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it's a program in california that does exactly what everyone agrees should be done, takes deadly weapons away from dangerous people. now, we're talking about thousands of weapons each year. but what's surprising is that the number of weapons taken out of the hands of law breakers could be so much higher and more lives could probably be saved if only there was more money available for this program. the other surprising thing about the program is that california is the only state right now that bothers to track down criminals in this way and their guns. now, each year the state of california manages to take some 2,000 guns out of the hands of convicted criminals and off the streets. but at the same time, 3,000 more names of law breakers are added to that list of illegal gun owners. the question is why aren't more resources devote to this program, a program that seems to work? in a moment, we'll talk with california's attorney general. but first, randi kaye takes us inside the program and out on the front lines. >> reporter: you're watching a raid for illegal guns. this is glendale, california. and these specialty agents from the justice department's bureau of firearms have one goal in mind. seize these weapons before someone gets killed. the man who owns them isn't here. but among the weapons agents find a .50-caliber handgun, the most powerful handgun in the world. >> we've seized guns from gang members, from drug dealers, from felons, from doctors, lawyers. so -- and everybody that fits in between. >> reporter: special agent john marsh says in this case the gun's owner is just one of nearly 20,000 california residents who in all illegally own about 40,000 firearms. the owners are prohibited by the state from having these weapons for various reasons. a violent criminal history, a commitment to a mental institution, or a record of domestic violence. >> so all of these people were supposed to turn their weapons in on their own, and then you're coming to collect them because they haven't? >> right. whatever their commitment or conviction, they were notified that they need to relinquish their firearms. and for whatever reason, they've decided that they're not going to do that. >> reporter: here the owner had been convicted of battery. yet he still had all this, five long guns, two handguns including this .50-caliber handgun, plus 3,500 rounds of ammunition. >> somebody like him shouldn't have any of these? >> shouldn't have even one. shouldn't even have one single bullet. >> reporter: california's justice department uses a special database to cross-reference gun owners with those convicted of crimes. the names of those who can no longer legally own a weapon are then passed on to dozens of special agents statewide. it's not complicated. but california is the only state that has this type of program. >> anytime someone that shouldn't have a gun has a gun and knows that they should turn it in, you tend to question why they still have that gun. >> reporter: like this guy. >> why are they searching my car? >> because there's evidence in your car. >> of what? >> of what? of the crime with the guns. >> it just it kind of bothers me that i'm so cooperative and they're just -- you know. can you please get them to stop? i'm taking that very, very personal. >> they're not going to stop. >> reporter: his name is talini sassoon. he has a restraining order against him and two misdemeanor battery convictions yet was still in possession of this .45-caliber handgun and this 9-millimeter, which agents promptly seized. >> they're both semiautomatic handguns. both of them registered to him. >> reporter: after his arrest for illegal possession of a firearm, sassoon told me it was a misunderstanding in court. he wasn't clear when he had to turn his guns in. in the end you think it's a good idea, the program? >> for -- to criminals, yes. to people like me, no. >> reporter: since 2007 this program has seized more than 10,000 guns. last year alone, about 2,500. along with 120,000 rounds of ammunition and 11,000 illegal high-capacity magazines. at this stop agents searched the suspect's apartment, they didn't find any weapons there. but he directed them to his car and inside the car they found those right there, two ar-15 assault-style weapons, a rifle, and a handgun. the owner of the guns had a warrant out for his arrest. plus a domestic battery, restraining order. he was taken to jail, charged with illegal possession of a firearm. do you think that this program is making california safer? >> i can unequivocally say that i know that my team has not only saved the people of california's lives, but they've also saved the lives of some of the people that we've taken guns from. >> randi, just to be clear, so these are folks who were law-abiding citizens when they got the guns legally for the most part and then they broke the law, whether it's domestic battery or they committed a felony or whatever it is-o they're mentally unstable so, they're no longer allowed to have the guns. i'm amazed that california is the only state that has a program that tracks these people down? >> i'm amazed as well. and so are these agents if you speak with them. california is the only state that has this very special database that helps them get the owners of these guns and track them down. but