the average credit card rate which right now is sitting at about 18.7%. i just got off the phone with ted rossman from bankrate. in 30 years of their experience on average the highest was about 19% for credit cards. that was in 1991 i believe it was. he thinks we're going to blow past that next week. so for folks at home, prepare for that. >> what do they need to do first? is there something perhaps they can put on the back burner? >> big ticket purchases, you might want to be careful about taking that out especially if you have to put it on a credit card. what he told me, ted rossman, if you are carrying a credit card balance which is on average 5200 bucks first obviously if you can afford to pay it off pay it off but understandably some people can't. think about prachgs a zero rate balance transfer. if not that, if you have good credit perhaps you can consider a personal loan. you can get maybe a 6% interest rate but then you spread it out over several years, certainly better than paying 18% or 19%,