flying, have you ever heard of anything that's metal with rivets and fiberglass-like on the other side? >> no, it doesn't to be honest. there are -- we don't know how the airplane reached its final destination. we don't know the way in which the aircraft actually broke up or impacted. if it was to break up in a fire at 38,000 feet, there's not going to be a lot left of the airplane. you have to look at what was left of the twin towers of 9/11 and you couldn't distinguish one point from another. it's almost impossible to say what a piece of wreckage should look like or not. >> let me ask you about this report that the malaysians will not release and it is causing great canistonsternation among family members. typically, they finished this report 30 days after the crash. this is an extraordinary circumstance. typically, even though they don't have to make them public, these reports are made public and malaysia's not making this