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Trades, and george soros, and the purchasing, and what are you seeing . Well, as far as june when we were watching the unusual activity, it seemed that people were looking for the places to be, and that they find to be defensive, scott, and it seems that everybodys at least sounding an alarm about, hey, look, we will get a pullback or the easeback or something, 2 , 4 , 5 , and everybody has their own percentage, but the folks piling into the gold, when you are looking at the list some of the smartest guys on wall street. So put it this way, are they on to something, and gold is up almost 20 yeartodate, and the pete says that the miners, and the gdx, nearly doubled 90 , and the junior miners up more than double, and so are these guys on to something . Well, adding on the what pete said, they are very smart guys. Not only are they smart guys, but not just smart guys pontificating on what they believe that the market is going to be doing, but they are putting billions of dollars to work in the marketplace, and the reason that you need to pay attention, because the answer is yes, the speculators going to go gold, and lit work, and the fundamentals behind it is that 95 of the world is operating under negative Interest Rates and the marginal buyers of gold are emerging markets and they are looking strong again, and looking at the chart, the gold has arranged 5,000 to 1,000 or 2 th 2,000, but there is a bounceback, and the momentum is there and the trade is right, and you could make some money on the gold trade. And you have the market that was approaching the new mis and now backing off today, and the worst day for the s p 500 in some number of weeks, but that is the counter view. The counter view is that the market is about to fall apart, and the global e e kconomy is w and things are about to be worse, and the fed has no clue, and no exit, and that is the bulk of the druckenmiller point of view that the fed is stuck, and no end game, and he is in gold, and the rest of them getting in gold. Well, it is important to keep in mind that they are macro e investors and they look at the entire world in asset class, and relative investor at the value, so they are looking at the french 10year bonds to pay you 40 bips or tr 10year german bunds to pay you 3 bips and they say, i am going to give my money no the German Government for nothing when the target is 2 of the ecb, and i am autothe mat cli losing money. And so they are debasing, so they dont have to be in equities so it is saying i want to protect my capital and immense wealth here, and why ris ik it here, and i think that gold will work, and that is what they are doing. And you have icahn on squawk this morning saying the following. We will hear it, and rereact on the other side playing into the conversation. I think that, you have a sort of a false market, you know, void by zero Interest Rates and you have to be cognizant of it. Doc . Well, we all are, and carl is a smart guy and he is saying what most of us should know which is that there is a premium in the market that is there because of zero Interest Rates. And should we be blinded by the move towards new highs where as you start to move towards these heights that you have not been at before, and as we said yesterday, the market has been sort of pushing off all of these other concerns, and you can go down the list whether it is the election, the brexit, china, still an issue, and these guys are saying in carls view, i still have an issue with the stock market. Yeah. And you know, for instance, george soros, middle of january or thereabouts are, the 21st of january reported that he was building a massive short position, and lot of puts, and whether it was protection or actually him building a huge bet on the downside, and it did not work out so well, unless he got out of it quickly by early february, it did not work out so well. Now, she is back in the office apparently doing the same thing, and he has a better catalyst this time, judge, because instead of the pressure on the crude oil and that whole sector breaking apart in january and into that midfebruary 11th, now you have both the fed next week, and we dont believe that anything is going to be happening exceptt for the job owning, and brexit which is p p properly pricing in the brexit, and they dont go, but the risk they could is priced in 10 to 15 chance and the volatility at year lows is telling me that people are not betting or protecting enough, and with that all said, i think ta that we could see a melt up from all of the people who are not in the market, and every time we get to 2100 they hit the sell button and that is reg ular traders an that is a lot of the folks that are home gamers that are sitting around at home with their accounts, and i think that there is an underinvestment thesis playing out here, judge, as well as the shorts. And like soros, and icahns and others. And the exposure of the recent numbers coming out of may that the net exposures have picked up, because they are em boeld enned by the fact that shorts are working, and so is you are seeing them able and in a more rational market despite the level that it is at to make money on the stocks