different ball game when you start talking about junk science as it relates to medical -- medical topics. >> yeah. >> so, i think they might have -- they might have poked the wrong bear here. we'll see if other shoes drop, if you will. >> so, does that mean that neil young could use some help in all of this? i mean, you know, if some other big name artists were to step in and, you know, hop on the band wagon, so to speak. >> well, that's exactly right, jim. this was an economic decision. joe rogan is the biggest artist in the world in a medium, podcasting. neil young is not. and so this was probably a fairly easy decision for them. now, if taylor swift or drake decide they want off the platform, they might find religion around junk science as it relates to covid-19. >> and what worries you the most right now when you just look at, you know, the entire spectrum of disinformation that we see out there? is it podcasts?