>> it's expensive. to hire you guys you'd have to mortgage the yacht. >> for me i create at-home fitness program so it's a one-time payment and lifetime of results. >> we get discounts with bulk classes. >> barry you want to get a free plug in while you're at it? [ laughter ] >> if i can also say it has to be fun. if it's not fun people aren't going to come back. at flywheel we have great music, dj created mash ups and it feels like a club. >> the gym they use in new york to not have terrible sort of like swedish euro trash music. we now have watch cnn. i now work out to wolf blitzer. and i can tell you, it gets the juices flowing [ laughter ] >> than you all very much indeed. coming up next i will take a ride on one of ruth's flywheels. i don't know why i'm doing this but i've been persuaded it will make me fitter. [ applause ] d"

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