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back in the summer she used a racial slur 11 times on her show. guess who she blames? cnn. we're keeping them honest with a story about guns, kids and politics. legislators in florida are trying to flow pediatricians in jail for talking to parents and child patients about gun and gun safety. republican representative jason broader doesn't just want to make it illegal but be a felony. with a fine up to $5 million or up to five years in jail for a doctor to talk to parents about guns in the home. we all know kids and guns can be a deadly combination. today, a 17-year-old was arrested after police say a gun in his backpack went off at a los angeles high school injuring two students. we don't know whose gun that was or how the teen got ahold of it. but it is just the most recent in a long and tragic line of examples that illustrate the point. some 1.3 million kids are growing up in homes with unsecured loaded weapons. so someone needs to be talking to them about safety. the nra does it, but many pediatricians believe they can do it, as well. the american pediatric academy has guidelines for this. this is the guide to safety counseling and office practice. it gives pediatricians guidelines what to talk to kids and parents about. guidelines cover all sorts of questions, things like do you keep medicines out of the reach of your kids, does your child wear a bicycle helmet, and is there a gun in your home? parts say they do have a gun, the pediatricians are advised they should remove all guns from places children live and play. the advisory says, more than 5,000 kids are killed by gunfire each year. injuries almost always inflicted by themselves or a friend. hand guns are especially dangerous. if you choose to keep a gun at home, store it unloaded in a locked place. lock and store the ammunition in a separate place. so what is the motivation behind the bill? broader says it's about privacy. he told a democrat "what we don't want to do is have law abiding firearm owners worried that the information is going to be recorded and sent to the insurance company. but is it really a privacy issue? during the health care debate, the nra lobbied congress to include a provision banning health insurance companies from charging higher premiums for people who keep a gun in their home. i spoke to a florida state representative who is a co-sponsor of the bill. representative, pediatricians ask parents about smoke alarms, trap leans, keeping prescription drugs out of the reach of kids, why shouldn't they talk to parents about how to properly store a firearm? >> i don't have a problem with the pediatricians giving safety advice to a parent and/or a gun owner. however, i do have a problem when a pediatrician refuses to do his job because a parent refuses to answer a question whether or not they own a weapon. >> but you're referring to one case in ocala, florida, and the pediatrician didn't refuse treatment, he simply said he and the patient weren't on the same page and gave the family a month to find another doctor, saying they weren't on the same page. doctors are allowed to do that, they do that all the time. >> you are correct, that he offered for a -- for the family to go to another pediatrician. however, the reality is that the american association of pediatrics makes it a point to tell all physicians to actually, during the questionnaire of a family, in reference to the child's medical history, to ask whether or not they own a gun and if they do own a gun, to remove the gun from the home, not to advise how to properly store and/or safely place the gun out of the reach of children. >> that's not true actually. they say yes, we suggest -- they're not telling them what to say but they're suggesting tell them to remove the gun from the child or from the access to the child. but if that's not an option, then they give information about how to safely store a weapon. >> but anderson, my question to you is very simple. if i go to the doctor in reference to my child being sick and imagine if i lived 234 a very rural area and the doctor asked me whether or not i own a firearm and i tell the doctor that it is a private matter and the doctor then refuses to attend my child in a rural area, that's a great concern, especially in florida. >> but that's a hypothetical and you don't have a lot of cases where that's happened. doctors for years have been talking to parents about gun safety. so what you're suggesting is passing a law that would outlaw them from being able to even ask that question, being able to talk about gun safety. >> i'm not preventing them from discussing firearm safety and/or pool safety and/or child restraint safety. i'm simply, as a co-sponsor of this bill, clearly saying that you cannot predicate your treatment on whether or not they answer the question whether they own a gun or not. >> this bill comes for felony charges, $5 million fine, five-year prison sentence. a second dui conviction in florida would only cost $5,000. is a doctor asking about gun safety worse than a two-time drunk driver. >> again, this bill still has to go through the process. i believe that is going to be changed quite dramatically. >> so you think the penalty