what does it look like you to? >> well, to me the new map is -- it's incumbent protection. the red seats got redder and blue seats got bluer. >> reporter: professor lublin of american university. >> when you have a lot of redistricting manipulation it feels more and more like the representatives are choosing their constituents rather than vice versa. >> reporter: texas state republican j.c. jatan. >> i hear that said often but at the end of the day the voting still occurs by the population that goes and votes. >> reporter: but if you decide that the population that's going to vote for you are like-minded people. >> communities of interest. >> reporter: communities of interest isn't just code for keeping republicans with republicans and democrats for democrats? >> i don't believe so, no. >> reporter: jatan served on the texas house redistricting committee. his own district is becoming more republican. when the districts are drawn so that republicans are in safe republican seats, democrats are in safe democratic seats -- >> sure.