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the massive storm. hardest hit, connecticut. winds are slamming cities including providence, rhode island, and boston. we'll take you live across the region ahead. she is the newest face in the war on gun violence. today, n chicago, a 15-year-old hadiya pendleton will be buried. among her mourners, first lady michelle obama. pendleton was shot in the back and killed just days after she marched in the president's inaugural parade. in los angeles, police are suddenly the targets of a man who used to wear the uniform. billboards are up as law enforcement agencies in three states hunt a former l.a. cop that's accused of killing an officer and threatening others. he says that he wants revenge on those who cost him his job. police at the grammys will be on guard for their own safety since dorner's threats, but the show will go on. and a new name and suddenly a grammy favorite, singer frank ocean, had has surfaced. he has racked up six nominations including new artist of the year and album of the year. the blizzard is still dumping snow across the northeast. some areas of connecticut are seeing as much as three feet of snow. the governor of connecticut orders all state roads closed until further notice or across the northeast, more than 650,000 customers without power. u.s. mail service suspended in six states. some areas north of new york city. >> reporter: it was billed as a monster nor'easter, and it didn't disappoint. for hours and hours, across the northeast from eastern pennsylvania to maine, two feet or more of snow blanketing the region. >> this is probably the biggest i've seen in my lifetime. >> reporter: connecticut got slammed with the most of the snow. the national weather service says some of the biggest accumulations have been reported in that state. look at this -- milford, connecticut, 38 inches. new haven, 34. bridgeport, 30. >> arthey're crashing a lot. you got to be patient and take your time. >> reporter: in hartford, practically a losing battle for snowplows. >> all in all, i think things are going well. i'm most appreciative because citizens are listening to the warnings that we're giving. >> reporter: massachusetts had also banned more than unnecessary driving. more than two feet of fell snow in areas there. it was the howling winds up to 75, that took its toll. >> we have lost power through the night, it's gone off, come back, gone off. >> reporter: electricity to the nuclear power plant in plymouth, massachusetts, knocked out briefly while hundreds of thousands of people spent the night without light or heat. these two were lucky. you did not lose power all night. how was it? >> it was fine. we watched a couple of movies and went to sleep. >> reporter: travel severely impacted. no one on the roads. airports in boston, new york, and elsewhere, out of operation. more than 5,000 flights canceled. >> and ashleigh banfield joins me now from fairfield, connecticut. i heard you on the phone. it was a white-knuckle drive just to get you there. >> reporter: marty savidge, do you know how long it took me to get to this town from where i live which is typically about a 15-minute drive? it took one hour and 45 minutes. i spent about 45 of those minutes right at the exit. when the governor says don't drive, the governor means what he says. it's really stupid for anyone else -- i was single file on 95 with a bunch of yahoos who shouldn't have been there passing wreck after wreck after wreck. not only that, very few plays could you exit or get on to the freeway because snowplows had created four-foot banks that were shut into exit. you were shut in to a gas station or shut out of a gas station on and on like that. it was single file for a long time. almost didn't make my live shot for you now. let me give you a feel for this. it is windy. it's sunny and lovely, and the snow has stopped. but because there's so much wind, it looks like it's still snowing. it's been churned up, blown off roofs. look over my shoulder. that is a car dealership. i'm not sure if we can see it -- hold on. i don't know if we can see it now. but you see all the cars and the dealership are -- they're snowballs, mounded. it's going to take a long time to dig that out. luckily, i am at a gas station, and it is open. ve very, very little is open. this area got about two feet of snow, but not much farther, milford, connecticut, got hammered the hardest. one of the records of the snowstorm, about three feet of snow. boston really got hammered. and i was watching my pal jason carroll who, you know, drew one of the short straws and had to sort of endure it all evening long. jason carroll standing by. you still have a bit of a blizzard problem, as i understand it. your snowfall hasn't stopped yet? >> reporter: yeah, we're still getting snow here, ashleigh. it has not stopped snowing. it snowed all through last night. boston got ten inches. we're still getting flurries now as we speak. and the story here in boston, of course, is the big dig-out. the only way to get -- to really get a chance to see that is to come into the neighborhoods like this in south boston. you see people are out doing what patrick sweeney's doing down here, ashleigh. they're digging out. these cars, mounds of cars that are buried. look at all the snow, buried underneath snow. this is a hood here buried underneath all of this snow here. i know that boston technically got 21.8 inches of snow, but that's not the real story. as you see, when plows come down streets like this, the snow ends occupy cars like yours instructions. >> i hope this is my car. >> reporter: how long have you been at it? >> about an hour. >> reporter: about an hour. looks like you've made headway. how much longer do you think you have to go? >> at least two more. >> reporter: as i look up and down your street and -- bob, bob's my fundraiser, give th -- photographer. as we see, patrick is dealing with what dozens it dozupon doz have to deal with either today, tomorrow, or the next day, right? >> exactly. i don't have any plans until monday. >> reporter: you're getting a good workout in, for sure. >> probably need it. >> reporter: when you look at now that the storm has basically pawsed e-- basically passed us it what you expected? >> i don't think the heavy stuff is going to come down for a while. >> reporter: i'll let you get back at it. keep at it. i know i had to do some digging myself. it's not just all about people digging out. you can look here, this is where we spent last night. i know you remember us doing live shots out here last night. we were in there where you see those kids who are now using what was a parking lot buried underneath there, they're using it for their playtime so they can do some sledding. basically when you hear about power outages here in the state of massachusetts, some 400,000 people without power, most of those people aren't here, those are the people who are down in the coastal areas. they'll be dealing with that. in terms of what's happening, you have a travel band that's in effect. you don't have people on the roads. that's helping the emergency vehicles get in and get out of areas. get into neighborhoods like this one so they can plow. that is in effect. in terms of streets themselves, the mayor was saying this morning that they've used 3,700 tons of salt and sand on the roadways. they've foot much more than that in their arsenal to spread out as the weekend continues. ashleigh? >> well, jason, i'm glad the good people of massachusetts are listening to duval patrick, their governor. a lot of people at least in this area where i am, fairfield, connecticut, on 95, choking that freeway. and the good people who have plowed -- let me get out of the way. can you show these -- these are personal plows. people who have affixed plows on the front of their, you know, their 4 by 4s who can get by and help. there are a lot of independent contractors who the states have -- i say states because all of the states are employing every plow and independent contractors, too. i can't tell you whether these people are being paid or not, but they are certainly part of the effort to fix this problem. the only issue is, they can't get across 95 or through 95 when you have a bunch of idiots who are just out thinking they need to be somewhere. and so everybody is sort of stuck where they are up on 95. at least in this area. so that's a big problem. there is one issue, as well. it looks like a blizzard here. jason carroll said he's still dealing with a blizzard. by the way, people are spinning out. so i'm going to watch what happens. i think people are frustrated, unable to move, they're spinning out and sometimes can't control their vehicles a little bit. but jason carroll was saying that the snow is still continuing there. and it looks like it here. it is not. this is blowing snow. these gusts are 35, 40 miles per hour at times. that's causing a lot of difficulty in visibility, as well. and it is drifting. the snow is drifting. so as fast as people can plow it, it's drifting back up. marty savidge is watching this with alexandra steele. i may be in the connecticut story, jason may be in a massachusetts story, but this is a 13-state story. it's about to become a u.s.-wide story. this series of weather systems. >> all right. ashely, thank you very much. you're right -- ashleigh, thank you very much. you're right. alexandra, this is something you were talking about, that the wind would come after the snow. it clearly is. >> absolutely. we're seeing gusts where she is in connecticut. 