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also another name to our rediculist tonight. we begin tonight as always keeping them honest. tonight the full body scanners being deployed at our nation's airports and the growing outrage about them. the companies making the machines have some powerful friends in washington. the question tonight, has that helped them get government contracts even though the government has raised questions about the machine's effectiveness. by now you've heard about the man who refused to go through one of the machines at san diego airport over the weekend and recorded the patdown he was to receive on his cell phone camera. >> we're going to be doing the standard patdown using my hands going like this. >> all right. >> on your body. also we're going to be doing a groin check. that means i'm going to place my hands on your hip, the other hand on your inner try, slowly go up and go down. two times in the front and two times in the back. >> all right. >> and if you'd like the screening we can make that available for you. >> we can do that out here but if you touch my junk, i'm going have you arrested. >> that was john tyner, he faces a possible $11,000 fine. he didn't want to use one of the new body scanner machines, there are now 385 of them at nearly 70 airports nationwide. they were put in place after the accused underwear bomber tried to blow up the plane in detroit last christmas. since that attempted bombing, michael chertoff has been touting the need for the scanners. here's what he told "the new york times" about the machines days after the attempted underwear bombing, quote, if they'd been deployed this would pick up this kind of device. as former homeland security secretary mr. chertoff's opinion carries a lot of weight. but what may not be clear to many americans, however, is that michael chertoff is in business with one of the big companies that makes these machines. he runs a consulting firm and the company is one of his clients. mr. chertoff's claim these machines would have picked up the underwear bomber's device contradicts a gao report that said, and i quote, while officials performs as well as fiscal patdowns and tests it remains unclear whether the technology would have detected the weapon used in the december 2009 incident based on the preliminary information gao has received. to be fair, mr. chertoff has been a proponent of these machines for years, even when he was head of homeland security and no financial incentive to support them. here he is back in 2008. >> another thing the check point uses is whole body imaging, which includes millimeter wave technology. this technology allows us to detect any item concealed on a person's body, including molded plastic hidden under clothing and minimal intrusion. our officers review images from a remote location and the facial features will be blurred and images deleted from the system once they have been reviewed. passengers will also be offered the opportunity to opt out of this screening and go through a traditional patdown if they want. but our experience shows that a majority, a vast majority of people actually want the new technology. >> last december when he was working with rapid scan he promoted the use of the machines on cnn. >> when we talk about screenings at the airports and other protective mechanisms along the way, what should we be doing that clearly we're not? >> campbell, the strategy recognizes that there's always going to be human error in any system. you can't count on perfection. that's why we built a security of what we call layered security, a number of layers. if one fails another gets picked up. it's complicated of course because the actual screening tiij place overseas where the u.s. ability to control what goes on is obviously not the same as it is here. but there are a few things we could do to make thins better. first we could deploy this scanning, the scanning machines that we currently are beginning to deploy in the u.s. that would give us the ability to see what someone has concealed underneath their clothing. that has been vigorously opposed by the aclu and privacy advocates. but i think now there's been a very vivid lesson in the value of that machinery. >> okay, can you stop you there for a second? i know you've been an advocate of this technology for a long time, but just in the interest of full disclosure i want to point out in your current role as a security consultant you are representing some of the companies that manufacture that technology correct? >> absolutely correct. >> it's not just mr. chertoff, lobbyists do as well, among them al d'amato, the retired new york republican works for a company that makes scanners. we should point out all this lobbying is perfectly legal. joining me, founder of the airplane watch dog group there's a number of former government people, legislative aides to folks in congress who are working with or for some of these companies that sell these scanners. do you think there's a conflict here? >> absolutely there's a conflict. in fact, michael chertoff basically gave birth to the scanner brand when he was department of homeland security secretary, and then went to work directly as a consultant when he left office. >> but what's wrong with that? he says and admits publicly he was pushing for these scanners from back in 2005 when he was still head of the homeland security. tsa awarded contracts to rapiscan while he was at homeland security. what's wrong with him working for the company if he believes in the devices? >> several things. government