Airlines. You have probably seen the incredible orion launch earlier this morning. Wait until you see the landing, the splash down, unbelievable. Takes you back to the apollo days. First to sue at the New York Stock Exchange. The dow closing in on the 18,000 mark. So lets get you up to date on all of the numbers. The Dow Jones Industrial is up about 80 points on the trading session, 17979. 18. We are not far away. Up 10 from the october 15 lows. Bob pisani joins me on the floor of the nyse for perspective. 321,000 everybody went whoa. You could hear the air out of the room. Upward revisions. And wage growth on top of that. Lets look at what is moving the market today. Might be surprised because my guess was industrials would lead the way, not quite here. It is actually financials as well as materials and health care modestly on the upside here. I want to point out we have a lot of new highs in financials today, regional banks are strong right across the board here. A lot might say why are regionals and banks leading the way here. I think a lot of people are betting consumer is looking a little better and with a little more money potentially good signs for the banks. These are new highs on regionals. Even Money Center Banks and big financials so all at least 52week highs. Not surprising i think we are seeing weakness in interest rate. Not much. 1 down in utilities. Telecom, if this was a year ago you would see a lot more panic. I think it is a sign the market is maturing a little bit. I want to point out another factor and that is the yen dollar relationship. The yen dramatically weakened against the dollar. Now 121 yen to dollar. This gives a boost allowing traders to borrow money cheaply and invest it elsewhere in the world including here in the u. S. Stock market. If we would have this number a year ago i have no doubt that would be down 200 to 300 points right now. Because it would change the feds time table. I think it is a sign people are not quite as panicked right now. Inflation still very, very low. Very low indeed. Thank you. Ill see you later. Dominic chu for a market flash. Lets pick up the conversation. We will talk about the financials, the leading sector in the s p 500 on heels of that stronger than expected jobs report. That raised the specter of higher Interest Rates possibly sooner rather than later. You can see here the s p financials up by 1. 25 leading the way higher regional banks like zions, etrade financials all winners in the days trade. Thank you very much. The dow rally being driven by those jobs numbers this morning. The economy on track to record its strongest year of job creation in 15 years. Job market partying like it is 1999. 15 years ago pretty good year. The jobs report sparks the only debate it could about whether the u. S. Economy is accelerating into another gear. That debate can be seen in the cnbc rapid update tracking gdp forecasts. The numbers were reduced because of softer october. What want to point you to is the range. Third quarter tracking kind of old business 4 with a small range. Look at the fourth quarter. 2. 6 down a tick with a range of 1. 1 to 4. 2 . Deutsche bank, he is our resident optimist in this survey we do at 4. 2 . Goldman sachs coming down to 2. 4 . Who is the pessimist . Here are the numbers that everybody is fawning over. Nonfarm payroll 321. The estimate a weak 230. I had the under. The Unemployment Rate was unchanged. A big influx into the workforce. Participation unchanged at 62. 8 . Average Hourly Earnings up. It is a Festive Season for u. S. Workers should translate into a jolly time for retailers and the economy. One other chart if you can skip to the fed funds chart. What you see is a big uptick in the outlook. Thats a big jump in what is expected for december 2015. I would say it goes without saying another strong month like this with strong wage gains could easily bring forward rate hikes. What about incomes and earnings . As the labor market tightens should we expect wage gains higher. If you are an employer will you pay somebody more than you have to . You will do it because you have to. So only a tighter labor market. Toiger than it is right now. There is still several Million People unand under employed in america. Guys, with the dow hitting a new high and closing in on 18,000 should investors adjust their year end strategies or not . Joining us to talk about that is burt white and mark eagle. Gentlemen, welcome. Burt, i will start with you. As we see the market continue to make new highs almost on a consecutive daily basis. A lot of people might be tempted to change their asset allocation. Do you recommend that . We continue to think you need to have your portfolio pretty bullish. Lets remember fourth quarters are good. Fourth quarters in mid term election years are extremely good. Almost an 11 annual rate of return and 88 batting average. We think it is a great opportunity. In 2015 it looks quite good, as well. You are seeing good job growth. The economy looks like it will be growing between 3 and 3. 