20 and 30 mile-per-hour gusts. we have seen it this 50 and 60 mile-per-hour wind gusts in places like massachusetts and rhode island. so it is over in connecticut. the snow is done for you. it's going to end from west to east. so boston will end later this afternoon. look at these snowfall totals. connecticut probably the bull's eye between 30 and 38 inches for places like new haven and madison and all the way up toward avon and west hartford. but in justice departmento -- i. stoney brook, 28. islip, 27. paramus, 14. in central park, 11.4 inches. incredible numbers. portland, maine, 29.3. all-time record for portland, maine, their greatest snow total ever on record, worcester, massachusetts, 28.5. gloucester, rhode island, 25.7. boston -- use got it, rhode island to connecticut to massachusetts to mane -- to maine, the storm delivered. in boston, we have a blizzard warning until 1:00. that's because here's the snow. it will end in boston this afternoon, but you see it's still there. kind of this is the back end of it. so where we are seeing litchfield county, fairfield county, where ashleigh is in fairfield county, it is over. but the winds are blowing. we are going to see ten-foot drifts potentially with all of the blowing of the snow. but there's the back end. we're going to still see, we've got one more line. this a bit of dry air working in. but actually this has kind of been the area, this 91 corridor through connecticut and massachusetts that we saw the heavy-duty snow. where there was the most dynamic, the most uplift, that's where we ended up with the 30-inch pluses right here. it's funny. that's what happens with the weather. it's so circular, and it kind of just gets into such a rhythm that it's hard to get out of sometimes. we are going to get out of this. this will end this afternoon. you see here's the area of low pressure. by this afternoon and into tonight, even tonight, by 10:00, we're still going to have 30, maybe 20, 30, low 40 mile-per-hour gusts blowing that you will wind around. but we are going to see end in the next couple of hours, then just a wind event blowing everything around. then we'll have to clean it up. >> all right. that they will do. thank you very much. blizzard warnings, as you heard, still in place for long island and up the maine coast. connecticut is reporting very high snowfall with a few locations over 30 inches, some nearing 40. portland, maine, 29.3 inches, breaking the all-time record of 27.1 inches. goes back to 1979. boston's logan national airport got almost 22 inches of snow. now to air travel. all airports are open in new york. but commercial flights will be running on a delayed schedule. nearly 4,800 flights have been canceled. united airlines canceled the most followed by delta, usairways, jetblue, and american airlines. now to the power. some 650,000 customers without it in the region. most of them in massachusetts. massive outages also reported in parts of rhode island, connecticut, new york, and maine. coastal areas of massachusetts are under a mandatory evacuation order. the state's emergency management agency fears widespread flooding from the towns of sandwich, residents in scituate are already reporting rising water. and the long island expressway and sunrise highway are closed to all nonemergency vehicles. hundreds of cars stranded on the expressway because of, yep, snow. many of the people in the cars have been rescued, but some are still out there. authorities say that they are doing everything they can to get everyone and to make sure they are warm. mary snow is on her way there. we'll have a live report from here. that's expected later on today. all right. other news. a symbol of gun violence. and one of the people committed to stopping it will converge in chicago today. first lady michelle obama will attend the funeral of a 15-year-old chicago girl who was apparently caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting. she was shot and killed days after marching in president obama's inauguration parade. we have more from chicago. the first lady is traveling with some other administration heavyweights, isn't she? >> reporter: that's right, martin. you know, the first lady is returning to her hometown. this is where she grew up here in chicago. she's coming with senior adviser valerie jarrett and education secretary arne duncan who are also chicagoans. you know, this is -- the violence in this city, the gun violence in this city is something that the president himself has brought up in numerous speeches including right after this shooting in newtown. talking about the kind of violence we see on street corners in places like chicago and in philadelphia. and i should mention, too, he even taped a special video message to the city of chicago last summer talking about the gun violence. and in that video, he said that it's everyone's responsibility to make our streets safe so that children's biggest concern is that algebra test or physics test and not getting home, walking home from school. this is unfortunately the case in hadiya pendleton shot not far from her school after taking, we understand, a final exam. we know that she wasn't the target. she wasn't involved with the wrong crowd. that she was a bystander who was killed. this is something that is unfortunately far too common in chicago and really across the country. >> such a heartbreaking story. athena, thank you very much for that. meanwhile, sticking with chicago now, a source close to jesse jackson jr. says the former congressman has signed a plea deal. federal prosecutors along with the fbi are investigating jackson for possible financial impr improprietor improprietors. he resigned from congress last year after taking an extended medical leave. in 2013, the grammy awards are coming up. that will be tomorrow night. a new name and suddenly a grammy favorite, singer frank ocean, has racked up six nominations. ocean's album "channel orange" is nominated for album of the year. country singer taylor swift is among the favorites in the record of the year category with her song "we are never, ever getting back together." ♪ police in three states now on the alert and on the lookout for an ex-cop with a grudge. snow in the california mountains may make it easier for christopher dorner to allude that manhunt. he is accused of killing three people, including a police officer. 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that's powerful. shareable data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. that your mouth is under attack, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. welcome back to the newsroom. i'm martin savidge. it's not just the northern hemisphere that got rocked this morning by mother nature. the 7.0-magnitude quake that is struck southern colombia. the pacific tsunami warning center said the quake did not generate a destructive tsunami. wikileaks' founder, julian assange, has waded into the drone debate. he's slamming the u.s. government for saying it has the right to stage drone strikes against u.s. citizens who are perceived to be "imminent terror threats." and now to a threat of another kind. after dealing with some bad weather, police are ready to resume an aerial search for an acua acused killer, christopher donorer is accused of killing -- christopher dorner is accused of killing people out of avenge for losing his job. dorner in effect is declaring war on the police department, isn't he? >> reporter: he is. it's a chilling manifesto. some call it a ramble or rant. i poured through it, it seems coherent and very emotional. at times deranged when he says he's going to wage asymmetrical warfare against members of the police department and their families. the search in big bear has resumed. it's been just over an hour. a couple of new developments to share. this morning we hear that yesterday there was 125 officers from around southern california assisting in that investigation. it's been slightly scaled back this time around. still quite a presence in big bear. also, we're hearing from the sheriff's department this morning that there will be no media breefls unless there is a significant -- briefings unless there's a significant development in their investigation. as you remember yesterday they said they'd be scaling media briefings back. as well they said they don't know if there's evidence or there's not evidence to suggest whether or not chris dorner is actually in big bear. could have been a diversion. they found his burned out pick up truck thursday. some suggesting it could be a diversion. so far, no more tangible evidence as to the whereabouts of the suspect. >> what's being done to protect police officers and their families who have been targeted? >> reporter: more than 40 police officers and family members of those police officers were listed in this manifester. they're being given detailed protect. i spoke to lieutenant commander andy smith, one of those receiving detailed protection. you imagine the strain on the rousz in t-- resources in the police department. it's all hands on deck at this point. officers from several divisions throughout los angeles are working 12-hour shifts. right now everybody seems to be looking for chris dorner. martin? >> nick valencia there in los angeles. thank you very much. we'll look at that storm in the northeast from your point of view. our ireporter, they're on the scene. we'll bring you some of their reports.  