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development in the nationwide search for 16-year-old hannah anderson and her suspected kidnapper james di imaginm dima. it is feared he's armed with explosives and may have rigged the abandoned car with them. paul, i know you have been covering this. you were able to break the news on the improvised devices. what more do you know? >> well, let me tell you. this case has a sense of urgency. that's heightened because they are very, very concerned about dimaggio. and this notion of him having home made bombs. >> we believe he may be in possession of kind of improvised explosives. working on the theory that he abandoned the car, we think there is a possibility the car could be rigged. we want to put out there for civilian safety, officer safety, if you see this car, do not approach it. call law enforcement. >> as today said to me, they are also warning law enforcement officers because the car could be booby-oh trapped with home made bombs, erin. >> paul, do they have a sense at this point as to hannah, whether she's with him, her condition or is that just a huge question mark at this moment? >> that's hanging in the air. if there is one place it might be hanging in the air it would be the extreme northeast corner of california because they did have two reported sightings, both yesterday. one in rural california. the other across in lake oregon. i spoke with the sheriff in california. he said an 18-year-old maid spotted a vehicle that she believed belonged to that suspect, dimaggio. they are checking the lead out. they say there might be holes in it. they haven't had a car sighting since the reports yesterday. that would be the focus that was on highway 395. that highway would lead all the way to the canadian border, erin. >> canadian border. this is now an international situation. thank you very much, paul. breaking the news on the possibility of bombs now associated with the manhunt. i want to bring in re ray lopez. given that, what can you tell me is the most important focus if this guy has rigged some sort of explosive devices and he has with him this hostage of a 16-year-old girl? >> good evening, erin. i think it's interesting the critical part. he now has explosives and now this has become kind of dynamic with respect to now you have a vehicle potentially with explosives. we don't know the situation. if he abandoned the vehicle at any point now you have a suspect out the there with explosives that could potentially wire a house, wire a campground or do several other things with explosives to make it difficult for law enforcement and dangerous not only for law enforcement and for the public to be around. >> i want to em if a size for those of you not familiar with the details of the story ta this man, dimaggio is suspected in burning down his home with the girl's mother and younger brother inside. they are both considered to be dead. this is a horrific situation. when paul spoke with the san diego sheriff's department he asked where they might be. it's amazing in this day and age with the technology that they don't know. these manhunts can happen. here's how she answered the question about where he is. >> another thing we wanted to emphasize today is he enjoyed being outside, camping, hiking. there is a possibility he could be hunkered down in a rural area anywhere up and down the state, the northwest, canada, mexico. anyone out there now en joying hiking, camping. please look for this car. please look for these faces. if you see anything, don't take action on your own. call 911. >> ray, does it surprise you that they don't seem to have any idea where she is? >> notal at all. h he's got a head start on law enforcement. they are working -- several hours if not days behind this incident. so they are playing catch-up now. the amber alert is a wonderful tool out there for all the right reasons. i think eventually he will be caught and brought to justice. the critical point now is keeping the public safe and keeping law enforcement safe as they approach the vehicle and the subject if he's out of the vehicle. >> thank you very much. fbi expert ray lopez on dealing with these situations when explosives could be involved. according to the national center for missing and exploited children, 800,000 kids are reported missing each year in this country. about 2,000 a day. the justice department says teenage girls like 16-year-old hannah are most vulnerable. i want to bring in a clinical psychologist to talk about this. a quarter of all kidnaps are by an acquaintance. this man was a friend with the mother. there are questions about his relationships with the girl. whether there was something untoward in that. three-quarters of the time victims are girls. why is this? >> girls are more vulnerable than boys generally. they are relationship-based, focused on that. especially if an older man is giving them attention they will get lured in, think it's interesting and great. they will feel cool and excited about it. then the adult will play on that because of the vulnerability, the lack of knowledge. they get played. they really get hurt. >> what do you think the motivator is in this case? there's been speculation. i want to emphasize that he could have had some relationship or obsession sexually with the 16-year-old. it might not be that, right? >> it might not be that. we have no idea. it's all speculation. he could have had a sexual interest in her. maybe he 's holding her as collateral. would we be as interested if he didn't have a 16-year-old girl in his hands? would it just be another awful situation in california? does he have a sexual interest in her? there are so many what ifs we don't know. we know they had a close relationship. why choose her and not the brother? there is no way to know that. >> we can just hope we will know it and there will be an ending with the girl being alive. thank you very much. still out front, a florida teen and why cops say he was about to join a terrorist group and kill americans. then, how does al qaeda communicate? we have an investigation. later tonight a move to change the name of the nfl team in our nation's capital. is the nickname redskins racist? we take you then to tennessee where flood waters are rising to ep ic levels tonight. 