all of our viewers know as a result of what happened after the benghazi attack. and her appearance on five sunday shows. he will also announce that he's nominating samantha power, another former official of his national security council as his next u.s. ambassador to the united nations. jessica yellin is standing by. we're only seconds away. these are very important decisions by the president. >> reporter: wolf, they are. in both moves the president is simultaneously choosing people that could be lightning rods for controversy, but also very familiar faces and democrats say this is classic obama in going with members of the foreign policy team to keep a sense of continuity in his policy. on the controversy, as you point out, susan rice has been at the center of the storm over those benghazi talking points for her comments in the aftermath of the attacks in benghazi. the white house fiercely defending her, but because of her remarks, she lost out on becoming secretary of state. if republicans were hoping that