5 . That will translate into good top line and Bottom Line Results for companies that could drive easily high single digit rates of return for next year and the rest of this year. Mark, do you agree with that . It is also likely to be a year marked by a little more volatility, some say a lot more volatility. We may have changes in Interest Rates. We have to worry about europe. Are earnings here in the United States Strong Enough to drive this market higher . We would agree with virtually everything that burt just said. I think you have to have an eye towards equities. Most particulary u. S. Investors. The language is getting stronger. The battle between germany seems to be going draghis way. You should probably look at funding whether europe or emerging markets. Equities around the globe and maybe taking that from Asset Classes like fixed income. We like to say Interest Rates are going to move up. We have been a little bit early on that call. At some point they will move up. Data numbers like today drive us towards that day getting closer. Appreciate it. The dawn of orion. It is a new era in space exploration. Jane wells is live down in florida. Mission accomplished. Reporter right now the navy is retrieving the orion from the Pacific Ocean this as we show you after a flawless reentry and landing as the slow from 20,000 miles an hour to 20 miles in 11 minutes after a series of chutes deploy after two trips around the earth going higher. 3,600 miles. Everything worked, quote, perfectly. We have splash down. Splash down confirmed at 10 29 a. M. Central time. Orion is back on earth. America has driven a golden spike as it crosses a bridge into the future. Lockheed martin kept orion powered. The navy has taken over. The retrieval could take another five hours before taking orion aboard uss anchorage in a new way of retrieving. They will take it home to san diego. The only known mishap so far is that two of the five flotation devices didnt deploy or fully deploy but three were enough to get the job done. We will have a briefing at the bottom of the hour to update if there were other issues. The next test flight will be in 2017 or 18 unmanned. A big win for launching lines. This will be the last time that lockheed uses ula for a launch. The next mission will be on nasas brand new still being built sls rocket, not a private rocket, a publicly owned nasa rocket being built by boeing, atk and aero jet. Thank you very much. Ulta salons earnings and revenues beat estimates. Analysts reacted by jacking up price targets for ulta. Bank of america downgrading google to neutral from buy and cutting the target. And on the flip side b of a upgrading yahoo. We have all heard of employees going on strike. Well, why thousands of angry employers are taking to the streets. You have to see this to believe it. Steve liesman is back. James bond needed a license to kill to do his job. More and more americans need a license to work. The problem with licensing all around the country. You can join the conversation. Is there too much regulation on business in the u. S. . Go to cnbc. Com vote. Power lunch coming back in just two minutes. Often enough, but thank you. S thank you mom for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Were for an opens you internet for all. Sing. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. Lunch. We are watching what is happening with the Dow Jones Industrial because we are sitting at 17,980 mark about 20 points away from the 18,000 mark. At one point we were nine points shy. We will keep you updated. We are watching shares of starbucks moving higher after analysts increased price target to 82 maintaining overweight rating. Analysts are bullish on the fiveyear Plan Detailed yesterday. The shares are up by about 3 there. The first Starbucks Reserve and tasting room opens today in seattle part of the plan to open upscale caves in more than 100 world wide locations in the next five years. You are watching a live shot of one of those locations right now in seattle, washington. Starbucks founder and Ceo Howard Schultz will be live on the closing bell here on cnbc. We will learn about the reserve tasting rooms and about big plans for the future. Hopefully they put one near you or me. We will see. Absolutely. The french always seem to be on strike. Airline workers, farmers, waiters, someone is always walking off the job. Now it is the bosses. Reporter this week the bosses say they have had enough and werent going to take it anymore. In an unusual twist it was French Business owners, not workers, who took to the streets in protest against the government. They say that inflexible labor laws are hurting the french economy. It is something you cannot translate in french which is a business friendly environment. Reporter next year a series of new laws will come into effect, effectively raising the cost of hiring workers. This includes legislation that forces parttime employees to work at least 24 hours a week. Next week president hollandes party will announce reforms. Not very easy for the interpreters. Reporter he says he wont