Card image cap

them. the new celebrity couple? bristol and levi? what led to their reunion. "us weekly" takes us behind the scenes. -- captions by vitac -- it is day 89 of the gulf oil disaster. bp's integrity test of the new cap will no go on until at least tomorrow afternoon. in the meantime, bp says one of two relief wells is just a few feet from interseptembering the crippled well and there are still millions of gallons of oil to clean up. it was about ten miles northeast of the well site. the huge converted cargo ship called a-whale won't be part of the skimming operation. it failed to catch much oil during testing. david mattingly joins me now live from unless. why is bp extending the testing period? >> reporter: well, it wasn't bp's decision to extend this. this was something that came up and was ordered by admiral thad allen, after the successful 48 hours where we saw no leaking from the well, and no oil going into the gulf of mexico. as the pressure continued to rise. admiral allen then ordered another 24 hours of testing, just to be sure. and after that point he says they will then open this well back up. they will hook it up to those lines and take that oil up to the surface for containment on vessels at the surface. instead, they are looking at this well, this new cap in the way it's performing, as being able to close temporarily, in case there is a hurricane, and not having this well closed until the relief well is dug and intercepting sometime later this month. >> what's the next -- what's next in this process? >> reporter: next in this process, once they get finished with the testing, they will then look at the data that they've come up and how this well is performing, if it's continuing just as it has for the last 48 hours they're going to be very pleased. and much more confident even now that there's not going to be any leaking from this well. once they do that, then they're going to open the well up and relieve the pressure that's in there. so we're going to see oil for a short time spewing back into the gulf of mexico, until they hook those lines up to bling it back up to the surface to the containment vessels up there. continuing their strategy of containment. >> david, what about those relief wells? >> reporter: the relief wells are going extremely well. the one that they started first is within feet of its mark. and they are now planning to make that final casing run that will intersect and intercept where that leaking well has been. and what they're talking about there is having sometime at the end of the month being able to intersect that well, and start filling it up with cement. that process of the cementing will take days, possibly weeks, and that will be the final nail in the coffin for this well. >> thanks, david mattingly, in new orleans. can feinberg, the man in charge of handling the bp compensation fund recently met with about 200 people in louisiana whose lives have been impacted by the brp oil disaster. feinberg was compassionate, but he was tough. he made clear that money would not be paid out based on wishful thinking. >> 75 boxes of shrimp in 24 hours. can bp look at that. we have a record year. we lost it. it's very important. >> very important. >> and i have statistics to prove it. we have the tickets to prove it. >> right here. >> this gentleman says it was going to be a record year. prove it. come in, demonstrate that it was going to be a record year, and get paid for it. but don't speculate. i can't be paying speculative claims. you've got to come in and show me, not that you're a good fisherman and, you know, life treats you fairly. i want to know, it's not speculation, feinberg, we can show you what we lost because of this spill that is damaging. and i'll pay it. but you've got to show me now. >> ken feinberg. meantime, president barack obama and the first family are vacationing in bar harbor, maine, this weekend. they're spending time on mount desert island, home to acade yeah national park. this is the third family holiday since the oil disaster began in april, which is fueling criticism from his republican critics. some in the gop say the president should be focused on the gulf instead of relaxing. business from the presidential election and a six-digit fine for vice president joe biden's failed campaign for the white house. the federal election commission has slapped a $219,000 fine on biden's campaign for accepting contributions above legal limits, failing to pay market ralgts for use of a private jet and for issuing checks that were never cashed. biden spokeswoman called such comments common place after presidential campaign audits. racists have their own movement. it's called naacp. >> the war of words between the tea party and the naacp. you heard that comment by tea party express spokesman mark williams. but some black leaders disagree on how to fight back and whether it's even worth it. you'll hear from the reverend al sharpton and activist warren valentine. then this. there's the flowers. like rose petals in the shape of a heart on my bed. it was with a box. he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. there was no hesitation at all. >> oh, the