's what this trial we're bringing forward hopefully is the truth what a ridiculous case that that's us is that it's based on the narrative today that is