is way over the top? >> the penalty in my personal opinion could be worked on. however, the reason that i believe that it was put on that -- put in that amount is because it serves as a deterrent. >> i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you very much, anderson. >> what's interesting and what he said is he seems to believe this law does not prevent the doctor from asking that question or talking about it, it just prevents the doctor from denying care. i spoke with a doctor, the executive vice president of a florida chapter of the american academy of pediatrics. that's not how he reads the bill. so under this law, the representative is saying under this law, doctors can still ask the question, they just can't refuse treatment based on the answer. >> no, sir. i read the bill and it forbids us from asking about firearms and it also forbids us from breaking the relationship if a parent refuses to discuss firearms. as you correctly pointed out, there's a jail sentence up to five years and a financial penalty up to $5 million, which is horrendous. >> he's saying point plank that this doesn't outlaw asking the question. that was not my understanding, frankly. >> no, sir, that's not what the bill says. the bill says we can't ask about firearms. >> the bill says right here, the bill says provide inquiries by physicians or other medical personnel concerning ownership of firearm by family, violates privacy of patient or pay she will's family members, prohibits conditioning receiving medical care or refusal to disclose personal and private information. so your understanding is that doctors won't be able to ask the question and certainly doctors wouldn't be able to refuse treatment? >> that's certainly what that says, that you just read, yes. that's my understanding. of course, you know, for pediatricians, prevention is the name of the game. more children between the age of 1 and 18 die from accidents than they do from diseases. it's not illegal to have a pool and discussing pool safety is very appropriate. it's not illegal to have a car and discussing seat belts and booster seats and buckling your children up is very appropriate. it's not illegal to have a gun and a lot of children -- any child death due to a firearm is a preventable death. so as pediatricians, we are taught to and are encouraged to and feel obligated to discuss that particular item as a safety issue. as i read the bill, we wouldn't be allowed to even ask whether they have a firearm. >> you've been a practicing pediatrician in tall hat see for 35 years. how often have you run into parents who didn't want you asking about firearms in the house? >> that's never been an issue that i've been aware of, and i'm also the executive for the pediatricians of the state. i'm not aware of our members seeing that as a problem. we more commonly run into this with parents who don't want their children immunized or who want special immunization schedules. >> how many cases have you heard about of doctors turning away patients because parents don't want to talk about a firearm? >> i've never heard of that, other than in this particular case. >> so you only heard of one case that got into the paper, which is what motivated this bill. >> yes, sir. and it's also interesting that two bills almost identical to this, with the exception of the penalty, were filed several years ago, one in area and one in west virginia. so this isn't a new concept that physicians can't discuss the issue. fortunately, those bills didn't pass, and -- but i've never heard of a situation where a parent refused to discuss whether they had firearms and a physician dismissed them from their practice. >> did it sound like the representative didn't understand what exactly was in this bill? >> well, i know there are multiple people who have sponsored this bill and perhaps some of them were more interested in certain parts. but yes, it appeared to me that the reading of the bill indicates that i cannot discuss with a parent whether or not they have firearms. whereas he didn't seem to feel that it read that way. >> doctor, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, sir. my pleasure. >> so let's try to clear this up. joining me on the phone, jeffrey toobin. jeff, i'm no lawyer. all the coverage of this bill seems to indicate it would outlaw doctors from asking this question. the representative doesn't seem to believe that. is he wrong? >> he's wrong, anderson. sometimes laws are complicated and sometimes they're not. this law is not complicated. in the first clause, you read it, says simply that inquiries by physicians about guns violate patient's privacy. >> it doesn't say it pprohibits. it seems like he's reading it saying it's a violation of privacy, but the only thing we're pro-hinting is actually denying service. >> i just don't think that's a realistic reading of what the law says. provides is how most law begins. they say the law provides the following and this law provides the following, which is inquiries violate patient privacy. i don't see how you can read it any other way. you are right, and the state senator was right that a doctor can't refuse treatment on the ground that the patient's family refused to talk about the firearm, that's