it's incredible too, because they need more resources, there's only 33 agents, anderson, in this state that are able to do this. and i know the attorney general would like to double the resources, and so would the agents. there are so many more names, as you mentioned at the top, 3,000 more names being added to this list on a regular basis. they cannot keep up at this rate. >> so they're taking about 2,000 guns from about 2,000 people each year, but they're adding 3,000 new names to the list of people who have guns illegally. so, i mean, it's not a winning battle? >> no. and that's why these guys go out there every single night. they work their day job during the day, and then they go out at night and they try to get these guns off the street. and it is a very, very hard job. they never know who's behind the door. they never know what they're going to get. they get a lot of resistance from family members who don't always tell them where the owner is, or where the weapons are. and communication really is key once they're out there. one of the agents told me last night that in his biggest seizure, anderson, they got 600 guns from one individual. so training and communication is really a big part of this because that's what you need to get certainly a nuv weapons like that away from someone. >> thanks very much. let's dig deeper now with california attorney general kamala harris. also aurora shooting victim. he's currently a policy and outreach assistant for mayors against illegal guns. his organization and many others are in washington today pushing for action against gun violence. attorney general harris. i think most people seeing what you all are doing in california would say, that makes sense. felons, people who have committed crimes, mentally ill should not have these weapons and should have them taken away. but even though your officers are able to seize about 2,000 guns each year i read that each year some 3,000 new people who should have their guns taken away, their names are added to this list. so does the state just not have the resources to track down all these people who shouldn't have guns? >> well, this year i'm pleased to say the legislature has taken this on and they are helping us with our continuing advocacy for more resources. and we have, because of that promise, made a pledge that we should be able to deal with our backlog, which is about 20,000 individuals, by the end of this calendar year and going forward. deal with the 3,000 that come on the books every year. >> steven, does it surprise you or concern you that california's really the only state so far doing this? >> well, you know, i think there are a lot of sensitive feelings around, you know, the concept of the government coming in and seizing weapons. i couldn't agree more. it's certainly a very reasonable program. as long as there's a defined rigorous process of arbitration, where you have a judge issuing a warrant. i mean, we already prohibit these classes of people from purchasing these weapons through our federal background check system. so it follows that they shouldn't be allowed to possess them either. >> and attorney general, these are people who, they got the guns in many cases legally. it's just they have committed a crime after getting the guns legally. so they basically have lost their right to have the gun. is that correct? >> that's absolutely right. and who can -- any of us who are a believer in the second amendment but also a believer in public safety and intelligence-based policing have to agree that when someone has been by a court prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm and in particular because they were convicted of a felony or are mentally ill, we need to take the guns out of their hands. they're going to pose a much greater risk to the safety of the family in that home, that neighborhood and the community at large. >> have you gotten pushback from the nra on this? >> initially when this was first proposed there was support for it. when the legislation was first proposed years ago. since then there has been a bit of ambiguous support. but i think that the nra and everyone has to agree that this is just about smart policing. this is about a smart and effective way of taking guns out of the hands of people who are dangerous to our community and have been proven to be so. >> steven, the newtown shootings obviously hit home for you in really more ways than one. not only are you a survivor of the aurora shootings, you used to live near newtown. now that there's actually a bill in congress, steven, how hopeful are you that something will change? that this time will will be some sort of movement. >> i mean, i was heartened this past monday to see bipartisan legislation introduced in the house when it comes to cracking down on gun trafficking. so you know, i'm really hopeful that congress is finally catching up to the american public at large. these are reforms that are agreed upon by large majorities of regular everyday citizens, including gun owners. and so, you know, it's about time congress is acting on something that has really been common sense for many years now. >> attorney general harris, i know you obviously have come out in support of senator feinstein's ban on assault weapons. >> absolutely. >> but of the proposals on the table, whether it's universal background checks, the