debates and keep his candidacy alive. you're seeing candidates drop out from the overall election once they realize they can't even make it to the debate process. so it's a bold play by him to stay viable. >> based on the numbers we've seen, both polling and fund-raising, at the end of the second quarter and the polling that continuing, he may be taking this method to try to raise some money but there's probably a long list of candidates who are facing the same urgency. >> oh, absolutely, there's no question. you saw mayor de blasio drop out yesterday. you'll see others as the standards get tougher going into the next debate, going into november's debate and january debate. as the standards get tougher to qualify, you'll see more and more candidates drop away. that's just the reality of the process. but iowa certainly is a very important determinant in terms of who can move forward. >> let's broaden the conversation to iowa and senator kamala harris. early on she prioritized south carolina with a surge of visits there and now she's f'ing moving