officials are supposed to have a grace period before they go to work for companies that they've given contracts to. the promises were made to buy these rapiscan units in 2006 when he was still in office and then he went to work directly for them -- >> technically, though, he's not a registered lobbyist, he has a consulting firm so there's no law preventing him. >> you may be right but it's still morally wrong and he's using the trust the public has in him as a public servant to sell a product that he clearly has a stake in profiting from and we think that's incorrect. i truly believe that michael chertoff had a plan, the plan has been executed perfectly. he was the one that i saw on the airwaves in january espousing the attributes of these scanners and stating that these scanners would solve the problems that abdulmutallab had with the underpants bomb, although others say they would not have detected that and certainly would not have detected an anal bomb, which the security knew happened to the saudi prince earlier and they were going to try to achieve internal bombs detonated with cell phones which won't be detected by these scanner units. but chertoff was all over the networks talking about the attributes of these scanners as if they were the solution to everything. >> there is this gao report that says these types of full body scanners would not have necessarily stopped the christmas day bomber, the would-be bomber. earlier today i spoke to the head of tsa. he said, look, we're using the best technology we have. nothing is 100%. you know, he seemed like a decent guy, he seemed like he's just trying to do his best to come up with as many things as possible to prevent something horrible from happening. >> well, it's my understanding from the experts that we've been working with the best detectives for explosives are k-9s. and they are the most sensitive, they're the most likely to detect explosives on anyone and they can do it not necessarily by even pressing up against a person. they can do it by sniffing along the edge of a line of folks. so there are many other methods of detection that could have been employed -- >> but the sheer volume of passengers, i don't think there's enough k-9s -- this is all off the top of my head, but they can only work for a certain amount of time, have you to change them repeatedly, i'm just not -- is that really a feasible alternative? >> well, it's less intrusive. you know, the issue we have right now with the scanners and patdowns is that people feel molested. they feel that they're being violated in one way or another and -- or their children are or their wives are, and i can tell you having been through the patdown and the scanner, it is violating. and i think the issue here is, was this the best method of detection of explosives that also would work for 100% of the american people. because right now 100% of the american people are being treated as if they're terrorists. >> kate, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. we reached out to michael chertoff for a response to the allegations tonight, we're expecting a response and bring it to you later on in the program. let us know what you think. you can join the live chat now. up next, senator john mccain's stance on don't ask don't tell. first he said he wanted to listen to military leaders, when they said repeal it, then he said we need a study, now that there's a study -- and the royal engagement. >> we've been talking about marriage for a while so it wasn't a massively big surprise so i took her up to somewhere nice in kenya and proposed. >> it was very romantic. >> you'll hear about it in their own words when we continue. this chrtmas, be svy. right now, get g appliance savings at sears. like 20% off all keore appliances. plus save one thousand dollars on this samsung wash / dryer pair with steam. save four hundred dollson this d lg laundry pair and get forty-five percent off this lfour-dr refrigerator. search sears appliances for eryday best prices. guaranteed! sears. be the santa you want to be. 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>> if the results of that study is one that i can trust and believe in and is supported by our military leaders, obviously i would have that -- give that the most serious consideration. >> mr. mccain brought up the importance of the study. the survey again, two months ago when debating the defense bill which includes the language that would include don't ask don't tell. >> what i am opposed to is bringing up the defense bill now before the defense department has concluded its survey of our men and women in uniform which gives them a chance to tell us their views about don't ask don't tell. we've asked for their views and we should wait to hear from them and then give their views the fullest consideration before taking any legislative action. >> okay. fair enough. he wants to wait to see the survey results. but this september before seeing the survey results he suddenly announced he had a problem with the survey. >> the sure advice chiefs, and we'll be talking about this on the floor, all of them have said they wanted a complete study about the effect on morale and battle readiness. the study that the defense department is conducting does not do that. the study assumes that repeal will take place. so for all intents and purposes there is no study as to the impact on battle effectiveness and morale. it would be a mistake to ignore the views of our troops and the military advice of the service chiefs. >> i think most people probably agree it would be