it is looking like a difficult day in new york as you take a look at what appear to be some emergency responders dealing with an automobile that isn't where it's supposed to be or buried under all of the snow. one of the many scenes that are going to be playing out along much of the northeast. thanks to all of you, we literally have eyes everywhere in this storm. to show us how it's impacting all of us, thanks to our ireporters out there with a shovel in one hand, a camera in the other. george howell has been collecting images and joins me with some of the best. of course, we always advise you, please, safety comes first, right, george? >> reporter: right. and to be your friendly neighborhood global news organization, you know, it takes yours ireports to bring us into your neighborhoods to see what you're seeing. we're getting a lot of report. you get to see what's happening in several different cities. in fact, you get to see some of the lighter things, too like this. really cool here. big snowman. one of the newest ireports. this comes from middletown, connecticut. this is an interesting scene. you see cars that are just coated, that are covered in snow. the gentleman who sent this to us, darrell lucas, said it's going to take time before he gets out of the house today. he owns an italian restaurant there in middletown. won't be getting out today, and keep in mind in those rural areas outside the main city, it will take some time for official to get around to your neighborhood to clear these roads. so just bear that in mind. you know, officials obviously doing their best to get the job done. we're hearing a lot of that on twitter. i want to go to some of the things we're hearing. minding the word "snow," from connecticut governor dan malloy, he says in a tweet, "this is a record-setting storm. it's going to take time to dig out of the snow. stalled or abandoned vehicles will only slow that process." and that's what you're hearing from a lot of officials this morning as they -- as we get daylight, we see how much snow fell overnight. again, the message, it will take time. pack your patience. one thing that i want to talk about here, we have an interactive map at a great map to check out. you can see several -- in fact, i can show you here. pull it up. pretty cool. you can look at the ireports coming to us. let's go to nantucket island, and you can see some of the things that people are sending us. please do send in your ireports. send information to me, i'm a aat aat at @georgehowell at at cnn. >> thank you very much for bringing that to us. the intense search for a killer with a grudge is being slowed by bad weather. but this is on the west coast. police in three states searching for an ex-los angeles police officer who is accused of killing one cop and threatening others. good morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ ♪ all set? all set. [ male announcer ] introducing the reimagined 2013 chevrolet traverse, with spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. >> reporter: good morning to you from fairfield, connecticut. roughly 40 million people, your fellow americans, right in the path of a monster blizzard. one for the record books. i'm ashleigh banfield reporting in connecticut. some of the biggest snow totals fell, upwards of three feet. if you're in milford, i am sorry, but you've got some shoveling to do. if you are thinking or even suggesting for a moment that you're going to go out and drive on any of the roads in massachusetts, rhode island, connecticut, forget about it. it's not allowed. there are bans in place. let me tell you, the only people who should be on the roads are people like this guy. he's got a light on the top, filled with snow-removal equipment in the back. some independent contractors who have snow removers on front of their pickup trucks, they should be out, but not you. let's spin around so you can see people are obviously out and about doing their thing. not as many as i thought. but still too many for comfort. private citizens who are breaking a ban. if you can just get up that exit there. i don't know if you can make this out from your vantage point on tv, but that is i-95. and you see all those semis virtually parked. it's a parking lot. it's one lane. where you can actually pass it, it is one lane. it is littered with wrecked out cars all the way along. wrecked out cars who spent the night there, too. they are drifted over and buried. it's going to be a long time before they get out. they're probably lucky that they got out with their lives. here's one of the problems -- those plows have been trying to keep up with this, and they're making giant banks that effectively shut off oall exits and entrances. if you're on the freeway, you could get stuck. if you're on it, you're probably spending the night at the gas station which people did right here. our zain asher has been watching the story from new york. i know you're in manhattan. but the long island expressway had over 100 vehicles littered. a lot of people spent the night this their cars, too, terrified. >> reporter: absolutely. on east long island, a lot of people stuck. here in new york, our dear friend, the sun, is over columbus circle, as you see, melting away a lot of the snow. a lot of new yorkers out and about going about their daily business. to give you some idea as to what people are actually saying, i ran into one couple visiting from slovakia. i asked, you know, what's it like being on vacation during this type of snowstorm. they told me in slovakia when it does snow, the snow literally comes up to here. for them this type of weather, it's practically like spring for them. i also spoke to one person born and raised in new york who said he's so grateful given all of the disaster with hurricane sandy that new york city was spared the worst of it. he also wanted me to tell you that his heart goes out to anyone affected by this on the east coast. we have mayor bloomberg echoing that exact sentiment. take a listen. >> i think it's fair to say that we were very lucky. the storm brought plenty of snow, about a foot in a lot of areas of new york city. but we certainly avoided the worst of it. and our thoughts go out to the people in connecticut, rhode island, massachusetts, new hampshire, vermont, maine. >> reporter: in terms of transportation, and i have good news and some bad news. the good news is that airlines now trying, emphasis on the word "try," to resume normal operations. also the metro north trying to resume normal operations on two out of three of its lines. as you mentioned, ashleigh, people on the long island expressway especially east of long island, really just stuck in snow. the bottom line is, if you are out and about, especially in this area, it is very wet. make sure you drive slowly. it is also very, very cold. so if you can avoid coming out and you can stay warm, that might be better. ashleigh? >> reporter: yeah, it is cold. i'll tell you, zain, when that wind blows, it takes it from about 22 degrees when i left my house this morning down to about zero with the windchill. it's not only cold and uncomfortable, but that's very dangerous if you're stuck in your vehicle because you decided to flout the ban in these states. i want to tell you one other thing. there's like 650,000 people who lost power across several states. showily but surely they are restoring the power. connecticut of really fast on the game. they staged people in advance to make sure that they could hit those places fast during the storm and get power back up because of the cold. you lose power when it's 27 degrees at night, you feel it real fast. we saw some contractors going by trying to restore power obviously with their big vehicles. just look past me. i want to get alexandra steele in on this. that is a used car -- rather, a car lot, a nissan dealer. you see the blowing snow is drifting over the vehicles and burying the fronts of thempt. the front may look like a blizzard, but my dear, this is just blowing snow from the wind. the skies are blue and beautiful. it's just horrendous wind causing snowy conditions. is this going last? >> yeah. you'll see the winds throughout the day. by tomorrow, winds will abate, no question. but today, 20, 30, even 40 mile-per-hour gust. tomorrow the winds will subside. the only place really, boston still does have a blizzard warning until 1:00. then the snow ends and wind abaits. there are two other concerns in the country. farther south, we've got a severe weather threat. then another blizzard in the northern plains and upper midwest. here's what's happening. oklahoma city to dallas, looks negligible. doesn't look like much. heading through this afternoon, we could see the severe threat ramp up with damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. under the gun for that, oklahoma city to dallas, then farther south. i think the bigger severe threat, though, will be tomorrow. watch what happens. this is sunday morning. watch this line kind of get its acts together and get some juice with it. by 1:00 tomorrow, memphis, louisiana, mississippi, reminiscent. a few days ago last week with the severe threat. nowhere near as severe as that. the tornadoes, the ef3 north of atlanta, georgia, north georgia. but there is the severe threat. again, isolated tornadoes predominantly sunday and into early monday. here's the threat on that. houston, new orleans to jackson and north to memphis. and then conversely, look at what else we've got. we've got an area of low pressure developing in the rockies. the potential we already have blizzard warnings. you can see for the dakotas, wyoming, and then toward minneapolis and points north of that, toward minnesota. this is the scenario on that deal. tomorrow afternoon