lovebirds. bristol palin and levi johnston are engaged. "us weekly" got the exclusive scoop. and we have an "us weekly" bureau chief to talk about their interview. make sure you become part of the conversation. check out my blog at you can also look for me on foursquare. foursquare. we want to hear from you. s sens. this is "what matters" tonight. the hot words between the naacp and the tea party movement. a mocking letter by tea party express spokesman mark williams pushed the rhetoric into the red zone. i'll read a large portion to you in just a moment. but first, here's what prompted williams to write his letter, speaking this week at the naacp convention in kansas city. >> spell the bigots and racists in your ranks or take full responsibility for all of their actions. we will no longer allow you to hide like cowards. behind signs that say lynch our president or anyone else. >> the civil rights group passed a resolution calling on the tea party movement to condemn racism in its ranks. that didn't sit well with tea party express spokesman mark williams. in an interview here on cnn, he called the naacp racist. and posted this letter on its website. it's williams penning a letter to abe lincoln, to jealous of the naacp. he said we coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to the whole emancipation thing. freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves and take consequences along with the rewards. that is just far too much to ask of us colored people. and we want -- we demand that it stop. he then talks about bailouts. he says, quote, the tea party position to end the bailouts, for example, is just silly. bailouts are just big money welfare, and isn't that what we want all coloreds to strive for? what kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? he goes on to say, what kind of massa, would ever not want to control my life as coloreds, we must have someone care for us, otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions. he then writes about lower taxes. perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea party is their demand that government stop raising our taxes. that is outrageous. how will we coloreds ever get a wide screen tv in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? he signs it, tom's nephew. naacp head colored person. reverend al sharpton takes exception to williams' letter. but he said the naacp shouldn't let itself be provoked. >> it confirms that they're trying to bait a fight on some very narrow race questions, and not deal with the broad issues of the naacp and urban league, raised about racial inequality. to mock the president of the naacp and ast like blacks don't want to take responsibility, and, therefore, we reject emancipation, even in a mocking way, is to try to do red flag, when we won't play the bull for him. first of all, agree with the naacp that the tea party should denounce those racist signs and there are certainly elements that have been at a lot of their gatherings that are racist. but i think we must look at all of the issues that impact our community, and have that as our priority, which the naacp said, you've got to remember, the statement of the naacp was a 44-page statement. this was a half a page. it didn't make a resolution just on the tea party. the tea party wants it to be about them. it's about jobs. it's about health care. it's about the criminal justice system. their signs are a part of the problem. but they're not at all the systemic problems that we need to confront, nor the naacp or national action or any of us are saying. i think the tea party wants this to all be about them. i think it must be about making america one nation. >> reverend, in some way, though, by doing this, is this a distraction maybe, that the naacp should have anticipated? as you said, it's not the number one issue. i think most people agree facing the african-american community. has it in some way become a distraction? >> i think that if it has become a distraction, it's the media that's obsessing on one half page of a speech rather than dealing with all that naacp said, or for that matter all of us that spoke at our own convention. so you can't blame, somebody makes a 44-page speech, the media for pinpointing one part of it and say they want this confrontation. let's be clear, there are elements of the tea party i'm sure that are fair. i'm sure that there are other elements that are not. but what the tea party itself is advocating, in my judgment, is anti-civil rights, because what they're really saying is we need to go from a strong central federal government back to where states can decide if they want to do health care or they want to do immigration. what the whole civil rights movement was built around stopping states from being able to nullify what federal law was. so whether there was signs or not, i have a problem with the tea party's philosophy, if it is about returning us to state's rights. that's more of a threat to civil rights. >> up next, we continue our discussion about mark williams' letter to lincoln, attorney, activist and radio talk show host warren valentine will weigh in. be sure to join us tomorrow night, sunday night, 7:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn when mark williams joins me to explain his reasons for writing the blog post that is causing such a stir. 