to fight this deadly condition? that's where we're going today. let's get started. health officials say diabetes could become the epidemic of the 21st century. think about that. studies say if we in the united states keep living sedentary lifestyles with poor diets, hardly any exercise, half of all americans will be prediabetic or have diabetes by the year 2020. that's less than ten years from now. look at this map from the cdc. look at the dark blue areas especially in the southeast. the appalachian states and parts of the southwest. those are areas that have the highest number of diabetes cases. we show you this because we want you to look at this map now that shows the highest levels of obesity. they are pretty much the same areas. so what does obesity have to do with diabetes? in order to answer that question, we need to look at what causes the illness in the first place. diabetes is caused when there's too much glucose or sugar in the body. we of course get sugar from the things that we eat and the body is designed to process sugar so it can enter our cells and provide us with energy. glucose can't enter our cells without insulin. that's a hormone that's produced by the pancreas. if you have diabetes, your body is not making any or enough insulin or can't properly use the insulin it's producing. as a result, you get too much sugar, stays in the blood and if this occurs over a long period of time it can lead to serious medical problem. medical problems. there are two main types of diabetes. people call them type i and type ii. type i tie beets used to be known as nuf vile diabetes, usually diagnosised in children and young adults, roughly 5% to 10% of all people with diabetes have this type which is not reversible because their pancreas is not producing enough insulin. the remainder have type ii diabetes. their body cannot process insulin directly. some have a pregenetic preddition position for it. the majority develop the condition because they're overweight. people who carry excess weight especially in their mid section are more likely to develop type ii diabetes because the fat in their tissues causes the imbalance of insulin in the body. the condition is also calledinessliness resistance. some minority groups such as african-americans, hispanic, certain asian americans have a higher risk of developing diabetes type ii. because of the way their bodies store fat and genetic makeup it sort of puts them at the increased risk. the good news is this. in some cases, with diet and exercise, type ii diabetes is reversible. not everyone can do it and some may need the help of medications as well. it depends on your willingness in some ways to make drastic changes. this is the story of two men. both are successful, active, have families. both have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. robert howard, sr., grew up surrounded by diabetics. his parents had diabetes. his siblings had it. when he was told he had type ii diabetes in 1996, he was in denial. >> i was really shocked. i kind of didn't believe it. all those in my family because because i was kind of asymptomat asymptomatic. i hadn't had any symptoms. >> it took howard a year to go to a diabetes specialist because he didn't want to conform to the lifestyle. >> diabetes, that's a headache. i mean, you have to control your diet and so much stuff. >> jonathan lake's father died of a heart attack in his 40s so he was always watching his health. although he had gained some weight after college he was still active. two years ago he was in his late 30s when he was diagnosed with type ii diabetes. it opened his eyes. >> it was a big wake-up call more than anything that wasn't what i was doing and what my current weight was not okay. >> the doctor wanted to put him on medications but legg said he would rather try to turn his diabetes around with diet and exercise. >> i wanted to know changes i was making were making a difference and it wasn't the drug. >> now both robert and jonathan got their diabetes under control. in fact, one of them reversed it all together. we'll show you how they did it and their trick later in the show. and next, you've heard the statistics and they are staggering. what is causing the number of diabetes cases in the united states to skyrocket? could it simply be that we're becoming a heavier nation? i'll sit down and talk to a leading expert on obesity about how we can help the next generation. that's next. [ female announcer ] for those who see the world as their playground... ♪ the sun's going down [ female announcer ] need more than an ordinary diaper. it's why there's pampers cruisers! its breakthrough super absorbency makes it two times drier... ♪ ...yet with less bulk... so you can move freely. it's the gear to play to the max. ♪ pampers cruisers. now with bonus diapers in every box! ♪ according to the centers for disease control and prevention, almost 26 million children and adults have diabetes. approximately 79 million or one-third of adults are prediabetic. 1.9 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people over the age of 20 last year alone. the numbers are pretty hard to digest and pretty staggering. to help us we have dr. gary foster. he's director for the center of obese and education in philadelphia. he's also a former president of the obesity society. welcome to the program, doctor. >> thank you. it's a pleasure to be with you. >> these numbers are staggering. people paid a lot of attention to the fact that they say a third of americans may have diabetes by the year 2050. people seem to understand diabetes or know about it at least somewhat. what's going on here? why do you think these numbers are expected to continue to increase? >> i think what's behind this is the epidemic of obesity. they are often called twin epidemics of both diabetes and obesity. we know that excess body weight adversely affects every organ system in the body. it shouldn't be surprising as obesity increases as it has over the last 30 years, medical conditions, especially conditions like type ii diabetes will also increase. >> this is the sort of work you do. as a television person that's a doctor, i talk about this issue all the time. people seem to intutively understand obesity and what causes it and why it's problematic, why don't people act on that and the message doesn't get through? >> i think the message does get through but i think there's a big disconnect between knowing something much like people can know it's not good for you not to wear a seat belt, not good for you to smoke, not good for you to not exercise, these are tough behavioral things especially on the eating and activity side. so we're placed in an environment where we