stand for reelection in 2017 if he fails to curb steadily rising unemployment. The French Public are skeptical about the economic plan. The bosses are friends have some backing. Both the European Central bank have urged the french government to make its economy more competitive. Thank you very much. France, of course, not the only place where regulation is blamed for getting in the way of business. Steve liesman will take a look in a moment of how it is impacting everyone from entrepreneurs, to home decorators here in the United States. Is there too much regulation on business in the u. S. . Go to cnbc. Com vote. You vote while steve reports. Reporter what do a florist, manicurist and interior designer have in common . This is not a dumb bar joke. Give up . They are jobs for which somewhere in the country and sometimes many places in the country the government requires a license, registration or certificate to go to work. And in some states even bartenders need a government sanctioned piece of paper, licensing, Certification Requirements soared from 5 in 1950 to now covering a third of all u. S. Workers. Economists like steven davis point to such local state and federal rules to explain why the u. S. Job market has taken longer to rebound. New business formation, job to job mobility, recovering from a lost job, growing businesses in a way that they can hire other people, all of these thinthing things constricted and restrained by unnecessary occupational licensing. Reporter economists dont dispute the need for training and education. Troubled is in places like california a job such as emt requires less training than, for example, an interior designer. They are, to some extent, incumbent protection devices. They often do serve the purpose of driving up wages for the incumbents but they do that in a way that is harmful to competition. Reporter a report, president obamas top economic adviser report, found licensing and registration can lead to 18 . In california designer requires up to two years in apprenticeship. Those all saw these incredible pictures on power lunch earlier this week. President Obama Meeting with many of the nations top ceos. Job growth soaring. Questions about regulation remain. Is president obama probusiness . We will discuss it and you can join the conversation. Go to cnbc. Com vote. Power lunch with the dow up 69 points at 17,969 in two minutes. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back to power lunch. Just about 31 points away from the big 18,000 mark. Sears moving higher after standard and poorz said Third Quarter results show improved comp sales here and says it doesnt see the company defaulting and will continue to divest assets to cover the cash burn rate. Sears shares trading up by about 3 . It is still down about 16 over the past year. Thank you very much. The u. S. Economy adding 321,000 jobs last month. Unemployment rate 5. 8 down over the past year. Participation rate 62. 8 . That is relatively low historically. President meeting on wednesday. Cnbc brought that to you live. The president making it a point to greet practically everyone in the room. He worked the room. As we flirt with dow 18,000 has president obama been good for the stock market . Join the conversation by voting now at cnbc. Com vote. With us today from philadelphia as he is generally on these jobs days, marc morial, much to talk about with the former mayor of new orleans. And at the New York Stock Exchange christy ceo of christy strategies. Gentlemen, welcome back. Good to see you. The stock market at a record high ron christy, unemployment down at a multiyear low. Job growth over the past year as good as it has been since 1999. Has this president been good for the economy or not . I dont think he has been. I think if you look overall africanamerican Unemployment Rate went up to over 11 now. You have 9. 1 Million People who are still looking for jobs. You have 18. 1 Million People who are either under employed and working part time. I think the market has responded well. I think the president has been good for wall street but not good for main street and the middle class. Mayor morial i suspect you see it differently. This is what is so crucial on this. The dow is up. The Unemployment Rate is down. Weve got this sustained period of job growth and also more jobs created this month than in any month in decades. So is the president progrowth . Has the economy grown . Is the nation better off since president Obama Took Office . Any fair minded person would say the answer is yes. Do we have work to do . There is absolutely more work to do. In comperative terms this president has been progrowth and our nations economy is moving in a better direction. You know, ron, one of the issues we may have an economy that is doing extremely well or much better than it was before and a stock market at record highs but the disparity between those who have and those who have not has rarely been wider than it is now. And a number of long term Unemployed People is at a really terribly high number. And those do not gel