that dont work versus everything that is rising. Lo look. We take it with the new highs and yes, we have taken the new highs, but new highs by nothing and still issues. And what do you mean by nothing because we have said on multiple occasions that the overall breath of the market is healthy, and sectors that had not worked that play into the more receptive economic environment are better and that being tech and financials, and that seeing the rotation, and im wondering if you are seeing what the rotation is playing or not. I still see massive overcapacity in steel, and massive overcapacity in iron ore, and i dont see oil justified at the prices they r and so i am not looking for the oil to go back to the lows burk it is possible that the steel can go back to the lows in term s of the stock price. And i totally agree and this why i think that steel and iron are great trades, scott, and we talk about them all of the time, and you have a great paper in u. S. Steel and huge move to the upside, and those are trades but not investments e yet because of what you are talking about, and demand, still a glut, and all kinds of things going on and the chinese are manipulating the markets in some ways or another, and when you look at them, they are trades, but they are short term trades and the option paper in there is not going out far, and it seems to be somewhere close to the vest, and maybe a month out or maybe six. And what if these guys are wrong . Well, when you say if these guys are wrong, first of all, you are talking about the three gentlemen talking about the price of gold moving higher and we have affirmed it and believed for it trade again. It is part of the narrative of a more negative market view. And the negative market view is with us for the last seven years, and this is . Place, and when you are talking about carl icahn and the place in equities, carls book is nifg cantlie long, and it is not that he has a pure short book he said that he is long. He said that he is long. And the valuations, he said it makes sense, and looking at the risk as an example of what i did in the registry, and ringing the registry, and the risk to reward and seeking out protections in the market, and begin to sell some s a p future if that is your style, and it makes sense. You buy the gld or the financials . Gold or financials . What is your style . I right now i want offense in the market, and i have been clear over to the last couple of mon months, because i agree with jon, i see the numbers and the fl flows, and money is going out of the market. And you want bonds or stock . Because people are buying the bonds and the 10year yield is at the lowest level. And the german 10year went to 0. 39 or Something Like that. And you buy the bonds, but overbryced, but with zero rates elsewhere, the u. S. Bond market is looking incredibly cheap with a yield of 1. 7 as what i said the 10year. You are saying that you would buy a bond if im a fixed Income Investor i am buying ten years, but Credit Investor overall, i am looking at the corporates or the munis even though it sis inflated and so it is overvalues with the historic norms burk u with onethird of the zorn out there, we are at zero rates at 10 trillion and it is remarkable. And i was told that picking up a bond is like picking up a dime in front of the steam roller. Well, they are going to be losing so much mo e e knee, and when it turns the bubble is going to the burst like never, but we are so far away from bursting that you cant play that trade. And it is also talking about a asset class and speaking in the generalities and what happened to the liquidity crisis coming in november and december in the market, and you want the buy the bonds,ly buy the investmentgrade bonds if you have have a good one, or maybe the high yield, because maybe that is the cycle, but did anybody anticipate that to be up year to date, so it is the credit spectrum, and that what matters most, and i dont know if we are looking at necessarily the trade yield, but it is wr g wrong. Good stuff. This what else is coming up from the Halftime Report. Still ahead we are going to disneyland disneys big bet on china. We are headed east for a sneak peek of the multi billion dollar shanghai. Plus, organic growth. The latest trend in healthy food delivered right to your front do door. Cereal entrepreneur will join us with the next big idea. And jon, as he is pumped up for decathlon, one of the fitness trackers is getting a boost, too, and we will debate the big upgrade for fitbit all coming up on the Halftime Report. Or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov all right. Back on the Halftime Report. The mouse house is taking the action to china. The official opening in shanghai is next week after seven years construction. Our eunice yoon joins us live from shanghai. Well sh, thank you, scott. Bob iger described the park to me as a booster rocket for disneys business in china, and the company has reinvented the park for the chinese. If you come here, you wont see all of the traditional lands and no adventureland and no main street and no rides such as its a small world or space mountain, but it is more attractions based on disneys new franchises as well as the