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[ male announcer ] you wait all year for summer. ♪ this summer was definitely worth the wait. ♪ summer's best event from cadillac. let summer try and pass you by. lease this all-new cadillac ats for around $299 per month or purchase for 0% apr for 60 months. come in now for the best offers of the model year. our second story "outfront" tonight a florida teenager tries to join al qaeda. this is the case prosecutors are making against 19-year-old shelton bell. he appeared in federal court for the first time today to face the terror--oh reelated charges against him. david mattingly is covering this. we have the story about the tsarnaev brothers. it's something a t lot of people may take more seriously than they would have a few pos ago. what do you know about the 19-year-old and what he was trying to do. >> bell is fou the latest young american to be accused of oh trying to join up with a terrorist organization and getting involved in terrorist activities. specifically the federal indictment accuses him of conspiring and attempting to provide material support to terrorists. according to that federal indictment bell had plans to go to yemen late last year. he got on a plane, flew to israel, wasn't able to get into the country there. he ended up flying to turkey and then also to jordan but it was not clear in that document if he was actually able to get into yemen where h allegedly had plans to join up with a terrorist organize station and get involved in some kind of oh violent armed activity. before he left the indictment says he was able to recruit a minor to join with him in going over there. they say he videotaped firearms training he conducted. he was also undergoing physical training to join the jihad. and he actually conducted a raid on a cemetery near his home. this happened fourth of july last year, according to the indictment. he went in and conducted vandalism to statues there, videotaped this and was allegedly planning to use it to recruit others to go with him to the middle east. erin? >> i'm curious. now that we have the information about what the government is watching and what the government should be allowed to watch. when you look at the tsarnaev brothers if the government had seen him on the jihad websites perhaps they could have stopped them. do you have any idea from the information you have at this point how this teenager who looks all american in the picture we are putting on the screen converted? decided to become a terrorist and try to join al qaeda? >> a jacksonville paper quotes his mother saying he converted to islam. there are quotes from a spokesman for a mosque there in the jacksonville area. saying that there were red flags thrown up last year. he started wearing traditional clothing to the mosque and talking to young people about violent activities. red flags such that they ended up contacting the fbi. the fbi came to the mosque, took statements from a variety of people. strangely enough it wasn't the fbi who initially picked him up. this young man was actually picked up by the county sheriff's office on charges not related to terrorism. this had to do with grand theft and fraud charges. he couldn't make bail. he was sitting in the county jail waiting for them to wrap up the investigation, go to the grand jury and come out with the indictment. >> thank you. our third story "outfront" now, al qaeda's teleconference. last night we told you about a conference call of sorts between 20 al qaeda leaders. the call that was supposedly responsible for the current unprecedented terror alert around the world. the call was intercepted which h prompted the terror alert. the idea of a conference call between al qaeda's leaders sounded odd. it fly ifs the face of what we know about the way al qaeda communicates. bin laden would never touch a phone, right? we spoke with a reporter and here's what eli lake explained. >> i would say it was not a telephone conference call in that sense. it was a remote conference, something like a teleconference. >> how does al qaeda? we wanted to figure it out. tom foreman did it and has an "outfront" investigation. >> when al qaeda leaders in far flung corners of the earth need to talk with each other they don't pick up the phone. security analysts say they jump on the internet using a complicated chain of computer connections. although no one knows for sure, this is how they believe it works. the parties meet in a private internet chat room where they are extremely cautious. even shrouding their written communications with each other in encryption software making it difficult to read what anyone is saying in one of the short meetings. beyond that, they may ef even send deputies in a sense to conduct the conversations so at any given moment none of the leaders can be connected to each other or to whatever is being orchestrated. it goes further. couriers are often sent to internet cafe on public computers where they encrypt the message and send it through an e-mail account set up specifically for that one message and no other. minutes later the whole trail d disappears. some security analysts say the combination of technology, social media sites and internet anonymity is the backbone of terrorist communications. flash point global partners says it works well. >> i think they allow such groups to flourish. they certainly give the means for possible lone wolves to communicate with actual group. offer themselves as potential terrorists. >> need proof? prosecutors say the men accused of the boston bombings used jihadi websites for inspiration and bomb building advice. security analysts say anwar al alawki. and ka limb sheikh mohamed is believed to have used a hotmail account. >> al qaeda started with one a decade ago. we have at least a dozen al qaeda web forums that host thousands of individuals. >> reporter: a few years back when the hunt for osama bin laden was still raging, some intelligence forces believed al qaeda was even developing its own intranet that was electronically hidden behind jihadi websites and accessible to only a few people. whether they succeeded or such a system still exists like much of the communication structure remains shrouded in mystery. tom foreman, washington. >> of course the great irony using so much american innovation to try to destroy america. "outfront" next why dr. sanjay gupta change ed his mind on weed. an about-face and he h eel explain why. then are you driving a compact car that failed a crash test? we have the alarming results. and a double play. he made the catch but what he did next was the true score. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ our fourth story "outfront," dr. sanjay gupta changes his mind on weed. washington, d.c. is opening its first dispensary and the medical community seem s to be changing its mind on pot. but, you know, not everybody is. a lot are adamantly against it. there is a dramatic turnaround for dr. gupta who just four years ago wrote an article for "time" titled why i would vote no on pot. he decided to look again. in a groundbreak ing documentary dr. gupta explains why he h changed his mind. the fda says marijuana is harmful. mayor bloomberg in new york was kwoelted as saying it is the greatest hoax of all time. you have looked at the evidence and you were in that camp. you agreed. you looked at the evidence. i remember a few weeks ago you said i have a documentary coming up and i think the government is reprehensible for not allowing pot. >> i'm surprised by mayor bloomberg's comment s and by how long the government has been keeping this position about classifying marijuana as one of the most dangerous substances out there. mayor bloomberg does a good job usually looking at the science. let me assure him and others there is now science out there. if you go look at the medical journals now and look at medical marijuana, some 20,000 papers pop up. but the vast majority, more than 90% are looking -- designed to look at the harm of marijuana. very few are looking at the benefit. it paints a distorted picture. one that is very misleading. we have all been misled. i have poll swriezed for my own role in misleading people as well. it is a distorted picture. i searched further. i looked outside the country. i looked in smaller labs, listened to patients. the loud course of legitimate patients i linked in with malingerers looking to get high. once you look beyond that you recognize that this is a substance that can have significant medical value. it should not be a schedule 1 substance. it has medical value. it's part of the reason i changed my mind on this. >> schedule 1, the most dangerous. heroin is in there and heroin use is surging in this country. i know this is a strange question. but i have to ask you now that you have changed your mind on this. you spent the past year re searching marijuana. have you tried it? >> right. i tried it in the past. honestly. maybe ironically, i don't know. i didn't particularly care for it. it made me paranoid. edgy. >> classic type a reaction, they say. >> how about you? >> i haven't because i'm afraid of that. >> even more type a than you already are? right. >> you have tried it, all right. thank you very much, sanjay. we appreciate it, of course. the doctor is always honest. you have to see the documentary. it's amazing. going through the patients, doctors rg everything. "weed" sunday at 8:00 eastern on cnn. "outfront" still to come, nsa leaker edward snowden. is he as safe as he thinks he is? one person who knows a lot thinks no. his life could be at risk. and flooding strike it is the mid we. a baby is rescued. and meet the new powerball multi, multimillionaire. welcome back to the second half of oh "outfront" where we start with stories where we focus on reporting from the front lines. i want to begin with the judge in the major nidal hasan case. he rejected an appeal from the attorneys asking to drop out of the case because hasan want it is death penalty. they were told they had to sit there and represent him anyway. the judge chalking it up to a disagreement about strategy. jag attorney greg renke said it is their job sto assist h -- to hasan. thad hay been representing him from the start he said the defense would be more vigorous. two friend s of oh zo car stsarnaev are accused of removig items from his dorm room after a text that said take what's there. they included items including a laptop containing vasoline, a thumb drive and fireworks, all possibly used to construct a bomb. if convicted they face 25 years in prison. now an update on the story of retaya parsons. a 17-year-old canadian girl allegedly driven to suicide because of bullying on the internet. we learned two people have been arrested in connection with her case and are being question bid investigators. her mother told us in april her daughter had been gang raped and a photo of the incident was texted to her classmates which pushed her to take her own life. paul white of minnesota was 350 times more likely to be hit by lightning in a given year than win the lottery, you know, lightning may never strike twice but look at this. he won a third of wednesday's half a billion dollar powerball jackpot. he came forward today saying there may be a party or vacation in the future. he's not sure. it's too surreal. theed ohs of winning is # in 175 million. those are the odds. two other winser in new jersey -- both in new jersey -- have yet to come forward. mother nature is plaguing parts of this country tonight. many the midwest one person was killed trying the to cross a bridge. rescue teams have been wading through treacherous waters to save others caught in the floods including a baby who was oh saved and taken to higher ground. you see the baby there. in southern california high winds are at the back of oh a fast moving wildfire prompting mandatory evacuations outside of los angeles. the fire grew from 300 acres the to 6,000 in three hours. right now it's only 10% contained. our fifth story "outfront," fighting for death benefits. 