true. but it also prohibits, as it's written now, asking about the gun. >> and the idea of a five-year jail term i think it was and a $5 million fine, compared to a two-term dui, which is like a $4,000 fine, does that make sense to you? >> well, that's up to the legislature. i mean, that's the kind of judgments that the legislature makes. you know, what penalty fits what crime. it certainly seems like an excessive penalty to me, but we can debate about what is the appropriate punishment. you can't debate about what a law says. this law simply says that you can't ask about guns if you're a doctor. >> jeff toobin, thank you very much. let us know what you think. join the live chat. newt gingrich tells sarah palin to tone down her message. will she listen? "raw politics" ahead. and "the washington post" reporting that surveillance video from tucson. that's next. i'm your gps. turn right up ahead. you never update me. so, now i just have to wing it. i meant turn left up ahead. recalculating. turn right now! [ horn honks, tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ crash! ] and your fifteen-minute insurance might not pay for all this. so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. recalculating. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at tonight, we've learned what happened with congresswoman giffords and others were shot in tucson ten days ago. "the washington post" reports that surveillance video from the supermarket shows jared lee loughner walking up to giffords and shooting her in the head from two or three feet. tom foreman has more. >> reporter: "the washington post" is reporting that authorities have almost two dozen surveillance videos of the shooting and the events leading up to it, and two sources say these videos show a lot of details we didn't know. the "post" says that jared loughner comes out of the supermarket, walks rapidly around the table set up for this meeting and fires the shot at the congresswoman from almost a couple feet away. the sources cited by "the post" say after he does that, she's obviously clearly hit just above the left eye, falls immediately. then he turns and begins firing on the crowd. we don't know how many shots but several. after doing that, then he swings back around to the front table and resumes shooting there. he hits one of her workers, ron barber, in the shoulder. he's 65 years old. and then judge john roll, the sources tell "the post" jumps in here and he pushes barber to the ground and gets on top of him. apparently trying to shield him with his own body as they scramble underneath this table. this is the first indication we've had of what would seem to be a heroic action by the judge. the judge does wind up getting shot in the back and we know he then died. >> the video is poor quality. what about in this case, do we know anything about it? >> the article says the fbi has the videos now and they're holding onto them for the trial. but the quality is apparently good enough that many details of loughner's activities are happening. >> and i understand the videos show him putting in ear plugs, which could suggest an even higher degree of planning than we knew about. >> all these details keep adding up. "the post" says it appears he went into the supermarket restroom and while he was in there, when the clerk tries to talk to him on the way out, sources say you can say loughner mouthing something like, can't you see i have ear plugs in? and loughner fired 32 bullets before he ran out and was tackled while trying to reload. that would suggest he had the magazine full with 32 and started with one extra one already in the firing chamber. >> tom, thanks. some republicans are giving some advice for sarah palin who last night defended her response to the tucson shootings in an interview with sean hannity on fox. a poll shows just 30% of americans approve of her response to the tragedy. here's what david frum said after the interview aired. >> she could stop talking, now. i don't think it's true that this is a person who is unaware of the reaction. she's all too aware. this was the interview, a very shaken person. >> he's not the only republican. here's what newt gingrich said on "good morning america. qupts >> i think she's got to slow down and think through what she is saying and how she is saying it. there's no question she's become more controversial. but she is still a phenomena. i don't know anybody else in american politics who can put something on twitter or on facebook and automatically have it become a national story. so she remains i think a formidable person. >> newt gingrich has his own agenda, considering a presidential run in 20126789 let's find out what our panel thinks. thank you both for being here. ari, you saw newt gingrich's critique. what did you think of it? >> he's on target of that right there. he learned the risk of saying things and he's trying to learn how to cool down. if he runs for president, that's going to be the ultimate test. i think there's large truth to that, that sarah palin is tremendously popular within an element of the republican party. the trick to making it in american politics is you have to start strong in your base and expanding over the middle. she's