new movies such as tim burtons 2010 alice in wonderland or tron. Y iger says he is optimistic about the opening, and that is despite the economy. We are building something to last forever, and when we make a decision to invest at this level, we dont pin that decision on one time economically. We think long term about the market. We take the long view, and so whether it is here or other parts of the world, current or near Term Economic circumstances or the political circumstances or whatever, typically dont cause much aingeb xiety with us. And disney has been running the pretrials, and iger says that so far they have seen half a million visitors and no official numbers, scott, but one good gauge could be what the scalpers are doing, and last check, selling the ticket s fs the opening day at 300 a pop, and that is four times the official price. Wow. Big attraction certainly. Eunice yoon live in shanghai for us. And guys, give us the disney trade. Steve . Well, for me, it is a hold. You dont bet against smart people and ceos like bob yiger and iconic brands unless you is a reason. But getting under the covers, you have espn issues, and abc issues and cutting the cord and that is why i am not buying it. It is a hold if you are there and ft. No, wait on it. Pete . The codeveloping with the films is going to be huge, sc t scott. That is something that this is what he talks about this being a booster rocket this entree into what they are doing to the nearly 1,000 acre resort over there, and that is the beginning, and iger has a master plan to occur in china. I dont agree with steve, because i believe it is a buy, and any time we have the pullbacks, i think it is a buy, and continues to be a buy, and the espn thing tends to be way overblown. And why is the stock keep falling when it is espn news. It is coming down, and everybody piling out, and that is certainly what we are seeing in apple all of the time, too, and say the same thing, why didnt you guys put the flags up on apple when it was down to 92, but we did. And i cant think of another showme story like this. And iger is the thing that is overhanging here. And iger is overhanging. With the recession . Yes. And you also think that is the biggest overhang . Well, it is. That is not leaving tomorrow. Well, flo, but the other gentleman departs right at the end of this month then, scott, the last day, suggs. Saggs. I am so good with the names. You are, mike. Thank you, steven. When we he steps out, it is a bigger deal, because who on the board was against him taking that position . When steve sags leaves is a big deal . No, who do they anoint from the board, and it is chersheryl sandberg . A member of the board . That is the rumors, and is that the right person . I think that it is a volatility. Are you buyer of the stock . Hoerld as pete said, but until we know who that person is that they are going to be supporting, and the board are will support, scott, it is like brexit. Something else to introduce more volatility into the otherwise great stock. And we had this conversation a month ago, and the stock was 105 or 106 or 107 and we talked about it falling to the mid90s and it is appealing, and you are talking about iger and yes, uncertainty surrounding that, but keep in mind that the last Quarterly Report was the first eps miss in 19 quarters, and a stock number one and priced strongly coming into the year, and a lot of people overweighted it. You finally had to stumble. You had the first stumble, and people are coming out of the door. The Consumer Product division of it is where you saw the significant part of the miss. The comps against the frozen products was a headwind which will remain with them over the next quarter, so doesnt it make sense to step in to buy it and looking at the Quarterly Report the look at the Conference Call that you will get in a few months. And i dont disagree that igers issue is the overhang. I mean, if they were not knocking it out of the park and the numbers, we would not have that conversation, because the stock would be over 120 and how about them highlighting for us the guy successor to iger is now gone, and they have no idea as of right now who that is going to be. That is a huge question mark. Well, no idea, but they have not called us up to tell us. And what has this guy, he did pixar and marvel and created what they are in china. Incredible dude. Yes, and wh he steps down in 2018, who . Sandberg . Does she want it . We dont know, and until we know it. Well, we have heard some well, she said noment. There you go. Crude. Sure. And we go live to panama with a game changer for the Global Shipping and what the bigger and better canal means for the shippers and the rail stocks. And is the next rail stock at 60 . That is where billionaire harold hamm thinks it is headed. We will get an update on that trade coming up. Do you want to hear more from the experts . Go to cnbc. Com halftime for the exclusive commentary, and behind the scenes access. I spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you we are back. We want to talk about oil, and it is sliding from the yeartodate highs. Sharon epperson is joining us from new york city with the futures trade. And thank you, scott. We are looking