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[ male announcer ] no one really wants plaque left on their teeth. but ordinary manual brushes can leave up to 50% of plaque behind. that's why you want an oral-b power brush. inspired by dental tools, they clean away plaque in wa. for that dentist-smooth, clean feeling every day. fight plaque with real power. oral-b power. we have spent a lot of time talking about the so-called letter to lincoln from tea party express spokesman mark williams. what many people feel the mocking tone was overtly racist. a short time ago i spoke with attorney, activist and blogger warren valentine for his take on it. it seems like we're regressing when it comes to race. many people thought the election of the african-american president, we would resolve some issues. it seems to be placing a divide, an even bigger divide. you were answering just then as an activist and an attorney. as a radio host, you get to hear america every day. what are people saying out there? >> you know, my listeners are of the belief that the tea party is racist, because of the -- >> the entire tea party? >> not the entire tea party. but there are racial undertones. in fact, one of the things i did is gave the history of the tea party and how it came to be and how it was virtually unknown until another network started picking it up and making an issue out of it. then you see factions of the kkk, and you start seeing these different things come out that literally, they're coming out because the president is black. not because of the governmental policies. because if you want to be honest about the governmental policies, bush put more big programs in place in this country than any democratic president, including the t.a.r.p. program. if this was the case, if this was the argument, then you should have been making that argument then. as far as the taxation argument, as far as i've seen, as far as i've studied, americans have not been taxed since this president has been in office. yet that's the argument that they're making it. again, when you look at the body of this letter, when you look at what was put into this letter, this man had no historical facts in it. he had no idea of what black americans have been doing in this country. he didn't even know what happened to the stimulus money to say that we got the stimulus money and that we don't want to work and we want big-screen tvs. he obviously has no connection to what's going on in in america. >> you came to the majority of people out there. a lot of people out there are angry about the economy, upset about big government, and they have every right to protest. so i don't know that everyone out there is misinformed or either racist. >> i'm not saying that they're racis racists. i applaud the tea party movement for taking a stance again government. i'm not saying everybody is racist or misinformed. but i will tell you this, and i'm saying this as an african-american who grew up poor in chicago. part of the reason this is a wild america right now, it isn't the america i grew up in. you could get a job if you were uneducated. you could get advancements if you're uneducated. now you have middle class america being affected, i.e., the white part of america, and they're not knowing how to deal with it. as african-americans, we've been dealing with it since we've come to this country. we have a different perspective on it. we have to come to the table and talk about the solution of us all working together, and not the problems, because the problem itself shouldn't be race. the problem itself should be about what the government is doing or is not doing. i think anybody from the naacp to the tea party movement will tell you if the government is wrong, we need to speak up and say bg it. i applaud anybody who would do it. i do it every day. >> warren, thank you very much. i should say the letter has been taken down off the website. thank you, warren. i want to tell you a little bit about the tea party. it bills itself as a grass roots movement with special focus on national security, sovereignty and fiscal responsibility. they exist independently and not part of a formal national organization. but they do share many of the same core values. among them, deporting illegal immigrants and securing the borders. upholding the right to own firearms. a strong military. reducing the size of the federal government. opposing government bailouts. and stimulus packages, balancing the federal budget and upholding english as the official language of the u.s. one more reminder for you, mark wall street who wrote the letter to lincoln blog posts joints me sunday night, 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. the top stories right now. in official, three nato soldiers died today in spree separate attacks, including one american. yesterday another american soldier died in a blast in the southern part of the country. the latest violence comes as secretary of state hillary clinton heads for afghanistan. she's