so-called assault weapons ban, or limits on high-capacity magazines, is there one that you think is most important? i know gun control advocates will say look, it's all important. but is there one, if you have to choose one as it may come down to, it may not be -- is there one you think woft tuld have th biggest impact? >> well, as you have your question proposes, this is not a monolith, each issue is different in nature and character. assault weapons i absolutely believe should be taken off the streets. i've seen them kill babies and police officers, not i think intended use. but the reality of it is that the background checks i think, as proved by our apps program in california, really does give law enforcement a great tool. because when someone has then been found to be prohibited from owning a gun we know who has the guns and we can take the guns. and so as a law enforcement tool throughout the country i think if we nationalize background checks, if we made it a requirement in all states, we could do a lot in terms of public safety. the chief of police, for example in los angeles has said to me many times, charlie beck, that he would like to see that it were happening in neighboring states because otherwise it is possible someone can go into a neighboring state that does not require a background check and buy a gun and bring it into california. so i think that could be one of the most powerful tools, is the background check piece of the national legislation. attorney general harris -- >> it's pretty simple. >> attorney general harris, i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you very much. >> stephen barton, thank you. >> thank you. should more states have programs that track down felons, take their guns away like california does? let's talk about it on twitter during the rest of the program tonight. follow me on twitter @andersoncooper right now. a lot more ahead in the hour. what happened when the go order came and fbi agents raided that bunker in alabama? how they knew what they were facing, including a pair of bombs, and what they did to take down the threat, saving a young boy's life. a boy what who was able to celebrate his sixth birthday today. later chris christie, the governor of new jersey takes a verbal scalpel to the former white house doctor who weighed in on his waistline. here's what he says about her long distance diagnosis. >> she should shut up. >> strong words. she joins us tonight to respond. 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[ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at late word tonight on the alabama hostage rescue. local authorities are planning to destroy the bunker where jimmy lee dykes held a little boy ethan for more than a week. ethan could have died in that bunker, shot by his captor. blown up by the bombs that were found inside. instead, ethan was able to celebrate his sixth birthday with his family. healthy, safe, and sound. and new details are emerging about the nightmarish week that led up to the rescue, starting on the school bus with the killing of the bus driver, charles poland. cbs newses john miller talked to an official who viewed surveillance video from the bus as the killer came on board. he spoke tonight with erin burnett. >> jimmy lee dykes comes on to the bus. he hands him a piece of paper. it's got instructions on it. he hands it to charlie the bus driver. and charlie poland stands up and puts himself between -- there was about 20 kids on the bus. this is an odd school bus because of the rural area. you have kids from kindergarten to high school there. >> all ages. >> the littlest kids sitting in the front. the older ones sitting in the back. and he said "i'm going to need to take two kids." and charles albert poland, the bus driver, who has been through hostage training two years before in case a gunman ever came on his bus, i'm sure he never imagined it would be somebody he knew, says, "i'm responsible for these children and you can't have them." and over that four minutes you "i'm going to kill you if you get in the way here. and as he's trying to take the kids he says, "i'm going to shoot you. i'm going to shoot you." and poland, you can tell on the videotape, is frightened, but he stands his ground. and then dykes shoots him, and it's ethan the 5-year-old who's sitting right there in the front row. and at that point he just takes ethan, the one child, and heads to the bunker. >> if you were watching the program last night, we talked to mr. poland's son, who talked about what a hero his father was not just on that day, as you just heard from john miller, but really every day of his life in his relationships with the community and his love for those children on his school bus. we've also learned more tonight, we have more tonight from our martin savidge. >> reporter: we now have a clearer picture of how authorities ended the seven-day bunker standoff. once the order was given, members of an fbi hostage reece queue team used explosives including flash bang stun grenades to gain access to the bunker and disorient kidnapper jimmy lee dykes. still dykes was reportedly able to get off at least one shot at the agents, who returned fire, killing him. then the agents quickly rescued his young hostage, who amazingly, despite the blast and gunfire, was physically unharmed. dale county sheriff wally olsen says