that plane. >> right, right. >> all the way to the house. it's just remarkable. >> thank you. appreciate it. ahead, the grim task of identifying the victims of flight 8501 and how more time under water as these crews continue to search. how that time under water could make the task more difficult. so how's your credit? a loan? i know i have an 810 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that's not really in our wheelhouse... you don't put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. [ male announcer ] diagnosed with cancer, he didn't just vow to beat it. i vowed to eradicate it from the earth. so he founded huntsman cancer institute.