with dow 18,000 or near dow 18,000. That is where i think the disconnect is between wall street and main street. I think that is why there are so Many Americans expressing displeasure with the president s handling of the economy. The workforce Participation Rate is at the worst point since the 1970s. We have many millions of americans who will see an increase in their Health Care Insurance through obamacare. They will say this president hasnt done anything to help me and my wages grow. This president has stagnated my growth and dragging down the economy. Lets lockdown the vote. Really 70 of our viewers say the president has not been good for the stock market despite the stock market being at record highs in the midst of a five year going on six year bull market. We will switch to a topic that has emotions running very high. Protesters from ferguson, missouri on your left and on the right is the scene last night in new york city. People reacting to grand jury decisions not to indict in two separate incidents, two Different Police officers in connection with the deaths of two black men. We want to hear from you. President obama has been vocal on these situations. Should he focus more on Race Relations . Join the conversation at cnbc. Com vote. Mayor, you were down in ferguson and you weighed in on the situation in new york. Given the fact that the Unemployment Rate is getting much better in terms of its going down, the economy is doing better. Is it time for the president in light of the events of the last ten days to pivot to Race Relations or not . Well, i think hes got to do more than just that. He has to do multiple things, continue to work on the economy and also confront what i call the problems in the criminal justice system, the broken criminal justice system, the need for a better relationship between police and communities that they serve. I think the president is right. Lets under score the fact that that would be the case no matter who was in the white house because when youve got thousands of people all over the country expressing outrage people from all walks of life to the decisions of these two grand juries then we have a National Crisis and the president must respond as he has responded in the meeting i think i had a chance to participate in last monday where he appointed a task force to confront this and make recommendations. What is your perspective . I think there has been a rush to judgment to racialize the situation that doesnt necessarily warrant the facts. I am a lawyer. You have to look at a particular set of facts. I dont see that. If you have six africanamericans on the grand jury in ferguson who said brown was charging the officer i dont care what color the skin of the officer is or the color of the skin of mr. Brown, if you break the law and charge an officer and try to take their gun what do you think they are going to do . I am concerned about what we are dealing with here. What do you think about eric garner . You saw that video. This is a disgrace. For the new York City Police department to have used that level of force i think is a disgrace. I will tell you what. What i think is more of a disgrace is the nanny state in new york city where you are charging that much money to put a tax on cigarettes where the police are going to see whether or not they should arrest somebody because he is selling onesies on the street. This is something you and i both agree with than to arrest people for selling cigarettes. I lost a cousin about three decades ago in a questionable Police Shooting in long beach, california. So im no stranger to what can happen on the street in the dark of night when there are few people to witness the event. Mayor morial, you spoke last time we were on and discussing this topic about what you saw as a flawed process specifically that in the case of ferguson we do not have obviously the garner decision yet that the process was flawed because the prosecutor did not specifically ask for an indictment. That was one problem. I wonder and january you both are lawyers i didnt know that initially whether we need some legal change that goes not just to Police Practices but when police can justifybly use lethal force and whether those laws have been pardon my word choice here, too permissive. If you look in missouri, tyler, it is reasonable use of force of whether the Police Officer expects their life is in danger that they are allowed to use lethal force. If you look at new york city with mr. Garner that is a different situation. I think the precedent may have rushed to judgment a little bit saying we need to reform criminal justice system. We need to look at it on a city by city and state by state basis before the federal government jumps in. Every good Police Department has a use of deadly force policy. I think what you are saying is that all of that needs to be reexamined and looked at. One of the issues is what is the mechanism . In missouri the governor could have and should have appointed a special prosecutor because the relationship between police and district