ask our patients to swim upstream environment, where we ask them to eat more and move less and we ask them to do just the opposite. it's a lot harder than it seems. >> have you come across things that work? what seems to actually make an impact? >> i think what makes an impact is to first start with children. and because that's what's going to drive the future generations of diabetes. as you well know, there are now childhood cases of so-called adult diabetes or type ii diabetes. when it comes to childhood obesity, there are three things to focus in on. this would be generally relevant to adults as well. one is to decrease portion size. we have a portion distortion going on in this country about what's an appropriate portion to consume. that would be one thing. i think simplicity counts here. worry less about fat, fiber, carbohydrates, proeven if protein and whatever you're eating, eat a little bit less and make a small change. second, spend less time in front of screens whether it is watching dvds, computer games, tv. that will make a big difference. the third factor would be to decrease consumption of sugar sweetened beverages. we as a country drink too many calories. if we get children to focus on water and skim milk, it would make a big difference. >> i worry about diabetes because of the genetic likelihood. you say type i versus type ii. type i was considered juvenile or kids because of genetic causes and type ii because of lifestyle changes but we're seeing kids develop diabetes that was traditionally associated with lifestyle changes. too much weight. what is the misconception -- is there a misconception about diabetes? people always say to me if you eat a lot of sugar, you will get diabetes. perhaps. that's because of obesity, right? what are other misconceptions about diabetes? >> i think that's a major misconception. when it comes down to obesity, it's consuming more calories than your body burns and obesity independent of how you got there, whether you ate too much sugar, too much fat, too much carbohydrate, too much protein, it's obesity that leads to the consequences of type ii diabetes. actually developing type ii diabetes, obesity leads to developing type ii diabetes and from type ii diabetes, consequences will happen. you're right that type ii diabetes certainly has genetic components but the increase has to result from lifestyle factors. what we're seeing is that the lifestyle factors that used to not bear its fruit so to speak until 40s or 50s of an adult life span is now happening in teenagers. it's really troubling for what's both the individual consequences for the children who suffer from this but the economic consequences of type ii diabetes for our country. >> there are foods out there that are obviously worse for you, and they're plentiful, especially in urban locations. what do you do about that? it's easy to get on healthy food is what i'm saying. it's cheap. easily assessable. what should be done about that? >> there's an impending national menu labeling law which i think will help that will put in chain restaurants what are the calories of the foods that people are buying at the point of purchase. that could be a big help. i think that we could do a better job in city planning of making it easier again and not making it hard for people to swim upstream all the time to make it easier to bike. make it easier to walk. taxes have certainly been considered on certain foods. i'm not sure there's the political will to do that. a smoking precedent would suggest that that may decrease the consumption of unhealthy foods. >> we have 40 years before the staggering number takes effect. hopefully some things making our cities more healthy. that will make a difference in that time period. doctor, thanks so much for being on the program. >> my pleasure. >> here's a question. what do a lizard and huge oxygen tank have to do with diabetes? we'll answer that question next. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects, and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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[ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! we're back with a special edition of "sgmd." diabetes 20/20. millions of dollars a year are spent on diabetes treatment, research, prevention and as technology improves, so does care of diabetes. but monitoring and controlling blood sugar is the key to preventing diabetes complications like blood circulation, kidney disease, amputations and even death. products such as theiness lens pens that you're looking at, painless glucose monitors help diabetes keep sugar levels in check with little effort. a lot of the glucose monitoring systems look something like this. you have a little needle that's placed in a little kit here. you take that and cause a little prick in your finger. you get a little bit of blood. you take a strip over here and you place that in a glucose monitor over here. if you turn that on you get blood on the finger and place that on the strip and it gives you a reading. it's so important to get those readings. in patients who have to take insulin, there are pumps that be implanted in patients that monitor insulin levels and alert them when levels are too low or too high. others take drugs to help insulin work better. many of those medications can cause minor weight gain. there was a report presented to american heart association found a drug made out of the saliva of a lizard known as the gila monday store that helps diabetics keep glucose levels down while helping them lose weight. there are always things being developed and other drugs in the research pipeline. even with new technologies, diabetics can become ill. what might surprise you is that one of the most common and dangerous problems are injuries of the foot because diabetes constricts the blood vessels and can damage the nerves causing neuropathy, numbness of the hands and feet. because we can't see our feet as well as we see our hands, you get an injury on your foot sometimes too late by the time you notice it. that's what happened to this next woman. tinait tinaitra herndon duke is a type ii diabetic. when she broke her toe a few months ago she never knew it until it began to turn dark. >> my foot was hard and my toe didn't look right. >> her doctor diagnosed her with a major infection so severe surgeons had to amputate her toe. >> generally an injury that's minor can occur and before you know it, it gets out of control. >> because her amputation left a large wound, doctors recommended she have treatment in a hyper baric oxygen chamber designed to infuse oxygen into the blood stream and heals woods quicker with fewer side effects. >> we're able to