ultimately the decision to go was his. >> i'll be real honest with you, it's one of the hardest decisions i've ever made in my life. >> reporter: after the raid authorities discovered two explosive devices, including one in the bunker and another in a pvc pipe. cnn's learned explosives weren't the only unstable variable law enforcement had to deal with. there was dykes' state of mind. neighbors describe the 65-year-old as a paranoid anti-government loner, fixated on a conspiracy involving horse racing. >> he used to keep notebooks of horse races. he always said that the mafia run the horse races. >> reporter: sources close to the case say while talking to police from the bunker a contentious dykes would ramble on about his theory and wanted to get his message out. >> mr. dykes, he feels like he has a story that's important to him, although it's very complex. >> reporter: in the early hours of the standoff local authorities even contemplated sending in a local reporter to talk to dykes. >> i knew the school bus driver had been shot. >> reporter: local blogger ricky stokes was the first reporter on the scene, capturing this video. he says authorities approached him with the idea. >> and you were willing to go along with that? >> anything they needed me to do, if it meant me showing him how to use the equipment or me going into the bunker, i was willing to do just like everybody involved in the operation over there would have done. >> reporter: in the end the plan was nixed and the fbi took over negotiations. federal hostage rescue teams began training up on a model of dykes' bunker behind a closed restaurant screened off by a blue tarp. that mockup was located right over there next to the building. it's all been taken down now. but look at this. that secretive training was all taking place right next door to here, the media compound. and that training paid off with a daring split-second rescue that left authorities exhausted and overjoyed. >> marty joins us now. what are police going to do with that bunker and the evidence they collect, or after they collect the evidence? >> reporter: that evidence gathering is still going to take a number of days according to authorities. anderson, the sheriff told me quite bluntly that once that is done nobody else is going to see the interior of that bunker. he will make sure it's destroyed. >> and it's ethan's sixth birthday today. i mean, such a miracle that he was able to celebrate it with his family today. that he's okay. do we know how he spent the day? >> reporter: well, in fact, the sheriff is one of the few who actually got to go and share the day, at least for a time, with ethan. we know he's in the area. we also know he's under careful guard and that he's still undergoing psychological evaluation. but at the same time we're told he was playing with ts, he was smiling ear to ear, and best of all he was with the people who love him most. anderson? >> i'm so glad to hear that. and just obviously out of respect for his family and the child's age we're not giving his last name of course. marty, thanks. new jersey governor chris christie has a blunt message for the former white house doctor who said she's worried he could die in office because he's so overweight. two words, basically, the governor saying shut up. he says she scared his kids and is out of line diagnosing someone she's never examined. dr. connie mariano joins me next to respond. and later, the 911 call that led police to the bodies of the legendary military sniper and best-selling author chris kyle and a fellow veteran. tonight, you're going to hear the suspected killer's sister calling authorities herself and turning her brother in. ♪ it was the best day whoo! yes! ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ it was the best day yeah! ♪ it was the best day ♪ because of you [sigh] [echoing] we make a great pair. huh? progressive and the great outdoors -- we make a great pair. right, totally, uh... that's what i was thinking. covering the things that make the outdoors great. now, that's progressive. call or click today. afrnlths head, how the boy scouts surprised a lot of people today. we'll be right back. as you know, new jersey governor chris christie had some choice words for former white house doctor connie mariano after she shared her concerns about his weight in an interview on cnn. in case you missed it, here's what she said. >> i worry that he may have a heart attack, he may have a stroke. it's almost like a time bomb waiting to happen unless he addresses those issues before he runs for office. >> also in thant view mariano said that she'd never met christie, much less examined him. her comments got a lot of people talking including the governor. here's how he responded today. >> i find it fascinating that a doctor in arizona who's never met me, never examined me, never reviewed my medical history or records and knows nothing about my family history could make a diagnosis from 2,400 miles away. she must be a genius. my children saw that last night. and she sat there on tv and said, "i'm afraid he's going to die in office." i have four children between 9 and 19. my children, my 12-year-old son came to me and said, "dad, are you going to die?" i mean, come on. this is irresponsible stuff. this is just another hack who wants five minutes on tv. >> as we said, dr. mariano has never met