a mistake to ignore the views of our troops that's why the study surveyed 400,000 of them to get their views. part of the survey results were leaked last week and according to "the washington post" which broke the story the study says lifting the ban will not adversely affect troop morale or current war efforts. more than 70% said it would have a positive, mixed or nonexistent effect on the military. john mccain wants another study and hearings. >> we need a thorough and complete study of the effects, not how to implement a repeal, but the effects on morale and battle effectiveness. that's what i want. once we get this study we need to have hearings and we need to examine it and we need to look at whether it's the kind of study that we wanted. i think once the study comes out the beginning of december we should at least have a chance to review it and maybe have hearings on it. >> we don't take political positions on this program. there are plenty of good reasons that good people support or oppose don't ask don't tell. the question is why does john mccain set up conditions for repealing it only to come up with new conditions when the old ones seem to be met. we invited him to come on the program to talk about it, he declined. it's doubtful mr. mccain is going to strip it from the bill the defense bill. joining me now, ari fleischer and democratic strategist and political contributor paul begala. paul, i mean, is this just flip-flopping or moving the goalpost by senator mccain? >> you know, he -- he's acting like a politician in the worst sense of the word. first i'd say as a democrat this is a man worthy of great respect, our highest respect. we're only a few days after veterans day and he served and sacrificed so much for our country, so he is worthy of respect but even as a democrat i feel for him right now. it doesn't look good. first he said he would look more carefully at it if the military leaders support it. most do now. now it's to study the study and i think the next one will be well, when it's high tide on my ocean front property in arizona is when i'll take a look at this. there's no real good defense for the way he's acting right now and i really do hate to say that. >> just from a political standpoint, why not just say i believe the current policy works and i don't think we should repeal it and not come up with kind of goalposts that you're going to end up moving. >> i can't speak for senator mccain. i know him and know him well and he likes to get involved in military decisions but i can tell you this, it is time to repeal don't ask don't tell. i think gays in this country can serve in the military in the same outstanding ways that straight soldiers and airmen, marines and coast guard serves the country. it's an old debate, and frankly i think what's important is we have a military that can fight and win wars. when you look at other nations around the world, gays serve proudly and ably, it's time to do that in america, too. >> paul, beyond ari's sentiments, the likelihood of this being repealed in congress is seen pretty much nil right now, right? >> first off, i appreciate it, ari, that's still not the easiest position in his party to take, so that's worthy of praise. john mccain is the leading, you know, the ranking republican in the senate armed services committee. the leading voice on military affairs in our country military but certainly in his party. i strongly support repeal of the ban, but i think mccain probably will have enough influence to block this in the senate because all you've got to do is hold 40 people together on a filibuster and then you can kill the ban. you can kill the repeal of the ban. >> so if that does happen, then, what's the alternative? obviously there is in the courts there's a variety of challenges to it and is president obama still an option, paul? >> i wish president obama were as plain spoken about this as ari fleischer. i promise never to praise fleischer, but right now it's linked to the defense authorization bill which is a budget matter. you can decouple that, but i still don't think you get the votes for a freestanding bill. but the president is the commander in chief. he has huge responsibility and authority under our constitution when it comes to military matters. he can order our military to stop the discharge. it's called a stop loss order. president bush issued one to keep people in the military when we needed more troops for the iraq and afghanistan wars. this president could issue a stop order now, to stop discharging people under don't ask don't tell until congress can pass what he calls a durable solution. >> ari, let's turn -- go ahead. >> well i was going to quickly say for big societal changes you really do want congress and the executive to do it together. you don't want to make this just an executive action, you want the country to come together on this, that takes an act of congress. >> charlie rangel found guilty today, 11 ethics charges. >> yeah. >> most people expect the punishment to be a sternly-worded letter of rap mand or a censure. does that make congressional ethics kind of a joke? >> when they say this doesn't mean he's corrupt it shows how washington can be too corrupt. they get too used to this. he was the chairman of the tax writing committee and he cheated on his taxes. that was one of the things he found guilty of. he cheated on getting a rent control apartment in new york city. every new yorker knows rent control is not available to people who make more money but people try to use influence to get it. charlie rangel got