one of the cities, four-hour drive north of manila, look at the rain that came down. on the order of 945 millimeters. that's not 37 inches or 10 more inches than what we saw as far as maximum rainfall across the state of south carolina a couple weeks ago. tells you the flooding taking place here. you do the math, equivalent to 14 billion gal lops of water, 50 billion liters of water. take that water and fill up 21,000 swimming pools. that is olympic size swimming pools. that's how much water has come down across this community. you know certainly going to be problematic. to the north we have a massive area of high pressure. this area of high pressure create a blocking pattern. the storm system has been slow to exit the picture. that's why this is such a big story as we're seeing the tropical rains persist. unfortunately with the forward progress, that was good news. unfortunately the rainfall models as far as the next couple of days, they've increased a little bit, up to 250