yet to prove she can take that second step. it's an important second step. >> lisa, you worked for hillary clinton, who was able to overcome her negatives. what advice would you give for sarah palin? >> she's out there, she can't pull it back. so i would tell her, you know, low ball it for a while, or get out of the picture for a while. >> she doesn't have a history of doing that. >> ari makes an interesting point of playing to your base. there's been speculation that the blood libel comments are geared toward playing to that far right evangelical wing of the party. i don't know that's the case. when you look at the "raw politics" of it, the poll shows that her favorabilities have dipped to an all-time low. 5 3% unfavorable and 40 perlz unfavorable reaction to the blood libel comments, this is why you see newt gingrich out there saying she could tone it down and dick cheney ducking from commenting directly. >> ari, the white house has put everything they've got on a massive anti-repeal pushback, but the public is still skeptical of the law. is it a mistake to play up this vote? >> no, this is fundamental. this is what a lot of last year's election was based on. republicans would be in tremendous trouble if they didn't follow through on the principle. we said it was wrong and needed to be repealed and replaced, they need to start the repeal. so it's an important statement. ly be fascinated to see how many democrats join republicans. i expect it will be a small but important number. >> we are hearing from a number of democrats saying this is an opportunity to remessage this. >> what's interesting about this is this is in the house of representatives. there aren't the votes in the senate to repeal this health care reform. so what you have is an opportunity that the white house has taken. remember, the american public by and large is divided on health care. so they're taking in opportunity to re-educate the public and they've been very disciplined around it. they've got a very clear message, what we heard today from kathleen sebelius, which was activated through the house leadership, talking about how there are roughly half of the americans under 65 who will have a preexisting condition, won't be eligible to receive health benefits if it's repealed. >> ari, that seems to be the strategy, to focus on individual cases rather than on economic issues. >> those numbers are hotly disputed. but it is a shift in the way the law was debated. if you remember when they sold it to the american people, it was to break the cost curve. now the democrats are not making the case, the white house is not making the case that it reduces costs because it's not credible. if you add tens of millions to the insurance rolls, it's going to cost taxpayers more money. so now the case is about get health care to the uninsured. it's an important issue but it's a bait and switch. >> lisa, any surprise that senator lieberman is announcing his retirement. >> some democrats are surprised, certainly, but a lot of democrats feel, well, now we can take control of the destiny of this seat. remember, in this situation, mcmahon, who ran against blumenthal has made some noise. representative murphy was going to have a challenge, and he is not in great favor with democrats despite the fact that he championed don't ask, don't tell. >> lisa, ari, appreciate your time. thank you. still ahead, in brazil, dramatic rescue, a man buried alive, pulled to safety. later, he's been taken in by authorities there. a lot of folks saying the country was better off when he was there. we're going to show you what the country was like when he was in power. we'll be right back. impressive resume. thank you. you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up. ally. do you love your bank ? i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. tonight, a "360" follow. in haiti, the mysterious return of a former dictator is being celebrated by some. celebrated. take a look, this is from today, hundreds turned out to show their support for jean-claude duvalier, who turned up in haiti on sunday after 25 years in exile. he was taken into custody, questioned at a courthouse in port-au-prince where charges were filed against him. he was not arrested. a judge has 30 days to decide whether to move the case forward, whatever the case may be. it's hard to say what is going on, why he's back and what his plans may be. what is all too clear is his try seems to be getting lost in the chaos. just want to remind you who we're talking about. jean-claude duvalier is a dictator, an alleged thief and murderer, accused of pillaging his homeland. he learned at the knee of his father. baby doc was 19 when he succeeded his dad. the father and son ordered the death of as many as 30,000 haitians. the former soccer star, human rights activist and cnn hero was imprisoned, tortured, starved, nearly executed. i talked to him earlier. bobby, when you hear some haitians say things were better on jean-claude duvalier, what do you tell them? >> i say that they just don't know, because i think they are victims of the propaganda that the duvalier has been promoting. how can you compare a state of oppression for 30 years that has killed over 100,000 people