it. that is corrupt. and i think if charlie rangel stays in congress it's a huge headache for the democrats. if they don't have the courage to say that this is a dismissible act, then i hope charlie rangel has it in him to say maybe my time has come to go and i will leave. >> paul, you know, i've got to agree with ari on this. i'm kind of amazed at the amount of back flips a lot of politicians are doing on capitol hill to say what he did was not corrupt, that it was just basically bad recordkeeping. i mean, if you have three, you know, low income apartments under your name or your son's name, that are supposed to go to poor people, that there's plenty of poor people in need who would like a rent controlled apartment in new york, how is that not corrupt? >> first off it's not just politicians to say it, you expect his party to stand by him, but the chief counsel of the ethics committee said there's no proof of corruption or evidence that mr. rangel was trying to enrich himself personally, rather he was over zealous and at least sloppy in his personal finances. first off elections should matter. his constituents knew about these charges and re-elected him anyway and second, not every offense is a firing offense in a company or congress. this will likely become some sort of reprimand or censure. >> paul, if he was a republican would you be making that argument? >> i would hope so. i don't think i've called -- like i didn't want larry craig kicked out, it was a much creepier thing that he did but not corrupt, but i don't think i'd call for -- i'm trying to remember. i hope i'm not being a hypocrite here. >> here's the problem. when acts like that are defined by a congressional staffer in charge of the prosecution as -- on their face not being corrupt, the problem is they're getting so used to the way they behave in washington they ignore and make excuses for each other. that's the problem. we have failed as a society to say right is right, wrong is wrong, corruption's corruption. it's time for charlie to acknowledge this is corruption. >> we're arguing about the corruption and is this a hanging offense for a man that keeps getting re-elected even with these ethics charges. charlie rangel fought for our country in vietnam was a decorated combat veteran, korea, then marched from selma to montgomery so he's got a record too. >> duration of service in washington or what you have done previously does not excuse corruption. >> ari fleischer. >> every offense is not a firing offense. >> paul begala. thanks for being on. >> this is where we differ. chaos in northern haiti. residents are furious about the cholera epidemic, they're pointing the finger at the u.n. plus this. >> it's my mother's engagement ring so i thought it was quite nice because she's not going to be around to share in the fun and excitement so this is my way of keeping her sort of close to it all. >> prince william announcing his engagement to long-time girlfriend kate middleton. most people had never heard her actually speak. you will tonight. you'll hear from them both in their first interview together and we'll talk to people who know them and people in the know. 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[ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. following a number of stories tonight, brooke anderson has the latest. brooke? >> cap-haitien is under siege. the government appears to have lost control. rumors have spread that united nations peace keepers from nepal brought the disease to the city. u.n. officials deny that claim. cap-haitien has been hit hard by the epidemic. cholera has killed more than 1,000 people across haiti. president obama presented the medal of honor to salvatore giunta, the first living recipient for medal of bravery in more than 30 years. beverly hills police are investigating the killing of noted hollywood publicist ronni chasen. they say multiple shots were fired into her car early this morning after a movie premiere. police say they have no suspects or motive at this time. and as of today, the beatles catalog is available on itunes. in a news release from apple, surviving band member paul mccartney called the move fantastic. for a long time the beatles resisted going to itunes because they questioned the quality of digital music. that's really no surprise. while these are remastered albums these guys are really classists, they fiercely protect and preserve their music as much as possible. this is huge. this is epic >> it would have been interesting to be at those negotiations. thanks, brooke. we're talking to itv news, the man who conducted the royal couple's first interview. we'll play you five minutes of that interview and talk to tom. >> i really want to make sure they have the best sort of guidance and chance to see what life has been like or what life is like in the family and that's kind of almost why i have been waiting this long, i wanted to give her a chance to see and back out if she needed to, before it got too much. 