a nonresponse response. she says we're not responding to trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicting on all women should. #imwithher. the clinton campaign not responding directly. i don't think they mind n a way, this discussion right now, donna. >> well, look, to the extent secretary clinton or her staff or senior people need to respond to donald trump, let me say this, he buys by the gallon. there's one thing we know about donald trump and we've seen it throughout the years that he's willing to insult anyone, everyone, in fact, in order to make his point. i don't know if he's really rallying blue-collar workers or they're just animated with the fact that he's quite entertaining. the fact is, and everyone knows this, 40 days from now, people have to actually get out of their homes and go to a community center or church basement or labor union hall and