between the two, and you compare it to a government that has been, you know, that inherited the destruction of 30 years of that regime. and how can you compare that, you know -- >> you say 50,000 people disappeared under baby doc -- the father, poppa doc. you could be arrested at that time for anything. you were arrested, never charged with anything, tortured, thrown into a prison, a terrible place. what was that like? >> well, listen, i was in a cell 13 x 14 cell. we were 40 inside. and we have to sleep by relay. we were all nude. all they give us is our shirt and pants, but that's what we used for toilet paper because we had a five gallon can inside the cell in order to do our necessities. i was inside that cell with 40 other men and i was witnessing two to three people die a day. that means out of malnutrition, weakness. and also our bodies were covered with pus. i had tb myself. if i had not been taken out, one more week i would have been dead. >> people would be executed, people would just vanish? >> yeah. and for no reason. a lot of the time, you know, they blame your disappearance on political activities, which is not true. it might be a neighbor down the street who has a problem with you, they have a competition with you or something, and then he has a contact in the system and then he has you disappeared. i mean, that was common place. >> should duvalier have to answer for his crimes? >> absolutely. you know, this guy destroyed this country. we are still struggling as citizens of haiti, trying to get this country back together. and he left us in shambles. the mere fact that we are in a political deadlock now for an election, to me it's very sim -- simtomatic. this is a shad owe of duvalier. >> bobby, thank you for your time. still ahead, we continue our series of cold cases. tonight, the story of amber hagerman, whose case inspired the amber alert system. we'll talk to john walsh about it. but first, a "360" bulletin. >> a powerful 7.2 earthquake rumbled in southwest pakistan today in a remote part of the country. there are no reports of serious injuries or major damage at this time, but pakistani officials expert powerful after shocks to occur. an amazing rescue in brazil to tell you about. a man was pulled out from under wreckage and mud after being trapped for nearly a day. days of heavy rains have caused flooding and mudslides, which have killed more than 700 people in rio de janeiro. and the end of an era is approaching. regis philbin announced he will retire from his program sometime this year. he will turn 80 years old in august and told his audience, anderson, that everything needs to come to an end. and so it does. did you know? >> i did not. amazing career he's had. just incredible his accomplishments and he says he's not retiring, he just wants to try new things. >> i think it's amazing. i've often said at 79, i'll be wearing a snuggy, sitting in a cafe molding bowls into a plate. >> i think at 49 i'm going to do that. up next, our series on cold cases. we're going to revisit the murder of amber hagerman, that's where the amber alert comes from. her brother speaks publicly for the first time about the case and we talk to john walsh of "america's most wanted" about the chance of ever finding her killer. >> i never give up hope. i look at these old cold cases and say maybe we'll get a tip or find a perp somewhere, a guy in prison that we can place in that area at that time. tonight, we add dr. laura to the ridiculous. find out ahead why. hey, guys. printer's out of ink. just shake it. 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>> yes. >> what did you do to get that? >> i had to get a-b honor roll and do good things in the class. >> reporter: the tv station also took video of amber and her brother together, and amber on her bicycle. weeks later at their grand parent's home in arlington, texas, they rode their bicycles to the parking lot of a grocery store. >> i went back by myself. when i went back, my grandfather was like, where is your sister? i said she's over there at the ramp. he was like, well, go get her. i came back to get her and she was nowhere to be found. he saw a policeman and saw the bike and he was like, where is my grand daughter? the cop told him there's been a little child taken from here. >> a witness seen a man jump out of a dark truck and grab the girl. >> that's when my world just fell apart. and i started running towards where he was abducted at, where my father found her bike at, screaming for her, hoping that she would answer me, and she never did. >> reporter: four days after she disappeared, a man was walking his dog along this path about two miles away. something caught his attention. it was the body of a young girl. it was the body of amber. >> when amber was found in the creek, she was deceased. her throat had been cut. >> reporter: amber had also been sexually molested. she had been kept alive for at least two days. >> i just kent crazy. i was screaming and crying. no, that's not my daughter. >> reporter: a massive manhunt was launched to find the murderer. a decade and a half later, it's still going on. >> somebody had to see something, and they're just not coming forward with that information and i don't understand