at the oil prices that after topping 51 51 per barrel overnight, you are saying it is in nomansland scott, and why are you saying that . It is 11 months since we have been above 55 and in nomansland, and right now, crude oil is trading versus the dollar, and that is what is driving it, and what is drivein the dollar is the data. We had good news on the jobless claims, and good news for the dollar, and bad for gold, but that is bad for crude oil, and right now, crude oil is a coin flip. And anthony, where are you seeing the Oil Prices Headed right now, and some key leveling to watch . Well, sharon, we are looking at what is going to be taking the oil prices off of the lows, and what we have talked about is exclusively what we laid out. Excluding saudi arabia and other production around the world, and the levels right now for diesel and jet fuel, and 48 on the low side, and we could touch, but 55 on the upside, and i think that it is going to there thank you. That is great. We will have so much more on the digital show at 1 00 p. M. And we turn it back to you. Thank you, sharon epperson. I want to show you a very important live shot which is the first cargo ship passing through the new wider panama canal, and looking at it right there in the screen. We will go there, and Mary Thompson is going to discuss what this means for the lane of the bigger context as well, and it officially opens up june 26th, and you can see the very fir first cargo ship passing through the brandnew lane of the panama canal, and we will take you there later on. Coming up here, he was an early investor in vitamin water, and coconut water, and vitamin chips. Rohanuz oza from cavu ventur t partners is going to be coming up. And doc is going to tell us why he is bearish on ee mshm. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink man 1 i came as fast as iints man 2 this isnt public yet. Man 1 what isnt . Man 2 weve been attacked. Man 1 the network . Man 2 shhhh. Man 1 when did this happen . Man 2 over the last six months. Man 1 how did we miss it . Man 2 we caught it, just not in time. Man 1 who . How . Man 2 not sure, probably offshore, foreign, pros. Man 1 what did they get . Man 2 what didnt they get. Man 1 i need to call mike. Man 2 dont use your phone. Its not just security, its defense. Bae systems. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to Halftime Report with sue her h rare ra with the latest headlines. Beginning in europe where a belgian judge has ruled that a suspect in the paris attacks can be extradited to france. But the Belgian Police say they wont be turning over the man who is suspected as being the second man in the bombings who has acknowledged to being the man in the hat in the Brussels Airport bombing iing. And a man has left 16 people dead and Dozens Injured with an accident occurring 36 miles east of sao paulo in brazil. And now, people may take a new drug to allow them to take their own lives. California created a Legal Process for patients to obtain aid in dying. And viacom ceo is telling investors they that are still looking to sell a mi or the ti stake, but objections are the Somer Redstone is slowing down the process. The deal is to unlock 10 or more additional value. So, do you trade the viacom stock . Well, it is difficult to know, and everyday it is a new development. Yes, it is not nearly off. And sometimes more within that day. Than you, sue herera. Sure. And investing in the food and Healthy Beverage trend is a money maker, and our next guest has been ahead of the curve on the successful healthy brands around like vitamin water, and pop chips and buy, and joining us is a rohan oza who has been investing in the beauty space. It is great to be back. Did you miss me . Yes. In is awesome by the way. When did you start the fund. Nine months ago and i joined with a gentleman brad thomas, and clay tton who is a very goo investor, and we have raised 365 million in three months, and it is a belief in the space, and the lps believe in us. And clearly, the run way is believed to be very long. 10second e thesis, and go to the grocery store, and forget the fruits and vegetables, because we could argue with a lot of the pesticides, butp the center of the store, the packaged goods and 80 of the stuff in the store is bad for you, high in sugar, and high in carbs and low on the protein, and low on fat and fiber, and so everybody is looking for fundamentally good product, and it has to taste good. In america, if it does not taste good, it is not going to happen. So the food and the beverage products of tomorrow are coming, and why this is the greatest country in the world to be an e e entrepreneur, because they are the incubator for innovation for the big corporations. Room for everybody . This space is crowded and more crowded by the day. When you say everybody, founders and products or venture funds . Well, investors in this kind of the stuff . Well, the food and the Beverage Industry and beauty is going to be turned upside down over the next 40 year ashs sond what is coming out whether it is a buy, and by the way, when i came on the set last time, it is ten times the size it was, and it is the Fastest Growing beverage in thrive, and the beef jerky that we