action on the part of the israels. the israel cabinet in emergency session, just wrapped up a meeting in tel aviv. now the prime minister is back, i hear, in jerusalem. and they seem to be gearing up for some limited ground operations, going after certain tunnels, underground bunkers in northern gaza. they've distributed leaflets and told palestinians in northern gaza and elsewhere in gaza, as well, get ready and move out of these areas. i do anticipate, there will be some heightened military activity in the coming days. although, behind the scenes, there are still efforts underway to try to convince hamas to go ahead and accept a cease-fire. i know the objections, the turks, the palestinian authority of president mahmoud abbas are all working behind the scenes to convince hamas to go along with a deal. they rejected it earlier today. we'll see what happens in the next few days. >> wolf blitzer, thank you. wolf is live in jerusalem tonight. i want to go to ben wedeman in gaza city. you just heard wolf talking about the israel hopes for the