♪ [indistinct shouting] all: ooh! - the point of the game is? - to be the last car running. - right. now what's the sweet spot? where do you want to hit a car? - wheels and tires. - wheels and tires. - yes. i like to look for the weakest car, and get them out of the way first. i'm running with guys that have been running a really long time, and sometimes they think i'm an easy target. maybe i might get scared, but definitely not like that. i can battle it out to the end. i'm not gonna quit. ♪ ♪ - what's the best part of the driving? i mean, other than winning, obviously. - i was gonna say winning. - my best moment of driving is any time it comes down to me and my brother or one of-- me and my friends, when you get down to the end,