super saturate their blood allowing oxygen to reach areas that aren't reached by oxygen and help in the healing process. >> after several treatments, her wound has healed. something her doctors thought would never happen when she first came to the emergency room. i can tell you that she was treated in a smaller chamber than this one. these chambers are catching on as an excellent treatment for wound healing. as a result they are popping up all over the country. for many diabetics being diagnosed with the illness comes as a shock because many never have any symptoms or they are so subtle that they had no idea. teen heartthrob nick jonas of the jonas brothers didn't know he had diabetes either. how has it changed his life? we'll talk about that next on "sjmd." ♪ while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. [ inner monologue ] ahhh, my scalp itches. should i scratch it? he's so cute, scratching would just turn him off. maybe i'll...oops. [ scratching ] that's better. [ female announcer ] there's a better way to relieve an itchy scalp. new head and shoulders itchy scalp care shampoo and conditioner, with eucalyptus. its formula immediately soothes and delivers long-lasting protection between washes. leaving hair manageable. new head and shoulders itchy scalp care with eucalyptus. respect the scalp. love the hair. pure... and also delicious. like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. welcome back to our diabetes special. millions of people today are living with diabetes and they don't know it. sometimes the symptoms like exhaustion, thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, are so subtle people often don't recognize they're ill until symptoms get a loss worse and they are forced to go to the doctor. that's what happened to teen rock star nick jonas. the jonas brothers have been one of the most successful young acts for the past several years, having sold millions of records and entertaining audiences all over the globe. they just completed a world tour which took them from the united states to argentina, brazil, europe, and the united arab emirates. shortly after the group signed their first recording contract, nick, the youngest jonas brother, was diagnosed with type 1 or juvenile diabetes. >> i was diagnosed november 2005. so i was about 13. i lost 15 pounds in the total of about three weeks which was a bit startling considering i only weighed about 105 pounds to start with. >> reporter: nick was told his blood sugar was over 700. normal level is below 100. >> my commitment to myself on the way to the hospital was that i would not let this slow me down. >> reporter: nick has learned to live with his disease and hasn't let it get in the way of the jonas brothers success. 2 1/2 years after his diagnosis on a day when nick says his blood shog was a little out of control he wrote a song about having diabetes. he says writing a little bit longer was therapy for him and fans have told him it's helped them cope as well. >> i think just the fact that i can say, look, you're just like everybody else. you can do what you want to do and you can do it with ivs. that's the best thing in the world -- with diabetes. >> reporter: jonas is thankful to do what he loves and educate use fame to educate people about the disease. with the change for the children foundation, nick has been raising awareness and funds for diabetes research for several years now. >> what we can do financially is great. i'm always happy to do that. but if there's something i can do personally to inspire a young person, that means the world. coming up next on "diabetes 20/20," we'll revisit the two gentlemen we introduced you to at the beginning of the show to find out how they got their diabetes under control right after the break. welcome back to ""sgmd."" today we're focusing on diabetes. at the beginning of our program we profiled robert howard and jonathan legg, two men both diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. one refused to take medication, the other refuses to accept the fact that he had diabetes for some time. but now both are doing well. the question is how did they turn their lives around? let's take a look. after robert howard was diagnosed with diabetes, it took him a while to admit had he had to change his lifestyle. and afternoon visit runner, howard couldn't figure out how he'd become a diabetic. >> athletic all my life. high school, in the military, in college. >> reporter: but once he realized his poor eating habits and family history led to the condition, he got serious. he now gets regular checkups. he keeps active. he eats on a schedule. cutting out carbs and sugars. >> i found in managing my diabetes, you have to eat regularly, frequently, and specifically. there are things you got to eat and things that you can't eat. >> reporter: he also takes medication and monitors his glucose levels daily. his doctor says he's doing very well. >> with some further diabetes self-management education, he's now doing really well on just two pills. >> reporter: as for jonathan legg, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he wanted to avoid medication so he went back to running, he cut out the beer he loved so much, starting eating a low-carb indict and he dropped 40 pounds. >> i enjoy what i eat but i just short of, one, basically educated myself by reading the carbs. two, i met with a couple nutritionists and they really helped me build a core game plan. >> cut out significant amounts of sugar in his diet, really changed how he ate, increased fiber, increased protein, cut back on alcohol, which is really a sugar. >> reporter: since his diagnosis, legg has turned his life around, sugar levels are now normal and technically he's no longer a die bet ig. his dock nor notes he's an exception. >> i told him as encouraged as i was and proud and pleased he's got to keep up those lifestyle habits for things to stay in the right direction. >> reporter: the story of two men, jonathan legg, robert howard, who dealt with their diabetes in different ways, made some changes, and are now living healthier lives. it's obvious that the diabetes problem in the united states is not going to be solved overnight but people are working on it. right now the cdc is looking at a new program that brings diabetes experts to urban neighborhoods where they can try and catch prediabetics before they ever develop the disease and also because obesity is one of the main causes of ip 2 diabetes, there's so much focus on weight overall. you may have seen this already but there's a new federal law out there requiring restaurant chains to start listing calories on their men

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