a father, if i'm playing the same patterns over, well, then i'm not doing a service to my children. i'm doing a great disservice if i'm not fully in the moment and i'm not really understanding what it is i'm trying to present as a father. >> the fact you didn't even realize you had gone into radio at least in part because your dad was in radio. >> no, i was angry when people would say that to me. i would say i didn't go into radio because of my father. of course i did. you know, my father was a radio engineer who eventually got into being a recording engineer and had a recording studio -- >> with three other people -- >> with four other people. and so, you know, my father would reverence -- he would see a guy behind a microphone, i saw my father, he'd treat them so nicely, what can i get you, and he's, you know, completely involved with them. well, for a boy who was looking for involvement with his father, i said to myself at an early age, what else would i be? >> but i heard you say -- which made me incredibly sad which was you saw your father looking at -- you saw your dad looking at him and you said to yourself, i wish my dad would look at me in the way that -- >> of course. i mean, that was my dream to