Began early in the afternoon when a woman allegedly struck a barrier outside the white house. She attempted to ram her car into the white house gate. She got out of the car and allegedly began engaging with police with a gun, firing some shots. That is still a little iffy. We dont have confirmation of that yet. She then got back in her car and wrc, which is the nbc affiliate in washington, has this exclusive video which were going to roll for you right now of the we believe is the car moving down the road. As you can see theres a black car thats going to come into view. You can see it in the distance. Thats wrc. Its an exclusive. Thats the nbc affiliate. She goes down the probably about two miles between the white house and where she eventually ended on capitol hill. At that point, she rammed a police car. That is when one of the Police Officers was hurt. Initially we thought that a Police Officer had been shot. But kim dine, head of the Capitol Police, says that no officer has been shot. That is one of the changing things. The woman allegedly had a child in the car. That has now been confirmed to both Pete Williams and luke russert. The child reportedly is not hurt. Although Capitol Police say they dont have an update on that condition. The child was air lifted to a local hospital. There are conflicting reports about the condition of the woman who allegedly committed this crime. The Capitol Hill Police say they have no update on her condition. However, both nbc news Pete Williams and luke russert have been told by the sergeant at armskilled in an exchange of gunfire with police. Right now were awaiting a second News Conference which should start in about 15 minutes or so. Youre up to date, bill, thats what we know. Sue herera at headquarters with the latest. Eamon javers on capitol hill with more on this developing story. One that he was not far from the scene, eamon, when it actually happened. What can you tell us . Reporter yeah, thats right, kelly. I spoke to just a few minutes ago an eyewitness to this scene. A federal employee who was here on his furloughed day off. He says he was just right up here on the grassy area right in front of the United States Capitol Building on the west front when he saw a routine traffic stop involving multiple capitol Police Officers at the southwest front of the Capitol Building. Thats the side of the Capitol Building that faces the National Mall and is closest to the House Office Buildings and the house of representatives side. He said he saw multiple Police Officers surrounding a black sedan. Multiple Police Vehicles surrounding that sedan. Officers out with their guns drawn pointing it at the sedan. The scene he describes from that point gets very chaotic. He said the black sedan began to reverse gear, smashed into a Capitol Police or another police vehicle. Then began to drive away at a high rate of speed. Thats when this eyewitness heard the gunshots. He said it was his assumption that the gunshots came from the capitol Police Officers responding to the black sedan which had just rammed one of their vehicles and was now speeding off. He said he had no way of knowing whether or not there was gunfire coming from the vehicle directed at the Police Officers as well. It can be very, very difficult in a live situation like that with no notice at all and sometimes no expertise to tell whos firing guns at whom from a distance. Because you just cant see where the bullets are going and whos firing them. His explanation is that there was a traffic stop involving a black sedan surrounded by Capitol Police vehicles or other Police Vehicles and that the black sedan rammed one of those vehicles in reverse gear and was able to make its way out of that cordon of Capitol Police vehicles and head off. Presumably from what weve heard from other Police Officers and from the briefing that we swrus had, the incident ended at about 2nd and maryland avenue up near the Supreme Court. Thats where we saw another set of capitol Police Officers responding to that incident up there. We dont have any information from here on the condition of the person who was driving the vehicle. Our eyewitness said he couldnt tell how many people were in the vehicle or the gender of those people who were in the vehicle, male or female. Thats what we have from here, kelly. Eamon javers at the capitol, thank you very much. Lets get back to our markets here. The dow tumbling after the shooting began. It was down anyway, bob pisani. Now were back below 15,000 on the dow. First time since september 5th. Yeah. That incident at the capitol notwithstanding, a rough day for the markets overall. Hit with a triple whammy. The first problem earlier in the morning, ism Services Number for the month of september came in very disappointing. Low expectations. That was the first problem. Second problem, there was a treasury report that came out that said any default on the debt would be catastrophic. They used rather apocalyptic terminology to describe that. Finally president obama came out late in the morning essentially saying for 20 minutes that he wasnt going to negotiate on the continuing resolution or the debt ceiling. Markets did lift in the middle of the day as word came out from the New York Times that House Speaker boehner would not allow a debt default. That was not confirmed. It did lift the markets in the middle of the day. Defense stocks were notably weak all throughout the day. Bill and kelly, watching this down here with some of the traders was a fascinating experience because a lot of people felt that whether or not this was connected at all to the washington shutdown, this incident, or not, the hope was that this would provide some kind of catalyst for everyone to get back to the negotiations. Bill, you had a congressman on and a lot of the traders here nodded when the congressman was saying he wanted to look into whether the response was completely adequate given that security personnel may have been furloughed. This may be another issue brought up in the negotiations to try to bring everybody together. Guys, back to you. All right, bob, thanks very much. By the way, i dont know if it was social media or what. I dont know how it happens around here on wall street. But i heard about the shooting from a trader maybe a minute before it was reported on television anywhere. Incredible. Incredible how fast information can pass. Lets get more on the market day. Joining us is brian levit from oppenheimer funds. Michael underhill from capital innovations. J. J. Burns from j. J. Burns co. J. J. , its tough to focus on the markets on a day like this. It is instructive to see what the markets do with all of this. This is our first big down day weve had since the federal Government Shutdown. I think that investors are starting to feel the pinch of, are we going to go back into recession . If we continue this Government Shutdown for two weeks, possibly going on to three or four weeks, were going to see an impact to gdp. It could be as much as 1. 