talked about getting involved, and it is nothing and it is going to do 230 million in beef jerky that did not exist before. So what people are looking to feel bet ter for themselves is exploding. Cottage cheese is a boring industry, but it has more p protein, and good culture, and less sugar than the greek yogurt, but it tastes good, and this is the difference, and before cottage cheese is boring, and now it is fantastic, and ki have it for breakfast. And Bernie Sanders is emerging from the white house after his visit with president obama. Let me begin by thanking president obama and thanking Vice President biden for the degree of impartiality they established in the course of the entire process. What they said in the beginning is that they would not put their thumb on the scales, and in fact, they kept their word. I appreciate that very, very much. Our campaign is about building a movement which brings working people, and young people into the political process, to create a government which represents all of us. And not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors. We will continue the to do everything that we can to oppose the drift which currently exist s toward an oligarchic society where it controls our economic and personal and media life. This is the wealthest nation in the history of the world, and we should not be having millions of Senior Citizens and disabled veterans struggling to put food on the table because of inadequate Social Security benefits. We should not have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth. We should not be having americans in inner cities, Rural Communities and on native American Reservations who have life expectancies lower than many people in third world countries. We should not be having many of our young people leaving college deeply in debt. We should not be having in this great can country an infrastructure which is crumbling when we have millions of workers prepared to rebuild the infrastructure, and in the midst of all of that, we should not be having a situation where wall street, Corporate America and billionaires are failing to pay their fair share of taxes. These are some of the issues that many millions of americans have supported during my campaign, and these are the issues that we will take for the Democratic National convention in philadelphia at the end of july. Donald trump would in my mind and to a majority of americans be a disaster as a president of the United States, and it is unbelievable to me and i say it in all sincerity that the Republican Party would have a candidate for president who in the year 2016 makes bigotry and discrimination the cornerstone of his campaign. In my view, the American People will not vote for or tolerate a candidate who insults mexicans and latinos, who insults muslims and who insults africanamericans and women. Needless to say, i am going to do everything in my power, and i will work as hard as i can to make sure that donald trump does not become president of the United States. I will of course be competing in the d. C. Primary which will be held by next tuesday, and this is the last primary of the democratic nominating process. The major point that i will be making to the citizens of the district of columbia is that i am strongly in favor of d. C. Statehood. The state of vermont which i represent has about the same number of residents that washington, d. C. , has except that we have two United States senators and one congressman with full rights while d. C. Does not. That does not make any sense. Also, i look forward to the full counting of the votes in california which i suspect will show a much closer vote than the current vote tally. I spoke briefly to secretary clinton on tuesday night, and i congratulated her on her very strong campaign, and i spoke with her how to Work Together to defeat donald trump, and to have a government that representsing all of us and not just the 1 . Thank you very much. The democratic president ial candidate still democratic president ial candidate following his meeting at the white house with president obama, and our john harwood is standing by at the white house. John, is this the first step of mr. San sanders leaving the race though he did go on the say he is going to be competing in d. C. And take his case to the convention in philadelphia. It sounded pretty clearly to me like it is that first step, scott. He did not offer any criticism of Hillary Clinton, and he indicated that he was going to continue campaigning about causes in this case d. C. Statehood and the economic causes that were at the scenter of the campaign, and he talked about working with Hillary Clinton to defeat donald trump in the fall, and he also praised president obama, and Vice President biden for not having put a thumb on the scale of the democratic primary. This indicates that the meeting with went well, and Bernie Sanders is still process iing t outcome of the primary campaign, but it sounded pretty clearly to me like he completely understands that he is not going to be the democratic nominee, and in the midst of choreographing the way that he transitions to the next phase of the campaign which is going to be about trying to win the election for democrats