19 firefighters tragically perished in a massive wildfire that engulfed a small arizona town in june. now instead of getting their city's support some of the families say they are being denied benefits. at least one widow says prescott, arizona, turned its back on her. casey wayan has the "outfront" investigation. >> reporter: ten days after 19 press kol cot arizona t hot shot firefighters died prkt ing tear city, the mayor spoke directly to their grieving widows and children. >> we will be here to support you. i hope that my words and that our continued support of you for years to come will bring you comfort. >> reporter: comfort is not what many of the survivors are feeling. they are angry with the mayor and other city officials because they feel they have turned their backs on them. the big issue, the city's re few sal to pay full death benefits to the families of those classified as seasonal firefighters instead of full-time firefighters. >> the city officials that i have had some run-ins with that were unprofessional and rude, the mayor is the ring leader as far as i'm concerned. he has been ho oh risk. >> reporter: the mayor, speaking out to cnn is standing by his city's decision. >> it always hurts. i have been here almost 50 years. we are going to make sure the city performs on every agreement that we had with these workers. some of them had different agreements than others. >> reporter: julie ann ashcraft acid said her husband had the pay and workload of a full-time firefighter and the city has the obligation to pay full benefit sos she can care for their four children. the mayor says each family will receive $328,000 in federal payments along with social security, worker's compensation and clenl tuition benefits plus private donations. >> the money raising events -- and we have had many here now has competed $10 million to be divided among 19. it's not as if we are taking food out of baby's mouth. >> reporter: the widows say it is not the money. it's the way they have been treated. >> i mentioned to the h.r. department my husband did work full time. my husband and i sent him to work 12 months a year for the city of prescott. her response was it must be a marriage issue. perhaps we had bad communication in the marriage is why i didn't understand his employment status. >> reporter: the widow of one of only six firefighters eligible for full benefits was cut off when trying to speak to the city council about re staffing the hot shots to replace the firefighters who were lost. >> thank you for considering bringing the crew oh back on. because it was my husband's dream. so thank you very much. >> reporter: a city spokesman concedes officials could have done a better job communicating with firefighter families. both sides support legislation proposed by the speaker of arizona's state house that would retroactively provide full survivor benefits to those left behind by the 19 brave firefighters who died protect ing this city from a devastating wildfire. for "outfront" i'm casey wayan, prescott, arizona. >> now our sixth story "outfront." is edward snowden safe in russia? one expert says he should watch his back literally. susan candiotti is "outfront." >> reporter: nsa leaker edward snowden better watch his back or oh some say he could suffer the same fate as ed ward lee howard. >> his usefulness might not last forever. >> reporter: robert stone wrote an open letter comparing snowden's case to edward lee howard's, the only cia employee to defect to the soviet union. in this video from youtube howard's defection is described as cnn reported howard was trained as a spy to be stationed in moscow and fully briefed on russian spies. he was forced to resign after failing a lie detector test before being sent to the soviet union. howard moved to new mexico in 1983 and, expert s say, plotted his revenge. >> he contacted the soviet consulate in washington and said, you know, i'm a cia officer. i have secrets. i know what we do in moscow. i'm available. >> reporter: howard eventually made it to russia in 1986 and gets asylum. the fbi said howard's info to the russians resulted in the execution of oh a scientist. when american producer stone met howard in 1993, he was living in a russian home in the country side but wanted out. in 2002, russia said the defector died in a mysterious drunken fall. >> he just died of falling down drunk down stairs. didn't seem credible to me. >> reporter: former cia officer robert bayer agrees the cia and fbi remain skeptical to this day. >> there is certainly suspicion fds the cia and fbi that howard had his neck broken by the kgb. he was an alcoholic causing a lot of problems for the kgb. they had every reason to get rid of him. >> reporter: perhaps as stone puts it, howard was likely a casualty of the cold war finally warming over. ed's death re solved the problem to each country's satisfaction. for now, snowden may look relaxed. what lies in his future? former cia analyst robert baer predicts a rocky road. >> they will keep him under full control. he can't leave the country without permission. i don't think they will ever trust him. the russians never trusted a defector ever. >> reporter: as for stone who sees a possible parallel to snowden's future, the advice is simple. >> to mr. snowden, i would say you know, keep your entrepreneurial mind applied and don't cross the givers of your asylum. >> reporter: for "outfront," susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> interesting possible horrific ending. crash test fail. the insurance institute for highway safety put 12 compact cars through a new crash test which test it is front corners of the vehicle. six of the 12 cars scored marginal or poor ratings. the forte , soul and nissan sentra scored the worst. the highest went to the honda civic and dodge dart. stocks