taking part in the international conference in kabul to talk about the many problems facing the country. a frightening video from mexico captures the moment of a car bombing in juarez. it killed four people and called a potential turning point in mexico's drug war. the worry is that mexico's drug cartels might ramp up the violence in the drug wars by using car bombs against each other, and the government. in custody tonight an alleged drug kingpin figueroaa was the caribbean's most wanted fugitive. the drug enforcement administration finally caught up with him in puerto rico. he escaped from prison in that country about ten years ago while serving a 209-year sentence for kidnapping. it was the kind of image that makes your heart skip a beat. an overturned school bus in the middle of a highway. 27 kids coming home from church camp were onboard. nine were taken to a hospital for trept. one by helicopter. no word on what caused that accident. it is a moment the british government says should never have happened. the lockerbie bomber being freed and leaving scotland. >> business is business. but when you cross a line, and actually lobby to have convicted killers released so you can get more business, i think that is crossing a line. >> we'll hear from the family of one of the pan am victims who said oil giant bp played a role in the release. the british government now says it was a mistake to free the lockerbie bomber. they said he was the only one convicted for the 1988 bombing of flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland. he returned to libya last year on compassionate grounds because he supposedly had terminal prostate cancer. but he's still alive and now his prognosis is much better. allegations have surfaced that the oil company bp lobbied for his release in order to secure drilling rights in libya. british officials and bp said the release had nothing to do with the oil deal. but our richard quest pressed the issue with the national oil company. >> reporter: people find it hard to believe there isn't a connection. he gets released six weeks later, the deal is ratified. >> i'm sorry to say no. i'm sorry. we signed that agreement in 2007. and we started on this agreement in maybe 2004. the agreement was signed in 2007. he was not released until 2009. it was a long time. but you see, this -- the people are saying things were are not true. >> the victims' families were outraged over the lockerbie bomber's release. as our susan candiotti tells us, the latest developments are only prolonging the pain. >> sorry about that. >> reporter: for brian flynn, whose brother j.p. was among the 270 killed on pan am flight 103, last year's release of the only person convicted in the terrorist bombing was too much to bear. >> actually, that was one of the moments where you thought, 20 years of hard work, had completely been worthless. it was tough. >> reporter: even tougher to bear, the growing controversy over bp's role in what led to al ma gra hi's freedom. >> when your loved one is murdered in a bomb in the middle of the air, you're not going to find a lot of peace. so you pursue justice. >> reporter: for flynn and other families, it's bad enough the new british government says it was a mistake to release him on compassionate grounds. doctors now say he's not on his deathbed after all. flynn is doubly riled up about the latest british ambassador's denial that a juicy oil deal for embattled oil giant bp off libya's coast was the real reason he was sprung. >> business is business. but when you cross the line, and actually lobby to have convicted killers released so that you can get more business, i think that is crossing a line. >> reporter: on friday, they said there was no such deal. bp has also denied a fix was in. whether it was discussed is another question. five democratic u.s. senators want hearings to investigate. >> we now see that bp had spoken to the uk, talked about this enormous $20 billion deal that might go on with libya. >> reporter: despite denials of quid pro quo, they want him returned to a jail cell. is it realistic to think they will actually send him back? >> the u.s. is not as weak as the united kingdom. and i hope that prime minister cameron has the courage and conviction to say, it was wrong, we can fix this, we can do something about it. we don't have to be victims again. >> reporter: while the debate shows no signs of slowing down, what are the chances that mcgrawhi will be returned to prison? most agree slim to none. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> susan, thank you. more pot trouble for paris hilton. and mel gibson is getting hammered by more tapes released from radaronline. but what about the girlfriend? more questions about her motives. i spoke with the managing editor of radaronline for his take. when you have osteoporosis, like me, it helps to eat calcium-rich foods like yogurt, spinach, and cheese. but calcium, vitamin d and exercise may not be enough to keep your bones strong. so ask your doctor about 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>> jayne, as we all knew, was quite despondent over the loss of her husband. and we're only coming to find out about the financial despair she had in her life as well. and obviously she was depressed to a degree that no one had any idea about. >> do you think she just kept this depression to herself? she didn't share it with you or any friends? >> no, she didn't. jayne was the first person to reach out to people to help them. with their heart aches, with their tragedies, with their discomfort. but she was a very private person and didn't allow people to understand what her sentiments were. >> what do you think happened? do you think she just snapped or this just bake too much for her all of a sudden? >> i think obviously the weight of it all became too much for her and she felt like, unfortunately, that this must have been the only option that she had. >> you mentioned the financial problems. did you know anything about mayor peters' facing any personal financial problems? >> i did not. again, she kept all those types of matters very close to the vest. and was very helpful with anybody else in their issues and their problems. but never opened up to anybody about her own problems. >> do you know what her stance was on guns? did she keep one in the house? >> she did not. she was very, very anti-gun person. so many things happened in the recent past were very uncharacteristic of her life. the way that she died and the way that she behaved in the last few days, the last few weeks of her life were not characteristic of how she acted in her prior life. >> does anyone know how she got a gun or where it came from? >> she borrowed it from a friend. >> did she tell the friend why she was borrowing it? >> she had indicated to the friend that she was interested in getting a concealed weapons license, and that she was going to be taking a class and that she needed a gun for the class. >> how long before this happened did she borrow the gun? >> as i understand it, it was approximately four or five days. >> boy, oh boy. you were at the services. what was the feeling there? shock, anger, disbelief, what? >> exactly. obviously there's a tremendous amount of disbelief, a tremendous amount of grief, agony over -- and confusion and disbelief that this could really happen. because again, this was not the way that she lived. she was a good person. and there was a side of jayne that no one could have ever expected was contained inside of her. >> what about her legacy there? what kind of a mayor? >> she was a phenomenal mayor. she was very active in every community aspect that there was. from the municipality role, from an original perspective. she was an add vat for regional transportation, technology, and very well respected and very well liked. >> doug stover, thank you. we appreciate you joining us. we know you're grieving. >> thank you very much. the top stories on cnn. bp's testing of its new cap will continue for another 24 hours. it's already been under way for about 48 hours, with no oil leaking into the gulf of mexico. national incident commander thad allen said the testing period will provide valuable data on how to proceed in finally killing the blowout. take a look at this huge blaze today at a port in china. it raged for 15 hours. after a pair of oil pipelines exploded in the northeast coastal city medallion. state-run media say more than 2,000 firefighters and 338 fire engines responded to the blaze. there were no reports of injuries. in iran, tens of thousands gathered to mourn the victims of two suicide bombings. 27 people were laid to rest following attacks in southeastern iran on thursday. the group known as the people's resistance movement of iran claimed responsibility. but some top iranian officials are also pointing fingers at the u.s., israel and parts of europe over these attacks. socialite paris hilton is in trouble with the law again. this time on the french island of corsica. police reportedly detained hilton after she was caught with marijuana in her handbag. she was quickly released without being charged. earlier this month the 29-year-old was arrested after a friend brought marijuana to a world cup match in south africa. ahead, the corridor of cruelty, where abused animals are dumped and abandoned. one woman's mission to end those atrocities makes her this week's cnn hero. dual-ingredient zegerid otc.ry i can't wait to just sit by the pool and relax. yea. [loud music playing and yelling] with chase sapphire you always get an expert advisor immediately. man: chase sapphire, this is brian. hi, brian. we're on vacation and would love to change hotels. you call. we answer. [faint music playing] problem solved. is the music too loud? ♪ ♪ go to in houston, texas, there is a strip of land known as the corridor of cruelty, where abused animals are dumped and left to die. this week's cnn hero stumbled across this gruesome place and simply could not turn her back. >> right now i'm heading out to the corridor of cruelty. it's basically a dumping ground for live and dead animals. the first time i ever went to the corridor, i realized there were strays everywhere. so many dogs that were starving, dogs with broken legs, and i prayed and i prayed that somehow i could be inspired to do something to help. i'm deb