Transcripts For CNN Serena Williams On Her Terms 20240707

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by her. >> they deserve everything. and i wouldn't be serena if there wasn't venus. for my husband and everyone and their thoughts. >> once in a lifetime or once in a generation there are certain athletes who come along and they transcend the sport. >> we saw it with tiger woods. we saw it with michael jordan. serena to me she did that for tennis. >> she changed wearing your emotions on your sleeve and being who you are. she made it a more welcoming and inviting sport for everyone. she revolutionized it just by being herself. >> she was so dominant for so long, especially at the most difficult time to be dominant in womens sports and womens tennis. >> she has never allowed anybody to dictate what she'll say or what she'll do. serena has always played on and off the court on her terms. >> com e on. hi. >> so this is from serena's essay she wrote in her book. i never wanted to have to choose between tennis and family. if i were a guy i wouldn't be writing this. >> because i'd be out there playing and winning while my wife is doing the physical labor of our family. >> don't get me wrong. i love every second with olympia. i'm turning 41 this month and something's got to give. maybe the best word to describe what i'm up to is evolution. >> i'm here to tell you that i'm evolving away from tennis toward other things that are important to me. >> the pain in the article that serena talked about, people don't realize it and i'm glad she's very vocal about that. >> people don't realize that you sometimes do have to pick motherhood over athletics. >> the greatest thing in my life is being a mother, and the gift of being able to have children and steward them into this world is something that i would never give up. and then i put myself in serena's shoes who is quite obviously still hungry, still loves the game, and she also wants to grow her family. that really pulled on my heartstrings because it's a decision that all working moms have to make. >> totally different worlds between men and women, and, you know, it's not fair. nba players is what i look to the most as a basketball player, and it feels like they're just popping out babies and they can play the next day. >> we know what it takes to be your best, and we know mentally, physically, and emotionally where you have to be. and it's almost like am i going to be a weaker competitor because i'm a mother now and i have something else that has totally taken priority in my life? >> she went back and forth in writing this essay. she wrote it, she deleted it. it was like a process for her getting there to really share with the world something that had clearly been on her heart for a number of years. >> i love that she's evolving away. she doesn't really want to stop playing tennis but her body is saying stop. she wants to have another child. >> she said in vogue olympia would love to have a little sister. >> there is no doubt that when serena met alexis ohannen and decided that she wanted to get married and have a daughter that her life changed. >> serena and alexis met in 2015. alexis was one of the cofounders of reddit. he's a venture capitalist. >> i think in the case of serena and alexis i think we can safely say opposites attract. >> how does a self-described unequivocal nerd end up with one of the greatest athletes in recorded history? how does that come about? it's not a natural match. >> you know, i would beg to differ on one hand because she's actually a total nerd indeed, and we actually met through random circumstance. >> when she met him everything started to change, how she wanted to do business because he is an entrepreneur in his own way, a successful one. how she wanted to get into tech because he was in tech, how she wanted to diversify her portfolio. >> you've got a promotion, that's fantastic. congratulations. >> so glad you finally had a good day today. >> it seemed like she found someone who totally understood her mentality, her mind-set. it made perfect sense to me. 2016 i meet u, 2017 we're engaged, i'm pregnant and having a baby. >> how funny is this? she is -- with my gatorade bottle. it's so funny. honey, that's mommy's. >> i mean serena just literally attacked the concept and the role of being a working mom, and i say that attacked in a good way. >> i think being a mom is something incredibly special, and i've embarked on a really good journey, and it's probably the best journey of my life, and i love it so much. >> she's become an entirely different person from the time we first met her on a tennis court. >> venus and serena williams grew up in compton, california. compton, california, probably came to more of a mainstream prominence because of a group called nwa. ♪ it was an area that also was, you know, riddled with gang violence and street violence and just kind of a rougher place to grow up. >> we came out of the ghetto. we came from compton, california. man, they were never -- that was tough. >> serena grew up very humble. it was her mother, it was her father, richard, it was her sister venus. but serena had several other sisters. >> i actually remember going to their house in compton and had an opportunity to meet all the sisters. the girls would come and watch venus and serena play. all five of the girls, there was just like a strength that they brought with each other. >> tennis was going to be the way out for his daughters, the way out of compton, california. >> there you go! >> tennis was -- essentially american tennis was a lily-white sport. >> people of color in tennis were really few and far between. >> before serena and venus williams there was gibson, rather arthur ashe. >> we broke a lot of barriers people expected to see. and it wasn't out of the norm anymore. >> venus and serena knowingly or unknowingly came into tennis as they are, black young girls playing tennis in this young white world. >> i think both wanted their daughters to be prepared for what they were going to face. >> their father had a very strange way of letting them know that racism does exist. richard williams would pay other kids to call serena and venus names while they were practicing on the tennis courts in compton. if you can concentrate and focus and play tennis while these kids are calling you the n-word, then you got it. he felt like if he could teach his daughters that this white world of tennis is not your friend and if you can thrive in this world under all circumstances given the worst and the best, you can do anything in life. >> she's a great player, and she's number one now. and she's only 16. she's the youngest number one, so i want to make a record just like she did. >> many people started to hear about the williams sisters. venus was the one we are focusing on. >> richard was like you've seen what i've done with venus, watch this next one. >> they felt they needed to get another outside voice of professional coaching. they knew they took him as far as they could take him. they knew that they needed a little bit more. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. ask your doctor about fasenra. 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>> no one really thought serena was going to win a u.s. open. i don't even know if she believed it until it happened. and this is her very first u.s. open, and she was so composed. she was so ready for this moment, and the first thing she does is walk over to her family. and this embrace that she gives her mother and her sisters and the way venus is looking at her is arguably one of the most affectionate moments that i've seen in the sport. >> i'm the first actually black woman to win a major title since -- gibson and it's really great news. i'm doing well, and it's good news for the minorities and just a different group of people. it's great. >> this is the moment whether they realize it or not of a new era. tennis was brand new, and the people who were in charge, they were two little black girls from compton. >> you would expect that the nation would embrace her as the national champion and beloved and the sisters and the story line just got everything, but even as they're winning and winning the challenges are still there about trying to win over people, be accepted, be understood. >> indian wells is right outside of palm springs, considered one of the best tournaments in tennis. >> serena, she was supposed to play her sister venus in the previous round in the semis, and venus couldn't play and pulled out from the match. there was always this accusation that mr. williams would tell venus to win this match or serena to win this match, and that was never true. >> and the crowd thought this was kind of fixing by the family, they're deciding who was going to win. >> and there was one person who started the boos. >> it's an amazing sound here. >> and it just picked up like -- it picked up like wildfire. it spread across that entire stadium. >> a crescendo of boos for serena williams. >> and i think what's interesting is that the commentators felt it was unprecedented, and it was. >> and the crowd -- an american crowd booing an american family. and you have to say it does smack of a little bit of racism. >> you could see how sad serena was. again, she's still a kid. no matter how much preparation you get, no matter how many times your father has paid somebody to call you the n-word while you're practicing on the court, it's another thing when it's real life. >> unfortunately, this was just one of so many hostile environments that the sisters to play in, but they managed to reign supreme in spite of that. >> it's just a mental match more of a physical match. it was a little tough because one year before the reception wasn't so good, but, you know, if you're a champion you should be able to get through it. >> so indian wells was 2001, and, you know, shortly after 2002 all she did was become the number one player in the world. >> game set match. >> in 2002 she beat her sister at womeimbledon. she was on a winning streak that was undeniable. >>, you know, she won everything. the serena slam came from 2002, 2003. she held all four titles at the same time. >> i actually played her in 2002 sort of as she became and was continuing to become serena fully. i came up against her, played her first at wimbledon, and i remember coming up against her like what do i do? like, there's nowhere to go. i mean i can't outserve her. i can't outhit her. i'm playing pretty well, but i just got beat in every area. >> the oldest sister of serena and venus williams was shot and killed. >> during serena's really big winning streak between 2002 and 2003 venus and serena williams oldest sister yetunde was murdered in a drive-by shooting. >> the death, wow, got chills even talking about it. i can visually see it. i remember i personally was watching the television, and i saw the little clip come up that their sister had gotten shot. >> they were playing full time on the tour. it was an unbelievably pivotal moment in their lives. yetunde's death would have been hard for both serena and venus and the other sisters. >> i had to hesitate. i'm going to try not to cry, but the blessing to have sisters like that and to be so close and it's all because it started in that little house in compton. and i'm sorry to cry, but it's just that sisterly love was like no other, just -- >> serena wrote in her biography that she was slipping into a depression and it affected everything in her life. >> and serena took a break from tennis, mental break and a physical break. >> she took that break in 2006, and she actually fell outside the top 100 in the rankings, and people are really doubting her, wondering where she is, how she's doing. >> and she comes into the australian open and no one gives her a chance. and when she made it to the finals against sharapova it was like a serious beat down. i remember listening to the commentators, and they didn't have nothing to say because she wasn't missing a ball. that time probably played some of the best tennis she had played up until that point. >> serena actually dedicates that 2007 australian open win to her sister. >> and most of all i would like to dedicate this win to my sister who's not here, her name is yetunde, and i just love her so much. a couple days ago i said if i win this it's going to be for her, so thanks, yetunde. >> serena williams, ladies and gentlemen, 2007 australian open champion. >> it really kind of felt like serena was back. she was back. e it, it just confirms... this. is. fantastic. and only at panera. $0 delivery fee for a limited time. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? 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just seeing her on the oprah winfrey show. >> so how much longer do you think you'll be playing tennis in. >> i don't know. maybe until they take me out back and shoot me. >> i know. >> seen her on david letterman. >> i have the same outfit, by the way. >> the best serena williams appearance was actually in a beyonce video on the song "sorry" serena williams pops up twerking next to the throne of beyonce. i think i screamed when i saw it and i'm sure everyone else did, too. >> i think she gave license to a lot of women who were curvaceous to be curvaceous. there's this myth that women in sports have to play like a boy and dress like a boy and act like a boy, and serena's like, no, i'm a woman, and i'm going to go out there on my terms and dress the way i want and play the way i want and you're going to accept it. >> i think famously that black cat suit is probably going to be like a third or fourth sentence when we ultimately write like the serena williams biography and profile. it's like a black unitard like onsie, sexy, spandex thing with like a pink belt, you know, in the center of her waist. i don't know if i can say this on cnn but serena williams is a bad bitch, and she knows it. that was an iconic look. >> it was 2011 when she's obviously on top of the world. >> serena was attending the oscar party. >> your first time? >> no, i come here every year. >> and she was not feeling good and things were going downhill quickly. >> suffered a pulmonary elbm due a blood clot in her long. >> it was mysterious. how is it possible this great athlete is in the hospital. obviously all of us were thinking is this going to be a career ending situation? >> it was the toughest thing i've been through in my life and one thing happening after another from the blood clots in both of my lungs, i lost part of my lung. i had to retrain and you go through the stage of why is all this happening to you. it was really an 11 months of hell. >> you go through something like that you have to question why are you coming back? you've won enough, but also it's those champions that know they have more to give and they want to give more. and so if they can mend themselves back to health, they're going to go back out there and do it again. >> after serena came back she was on a tear. she was taking names, kicking asses. serena was serena. >> she started to really think she could dominate every single tournament, every single grand slam. and it was kind of like, oh, boring, serena's winning another grand slam again. >> she was playing with this aggressiveness, this urgency, this i told you i'd be backness, if you will. >> serena, she had a forehand so hard to this day i still think about it. it's the hardest forehand that ever went by me, and i couldn't even move for it. the intensity she brings, that force of will that comes out in tight moments where she can raise her game, where she can raise the ante, that intensity, you know, is the best way i can describe it. >> the australian open in 2017 i remember so well. i was kmenicommonitating. >> serena was going for the record to beat second graph and hoping to catch margaret court at 24. >> she was on fire in this tournament. she was just thrashing players, first round, second round. and so all of a sudden venus is on the other side of the net. and then, of course, serena winning her 23rd. >> and serena smashes -- >> beating her sister in the final could you get more poetic? >> it's such a great feeling to -- to have 23. it really feels great. >> serena likes to have a drink after she finally wins a grand slam, and i said to her as a joke, you know, what are you going to have tonight, bourbon? >> and she said no never mentioned any alcohol. and what i didn't realize she was already pregnant, which is just unreal. and the only person i knew i believe was of course her husband and venus. venus knew she was pregnant. >> i still see those two when they came to the net watch venus, it's like once again she's the proud big sister because she knows all of this is going on. >> for serena those nine months of her pregnancy seemed to go fine, and then you get to the actual birth, and things go bad. she has to have an emergency c-section and within a few days she's got another pulmonary embolism and she's in trouble. >> serena in the birth of her child almost died. >> we had a lot of complications, but look who we got. we got a baby girl. >> when she had difficulties with her pregnancy that was life threatening, you know, we really didn't think she would come back because that was a hard toll on her mentally and physically. >> someone said to me this is it, once you have a kid that's it. and i fought everyone tooth and nail, and i said not serena. not eye of the tiger. she'll still be able to compete. >> being a mom affected her in a good way, but it actually hurt her tennis because the most important thing to you in your life are your children, and i think that her child became so much -- almost more important to her than tennis. ♪ bake me a cake as fast as you can ♪ >> 2018 u.s. open is a final. >> it was a match where it's yet another opportunity for her to win another grand slam and to tie the record with margaret, the ultimate record. she's playing naomi osaka who had been a rising star in our sport, who was a great competitor in her own right. >> naomi comfortably wins the first set, and serena and up 3-2 in the second set and she loses her point. the umpire takes it away from her because he said she's getting coaching from her coach. >> i didn't get coaching. i don't cheat. i didn't get coaching. how can you say that? >> it was a moment that she started to reflect more on her character about who she was as a person of not being a cheat, and it kind of got away from the actual match itself. >> i have never cheated in my life. i have a daughter and i stand what's right for her and i've never cheated. and you owe me an apology. >> every parent male or female felt that, and serena won the crowd over with that one line. >> naomi osaka won. she was younger, she was faster, stronger, more reprayer, more hungry. >> at the trophy presentation for serena and naomi, it was an awkward moment. >> good evening, everyone. and we welcome you to the trophy celebration