attorneys is very close as it must be. So i think the mechanism to investigate allegations of the use of deadly force needs to be looked at and changed. In new york you had a chokehold which violated new york Police Department policy, period, end of conversation. If i can just button it off with ron. I agree with ron that this is something that needs to be done on the city by city, state by state level as we look at these kinds of practices and procedures, not presumably on a federal level because most of the Law Enforcement as you understand is done locally. The last thing i will say is there were 228,000 arrests for misdemeanors here in new york city in the year 2013. Not one of those resulted in the death of someone arrested for misdemeanor. I think we shouldnt take a rush to judgment. Hundreds of thousands of people protesting around the country. Lets lock in the vote. Should the president focus more on Race Relations . Noes have it at 88 . It is always a pleasure to have you with us. Lets check in on the metals markets. Shining overall up about 2 and prices are closing. Comexdown about 1. 3 . Copper, silver, platinum and palladium markets very mixed on the day. We have a 22 drop. Out to dominic chu for a market flash. On the heels of the gold story gold prices back below the 12 an ounce level. Gold mining stocks are taking a hit. Down by about 2 . Those major names we talk about often all lower on the day. Treasury yields on the rise on the back of the strong jobs report. Mr. Santelli tracking the action, cme, not the cia. Not the cia. You made the traders run in opposite directions. If you look at the twoyear note chart go back to the spring of 2011. We havent had twoyear note yields since april of 2011. That is significant because the yield curve continues to flatten. Short term yields are more aggressively up up today than the rest of the curve. If you look at a chart of ten year note yields we are up about five base points and we are up on the day and the week but not really all that much. A lot of residual action is in the Foreign Exchange market particularly the dollaryen. You are not seeing something wrong. Thats a 121 handle. Havent been up there since july of 2007 which means dollar index hasnt been to where it is at. Pretty good long historic comp. Tyler it is all yours. Pim co is our sponsor. Race and justice reforming Law Enforcement coming up this sunday on meet the press. Rick santelli will be there sunday. Check your local listings for the local time of airing, a very nice thing for rick to be doing, meet the press sunday. We will all be watching. They are an army 2 million strong making up 40 of the items sold on amazon. The head of amazons market place tells me how they are helping to drive sales. Amazon stock down today and down 20 this year. The dow pushing higher getting closer to the 18,000 mark. Will we get there today . Tell us what you think. Give us your guess. Go to cnbc. Com vote. Results on the other side of this break. Stamps. Com is the best. I dont have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with stamps. Com you can print real u. S. 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The xfinity tv go app. Now with live tv on the go. Enjoy over wifi or on Verizon Wireless 4g lte. Plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new Verizon Wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. Visit comcast. Com wireless to learn more. Welcome back to power lunch. The dow is flirting with 18,000 now a bit off of the highs. 17, 966. One sector doing well the Airlines Overall getting to be a broken record at this point. Airline stocks rising on falling oil prices. That is what is happening again today. All very much in the green. The dow getting closer to the 18,000 mark. S p in record territory. Today there is a look at numbers gaining on a better than expected jobs report. Will it help the dow get to 18 k today . We want to know what you think. Vote at cnbc. Com vote. Joining us now bob pisani with an update on whether or not we have a little fade in momentum or not. It is holding up pretty well. Not bad at all. Considering if this were a year ago the dow would have been down 200 points. Industrials, financials, materials leading. It hasnt worked out the way i thought it would. I thought industrials and materials might lead. The real movers are in banks. New highs, a whole bunch of them. Some of the big banks with new highs here. Morgan stanley, jp morgan. Wells fargo at new highs. A lot of people focused on the wage Growth Prospect saying the consumer was going to get better. Rate sensitive stocks to the down side. This would have been a lot worse a year ago at least in equities. There is no particular panic over the prospect of higher Interest Rates. Dom mentioned airlines. Spirit is at a new high. Delta at a new high. Moves up every day in all of this group. Dow 18,000. We are not that far away. We were just at 17,000 back in july. I want to point out that the leaders this quarter have been a really widely Diverse Group of sectors here. The