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( woman ) you have better things to join than always a line for the bathroom. so, pipe up and ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible. britain's prince william has finally popped the question to long time love kate middleton. the daughter of self-made millionaire said yes. the ring is the same one prince charles gave to lady diana spencer 29 years ago. just to show you how things have changed, will and kate already share a home together. middleton is a familiar face to royal watchers but she's rarely been heard in public. today the royal couple gave their first interview to britain's itv news. >> reporter: william, where did you propose, when, how, and kate, what did you say? >> about three weeks ago on holiday in kenya. we had private time together with some friends and i just decided that it was the right time, really. we'd been talking about marriage for a while. so it wasn't a massively big surprise, but i took her up somewhere nice in kenya and proposed. >> it was very romantic. will's a true romantic. >> reporter: and you said yes. >> of course. >> reporter: and you knew you were going to do this day one or waited it until the end? >> i'd been planning it for a while, but as every guy out there will know it takes a certain amount of motivation to get yourself going, soy was planning it and then it just felt really right in africa, and it was beautiful at the time, and i just i had a little bit of planning to show her my romantic side. >> reporter: you'd been on holiday a while so did you see this coming? was he getting nervous and jumpy? >> not at all, no. we were out there with friends and things so i really didn't expect it at all. i thought he might have sort of maybe thought about it, but, no. it was a total shock when it came and very excited. >> reporter: and produced the ring there and then? >> i did. i'd been carrying it around me in my rucksack for about three weeks before that and i would not let it go. i was keeping hold of it because i knew if it disappeared i'd be in a lot of trouble. because i planned it sort of -- it went fine as, you know, you hear horror stories about proposing and things go horribly wrong but it went really well and i was very pleased she said yes. >> reporter: and it's a family ring. >> yes, it's my mother's engagement ring. she's obviously not around to share in the fun and excitement with all this, this is my way of keeping her sort of close to it all. >> reporter: i guess we'd better have a look at it. what kind of ring is it? are you an expert? >> i'm not an expert on it at all. i've been reliably informed it's a sapphire with diamonds. but i'm sure everyone recognizes it from previous times. >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: you're going to be the envy of many. >> i just hope i look after it but it's very, very special. >> reporter: you're obviously going to enter this family the most famous royal family in the world. william's mother was this massive iconic figure, the most famous figure of our age. is that worrying? is that intimidating? does that -- do you think about that a lot both of you? you particularly kate, obviously. >> well, obviously, i would loved to have met her, and she's obviously -- she's an inspirational woman to look up to. obviously to this day and, you know, going forward and things, it's a wonderful family, they have achieved a lot, and very inspirational. so yeah, i do. >> there's no pressure because like kate said, it's about carving your own future. no one's going to try and -- no one's trying to fill my mother's shoes and what she did is fantastic. it's about making your own future and own destiny and kate will do a very good job at that. >> this is a life in the public domain that you can't escape. you both know that. you're obviously very -- you know it better than kate does. >> yeah. >> reporter: you're obviously very protective of her. >> massively so. her and her family, i want to make sure they have the best sort of guidance and chance to see what life's been like or what life is like in the family and that's kind of almost why i have been waiting this long is i wanted to give her a chance to see and back out if she needed to before it all got too much because i'm trying to learn from lessons in the past and i wanted to give her the best chance to settle in and see what happens on the other side. >> i'm also glad i've had the time to sort of to grow and understand myself more as well so hopefully do a good job. >> reporter: there is a massive thing you're going into now. marriage is a big thing for everyone but it's in such a public way. excited? a little bit terrified? >> massively excited. quite happy when the interview is over. but we're hugely excited and it's -- we're looking forward to spending the rest of the time, the rest of our lives together and seeing what the future holds. she doesn't particularly like the limelight. she's been gearing herself up for this moment for quite a long time as in this is the place she has to face the public and slightly grit her teeth. she was relaxed and got through it fine but i think she-been very relieved that it's over to be honest with you. >> a lot of us in the united states haven't been following their relationship over the years. it's been going on for a long time. has she been followed by paparazzi for years and years? we're looking at her being photographed with all these flash bulbs going off. is she used to that sort of attention? >> she's used to it but she doesn't like it and he particularly doesn't like it for her. he's very protective of her. there's absolutely no doubt one of the reasons he's taken so long is he's been asking himself the question, can i really put her through this? is she up for it? now i mean, you can say a lot of things about kate but i think most people who know her well agree she's quite a kind, loyal, relatively simple person. she doesn't massively like the limelight. and i think william genuinely worried about her ability to cope with the attention that's going to come her way. she seemed fine with it. she's had a long