through monday morning, we're going to watch this low pressure move. we do have blizzard warning once again for the same area. certainly going monitor that, as well. marty, lots in the offing. no question about it. when you look at some of these numbers, eight to 12 inches, looks negligible, right, compared to the 30 inches that we've got in connecticut now. here's the bull's eye on that. northwest of minneapolis and, again, into the dakotas. now ashleigh, what we're seeing here, again, certainly nothing compared to what it's -- funny, everything's perspective, right? >> reporter: everything is perspective when you're freezing cold and thinking how did marty and alexandra get the warm studio that i'm sure is serving lattes outside the studio door. i wanted to make a quick mention to you both about the volume of snow. they can't really get to all the plowing until it's safe. they're going to wait in a lot of jurisdictions until it's okay to get out and do more plowing and clear. then of course the big question is going to be where do you put it. marty, when you and i were growing up in canada, they used to put it in massive mounds in the mall parking lots. we used to go sledding in the mall parking lots. i don't know that that's going to be the m.o. this time, but it made for a lot of fun back then. but it does make for a big pain in the butt right now. >> yeah. you could always find snow in june at the mall, that's how it happened. all right -- >> reporter: that's right. >> thanks very much. we'll get back to you in a minute. moving on to something on a serious note. an ex-cop with a grudge and survival training. he's eluding a police manhunt that is centered on the mountains of southern california. snow there also forcing police to scale back the search for christopher dorner. he could be in the mountains around big bear lake, california. but searchers don't know. dorner is out for revenge, targeting police officers and their families. he blames them for costing him his job with the l.a. police. three people are already dead, including an l.a. area officer. two others were wounded. and a symbol of gun violence and one of the people committed to trying to stop it. they will converge in chicago today. first lady michelle obama will attend the funeral of 15-year-old chicagoan hadiya pendleton. she was apparently caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting. she was shot in the back and killed just days after marching in president obama's inauguration parade. pendleton and some of her friends were hanging out in a neighborhood park when that gunfire broke out. and then the fight for a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and tighter gun control in general appears to be losing momentum. it was top of mind after the connecticut stoog, but eight weeks -- shooting, but eight weeks after that rallying call, the administration is no closer to a new law. the president wants a ban on assault weapons and a law limiting magazine clips to ten rounds along with expanding background checks. a sewers close to jesse jackson jr. -- a source close to jesse jackson jr. says the former congressman has signed a plea deal. investigators with the fbi were investigating him for financial improprieties including misusing campaign funds. officially the u.s. attorney's office in washington has no comment. lawyers representing jackson are not returning calls from cnn. jackson resigned from congress last year after taking an extended medical leave. it's a winter wonderland in new york city. even heavier accumulations are being seen outside of the city, long island. that's where we're going to take you next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] don't just reject convention. drown it out. introducing the all-new 2013 lexus ls f sport. an entirely new pursuit. a live look now at logan airport in boston as they clear a lot of snow. you know what else is interesting about that picture? where are the planes? there aren't any there. most airlines will move them to other places. in fact, down here in atlanta. so parking of planes down here has been a problem. that's also a reason why even in f operati -- even if operations resume, you have to wait for the airplanes to come back. a treacherous day of driving in nassau county, long island. over 120 accidents have occurred. joining me by phone is nassau executive ed mangano. am i saying that right, ed? >> yes. we had now total about 150 accidents. the roadways were treacherous last night. those who took to them, some found themselves in fender-benders throughout the county. >> are people finally getting off the roads, or is this a problem -- you think in the daylight people will say -- >> in nassau, to be honest with you, overnight many of the people did listen and allowed us to plow the roadways. all the county roadways, the main arteries, are opened in both directions. we were able to get through them three time, salt, and most are clear. as the weather is warming a little bit, conditions are good. >> what about blowing of snow? that's always a problem for the plows to keep up with, almost as much as it coming from the sky. >> excuse me? >> blowing snow. is that a problem? >> blowing snow. yeah, the winds have died down. the blowing snow is a concern. obviously on the back country roadways. also many commercial businesses are not supposed to plow it and push it back on to the roadways. we still have to exercise extreme caution. and many of our residents now coming out of their houses to find eight to 14 inches of snow, two-feet snow drifts. and we remind them as they go out, if you're going to operate a snowblower, do not put your hand anywhere near the front of of it to clear it. it's the most common emergency call that we get. we've already had at least one person transported. lost a finger to that accident. got to be very cautious ton do that. >> very goodmangano, who has beg us from nassau county, the executive talking about the problems with traffic and snow. thank you very much. be careful. >> thank you. well, the grammys are tomorrow night. we have all the details on who is who and what they're wearing in just a moment. 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... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. shareable data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. a little entertainment news now. the elite from music world are gath toerg honor the best of the year. as michelle turner reports, this year is all about new blood. ♪ we are young >> reporter: "we are young." that could be the theme of the 55th annual grammy awards. >> it's been an incredible year in music. it feels like alternative music is back. >> reporter: this year is spotlight isn't on veterans like springsteen or dylan. it's about fun and the black keys and mumford and sons and frank to shin and jack white. they're all nominated for album of the year, and they're all in their 20s or 30s. ♪ i will wait for you in addition, mumford and sons goes into the ceremony with six nods apiece with jay-z and kanye west. ♪ but this past year, attention was focused on the breakout stars, most notably, fun, the power pop trio from new york, and frank oshin who shot to stardom with this emotional performance on late night with jimmy fallon where he sang about unrequitted man with another man. ♪ to love someone who could never love you ♪ both me and fun are nominated for best new artist along with country instrumentalist hayes. blues rap group alabama shakes. two years ago weren't you working at the postal service? >> yes. i was delivering postal mail. >> reporter: and the lumineers. >> went from sleeping in people's friends' houses then going to, like, six people to a hotel room to now, like, grammy nomination. ♪ as long as i've got my suit and tie ♪ >> reporter: on sunday look for justin timberlake's first grammy performance in four years, rihanna's first solo turn at the grammys since a physical altercation with chris brown caused her to cancel in 2009, and a collaboration featuring bruno mars, sting, and rihanna. michelle turner, cnn, los angeles. >> a manhunt, a blizzard, a tragedy in chicago, and an asteroid hurtling toward earth. those are just some of the topics crossing the cnn news desk and headed to your living room in just a moment. the one thing that 99 percent of investors can expect to find in their portfolio, is unexpected risk. bny mellon has the vision and experience to help. we look at the full picture... to uncover risk, find opportunities, and create a plan that's best suited for you. bny mellon. get ready for a lot more of that new-plane smell. we're building the youngest, most modern fleet among the largest us airlines to ensure that you are more comfortable and connected than ever. we are becoming a new american. ♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go. i'm ashleigh banfield in fairfield, connecticut, where the blowing snow has given way to a mess, but at least the blizzard's over. not the same for everyone. i'll update you on the whole situation in just a moment. >> thanks, ashleigh. i'm deborah feyerick at cnn headquarters in atlanta. lomts of major news stories today including the blizzard blanketing parts of the northeast. no power, no mail. that is what more than half a million people are facing today across the northeast. as of right now, more than 3 feet of snow has fall en in some areas. some roads are so treacherous the u.s. postal service is suspending mail in seven states. we'll take you across the region ahead. she's the newest face in the war on gun violence. today in chicago 15-year-old heidi ya pendleton will be buried and among her mourners will be first lady michelle obama. pendleton was shot in the back just days after marching in the president's inaugural parade. police say got caught in the cross fire between gangs. in california, search teams are back out trying to find an and arrest ex-cop and suspected killer christopher dorner. authorities say he's still at large possibility in big braer lake. heels accuse of killing three people in revenge for losing his, quote, dream job, unquote weather the lapd. he allegedly has a hit list of dozens more. everyone in california on high alert. an asteroid half the size of a football field is hurtling to earth at 17,000 miles an hour. it's expected to pass inside satellites orbiting our planet. scientists say people have nothing to worry about. we'll have the details on this stellar event later this hour. >> reporter: hi, everyone. welcome back. i'm in fairfield, connecticut, and this is one heck of a mess. case in point, look over here. i'm at a gas station off 95. you have here the perfect example of why the governor says don't leave your house. that's what you call summer driving in winter conditions. 