or examined governor christie, and she said that. it's also true she's board certified in internal medicine, spent nine years as the white house physician to three sitting presidents. she describes what that was like in her memoir "the white house doctor: my patients were presidents." dr. mariano joins me now. pretty harsh words from the governor. i wonder how you respond. >> it was rather shocking to hear those things. i was in clinic so i did not hear his broadcast. but he used some pretty strong words there. >> i understand he actually called you today. can you say what you talked about or what he said? >> out of deference to him i'm not going to comment on that, but i can only share with you that that phone conversation, when i think of it, the words gracious and appreciative do not come to mind. >> so to be clear, is this about politics for you? i mean, i understand you're actually a republican, that you've said you'd like governor christie to run for president in 2016. >> absolutely, i've always liked him. i always liked his policies, what he's talked about. he's very spunky, very feisty. it's not about politics. i look at him as a physician. i'm in private actice. i see many patients every day. i was in clinic all day today. sxif patients who suffer with obesity. and you know, look at over 30% of americans suffer with obesity. it is a huge problem. and it is not a laughing matter. >> the governor on david levertman's show basically said and i'm quoting "he's the healthiest fat guy you've ever seen in your life." he said his cholesterol levels, his blood sugar levels are normal. is it possible for someone his size to be healthy? or is that automatically not possible? >> you know, those may be his numbers, that's great, i congratulate him if those are his numbers, but when you see somebody you don't have to be a doctor to look at him and realize that he has a problem with weight. >> but a problem with weight, does that -- what does that correspond to in terms of his health? >> you know, the heavier you are, the more you're -- you're in the overweight, obese category, the increased risk you have for obesity -- with obese-related problems such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, these are things that physicians like myself see in practice in our patients who are overweight. >> you characterize the phone conversation -- i'm trying to remember the exact words you said i think not gracious, was it? >> correct. >> not gracious or appreciative. was that on his part or your part? >> i think it was on his part. >> can you describe any more about the phone conversation? >> he asked that we don't discuss that. >> okay. is -- i mean, do you regret making the comments that you made? >> no, absolutely not. >> because -- >> absolutely not. i'm sorry he took it that way. he -- it was almost killing the messenger, his reaction to it. i know he admits he struggled with his weight for many years. i encourage him to get help for that. but the question that was posed to me is when i see somebody like him, at his size, what things come through my mind. and you know, it's true. i haven't examined him. i don't have his records. i'm not his doctor. but when i see somebody like him, i worry about those risk factors. >> dr. connie mariano, thank you very much. lance armstrong is face a new bombshell. reports federal investigators are building an active criminal case against him. betsy andrue who testified against armstrong in the doping scandal joins me ahead. and later a doctor who calls him a poster boy for the same performance-enhancing drugs armstrong admitted taking. he's 74 years old, he's got biceps the size of a body builder. before you start taking the drugs he's taking, though, you need to hear our report. coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] start with an all new award winning car. good. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? 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betsy andreu is back with us tonight. her husband frankie was a former teammate of lance armstrong. the andreus testified in the trial. jeffrey toobin also joins me. you heard him say he wants to cooperate with the usada investigation and they're giving him more time. what do you make of that? >> i think it's a good thing. it's about time that lance came forward. i think he has good people telling him you have to tell the truth. this is not just about you, but it's about the sport of cycling. and it's about all of sports. we see what's going on with alex rodriguez, we see what's going on with baseball. nobody's above the law, nor should they be. >> betsy, you and i watched this -- the interview he did with oprah, and you were on our program back then. i get tweets from people who say, well, look, lance armstrong's already come clean. your point is, though, and the point of a lot of people who know him and have been following him closely is he didn't fully come clean. there's a lot of details he didn't get into. and there's a lot of things you say and others say he just wasn't telling the truth about. >> that's true. usada did its job. travis tygart, bill bach, the great people at usada did their job to bring this -- to hold lance accountable. now it's the job of the united states government on the civil side and the criminal side to go forward. because as i said before, there's