time to think about it. >> if you could describe the both of them, william and kate, what are they like? >> i think if you met them, it'd really be like meeting anyone else. they're very down to earth. i deal with politicians all the time here. an awful lot pour, by in large than those two. very simple, both really good senses of humor. kate requires a lit bit of letting hair down before she let's hers go. william is very funny and makes wise cracks all the time. very easy going and well company. the point to understand is kate comes from a very kind of stable, middle class english family. she really wants a happy life for herself and she's not prepared to trade that for being royal. william is very close to her family and it's very clear to me that that's what he wants for himself, too. >> kate was wearing princess diana's engagement ring. she told you diana is an inspirational woman. william was quick to say this isn't an attempt to fill his mom's shoes. do you think he's taking pains to avoid comparisons between his bride and his mom? >> william loved his mother. let's be clear about that. obviously her death, i imagine kate and maybe his brother are probably the obviously two people he's ever talked to really thoroughly about his mother and what he feels about and what he feels about her death. i imagine when she says, you know, i really wish i'd met her, i think she means it in a heart felt way. but having said that, he wants to shut the issue down. he doesn't like the endless comparisons, discussion, debates, because diana was a global phenomenon. he wants to get on with his life and he'd love nothing more than for it to drift back in time. >> appreciate you talking to us. thanks. >> seem like a very nice couple. we're going to talk to richard quest and author of "william and harry, behind the palace walls." and tonight, a tv network claims it didn't censor tina fey. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible. one month, five years after you do retire? 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[ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. big news out of buckingham palace, prince william and kate middleton are engaged. the proposal was a long time coming, so long she was nicknamed waity katie for taking so long. >> reporter: the wedding of prince charms and princess diana drew one of the biggest global tv audiences ever. now their first son's engagement appears to be setting the stage for of the same. william is just behind his father to become king of england and his engagement to a woman who grew up in the middle class is a sensation. >> well, it's quite a daunting prospect, but i hope i'll take it in my stride. william's a great teacher so hopefully he'll be able to help me. i look forward to spending my time with william. >> reporter: he met kate middleton whose parents are self-made millionaires from selling children's party supplies while they were both university students in scotland, she studying art history and he was too. but she is widely credited with convincing him to change to geography when he seemed ready to drop out altogether. they first appeared as a couple on a skiing trip in switzerland, first appeared to be finished three years ago when they broke up. >> we were both very young. it was at university and we were sort of both finding ourselves as such and being different characters and stuff. >> reporter: it was the summer of on again off again dating. >> i at the time wasn't very happy about it but actually it made me a stronger person. you find out things about yourself that maybe you hadn't realized or i think you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you're younger and i really valued that time for me as well although i didn't think it at the time. >> reporter: now they live with one another. both are 28 years old, both still speak of life goals like any 20-somethings. he has his military career and several charities, she's shown past interest in opening a photography gallery. so why the long wait for the engagement? the gulf between his royal life and her regular upbringing is at least part of it. >> i wanted to give her a chance to see and to back out if she needed to before it all got too much. i'm trying to learn from lessons in the past and i wanted to give her the best chance to set until and see what happens the other side. >> reporter: as for children in their plans? >> i think we'll take it one step at a time. we'll get over the marriage thing first and then look at the kids. >> reporter: but for now the next big step is down the aisle. tom foreman, cnn. >> richard quest joins me now, and katie nickel, writing about the royal family for more than a decade now. so richard, kate said she was surprised but hasn't this been in the making for a long time? >> reporter: yes, indeed, it has. they've been going together for eight or nine years, seven or eight certainly as a couple even with the short break. and they admitted in the interview they've actually talked about marriage and what would happen. but even so, she wasn't called waity katie for nothing, having waited so long for this betrothal. she did say she had no idea that william had been carrying this ring in a rucksack in kenya for a week. >> is she well liked. >> she is, but we don't know much about her. she's kept low on the radar. they've got the same interests and they're very happy together. there is such a chemistry between the two of them, they both looked so happy and i think very relieved. this has been a long courtship. it's been nearly nine years. i don't