why. >> reporter: are there potential suspects out there? >> any time we get a lead, we follow that all the way through and plus there are people who we have looked at in the past that we'll continue to look at. >> reporter: so there are still people your looking at? >> there are people we continue to look at today. >> reporter: the tragedy and frustration in this case have led to something very important, the federal amber alert program is named in honor of amber hagerman, credited for the rescue of hundreds of children throughout the united states. and it's a legacy that gives amber's mother strength. >> makes me feel good. makes me feel proud and something i know amber would have been proud of. >> reporter: back at the parking lot where amber disappeared, there's graffiti on the wall that has her name and the words "angel" and "still searching." it comforts amber's brother that people painted that. this is the first time ricky hagerman has publicly talked about his sister. >> i love her and miss her very much. i hope one day justice will be brought to her. >> reporter: 15 years later, we have absolutely no idea what happened to the killer. he could be in prison on another charge. for all we know, he could be dead. the sad fact is, he could still be wandering the streets a free man, which makes people wonder could things have been different if back then there was such a thing as an amber alert. amber would have been 24 years old now. >> this is my first grade picture. >> reporter: but her family prefers to remember her as a happy 9-year-old, whose name is now known from coast to coast. gary tuchman, cnn, arlington, texas. >> with her case, her family realized that something was wrong and contacted police. that sort of is what so terrifying. there wasn't a lot of time that passed from when she disappeared to when they realized. >> another example of parents who tried to do something positive, the amber alert, the national amber alert law that we worked for three years to get through the house and the senate, to make it a national amber alert. it was started because of amber hagerman. her case is still uninvolved but her parents tried to do something in her honor to make sense out of her death that's where the amber alert started, right there in that little area in texas where little amber went missing. we're getting ready to revisit that case again. even though there was a $100,000 reward, somebody kidnapped that girl and slit her throat and they're still at large. >> did people come forward? >> never any definitive tips. we solved a case of a little girl in texas who was kidnapped 20 years ago when she was 8 years old and her throat was slit, and we reopened the case and they caught a guy in prison for slitting another girl's throat and he just admitted to that murder. so i never give up hope. i look at these cold cases and say maybe we'll get a tip or find a perp somewhere, a guy in prison that we can place in that area at that time. so having solved that case and meeting the victim and saying this has changed my life that this guy got caught after 20 years, left her to bleed to death in a field after slitting her throat, this courageous young woman is proof that you never give up. so we're going to revisit amber hagerman. there may be a guy out there that did this and still needs to be caught. >> wow, let's hope they find the killer. a team of researchers in australia has important information how to possibly avoid a shark attack. and dr. laura may be known for helping people with her problems but she may need help with her facts. we'll tell you why she's the latest addition in tonight's at usaa, this is our executive committee. this is our advisory board. our field research team. and our product development staff. we know military lives are different. we've been there. that's why our commitment to serve the financial needs of our military, veterans, and their families is without equal. and why, we'll always be there for you... both here... and here. usaa. for insurance, banking, investments, retirement and advice. we know what it means to serve. let us serve you. still to come, dr. laura schlessinger's blame game. she's now twisting the facts and we're adding her to tonight's ridiculous. but first, a "360" news and business bulletin. a private dinner was held for chinese president hu jintao. they are expected to focus their talks on human rights, trade and north korea. sargent shriver has died. he was the first leader of the peace corps and the brother-in-law of president john f. kennedy. he worked in both the kennedy and johnson administrations and later helped establish head start, the special olympics and other organizations. sargent shriver was 95. apple says it set a new record of nearly $27 billion in sales and $6 million in profits during the holiday quarter ending on christmas. the company sold a record 16.2 million eye tones in the quarter. a new study suggests some sharks may be color blind. so wear a light colored wet suit. in fact, i happen to have up my sleeve great footage of you. would you like to point out the color of that? >> it was a dark wet suit. it's amazing, it's the most incredible animal experience you can have, other than the mountain