of the united states open. >> the crowd is booing. naomi was crying because she knew they didn't want her to win. >> i just want to tell you guys she played well, and this is her first grand slam. >> serena was hurting herself. she was in pain because she lost a match, and this would have been the moment that she could have perhaps won another major, tying margaret court's record. >> i'm fairly certain in saying she would have broken that record if she hadn't had olympia. i think she understands that the bigger picture is how great her life is now with her family and her daughter. and she wouldn't give olympia back for any amount of grand slams. >> if you've watched her over the last few years you know that her love for the game is different. she doesn't have that same fire. and so there are all these rumors of it's time -- it's time for you to retire. it's time for you to take a break. >> when you look back at the 2021 australian open, when she left the court, you know, she kind of put her hand over her heart in thanking the crowd. a lot of people thought that, hey, are you coming back? 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life after a sport. >> i can do that. >> oh, you got a fish. good job! >> i can totally relate to serena about not wanting to share or even say the word retirement. when it was time for me to retire it was extremely difficult. it was hard for me to say. i never spoke about retirement. our oldest ace was turning 5. it was getting more and more difficult to leave my son at home. as they get older and they start telling you how much they miss you, that tugs on your heart. it's so hard. >> olympia is my roommate. i woke up to go to the bathroom and i got a surprise. and i'm thinking to myself you got to flush the toilet, girl. they say your kid grow up fast and to enjoy every moment, and i definitely do that. i'm going to look back and think where is that doodie? >> hey, little girl. the hardest word, tricky. >> good job. i haven't announced my evolution yet. i don't know if i'm retiring or not, but i feel that pull. you know, these are all very big things that require a level of depth and honesty with yourself. do i want it bad enough? do i want tennis? do i want it bad enough to suffer the inevitable going on road trips and leaving. you know there's more. and what i prayed for the past i would say five years is that when i do decide to retire that it's on my terms. doesn't mean i won't be sad, that i won't grieve, but it means i'm ready. i hope serena has the same. >> in my prime we were training six days a week. that's really hard for a little kid to be out there with you 3 to 5 hours a day in the weight room on the track. i want to go back and compete, i really do, but like right now he's a mommy's boy. he wants his mom 24/7. >> i think as an elite athlete you know the struggle, and it's -- it's hard. i think you can relate to just working moms in general. i feel like you always strive for that balance, but do you ever reach it? i'm not sure. >> to me serena is like the figure head of like a strong female athlete. now she wants to focus on her family, but it just showed everyone that you can be a mom and still be a top performing athlete. >> ultimately as a competitor you lace up your shoes, put the racket in your hand, put your glove on. it's the competitor that comes out of you. >> i know she still has fight within her. >> this has to be like this burning sensation inside of you, i'm not going to go down without the greatest of fights today. and serena encompasses that. >> it's a moment athletes have to face and no one knows what to expect or what they're feeling when that time comes. striving to reach the ultimate goal of zero poverty takes more than everyone's hopes and dreams. at citi, it takes a financial commitment to companies who empower people to lift themselves up. it takes funding and building on our know-how to help communities grow. that's how citi is helping create a better future by committing one trillion dollars in sustainable finance by 2030. because it takes everything to reach zero poverty. ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. have you seen my new phone yet? 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she fights and fights and fights. she lost but it may well have been her finest hour, and that's what she leaves us with. thank you. wow, what an ending. >> you know, we spend so much time having tennis at the center of our lives from a very young age. it's almost unfathable to think about when it's going to be over. >> and it's funny you said that because i was thinking about i would love to be ofly on the wall to know what the day after she feels like. >> to not even think about setting up practice. you're thinking about when you're going to start again, how you're setting up. the planning of it. >> there's so many things in your life that you can do. >> i think there's so many legacies about her life. i think so many black young girls around the world would have looked on the television. that's her legacy. >> growing up i never thought i was different because the number one player in the world looked like me. >> she introduced people who never heard of tennis into the sport, and i think i'm a product of what she's done. >> we watched her evolve into this beautiful business savvy young woman who is now truly looking ahead and making sure that her career and her legacy is completely narrated by her. >> i think, unfortunately, when it comes to athletes we prefer athletes to just shut up and do the thing that we know they can do well. we don't want them to color outside the lines, and serena williams colors outside the lines. and now that tennis is going to be off the table i can't wait it to see where that crayon is going to go in her coloring book. >> at the end of the day i am who i am. i love who i am and i love the impact i can have through companies i invest in and women, people of color, and like that is -- if i didn't have the passion that i have on the tennis court, i wouldn't have passion for what i do now. at verizon small business days from the network america relies on. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. ask your doctor about fasenra. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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