40 million people in the path of a big blizzard. please, let the public works people do their jobs. i don't know how many times i can say this. i said it last night and all day this morning. 95 is a parking lot because of people like that. the only people supposed to be on the roads are guys with big -- going to get out of the way over here. i just don't trust that that car can control itself if it gets traction. guys with big vehicles and front-end scoops on the front helping the state to clear snow or the public utilities themselves. not only helping the to clear snow but get power up to the rest of us. 650,000 people who got knocked out with this killer blizzard. remarkable stuff. those are big, big numbers. let me tell you this -- it's not over. there's still some blowing snow like here in connecticut where the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day if it weren't for the overwhelming wind. you've got to get off the road, sir. no one's supposed to be out. it's dangerous. [ inaudible ] good luck. be safe. a lot of people off the roads. i've watched people like that not only off the road on 95 but buried over as well. there were wrecks the whole way here. in case you're wondering what the heck were you doing on 95, we in the media are allowed to be out as well. but it's a $1,000 fine and up to a year in jail if you cause problems. i mean, it is a misdemeanor, but it is a serious one if there are problems that you cause, if you break the ban. there are several states with this ban in place. massachusetts one of them. e endra is there. i don't know if conditions have abated. jason carroll was saying the snoel is still falling. my snow is just on the ground but being whipped up by big winds. >> reporter: there have been some heavier bands. looks like we're in between two bands. there's one near the coast and a one farther inland. 21.8 inches since 7:00 a.m., but since then we've had snowfall rates of several inches per hour. in the next hour, we'll find out how much we've had up to this point. we're going to see if we can beat the record of 27.5 inches. right now it's still cold. a lot of people out here, people snowshoeing, running out in shorts. i have beth and dan here. what are you guys doing? >> our crazy dogs want to get out. they love it. we're chasing them around. >> a little stir crazy through the night? >> they'll figure it out with the snow over their head. >> first blizzard? >> we've been living in boston for ten years. two years ago it was like this every other week. >> been a while. >> everything went the way you expected? city prepared? >> yeah. closing down the "t" was a smart move. nobody got stuck yesterday. now just figuring out what to do today. >> 15 inches of snow toward logan. they're starting to clear that just in the last hour or so. still have about 3,600 pieces of machinery clearing the roads, a mandate to stay off the roads until at least 4:00 p.m. they'll obviously evaluate that further throughout the day. we're still watching that low try to exit out of the area. even though we're seeinging like it's calmer, that stronger band is farther inland. as the low tries to cruise off towards atlanta, we could see some strong bands again. as far as temperatures, we're below freezing once you add in the windchill. temperature, highs in the single digits here. we'll be talking about winds. as we know these gusts, we're still talking about gusts, 50 miles per hour, so i can't tell you because the national weather service meters tell you how high the wind is, those got blown out last night. so that's a guess. that's the advice. stay off the roads. let everyone do their job here and keep everyone safe. >> reporter: good advice, indra. from your lips to the weather god's ears because as you were just talking about gusts, we just got walloped by a couple of real big ones. you know, these are gusts of upwards of 30 miles an hour, 40 miles an hour. so they really do whip the wind up and make visibility tricky even though the effective blizzard is over. and you mentioned, indra, the travel ban in massachusetts. the governor of this state, connecticut, dan milloy, has said travel ban remains in effect until i say so. we were thinking maybe 4:00 this afternoon but it is indefinite until it's safe. here is the problem. getting around is still brutal. and the plows can't plow past all the parking lot people on i-95. here's another big problem. trying to restore power, all those utility companies that have been brought in from other states to help out in connecticut, they can't get around either if the cars are choke up the roads. some of those cables are buried and trying to unearth them from all of this snow is also tricky. alexandra steele, part of the problem with that is this blowing snow continues to drift even after the plows go through. these remarkable winds are making it tricky here. will they stay around for a long time? >> no. they'll stay around for you today. the gust you had a moment ago was about 38 miles per hour. that's what you'll see through the day but they' slacken throughout tonight and tomorrow will be calmer. finishing up this day. it will all wind down. the snow has wound down where ashleigh is in fairfield, not quite where indra is but it will within the next couple hours. connecticut, bum's ell's-eye, 3 inches in milford, connecticut, along the shoreline, 95. new haven, 34 inches. bridgeport, 30 inches. hamden, 34. madison, madison, 32 inches. gilford, madison, branford, those shoreline communities really got socked. all that moisture coming in off the walter coupled with that cold air kind of wrung out every inch possible. even on long island 30 inches. stonybrook in long island, 28 inches. islip, paramus, new jersey, new jersey not out of this, 14 inches. central park 11 inches. almost seems paltry, right, compared to the 30-inch numbers in connecticut. in maine, almost 30 inches in portland. that was the record. the greatest single snowfall total. worcester, 28. providence even at 16 1/2. we've all seen it. but it is also coming to an end. the winds are weakening. now we're seeing gusts in the 30s and 40s. earlier, last night about midnight to about 2:00 this morning we had 60, 70, hurricane force wind gusts. this is the snow predominantly off the coast but that's what indra was saying. she's between a couple bands. one to the west, the same band that's set up shop this entire event for most part and was bright. that's called bright banding where the snow coming down 2, 3 inches an hour and that's how you get up to those 30, 35-inch snowfall totals. this is where we've seen it. it hasn't let up. that's how weather is, kind of just stays where it is and that's what we've seen on that 91 line. that will abate, too. you can see it slackening. for the most part it's offshore and will continue to move off. the winds will weaken throughout the day. the snow will end. here's boston. you can see by this afternoon where this area of low pressure is well offshore. so pretty much today things will wind down, the snow, the winds, it will all move off. tomorrow we'll be in cleanup mode. you can see the big picture. what we'll see is quieter conditions. the gusts with this, too, have been so substantial. you all right, ashleigh? >> that cleanup mode -- yeah. sorry. caught me right in a gust. when it hit, it hurts. some of that snow that's blowing is really sharp. >> you made a good point about being out there. you have to be careful if those drivers are out there and can't control the car. we did have a fatality and that was part of it. the gentleman was hit by a car that lost control. >> reporter: alexandra, the windchill just takes that temperature right down to, you know, close to zero fahrenheit. it is brutal when the wind blows. when it doesn't blow, the sun was out and it was lovely. let me get something to you we found out about. bridge port, not far from here, there are about 50 vehicles apparently that are stranded. we also were told the ambulances that were trying to operate in the blizzard getting injured people to the hospital got stuck and had to use suvs, people with suvs, to transport patients to the hospital. clearly everybody was in, you know, triage mode trying to do what they could do just to function in this blizzard. i know, deb, if you've been watching the power outage stories, no surprise given the strength of the wind when you