brush my teeth, i know this day might be my last, so i'm ready for whatever comes any day of my life. >> he joked about death with his inner circle. >> he'd always say, they are going to be shooting at me, but one of you will be jumping in front of the camera to take the bullet for me. and he said, i'll appreciate it, and then i'll preach the best funeral you've ever heard or anybody ever heard. then he'd start preaching. preaching your funeral. he would never let us get nervous about it. and i don't think he was nervous about it. >> but it was there? it was very real? >> it was there particularly from the moment john kennedy was killed. he just assumed that inevitably, if they could not protect the president, there's no way we could be protected. >> this photo was taken in 1966 on an earlier visit to memphis. at king's side, that's officer edward redditt. on that visit, king stayed in his usual room off the balcony at the lorraine motel. redditt remembers.

Related Keywords

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