this fall. It was a successful meeting from the standpoint of the Democratic Party for Hillary Clinton and for president obama. Do you get a sense now, john, that the meeting is out of the way that the president will be more forth coming in his public support for Hillary Clinton . Yes, and unless they reached some sort of agreement in that meeting, and you know, we will have to do a lot of reporting to find out what exactly happened, but it is possible that while Bernie Sanders while giving the signal to the president asked him to wait for him to Say Something himself or the have the meeting with secretary clinton and figure out how to work this out. There is no doubt of how this is going to be coming out whether it is a a tweet or when he endorses her, but it is something that we will have to wait and see. Thank you, john harwood outside of the white house there and big event with bernie sa sanders meeting with president obama moments ago. And coming up, the first ship making its way through the expanded panama canal. With egothe Mary Thompson and what that means for the global shari sharing. And the fitbit stock is down more than 50 this year, but we will debate that call of the day. Halftime goes west and tune in next week when scott and the traders are in San Francisco covering the Apple Worldwide developers conference, and all things tech and the play. And we have an allstar lineup including the apple chief guy kawasa kawasaki, and hamid, hamoon hamid, and so many others. That is next week on the Halftime Report. Andrea sikon. Medical doctor from cleveland clinic, watson, lets review the Electronic Medical record of the next patient. No problem. Its a pretty huge file. Done. Sorry for the wait. That was quick. As part of our research, i also compared lab results with notes about prior treatments, then cross referenced it with thousands of medical journals. And i get the benefit of much more data, and a lot more time to plan the best treatments. I stay focused 24 7 and never sleep. You sound like a lot of medical students i know. I stay focused 24 7 and never sleep. Experience the thrill of i stay focused 24 7 and never sleep. The lexus gs f sport. Because the ultimate expression of power, is control. This is the pursuit of perfection. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Coming up in 16 e minutes on power lunch billionaire investor george soros is making the bearish bets buying stocks if gold. And what is that is signaling . We will discuss. Renting and buying and affordability is getting worse in housing, and what does it mean for housing markets and stocks. And disney is set to sprinkle some of the tin k kerb magic in china, and is this a good time to get in . Is Shanghai Disney a buying opportunity . All of that is coming up on power lunch. Thank you. And we will see the new panama canal opening today with the first ship going through the newly expanded canal. Mary thompson has more on that story. Hey there, scott. The reason today, this is the dry rup and that ship behind me is the first one ever to go through the new lane at the panama canal and it has made a successful pass so far and that means a go for the official launch of the new lane on june 26th, and what that means is that the cargo ships that carry three times the amount of cargo beyond the ships that used to pass through the old lanes can now take this short cut through the atlantic, and the pacific ocean, and this massive new lane, onethird wider than the old one moves more ships through the canal in less time. And the project spurring railroads and csx that serve the east coast to increase. It is going to help shipping destined for places as far as detroit. They had built a hub in ohio and built the bridges and the ability to handle the doubling of the cargo. Csx sees this happening in increased efficiency, and the lower costs for customers and higher valiums for the csx. To repeat, the ships through here now, scott, they are able to the carry three times the volume of cargo than the old ships through the panama canal. It is significant to see the more cargo from the asia to the east coast, and it is reconfiguring how the importes s and the the exporters are carrying the traffic through the canal. You are seeing the economies and the resurrection of the canadian rails coming down a little bit, but globally shipping ist not the place, and the economy is not strong enough. And the conformance of the railroads has not confirmed the move in the commodity stocks in 16 times for some of them as l well as csx and they are expensive relative to historical levels, so i would not buy them. And bringing back the guest that we were speaking to before eberny sa Bernie Sanders remerged from the white house. And that is rohan oza who has his hand on what is hot in the organic organics, and we mentioned the organics, and the jerky cuts, and thrive market is another one and tell us about it, because it is called the Health Conscious costco on the web. We love thrive market. And thrive market basically cure yates and gets to the millions of americans through the country, and better products in a more affordable fashion, because unless you have a whole foods next to you, the access to better