protect the legitimate rights of the families. errol, there's still a lot of mistrust wen those 239 families and specifically the malaysian authorities. this potentially could have been an opportunity to begin to work past that for whatever reason the announcement did not play out that way. the question families continue to ask is does this announcement get us any closer to finding the plane, the passengers and ultimately errol, the truth? >> it really is -- your heart goes out to all the relatives of the victims. david molko in hong kong with that new information there from the chinese foreign ministry. david, thanks. now to some other big stories we're following for you. in the u.s. state of tennessee authorities say a man who attacked moviegoers had a history of mental illness. he was also reported missing two days before the incident where police shot and killed him. cnn's mary maloney has the details of what was a terrifying situation. >> reporter: sounds of a