have big, heavy, heavy trees, laden with lots of snow and powerful winds like these, they take those trees down and with them go the power lines. >> absolutely. that's something we saw during superstorm sandy. just these trees that were taking power lines down one after another. but ashleigh, as painful as it is to watch when the wind blow, i bet there are tens of thousands of children out there having the best day of the winter. >> reporter: mine inclumded. >> thanks, ashleigh. we'll come right back to you. blizzard warnings are in place for long island and up the maine coast. connecticut is reporting high snowfall with a few locations with over 30 inches. some nearing 40 inches. portland, maine, got 29.3 inches of snow, breaking the old all-time record of 27.1 inches in 1979. boston's logan international airport got almost 22 inches of snow. while snowfall is ending in new york, connecticut, and long island, it will be followed by boston and the new england coast later this evening. all airports are now open. yes, believe it or not, in new york. but commercial flights will be running really on a delayed schedule. planes got to come in from somewhere. a total of nearly 4,800 flights have been canceled. united airlines canceling the maximum number followed by delta, us airways, jetblue and american airlines. for those of you who are not watching this, outdoors or sitting in the dark, almost 650,000 customers without power in the region with the bulk of them in massachusetts followed by rhode island, connecticut, new york, and maine. you can see the trajectory of this storm. coastal areas in massachusetts are under mandatory evacuation orders. the state's emergency management agency fears widespread flooding from the towns of hull to sandwich. residents in scituate are already reporting rising water. and the long island expressway and sunrise highway, two of the busiest highway, closed to all nonemergency vehicles. hundreds of cars are now stranded on the expressway because of the snow. there's nowhere for them to go. many of the people in the cars have been rescued. some, though, are still out there. authorities say they are doing everything that they can to get everyone and to make sure that those folks are at least warm. first lady michelle obama is back in chicago not far from the obama family home. she's there for the funeral of 15-year-old hadiya pendleton. pendleton is the honors student and drum majorette shot and killed in a rainy playground days after performing for a party for the president's inauguration. police believe the gunman is a gang member and say pendleton was caught in the cross fire. friends say the popular teen was always smiling. she's become a symbol of the gun violence plaguing chicago. no one has been arrested in the shooting. police are offering a $40,000 award for any information leading to an arrest. former illinois congressman jesse jackson jr. has signed a plea deal with federal prosecutors. the son of the well-known civil rights leader was under investigation for misusing campaign funds. details of the deal are sealed, but jackson could still face prison time. jackson had not been seen in washington since last spring. his office revealed he was receiving treatment for a mood disorder, depression, and gas o gastrointestinal issues. he resigned in late november after winning a tenth term to the house. the 2013 grammy awards are coming up tomorrow night. a new name in grammy favorite, singer frank ocean. he has racked up six nominations. his album "channel orange" is nominated for album of the year. he's also a candidate for best new artist. taylor swift, got to listen to that -- ♪ we are never, ever, ever getting back together ♪ she's among the favorites in the records of the year category with her song, "we are never ever getting back together again." very popular among some teenagers. 40 grand. that is the reward offered to anyone who can help investigators find hadiya pendleton's killer. why has no one stepped forward? some say silence and fear have become a part of chicago's culture and way of life because of gang violence. police in three states are out on a manhunt to catch a cop killer. the suspect a former lapd officer. so far he is accused of killing three people. mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. on the west coast, police will use helicopters to try to find an elusive accused killer. christopher dorner used to be one of their own, a former los angeles police officer. in fact, he blames law enforcement for the loss of his job and is now in revenge. dorner is accused of killing three people already. paul mccann nonis live for us in los angeles. you read the manifesto he's written, he talks about a conspiracy to have him terminated. he also issues an ultimatum, saying when the truth comes out the killing stops. where are police officers trying to find him right now? >> reporter: well, right now the focus is here in the mountains, which are actually southeast of los angeles. i am in big bear, california. this is where the last known trace of dorner was seen and that was his burning pickup truck. they have been unable to launch the helicopters here to go into the air and look for dorner but they're going to start them up again shortly. they will also start up again officers in snowcats, officers in armored personnel carriers with tire tracks. they'll get the dogs out. they were unable to do so overnight, debra, because of the conditions. it got into the teens in big bear and the windchill was below zero. now they will resume that search, combing this vast national forest for dorner. they know also that his mom owned property up here, but this was just basically a lot that they hoped to develop. they checked out this property. there was nothing there. but it does indicate that dorner has a knowledge or knows these mountains very well. and because they saw that burning car up here and then sort of had a five-hour lead time before they were able to confirm that it was his and put in that perimeter, dorner had a lot of time to get off this mountain. and from leaving big bear he could have gone anywhere in southern california. he could have headed to las vegas, where he has ties. he could have gone into the desert. so there's a lot of ground they have to cover. >> what's so fascinating about this is i spoke to somebody in counterinsurgency who says right now dorner controls the battlefield. you can see all those police officers who are not only hunting for him but they're trying to protect their own lives because he's been very clear that they, too, are targets and he knows their tactics inside-out. he's off the grid right now. but how worried are police that he may make his way back to los angeles? you've got the grammys on sunday night. usually about a thousand police officers, they're going to have to protect stars while at the same time watching their own backs there, paul. >> reporter: well, police are absolutely on edge. i don't think i've ever seen officers so tense. when i was in riverside the other day, for example, where he killed two riverside police officers, they never took their fingers off their trigger guards. i mean, they were that concerned. this is after they had set up gauntlets. they're traveling in pairs as best they can. so obviously high tension here. they know police are the target and many officers throughout southern california and their families, of course, because dorner said in the manifesto he would target families, all of them extremely concerned. >> one thing we have to keep in mind, paul, is that he was fired three years ago so he's had three years to execute this plan or at least to come up with this plan. thanks, paul. we'll check in with you later on. also a little later we're going to bring you exclusive video of the ex-police officer who's now accused of three murders. it shows what authorities are up against, a man who is highly trained and threatening those that he blames for losing the job he loved. officemax is celebrating our new collaboration with go daddy! with an online package including: domain name, website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that's up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores! whoa! you really feel all 335 foot-pounds of torque. it's chevy truck month! silverado was also recognized for the lowest cost of ownership. hey, what are you gonna do with it? end table. oh. 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(push button tone) this is stacy from springfield. oh whoa. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. why should saturday night have all the fun? get two times the points on dining in restaurants, with chase sapphire preferred. then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. the funeral for 15-year-old hadiya pendleton has now begun. she's the high school major et who was shot. take a look at some of the pictures.ette who was shot. take a look at some of the pictures. ♪ now, she is the girl who was shot and killed as she sought shelter during a rainstorm in a playground and this was days after performing at a party during president obama's inauguration. first lady michelle obama, education secretary arne duncan and adviser valerie jarrett returned to their hometown to honor the girl. more for information leading to her arrest stands at $40,000. so as hadiya is laid to rest, police have had little luck trying to find the killer. some say it's because of the unspoken code the community knows well -- don't snitch. we know hadiya wasn't afraid to speak out. look at the psa she recorded earlier. >> hi. my name is hadiya. this commercial is informational for you and your future children. so many children out there are in gangs and it is your job to say no to gangs and yes to a great future. >> robert spicer works with parents in schools to help solve gun violence by trying to change the culture. robert, so many people are afraid to talk. how can they even begin to change it? >> well, we begin to change it by now beginning to converse and talk to each other, not at each other. what we've done at christian finger high school where i've worked since 2009 is begin the process of bringing them to justice. through that philosophy we've been able to bring gangs and young people and parents and staff together in tons to be able to talk and communicate as to how we heal and move forward. the actual philosophy was highlighted in "the new york times" and the philosophy looks at how do we heal and move forward after a tragedy or how do we build community, which is so needed right now. >> robert, in chicago there are more than 500 murders last year, less than half resulted in an arrest. is it that police are outmanned, outgunned or being outsmarted by gang members who simply just hide? >> we can't arrest our way out of this, nor can we suspend or expel our way out of this situation. it will take everyone working together. that's what we were able to do under the leadership of our principal, elizabeth dozier, to begin to partner with everyone to figure out how do we reach our young people, how do we talk to each other, begin to mend relationships. the police right now have a trust issue with the community. and so because of that, the community is not willing to come and talk to them about situations because they are fearful of the police, fearful of retributions for talking to the police. so our city really needs to begin to heal. and after the funeral and after the services, we need to now mobilize and work together with our police and with our churches and our schools to really move this conversation along and begin to bring in commonsense policies to help our young people. >> you see this girl, hadiya pendleton, so much promise, so much hope for the future. and now she's gone. do you think that that could be a rallying cry that maybe the community will say enough and maybe police will say okay, you know, we've got to meet halfway? how do you see her death? >> well, i see her death as an opportunity for all of us to really look within ourselves in the african-american community and all communities throughout the city of chicago and the united states. look, the first lady is there. and we know that the president is a part of this whole conversation. but really politics is local. and we as representatives and citizens of our city need to work together with our politicians to figure out how do we reach our young people, because the deaths that are going on are with our youth. and our youth have a response to this. they have a way to help us support this. and the generation before us, it was emmett till and maybe she would be that emmett till, that spark to move the conversation along and begin to bring in commonsense policies that are going to be restorative as opposed to punitive. >> robert spicer, thank you so much. perhaps something good will come of this and her death will not have been in vain. thank you. >> thank you. more ahead. an asteroid hurtling towards earth. this one will be a close one. how close? find out. >> reporter: welcome to beautiful fairfield, connecticut, post blizzard but very much pre-windstorms because we keep getting these gusts every so often of upwards of 40-mile-an-hour winds that kick up a ton of snow. the sun is out and it's beautiful, but this is what it looks like when two feet of snow falls overnight. that's what it looks like when you try to move around and don't have four-wheel drive. you get cars stuck everywhere and very nice people with shovels helping them to get out. so a quick couple of nuggets to get to you from our governor here in connecticut. dan milloy has said there are 270 national guardsmen out helping to try to free people out from wherever they may be stuck. 50 different vehicles not five minute ace way from here are stuck and immobilized, people in them, people out of them, some people spending the night in gas stations like this. the gas station i'm at right now, the guy who works here has been working since 8:00 last night because his replacement couldn't make it into work, understandably. there have been 1,600 calls to the state troopers here. i just met one state trooper and said are you able to ticket anybody for being on the roads when there's a ban? he said, ma'am, i can't stop them. i just can't get at them. it's amazing. just remarkable. jason carroll has been standing by in boston. i was watching you be whipped around. hopefully those blizzard conditions are starting to abate by now. >> much better now, ashleigh. we just have light snow. we get those wind gusts going on as well but the conditions today, nothing like what we saw last night. actually 10 inches of snow fell overnight. that's 10 inches of snow. if you look up the street, you can see some of the results. in all, you've got some 21.8 inches that fell in boston, but that doesn't tell the whole story. you've got to get out into the neighborhoods like this one in south boston to see what's going on here and the rest of the city, the big digout. once these plows come down the streets it creates mounds on both sides and buries these cars. these two have been at it for an hour and a half. they probably have another hour or so to go. you can see it's just car after car after car that's buried. you've got snowplows and salters that are out on the roads trying to do what they can to make the conditions a little easier. last night you remember i was in this parking lot and i'm not sure if you remember i was talking to anderson cooper and this plower actually got stuck. he's back here today. he has completely reteemed himself. brian, i want to talk about some of the challenges you face being out on the roads trying to clear so people can get through. >> well, a lot of people are trying to clean their cars out and sidewalks and, you know, we're trying to keep it off the street and just getting around on the corners. >> the travel ban is still in effect so only emergency vehicles are out. but you can tell people how difficult the conditions are. you got stuck here in this very same spot last night and here you're an emergency vehicle that's equipped for it. >> right. it has been difficult. last night the visibility was bad. today now we're trying to clean up and it's going well. >> i know you've been at it for many hours. any idea how much longer you're going to be at it to get the city back where it needs to be? >> i would say at least today, tomorrow, and hopefully by monday at least get the streets cleaned and people back -- trying to get back. >> i know the city of boston are appreciative. thank you very much. brian sullivan, one of the plows doing the good work. the mayor tells us they've already used some 3,700 tons of salt and sand out in the streets of boston. once again that travel ban is still in effect, ashleigh. so technically the only people who are supposed to be out on the roads and out in the streets are only emergency vehicles. ashleigh? >> aren't you a smart man, jason carroll. look what's going on behind me. it's for this reason there is a travel ban in place. i just watched a guy take off the opposite direction from this gas station about a minute and a half ago and he nearly took out another vehicle on the road because he had to get the momentum to not stay stuck and his momentum couldn't be stopped when he saw a vehicle cominging. close call. there are guys who are helping push people out of the gas station, helping shovel them out of the gas station. look what happens. you get down here and it's so slick you can't get any traction. it's just impossible to get around. it's near lethal for people, too. we now have four reported fatalities because of traffic accidents. deb feyerick, back to you. >> you have to wonder where people have to go on a day like today. this is the perfect day not to go anywhere. the perfect day to be indoors, catching up on reading and movies and all those other fun things you never have time to do. >> and not to be breaking the law. >> just enjoy having nothing to do. ashleigh banfield, thank you very much. snow, another issue. well, it is easing and police in southern california can now use helicopters, get them back in the air to search for an accused killer. christopher dorner is believed hiding in the rugged mountains near bear lake, california, where police are searching for him. exclusive cnn video of dorner during his police academy training shows why he is such a threat. he is good, very good, at what he does. he is focused and trained in survival. he is vowing revenge for those he blames for ending his police career. police say dorner has killed at least three people including a police officer who he ambushed in a squad car. he is said to have a hit list and those police officers are now being given round-the-clock protection. the fight for a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and tighter gun control in general appears to be losing momentum. it was top of mind after the connecticut school shooting but eight weeks after that nationwide rallying cry, the administration no closer to any new law. the president wants a ban on assault weapons and a law limiting magazines to ten rounds along