foods is tougher, and thrive is better at it, and we got involved with 3 million a revenue month, but i can not disclose, but it is factors above it. And you are i saw iing that things that i cannot go through whole foods, i am delivering directly through the consumer. And some you can get through the whole foods and other capacity, and our team goes out there to find things that you cannot find anywhere that the small brands could not get distributed come through thrive and now it is going to get to millions of dollars on a regular basis, and i asked you about the competition to everything, because it is hot right now, and amazon now delivering food. Where does that factor in . How successful do you think that they will be and how much do you think that they will be if in as an investor . Well, amazon is like the walmart on the web, and you can find absolutely everything there, and they are doing everything amazing which well, and bezos is a genius, but just like the room of the e regular retail for the whole food, it is where thrive comes n because you dont have 100,000 things there and rubber ducks. You have great quality food that you know when you go on there, you will be discover something new and great recipes and private label stuff phenomenal tasting and you dont have to search through a million items. Amazon is doing well, but there is room for other destination places that deliver value to the consumers. And what about you do for the ex exit . The exit strategy, and you were early investor in vita water and cocacola. I love cocacola. And pepsi, too, by the way. And the current environment that we are in. And why it is great to be an entrepreneur here is because the en retre fre neurs are the incubators for the Bigger Companies and they have created their own vc arms, and jeple ral mills invested in good culture theyre looking for the future beverages. The beauty is the Big Companies have figured out that the innovation is going to come from the entrepreneurs. Our job at cavu is find the entrepreneurs creating future american brands. Thats why we think its exciting so the exits kind of i follow the field of dreams whether it and they will come. If you build a great product and brand and team big corporations are going to buy them. Good seeing you again. Hauls a pleasure. Coming up, a big upgrade from fitbit. Is it time to buy that stock . Well debate it next. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claim centers are available to assist you 24 7. 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Webb bush goes outperform. They have an 18 price target and long way for continued growth. Do we buy this story . No, complete commodity product, somewhat faddish. I looked at putting together a business you are a College Student b average and discount on your insurance. If you had a fitbit get a discount number of steps, et cetera. The problem is everybodys there already. The partners all have bring your own device. Its commoditized. The blaze was a dud. You want to sell this. The most controversial part of this note, first wearing a fitbit sends a strong statement to ones peers while wearing a generic knockoff does not. Now its a status symbol. Thats part of the pitch. It gives some status but i dont know its necessarily worth that and that adds to the credibility of what theyre saying is the reason why the stocks should go to 18 a share. You can buy status with a fitbit. Just saying people deem it to be a status of some sort. That analyst, i think. Interesting thought. Maybe you can raise it with nick mckay one of these days. Ill give him a call after this on his fitbit surge. Love the product. The stock has languished. Short hills capital, is that it . A little short but ill say no. I use no caller i. D. So people pick up my calls. Markets close in about three hours. We have about a minute to go. Where are we today with this market . We keep trying to get to new highs and we cant get there. Were getting there and lets look at where the u. S. Tenyear treasury is 1. 67, the lowest level since back in february. If youre the Federal Reserve how do you not hike in the environment . Its a free pass to go ahead and do it. Firms are come out today and raising gdp forecasts because of the wholesale inventories. How about the fact we have the correlation with oil in the market. Oil is down 1. 5 give or take. Here we push to the downside. Once the oil market closes i think it will be interesting to see where the market wants to close in the last couple final hours. Ecb in action. Buying european corporate. You talked about credit, something to look at. Brexit. Dumb idea. Volatility. Give them your money to unilever zee roar for 50 years. Thanks for watching. Power lunch starts right now. Whats the message of these three key markets, gold sitting around threeweek highs, stock near record highs, treasury yields moving lower. This is power lunch im Michelle Carusocabrera along with tyler math ison, ryan is here as well. Melissa is out today. George soros is trading again, making big bearish bets selling stocks and buying gold. With us jack berugian and jim iorio. Jim, what is gold saying right now . Well it was

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