what to do given that the first plan, which was a good plan, essentially came acropper because you just couldn't get people vaccinated. and as you said, once you have that many people, 40% of the country not vaccinated, the virus is going to replicate. it's going to spread. it's going to mutate. so they haven't figured out quite what to do about it. i still tend to think that covid is the big issue. if you can break the back of covid, you can bring about that restoration to normalcy that people were looking for. so i would try harder and maybe, you know, whatever ways you can, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate because otherwise you're not going to get rid of covid. >> yeah. let's look abroad, okay, fareed? it's no better. big threats to the international order. the white house today expressing real concern about the possibility of a war on the russia/ukraine border. listen to this, and then we'll talk about it. >> our view is this is an