with universal background checks which mean anyone buying a gun undergoes a background check. newly discovered documents appear to cast doubt on a very famous author and a very famous book. truman capote and his bestseller "in cold blood." "the wall street journal" reporting that events described in two crucial chapters of the book are actually significantly different from those found in documents originally from the kansas bureau of investigation which were taken by an agent decades ago and only uncovered recently. the documents also bring into question the reputation of the lead investigator described in cold blood as a hero brilliantly cracking the case. truman capote rhee created the genre of the nonfiction novel. so now let's check the stories that are trending on the internet right now. food safety officials in the uk have ordered the testing of all beef products. the move comes after horse meat was discovered in beef lasagna sold by the company findus. the power outage at the super bowl is being blamed on newly installed electric relay device meant to protect equipment at the new orleans superdome. but the power company and the device's manufacturer don't agree on whether human error was to blame. google's executive chairman plans to sell a big chunk of his stake in the company. eric schmitt will the sell up to 3.2 million shares of google stock. guess how much that's worth? pretty penny. $2.5 billion. what do you do with that much money? more ahead. an asteroid is hurtling towards et and this one will be close. 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satellites. we've been launching these for many decades now and we fill the sky with them. some are fairly low, ohs quite high. the highest out there are communications and gps satellites about 22,000 miles up in the air. so where is this asteroid going to be? it is going to shoot out of the sky and cut right through the top of the satellite belt at about 17,000 miles. is that dangerous? no, not really. in part because of the size of this thing. the official name, by the way, is 2012 da14. it's only about 50 yards long or wide. it will be traveling 18,000 miles an hour almost. that's fast. if it were to hit earth it would have a huge explosion equal to more than 2 million tons of dynamite. but that really wouldn't be enough to harm the earth unless it hit a populated place. yes, it would knock down trees and destroy an area of several hundred miles but that would be all. most importantly, scientists who have been tracking this thing for more than 2 million miles already say it's just not going to hit the earth. it is going to miss even though this is a very close call. verify and lock. command is locked. >> mission a for our final go. this is for real this time. 7.212. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. police say he is armed and extremely dangerous. despite the search, christopher dorner remains a fugitive, taunting police he is now off the grid, which means they will not be able to track him by normal means. we've obtained exclusive video of dorner taken at a police academy shooting range during his time as a cadet. it shows how skilled he is handling weapons. >> reporter: christopher dorner, lapd cadet, in 2005. >> what do you think watching this, considering what's happened? >> well, he's an expert with weapons. he's definitely dangerous. >> reporter: this man spent months with dorner at the lapd training academy. we are altering his voice and not showing his face because he fears dorner will go after his police friends. but he wants the public to see this so people understand what the lapd is facing. >> you look at chris, you could see that he's a little bit of an expert, the way we disarms, the shoot. almost no movement when he shoots the gun. and then pop, nothing. >> he stood out. >> he stood out. he knew what he was doing. the lapd has -- they're going to be going after one of their own former and he knows -- like i said, he knows what he's doing. he knows how to to use everything. >> being a cop, do you think that it was -- could you tell that it was important to him? >> yeah. i think it was very important to him. yeah. >> reporter: you could see it. >> yeah. >> reporter: even during the training. >> yeah. i think it's a 300-pound dummy and he does that easily. >> reporter: easily. this is 300 pounds. >> i believe that's 300 pounds. >> reporter: so this is a very strong man. >> right. >> reporter: but not everything was easy for dorner, the aspiring police officer. this man says he witnessed drill instructors picking on him for his weight and slow running. >> when i hear about how angry he is about the lapd, i think that fits to my experience with him. you know, that matches up when he says things about -- matches up to the way i think he had his experience through the lapd, especially the academy. >> reporter: this man never spoke to dorner but he never forgot the cadet. but your thought was this man represents power and strength. >> yeah. exactly. i wanted to show -- when i was going to use it, i wanted to show and maybe put music and show the lapd is powerful and look at this powerful man hand thlg gun. >> reporter: is it frightening to think the lapd is now face this man? >> yeah. yeah. i mean, this guy is no joke. >> reporter: and one police are taking very seriously. cnn, los angeles. let's go. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new cadillac xts... another big night on the town, eh? ...and the return of life lived large. ♪ officewith an online package new colincluding: domain name,y! website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that's up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores! with two times the points on dining in restaurants,? you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. well, if you're not among the 600,000 or so people who have actually lost power and you're still plugged in, there are a lot of ways you can negotiate what is going on outdoors or find some fun things to do while you're stuck. apps help monitor weather conditions and tell you the latest. many towns have their own apps you can check. there's also high-def radar, dark sky, weather underground, hotel tonight, plus if you want to down load a couple of movies lots of ways you can go. "tech by toast," brett larson joining us from new york. you've been outside. you're frozen. you want to watch something. where do you go? >> you know, streaming movies have gotten really good over the past couple years. if you have power and you have a broadband connection you can head over to hulu plus. you can take advantage of netflix. what i really like is amazon prime. if you're an amazon prime subscriber, which gives you that free two-day ship, it also gives you access to amazon's instant video. what's great about that is if your power is out it's still going to work on your tablet, it will work on your hand-held device because more than likely that is still working. the only caveat to that you have to be careful you don't want to go over your data plan, so keep an eye on how much video you're watching. definitely, though, plenty of fun to be had. if you still have power you can use your laptop or desktop computer to logon to apple's itunes and either rent or down load high definition movies very quickly and start enjoying them and staying outside of the very cold weather. >> i thought i was the ultimate am zonian, but apparently i'm not. i can download things. who knew? >> how great is that? and it's included in your annual fee. i don't think a lot of people know that. >> i don't think they do. let's talk about serious stuff, weather conditions. how will people know when they can go out? what are the best apps far? >> there are so many great apps. i love noah's high definition radar app. i've been looking at it all day to see where the storm is going. admittedly it works on the ipad. it costs you two bucks but it's worth it because it displays a realtime high-definition animated weather map. there's dark sky you mentioned. that is also is going to cost you $4, not too bad considering it shows you what's going on in your immediate vicinity. i was looking at that morning. of course right now here in new york city the storm has passed and it's kind of like looking at the weather in boring town. no rain, no snow. and in the next few minutes there will be no rain and no snow. but apps like this are great to have for two reasons. one, they'll work when the power goes out because your phone and tablet will still work. two, they'll keep you aware of what's going on. if your tv is not working you're not going to know what the weather conditions are going to be or how they'll develop. these apps will tell you down to the minute and show you where that storm is in relation to where you are. >> the one thing you have to be careful about with your tablets and things like that, ultimately they do run out of power then oh my god you're going to have to play games with your children. >> then there's no power to play games. >> then you're stuck. go out in the snow. brett larson, thanks so much, from tech bites. we appreciate the information. >> thanks. it is a busy news day. we have all the bases covered for you ahead in the next hour. the manhunt continues far rogue cop on an alleged killing spree in california. his targets other cops. new details on the investigation. the northeast blizzard heading out to sea. we will have the latest on the havoc it is leaving behind. our reporters are live as "cnn newsroom" continues.

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