practiorah hoffman, and point in life is to protect abused and neglected animals. we find dogs that we believe are yoursed in dogfighting in large trash bags. >> deborah hoffman was a person who brought to our attention the fact that the corridor of cruelty even existed. this area seems though have more criminal activity associated with animal cruelty. >> we think this one was used for dogfighting. he's pretty beat up when he came in. >> deborah is saving the animals, and because of her, there are some happy endings in this situation. >> brings a lot of joy in my life. he's a good boy. >> it's truly a miracle, taking a dog like lato, in that bad of condition off the streets, and then putting him in a loving home with someone like joan. >> this is what i'm going to do the rest of my life. when i'm 85, i'll be on my laptop trying to save an animal from my rocking chair. >> and since 2008, deborah hoffman and her organization have helped get nearly 100 animals off the streets and into safe havens. to nominate someone you think is changing the world, go to c the scandal over the alleged mel gibson tape. tapes have surfaced between the actor and his former girlfriend. i asked the managing editor of radaronline. he may be known for playing mad max, we remember mel gibson's anti-semitic rant from 2006. now he is at the center of another controversy. this time for threatening and yelling at the mother of his baby. his ex girlfriend, oksana grigorieva. i want you to listen to this. and his seething -- how seething the speaker is. it's supposedly mel gibson. >> how do these tapes even get out? are they doctored? was it a setup? we got answers from the managing editor of who released the tapes. >> the one thing we have said is we did not get the tapes from oksana. >> you didn't get them from her? how else would you get them? >> as you know, these tapes are part of a court case. the police have the tapes. so just investigative journalism, digging. got copies of the tapes. >> she's very clear, it sounds pretty professionally done. do you know she had help? was this a setup in some way? >> well, we know she made the record fgs. she has told "people" that she made the recordings because mel threatened her life. we know mel threatped her life because there are tapes we've released on radar online where he said i'm going to hit you in the side of the head with a shovel, bury you in the rose garden. she was smart to make the tapes. her voice is more clear because she's the one doing the recording. she knows she's doing the recording, she rarely loses her temper. >> did you pay for these tapes? >> no, we did not pay a dime for the tapes. >> listen, there are more things coming out. there's a picture that's radar online that's supposed to be oksana grigorieva where apparently her teeth are chipped, and she's saying this is by the hands of mel gibson? >> that's right. that's right. that picture was taken within 24 hours of when they had an alleged physical brawl. january 6th of this year, at mel's mansion, she claims that he punched her, and damaged her teeth. punched her in the face while she was holding their baby, who was about 2 months old at the time. and she went to a dentist. you can see the veneer is knocked off the left tooth and cracked on the right front tooth. this photo was taken within 24 hours. it shows extensive damage. you have to hit somebody with a lot of force to do damage like that. we've consulted several dentists who know what they're talking about, who have analyzed it, and the photograph is also part of evidence and under seal. >> cnn hasn't independently authenticated these tapes. have you? >> yes, we've authenticated the tapes, definitely. and run the tapes unedited. when you run the tapes on radar online, they're unretouched and the real deal. >> there's about 20 more minutes of material -- ten more minutes of material left. what will come out? >> there is. there's ten more minutes of material left. and it's explosive. there is more material about physical altercations between the two of them. there's some shocking accusations and admissions. this is a brutal, brutal custody battle that they're in. this is a domestic violence investigation that's conducted by mel by the l.a. county sheriff's department and by the department of children and family services is also investigating. >> you said there's also -- people will be shocked to learn from the tapes apparently mel has financial trouble that we'll be hearing about in the upcoming tapes. when will you release them, do you know? >> we'll start releasing them next week and continue to. >> david pearl, managing editor of thank you. >> thank you. cracking open the tomb of si mop bolivar. what are experts looking for? word of levi johnston's engagement to bristol palin. how did "us weekly" get the scoop before anyone else? i'm talking with the magazine's west coast bureau chief. could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? can fútbol announcer andrés cantor make any sport exciting? ha sido una partida intensa hoy. jadrovski está pensando. está pensando. veamos que va a hacer. moverá la reina o moverá el caballo? que tensión. viene... viene, viene, viene... gooooooooooooooool! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you should get some custom fit orthotics. dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet. and footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... ... and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. for locations see hello. i'm natalie allen. confirming a shooting in the u.s. west coast state of washington. we have reports that five people have been shot and two are reported dead in seattle. after a pair of gunmen opened fire at a park. we have not had the park identified. we don't know if the gunmen are in custody. but that is our information, that five people have been shot and two are dead in seattle, washington. also, after a separate incident earlier saturday night, hundreds of indiana police are patrolling the city of indianapolis following shootings by two gunmen outside a shopping mall as a crowd left a concert. no word of life threatening injuries, but we were told at least nine people were injured in this incident in indiana. we'll continue to follow both of these stories and bring you developments as we get them. right now, we return to our regular program, "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen at cnn center. i think that's really reading between the lines. she had tried to hint to sarah that she wanted to co-parent with levi, that she was romantically involved with levi. sarah made it very clear her thoughts on that subject. and said, bristol, regardless, they had got engaged. so she told us first. >> you said sarah made it very clear her thoughts on that subject, meaning sarah did not want levi in bristol's life? >> sarah has reservations over levi and his intentions towards her daughter. she worries that levi isn't going to be the best father or the best husband. and so she had made it clear to bristol that she wanted levi to finish his education, and get a job before he even considered being a husband and a father. a full-time father in tripp's life. but that time frame didn't fit in with what bristol wants. bristol wants the family right now. that's why they've gone ahead with the engagement regardless of what sarah's thoughts are. >> he said he apologized saying, i said some things about the palins, that i shouldn't have said that weren't exactly accurate. and i wanted to apologize in public because i said them in public. did he say what he said was not accurate? did he tell you? >> well, it was really interesting, because it was very important to me actually that he was a little bit more exact in what he meant, what the exaggerations were, what he might not have told the truth about. so i kept going back to the interview. it was something that he felt that he had apologized enough. and the thing is, i knew people were going to ask the question you just asked me. he said, like he admitted that his allegation that sarah knew he was having sex with bristol in the governor's mansion was not true. he admitted his allegation that he had taught sarah how to shoot a gun was not true. there were some things he would not talk about. his belief that sarah and todd were having marriage problems, he would not talk about why he said that, and whether that was an exaggeration or not. i got as much as i could out of him. >> there are many people saying, you know, he said he didn't say correct things about the palins. will the media correct the record, and this is correcting the record because now what he's saying isn't true about that. also reading there is rumblings, any other little palin-johnstones on the horizon between these two? >> the obvious question and the thing that -- the blogs are speculating about is whether she's pregnant. and what would be the motivation behind such a quick engagement. she insists she is not. i also asked them if they were having sex. because you would imagine that maybe they were. she, again, says that they're not. that he has not been staying over. that they have not been having sex. and for that reason, she is not pregnant. we want to catch you up on some of the news items you might have missed throughout the week, including this one. simon bolivar, the hero of latin american independence, has been exhumed from his tomb in venezuela. it was ordered by hugo chavez. dna from the corpse will be tested to determine the cause of death. conventional wisdom is that bolivar died of tuberculosis in 1830. chavez suspects he was poisoned by colombian enemies. don't scoff at a lifetime warranty. 91-year-old rachel beach has used it for the past 46 years to keep her 1964 mercury comet in cherry condition. that's right. batteries, shocks, mufflers, no charge, ma'am. all that tlc has paid off as well after more than half a million miles. it has the original v-8. don't think for a second beach is some timid little grandma behind the wheel. she says ha, ha, ha. >> guaranteed, you cannot drive this car 55 miles an hour. she is not going to do it. >> how fast have you gone? >> 120. >> 120? >> just for a while. i had to get cruise control after i got caught doing 92. >> 120? the car cost just over $3,200 new. from

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