gorillas. they come right up to you. it's crazy. >> one word for you -- weird! seriously, i think you need to go shopping for a new wet suit. >> i like how you say schedule. >> before you know it, you'll be saying all sorts of things, just you wait. >> i think we're going to change you, you're not going to change us, isha. >> it's going to be like "my fair lady" in reverse. >> i'm in the old guy? >> no, i'm professor higgins. >> i'm going to have to rent the movie and watch it. i think you've offended me. time now for the ridiculous. we're adding a name, dr. laura schlessinger. i don't know the woman and i have nothing against her, but i am getting tired of people acting like they are victims. that sure seems to be what she's doing. she now cess the uproar of her saying a racial all-star 11 times on her radio show was cnn's fault. last august on her show, she was giving advice to an african-american caller who was concerned about her white husband and his friends making inappropriate racial comments. here's what happened next. >> how about the n word? it's been thrown -- >> black guys use it all the time. turn on hbo, listen to a black comic and all you hear is [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i said that's what you hear. >> everybody heard it. i hope everybody heard it. >> they did and i'll say it again. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] is what you hear on -- why don't you let me finish a sentence? >> so she was on the "today" show this morning peddling her new book and she writes about the controversy saying it was a shark frenzy and she became a bigger target than the kkk. really, bigger than the kkk? all right, clearly that's how she saw it but let's talk about facts. here's what she said today about the days that followed that phone call. >> that night, i apologized. i apologized in the morning and some 36, 48 hours later, cnn decided to have a field day and go, you know, 48 straight hours on it, misrepresenting me with the urban league coming up to me, the naacp, media matters. deciding that i should be silenced. that's when i realized i had to go on seriux xm or something like that to have freedom of speech without being assassinated. >> wow. cnn had a field day for 48 straight hours without talking to her at all, that's what she says. that is just not true. our show did the story, as did other cnn shows, but it was hardly a 48-hour field day. there were a few other things going don. there was also flooding in pakistan, the controversy over the ground zero mosque. then there's her claim that all of this coverage happened "without talking to me at all." well, whose fault was that? >> we invited dr. laura to come on the program tonight. her staff said she was available. >> we saved the videotapes. then we invited her again. "360" keeps records. here's an e-mail that we sent to her producer next day. there you can see the time stamp, august 13th, 1:39 p.m. he writes, i just wanted to follow up with you today. guess what else? dr. laura did decide to come on our show five days later after she announced she would be leaving her radio show. is this for what passes for not talking to me at all? we understand you're trying to sell a book and we know how the publicity business works. but you don't need to make stuff up. we are asking you to take responsibility for the mess you made. take your own advice and stop whining. at least you have plenty of company tonight. coming up, kids, guns and politics. why some lawmakers want to make it a felony for doctors to ask whether they have a gun in their house. we're keeping them honest. -- captions by vitac -- tdd# 1-800-345-2550 that i didn't even understand -- i was so naive. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i mean, i still need help. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 but not from some guy that's just going to sell me stuff. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i need somebody who works with me, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 speaks a language i understand, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and basically helps me make better decisions. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 maybe i'm still being naive? tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] no hard sell. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no attitude. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no broker-speak. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's different when you talk to chuck. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 ♪ i graduated from west point, then i did a tour of duty in iraq. when i was transitioning from active duty, i went to a military officer hiring conference. it was kind of like speed dating. there were 12 companies that i was pre-matched with, but walmart turned out to be the best for me. sam walton was in the military, and he understood the importance of developing your people. it's an honor to be in a position of leadership at walmart. i'm captain tracey lloyd, and i work at walmart. ♪ i'm captain tracey lloyd, and i work at walmart. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore.

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