snapped a three-day losing streak. all three posting modest gains. we got data on the number of people emle ploying for unemployment benefits for the first time. i want to look at the four-week average over the past month. that's a more important and significant number. it's at the lowest level since november of 2007 which was well before the financial crisis. that's good news. data like that could help get the u.s.'s top credit rating back. it's been 733 days since we lost it. up next, a horrible acid attack on oh two women thrown by a man on a motorcycle. we have the story. is this the push that forces washington redskins to change their name? is it racist? we take you to one of the most lovely places in the world. an absolutely fabulous hotel overlooking the water. can you tell where we are? we'll tell you where we are and why there is a problem. tonight's shoutout, a great catch by a fan attending a minor league baseball game. caught a homerun ball. you see the ball come out. hitting the wall face first -- oh! makes the catch. he bounced back apparently unharmed. a shoutout to the fan not for the catch but for what he did after. after that h got up and gave the ball to a little girl standing behind him. hero: if you had a chance to go anywhere in the world, but you had to leave right now, would you go? man: 'oh i can't go tonight' woman: 'i can't.' hero : that's what expedia asked me. host: book the flight but you have to go right now. hero: (laughs) and i just go? this is for 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[ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. 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[ overlapping speakers ] >> well, lz, the raiders had blood on their hands why don't we change the vikings and redskins also. 70 high schools in this country have redskins in their name. >> that's what it is about. that's ultimately what it is about. >> lz -- i mean, michael? >> i'm sorry. >> it is about dollars and cents but the fact is if dan snider, seriously, i don't think there are any redskins fans who won't come to his games if he changes the name of the team. seriously, to insist that somehow this is not a -- an insult, i mean, you wouldn't have the detroit black skins. that wouldn't be permitted. you wouldn't appreciate the san francisco yellow skins. it's meant as an insult that is really based upon skin color and really, we should -- ultimately they will change the name. we might as well do it cheerfully. >> one more point, dug williams was the first black quarterback to play in a super bowl and now win a super bowl. when i think about the heritage of the redskins, i can't go back to the 30s and take lz to his research and word that he probably was a racist but i think of doug williams, the only black quarterback to win a super bowl. modern history is what i care about, not what a guy did in the 30s and what kind of person he was. >> final word to you, lz. >> it's convenient to dismiss it that way but when you think of where this name came from. nobody said dismiss the franchi franchise's history. you look where the name came from and eliminate the jets when we know there was genocide commented and to continue to have the capital of the united states have a team with a racial slur as the mascot's nickname, it's not about political correctness but morality and continues to do that. >> not what the fans want, 8 in 10 say change it. >> i'm sure if black people were put to a vote, they would be out in the field. >> like darrell green for the redskins -- >> people don't like the name, they can stop buying the redskins gear and they can stop going to the games and maybe some people will. >> make the point that way. thanks very much to all three of you and our viewers, please let us know what you think and take to twitter. every night we take a look outside the day's top stories for the out front out take and we want to take you to a place that is the most popular beach resort in europe. it is the birthplace of packaged tourism according to british reviewers. it attracts tour rests, mostly european and has the most skyscrapers in the world. looks like rio. since the 1990s, benidor m's skyline exploded. the real estate crash took a huge toll on the city and they refuse to give up. a skyscraper got them into the mess and will get them out. it was designed as a symbol of hope and prosperity, something to show the rest of the world benidorm is back. it's 90% complete and big and beautiful, depending on your view but it's what they want to attract tourist. there is one problem, they forgot the elevator. it was supposed to be 20 stories tall and they headed good 27 stories so 47 and they forgot to leave enough room for the extra elevator equipment for the new. so there is a 47-story building that is only accessible by stairs. the majority of tourists are older and don't want to carry their bag up one flight of stairs, much less 47. appears to be a disaster but could be better. is it a really bad job creation plan or mass spanish incompetence? out front next, should there be no more zoos? 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[ female announcer ] doorbusters friday 3:00 to close, saturday 9:00 to 1:00. come find your first day look at jcpenney. big news out of washington tonight, two tiger cubs were born at the national zoo. they are endangered and born on monday and since their birth, their mother has been seen constantly nursing and grooming them. here is a webcam video. amazing. we were watching it today. it made us feel lucky to have access to this, but then we saw this story, costa rica is closing its zoos because cages are bad for animals. the minister of the environment says the decision was based on a childhood experience. he said one day we took the parrot out to the patio and a flock of wild parrots passed. she went with them. we fed them with food and affection, the things we thought she liked and when she had a chance, she left. she after all is wild and

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