no way that lance got away with this. there's no way that he did it on his own. he was aided and abetted. and so lance is going to have to come clean. oprah wasn't the forum to -- where he should have come clean with every single detail, with everything. but if he's going to take that step, he can cooperate with authorities from the civil and criminal side of the government as well as provide usada with the details that they need to see why he was able to get away with this for so long. >> jeff, you're a former prosecutor. what do you make of this federal investigation? >> well, certainly it makes sense for them to reopen the case because everything is different now, now that armstrong has admitted all this. but it's important to remember, this is basically been a failed criminal investigation. they have not had the success that they had hoped to have. roger clemens got acquitted, barry bonds was largely acquitted. it's not -- it's far from clear that there is any criminal activity on the part of armstrong here. and also, the statute of limitations comes into effect here. a lot of the stuff he's been talking about is five, ten years ago that may simply be beyond the reach of federal law enforcement at this point. >> betsy, even though this is not about doping, if charges are brought would that -- how would you feel about that? would that satisfy you? would it satisfy people who armstrong lied to, lied about and treated incredibly poorly over the years? i mean, tried to really kind of destroy. >> well, again, as -- lance has taken the first step to make amends, but words mean things, and they have to be followed by actions. i think with andre birotte, the precedent that he was sending, that you could have a laundry list of witness intimidation and obstruction of justice, he did not even let this go before the grand jury. now, but yet there's another government agency, another u.s. attorney's office that sees the same crimes that andre birotte said that he could ignore. but this other u.s. attorney's office is saying, no, we can't. we cannot set the precedent that this doesn't matter, because it does matter. people put their reputations and their livelihoods to tell the truth. so it does matter. >> andre birotte is the u.s. attorney in los angeles, but the u.s. attorney -- who said he's not pursuing this. >> that would be about a year ago. >> right. and the u.s. attorney in san francisco is the one who may be looking at it now. but again, remember also, we're talking about criminal liability here. he has a world of civil problems. he's going to be sued for $12 million for the insurance company that paid him the bonus for winning the tour de france. he's got that federal whistleblower suit that could be tens of millions in liability. so those civil cases are coming. there's no doubt about that. >> do you think if there is this federal case, could he go to jail? >> if he's convicted, absolutely. but he hasn't been charged, so he's a long way from being convicted. but if he is convicted no, question he could go to prison. >> jeff toobin, thank you. betsy andrue, thank you very much. good to have you on again. athletes like lance armstrong may make headlines for using performance enhancing drugs. but now a growing number of baby boomers and older people are turning to many of those exact same substances. the question is at what cost to their health? we're going to tell you what you need to know if you're thinking of doing basically what this guy's doing. he's 74 years old. we'll be right back. ything to y. ything to y. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. it's just common sense. trying to find a better job can likbe, so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. why not talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america? 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the answer is the cenegenics elite health program. >> reporter: cenegenics is a company that runs a group calling itself the largest -- management group. part of the exploding anti-aging industry that relies in part on testosterone and hgh. last year they report they made $100 million in revenue. the anti-aging industry targets america's about 80 million aging baby boomers, looking for any way to turn back the hands of time. the food and drug administration regulates the use of hgh, stress the hormone is not an approved treatment for anti-aging. so how does cenegenics not break any laws? by focusing on a natural loophole of sorts. the natural depletion of hormones as we age. >> we are all about correcting deficiencies and getting levels up to a healthy level. >> reporter: dr. life says his patients who are given hgh suffer from growth hormone deficiency, one of the few fda-approved reasons for taking hgh. he says patients here go through a pituitary gland test to meet the fda regulations. cenegenics told 62-year-old gerald schlesinger that was his problem. like all patients who take the hormones, schlesinger says he is monitored and tested four times a year at cenegenics for testosterone and hgh intake. he now feels like he's 40. that comes with a hefty price tag. all this can cost up to $15,000 a year. cash only. >> my health is first, and whatever it costs me is worth it. >> if you think this is too good to be true, you're not alone. many doctors agree, saying, sure, there may be short-term