quite believe she didn't know it was coming because they made a pact in 2007 that their relationship would end in a marriage and sure enough it will do. >> that's quite a pact. richard, i don't know how this stuff works, but didn't it used to be that she would have had to come from some sort of royal family or an upper class family? apparently she's from an upper middle class family. does that sort of thing matter in the royal etiquette anymore? >> reporter: no, it doesn't. traditionally, yes, the heir to the thrown and other members of royalty they marry within a circle of aristocracy. diana, for example, came from the highest in the land almost, but those days are gone. it is not, as you know, kate's family is upper middle class, they are in commercial business, if you want to put it crudely. she is a woman who's been around and therefore, in that sense, it is the royal family saying we now recognize this is a new time, a new generation. >> richard, what does this mean -- does this mean anything for the order of who gets to be king next? it's a dumb question and i'm not wording it correctly. >> reporter: no, don't worry, i know where you're going with that one, anderson. you're basically -- that's not minced words, you're basically suggesting now william's got a wife. are they going to skip over charles and just jump to the younger, more handsome one and the answer is no. that's not the way it works. no matter how unpopular or how dowdy charles may be perceived. in his favor, he has brought these boys up to respect their own freedoms, to recognize they have their own lives, and not to make the mistakes of the past. and from that point of view, full credit to the prince of wales. but to your question, no. the line of succession will go from queen elizabeth, long may she live, on to charles, and from charles on to william. >> and i was reading earlier that kate once had a schoolgirl crush on william as a teen. that's kind of interesting. >> she did, and it was something that they were asked in the interview because there's long been a rumor she used to have pictures of prince william on her bedroom wall but she said the record straight for the first time today, and it was levi's model, so that was a myth too far. >> did you say we'd never heard her speak before? >> this is the first time we've heard kate middleton speak. when i say she's been kept -- >> really? that's amazing. >> there's a tiny clip of her on youtube but it's just the tiniest sentence but this is the first time we've really seen her in the spotlight. that's why it's been so fascinating. that's why it's been such an enormous day over here, because we've seen her sit down and give her first-ever interview. >> richard quest, katie nickels, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> we wish them both well. tonight's ridiculist, tina fey wins a top award for american humor so why was the speech edited for the broadcast? i'll tell you why it makes the ridiculist. i have asthma. and when my symptoms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. we started a new segment on the program this week, to point out hypocrisy, double talk, the ridiculist. so who's on the list tonight? it's the tv network pbs for their claims about why they edited tina fey. she received the mark twain prize for american humor last week. in her speech she thanked many people including sarah palin who fey obviously imitated a lot during the 2008 campaign. but what people saw on tv is different than what she said. here's what is he said during the ceremony. >> i would be a liar and idiot if i didn't thank sarah palin for helping get me here tonight. my partial resemblance and her crazy voice are the two luckiest thing that's have ever happened to me. politics aside, the success of sarah palin and women like her is good for all women, except for those papering for their own rape kit and stuff. but for everybody else, it's a win-win. unless you're a gay woman who wants to marry your partner of 20 years, whatever. but for most women, success of conservative women is good for all of us. unless you believe in evolution. you know what? actually, i take it back. the whole thing's a disaster. all kidding aside, i'm so proud to represent american humor. >> on sunday night pbs viewers didn't hear any of that. this is what viewers heard instead. >> i would be a liar and idiot if i didn't thank sarah palin for helping get me here tonight. my partial resemblance and her crazy voice are the two luckiest things that ever happened to me. all kidding aside, i'm so proud to represent american humor. >> producers cut out approximately 33 seconds of fey's jokes about palin and conservative women. they insist politics or fear of criticism had nothing to do with it. one told "the washington post" they trimmed parts of it not because of content but due to time. the ceremony ran 19 minutes too long and they said a lot of it was trimmed. that may be so but it's hard to believe they would trim from one of the main winner's speeches considering they cut the controversial stuff out. fine if they want to avoid controversy, fine, but just admit it. pretending it had nothing to do with politics is ridiculous and that earns the spot on tonight's rediculist. hear from a flyer's rights advocate who alleges security procedures are in place because of money and washington connections. talking a lot about homeland security, former homeland security michael chertoff, his office firing back. we'll have that for you and head of the tsa.

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