leaders, not the growth sectors, staples are doing well. Industrials and financials among the better leaders. The lag or two, energy down almost 10 . That is what is Holding Things back from hitting 18,000. We have a lot of people voting. We will keep the poll open. Do you think the dow will hit 18 k today . Well, you can vote. Keep it going. Well see what the people say. Amazon ceo rarely speaks but he did speak earlier this week about the growing Online Retail giant in this environment. If you are going to take bold bets they are going to be experiments. If they are experiments you dont know ahead of time if they are going to work. Experiments are prone to failure. Big successes, a few big successes compensate for dozens and dozens of things that didnt work. Amazons market place is certainly one of the bets that has been paying off. About 2 million Third Party Vendors supply more than 40 of the items sold annually on amazon. Vice president of amazon market place and john fortt joins us now. Congratulations on the growth. It is up for the third party sellers. Im curious because i use amazon a lot. Often i use things that are sold or fulfilled by third parties. How do you decide at amazon which items you will stock and sell directly and which you will rely on Third Party Vendors for and why . Well, first of all, tyler and john thanks for having me. It has been a Great Holiday season. Thank you for being loyal amazon customers. Really we let sellers decide. Sellers, the 2 million plus local businesses and small and medium businesses around the world decide what is best for them on fulfillment. We offer a Great Service that you may be aware of called fulfillment by amazon. For those who dont want to invest on building a Fulfillment Center this is a great solution for them. Particularly this time of year imagine the units selling during black friday and cyber monday. This year our sellers sold over 16 million units. A lot of them relied on amazon to do their own fulfillment and a bunch do their own fulfillment, as well. Talk, if you would, about the impact of mobile on your business. I know when i buy from amazon i am buying on my phone. Walmart said 10 of mobile transactions are happening from people already in a walmart store. When you see people buy on market place how much of that is happening on a phone and is that additive to your business or forcing prices lower . You know, i think mobile has been great for customers. What you are seeing is exactly what we are seeing, more and more customers are doing their transactions using mobile devices whether phones or tablets. Its also a really big deal for these small and median businesses. Many of them here are running business from the phone, as well, which is kind of an exciting new development. If you imagine being a seller you can take orders, add selection all via mobile phone. It is a big deal and there will be a lot of break throughs. My brotherinlaw runs a company call ed gadgets and gismos. He runs his business literally from his phone. Let me ask you a dumb question and forgive me, john, for asking it because i can probably ask you just as easily. How do you decide what items are covered by amazon prime and which arent with respect to items being sold by third parties. Are any covered by prime . They are. One of the great benefits of our fulfillment by Amazon Program is when sellers choose to have amazon do their fulfillment we include every product with amazon prime. For our customers this is fantastic because they get the selection not just from amazon the retailer but also from millions of sellers around the world and for our sellers it is a great way for them to reach customers. If you are a seller you can reach 250 million customers around the world. Its really incredible. Im going to start selling my spare furniture on amazon. We would love to have you. I will be in touch. Thanks a lot, guys. Appreciate it. On a serious note, take a look at this. You know, you may look at that and say it resembles a war video game. In fact, you are looking at realtime Cyber Attacks all around the globe. Two recent high profile cases to talk about and how hackers in north korea and iran are taking aim at american businesses. How they are infiltrating our systems and what corporations can do about it. We will talk about all of that. Fascinating stuff and scary when power is back in two. Cute little guy, huh . This guy could take down your entire company. Stay with me. On thursday a hamster video goes online. On friday it goes viral a network choking phenomenon. Why do you care . Hes on the same cloud as your business. The more hits he gets, the slower your business may get. Do you want to share your cloud with a hamster . Today theres a new way to work. And its made with ibm. Ii like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Are iran and north korea the axis of online evil . His firm just uncovered large scale attacks by iran on several Industries Including aviation. Sony says it was hacked by north korea over a new movie involving the alleged assassination