gain, but there will be long-term cost. >> it's a fallacy to say that even in low doses that these drugs are not harmful. >> reporter: dr. tom pearls, a professor of medicine at boston university school of medicine, would not talk specifically about cenegenics, but he is a vocal critic of the anti-aging movement. >> i do believe that giving growth hormone in particular for anti-aging is quackery. >> reporter: he says there are no reputable studies that show the hormones stop ageing and warns hgh in particular can enlarge organs, cause high 3w4r50d pressure, a blood pressure, and even trigger cancer. >> what do you say to the medical community who say you are selling a bunch of voodoo and say this is potentially dangerous because it is so untested. >> we don't know what the long term effects are going to be with testosterone replacement therapy and growth hormone replacement therapy. >> what's wrong with getting old? >> it's an argument a lot of doctors use. who wants to get old when you don't have to? >> if next year for some reason you get cancer, will you blame these supplements? >> no. no, i will not. >> reporter: what he will do is continue to be the poster grandpa of a company and a movement that believes the riskier move is to turn away from this fountain of youth they found in diet, dumbbells, and drugs. kyung lah, cnn, las vegas. >> we heard from him about the payoffs, but what are the risks of taking performance enhancing drugs like this. earlier i spoke to ian smith, the author of "shred: the revolutionary diet." >> i'm curious what you make of this, everything i've heard of hgh is that -- i don't know if this is true, and it's alluded to in the piece. tough a cancer tumor in your body, it will make that grow faster as well as other things. >> well, hgh has real clinical implications. i mean, typically, for example, for children who have some sort of pituitary problem we give them hgh if they're deficient. their efficiencies in hgh. the problem is where do you draw the line between to being therapeutic and to being something kind of adventurous? for example, athletes using hgh. now, in the case of dr. life and his patients the question remains whether or not they're doing it because they're really deficient or because they're trying to get some of the performance enhancements of hgh -- >> well, it seems like in some of these clinics especially like in l.a. and hollywood where a lot of folks takes this, especially in the entertainment industry, you can go for multiple blood tests and your testosterone levels vary and so you just kind of take enough tests and finally you get a low testosterone level and they're like oh, bingo, now you need testosterone. >> that is the key. because people say why isn't the fda going after them when they're using these things that are not approved by the -- in ways not approved by the fda? it's because you can make the argument that there is a deficiency and you're just replacing the deficiency. but the real elegant question is whether or not that deficiency is enough to require some type of therapeutic intervention. and that's where the line gets very blurry. >> and it does seem like long-term do doctors really know the consequences? >> well, here's the problem. the problem is that they had not done long-term studies in people using it in this particular fashion. yes, we've done it in children for many, many years, but athletes who are using it because they want the fountain of youth, no, there are no long-term 12udies. these things are dangerous. we're talking liver abnormalities, tumors, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, testicular shrinkage. all kinds of problems that happen using these drugs in a high quantity. >> i could see why someone in their 70s who feels like, why not, let's go for it, if i look good and feel better. but i think for young people, that seems to be where the biggest concern is. >> well, the problem is that it's not just about aesthetics. so dr. life looks like a young person. but the question is what is happening in his biological age? what's happening on the inside? the outside does not necessarily mirror the outside. and someone like that who may -- i don't know how much he's using. but when you use these kind of anabolic steroids for a long period of time you really are stressing out our organs and your chemical messaging system and it could be a problem. who knows how young he is inside? he looks young outside. and that's a problem. >> dr. ian young, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> we'll be right back. they could save a lot of money on their car insurance by switching to geico...they may even make you their best man. may i have the rings please? ah, helzberg diamonds. nice choice, mate. ...and now in the presence of these guests we join this loving couple. oh dear... geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. schwab bank was built with all the value and convenience tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're looking for a bank that's in your corner, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 not just on the corner... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 science and evidence based drug and alcohol treatment center. where your addiction stops and your new life begins. call now.

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