string of serious allegations, bizarre behavior and crude comments. the mayor refusing to go and councilors are fed up, talking about stripping the mayor of his power. we are watching this meeting, we'll let you no he what comkno out of the meeting later. live to the house floor in a few hours republicans and democrats in the house will vote on a republican plan that could end up gutting obama care. today's vote comes on the heels of the president's vow to help people keep the health care plan they have, if they like it. chief congressional correspondent dana bash live on capitol hill to talk about the bill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. if you take a look at the specifics of what republicans are offering, you might scratch your head and say wait a minute, this is almost looks like what the president offered yesterday. they are offering in this bill to allow people not mandate but allow people who have insurance policies they like to keep them, at least say insurers can do that, but it doesn't mean that people can keep their insurance, because it is something that is

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