of their leader. We will talk about both of that. Welcome. Thank you very much for joining us today. Let me start with you. How serious do you think this situation is . What if anything can businesses do to protect themselves . So folks think we are looking at Cyber Weapons of misdistraction and not mass destruction but if we see examples in the noncyber examples like the gulf of mexico oil disaster and saw the damage there you can imagine a Simple Network control from a remote country of iran that could cause serious damage on human and let me go to you, again, if i could, greg. I think a lot of americans think it is just Identity Theft and it isnt. You gave me a few specifics of how they might be able to infiltrate infrastructure and industries. How far away are we before physical damage could be done and what form might that take . Well, the report we produce could be accessed on our website. There are 87 pages that dictate indicators of compromise that exist today across 50 companies and organizations, 16 countries and 15 industries. And thats a campaign that is ongoing. What we see is that we are exposed today. Our experience in the Cyber Security world discloses that most of the Critical Infrastructure around the world is woefully under protected. It is one that we need to be paying attention to. Final word to you. Sue, do you want me to hop in for a moment here . Please do. Here is the big thing. Most of us install apps on our cell phones and bring them to corporations and Government Agencies and we dont know where the apps come from. The best thing americans can do today is look at all of the apps on their phone and delete the ones they dont use and clean them up. I have tested many. They have back doors to china, russia and other countries. That is a scary thought. Sorry i called you greg, gary. This is an ongoing story. We appreciate it. Big developments in apples ipod trial. Will we hear the late steve jobs testimony plus the head lines you may have missed in this hour of power. My name is bret hembree. I am an electric crew foreman out of the cupertino service center. I was born and raised in the cupertino area. Its a fantastic area to work. The new technology that we are installing out in the field is important for the customers because system reliability i believe is number one. Pg e is always trying to plan for the future and we are always trying to build something stronger and bigger and more reliable. I love living here and i love the community i serve. Nobody wants to be without power. I dont want my family to be without power. Its much more personal to me for that reason. I dont think theres any place i really would rather be. Will thank you. , sir . Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. And often even more. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 89. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. In this hour financials leading s p higher after the strong jobs report. Starbucks up after jp morgan increased the price target. And the dow setting new record highs today peaking at one point nine points shy of the 18,000 mark. Will steve jobs testify . Thats next no. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Twhat do i do . You need to catch the 4 10 huh . The Equipment Tracking system will get you to the loading dock. There should be a truck leaving now. I got it. Now jump off the bridge. What . In 3. 2. 1. Are you kidding me . Go. Right on time. Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Im josh lipton here in oakland, california where the apple antitrust trial has taken unusual turns in the past 24 hours. By monday there might not be a trial. Remember this whole case is about an ipod update in 2006. Apples lawyers have filed a motion that they want this case thrown out. Their argument is that class representatives dont have proof that they bought the ipods in question. If you dont have the ipods you dont have proof of damages. The judge will be ready to discuss the matter further on monday. Later this afternoon we could get video deposition from steve jobs. I can tell you apple tried hard to get jobs out of giving the testimony. The reason he was already sick. He would pass away six months after giving this deposition. The case continued for now but on monday the judge could toss the whole case out. Now to a market flash. Harold hamm has appealed a 1 billion divorce ruling. Harold hamm has a 68 stake in the Company Continental resources that lost nearly half its value in the last six months. We asked will the dow hit 18,000 today . 79 of you said no it wont. Right now it is only about 30 points away. Have a great weekend. Street signs starts now. Let the good times roll. Jobs jump, oil and gas prices keep tanking. Joins by steve liesman. Can we say hello to a fed hike and jobs number. Financials are loving it but of course oil is not. Steve, what a number. It was a big number indicative of stronger data we generally have. Two data points today from october were lower brought down

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