4 to 1. 5 . Thats pretty significant. The treasury yield curve is sending us some really positive signals. That is we dont see any recession thats going into play right now. The short end seems to reflect the risk going on right now but the long end doesnt seem to reflect that is what youre saying. Absolutely. I think that with factories such as General Motors in operation, 9 out of 17 are pulling 24hour shifts, the u. S. Economy is moving along. Maybe not so briskly. But moving along pretty well. We have to take their word for it. We didnt actually get the factory orders data this morning. Michael underhill, that was one of the casualties of the shutdown. It is difficult for people now, perhaps, to get as much of a sense. Were not going to get the jobs report tomorrow morning. Thats usually a big market mover. Michael underhill . Take a look at whats going on. Fundamentally, youve got an absence of employment data. But then i look at yesterday. You had some positive housing data. I think the informational vacuum that were going on today is actually a stock pickers environment. I look at whats gone on. High volatility. Low gdp growth environment. Weve got an exceptional environment. Normalized pes. Low interest rates. We have the taper tantrum may 22nd through june 24th. Then we have the taper caper september 19th. I think what were going to see longer term, late october, were going to see a treat. Not a trick on october 29th and 30th in the fomc. Bernankes already scheduled his calendar. A press conference for december. Were going to see a taper movement in december. I think its risk on the rest of the year. From what i can see this is growth on sale. These are buying opportunities. Buy on the tips. Brian, i keep going back to the last time we had this kind of debate over the debt ceiling in august of 11. We had unprecedented volatility in the market. Consecutive days of 4 moves either wup or down for the majo averages. Thats not happening now. Were having the same debate. Now you add in an incident like today that could be so unsettling and the most were getting is this one move today of the dow down 136 points. What do you make of the markets response to all of this right now . Is this complacency or what . Maybe it yus goes back to what we always assign to the Winston Churchill quote. Americans always do the right thing after theyve exhausted all other options. Perhaps thats what the market continues to expect. What i would say thats different between now and august 2011, of course, our deficits are down substantially. Weve done a lot of work to stabilize the debt levels. Europes in a much better position than they were a couple of years ago. Japans in a better position. In august 2011, china appeared to be overheating. Now they appear to be bottoming and reaccelerating. Indicators in the United States, housing, job creation, are all in better condition. We shouldnt underestimate what type of volatility we might see in these markets if we continue to creep closer to the debt ceiling. I dont think anybody should underestimate what might happen in markets. But the u. S. Economy is in a better place. The Global Economy is in a better place. On the fiscal side weve already done a lot of the heavy lifting. You know, ive heard a lot of people say this could be a buying opportunity. Gordon, if we can bring you in now, of rosen blat securities, why is it stocks weakened so much into the close . What do you think is going on here . Really not that terribly. It wasnt an overly sloppy close compared to some weve seen. Look, the market doesnt believe the debt ceiling is going to be breached. Thats what the tape is telling you. We havent really broken through any major support levels on the s p. They really held them here. Okay, it wasnt a fwragreat clo. Theres probably going to be another three to five days before you get to the spot where youll start to see that. If you do its going to move. You may a 3 to 5 move on the standard poors. That being said, you can look at a couple things. First off, the window to taper is gone. Thats not going to happen. If we do get into a situation where they dont resolve some of the things in washington the fed will actually step in on the reverse side and actually provide some stimulus. Meantime youve still got guys down here looking to buy these dips. Weve seen all the ipos this week being supported well. The credit markets are still acting fine too. It just seems to me that right now as just a big media thing and the markets are taking it in stride. Gordon, thanks. I know you had to finish your trading there before you could get to the camera. I appreciate that very much. Thanks for your time. Thanks, everybody, for being with us. Thank you very much. Much more on the capitol hill shooting. We have a News Conference coming up with metro police as well. Stay tuned. [ bagpipes and drums playing over ] [ music transitions to rock ] make it happen with the allnew fidelity active trader pro. Its one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. 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The mall there to the capitol before this motorist was brought to a halt. I mean, what do you make of the security situation there in and around washington right now . Well, i think basically what happened is that it proves one more time if youve got the motive, you can almost do anything you want regardless of security procedures. But when it all comes down, it worked. Entry wasnt made to the white house grounds. And the person was stopped. Just a reminder, weve got a press briefing coming up from metro police in a moment. An update on further things there. Thats right. In the meantime, special agent copus, a lot of people are curious about how rare this kind of event is. In your career, i mean, how many similar incidents like this can you recall . Almost none. Typically, youd attribute this type of activity to a male. Highly unusual for a female. Not suggesting it hasnt happened in the past. But then you add the extra thing in here with the child, and that brings it up to another level. Yeah. Thats unusual. If not unique, isnt it, to have if it was, in fact, a woman, we are told it was, driving the car with a child, an infant, in the car at the same time. Unheard of, right . Almost. You know, unheard of, whether it be a male or a female, but really unusual with a female that we would put the child in danger. Certainly the child was in danger. So it goes back to one of the things that the investigators will be doing now is will be checking on the mental stability of this person. That has to be done. Special agent copus, thank you so much for your time, sir. Appreciate it. No problem. Thank you. Joining us now as we await the News Conference from metro police on this, senator john tester, democrat from montana, joins us on the telephone as well. Oh, look at that. Youve got a camera. Which wouldnt have happened an hour ago. Were very closed to actually see you, senator tester. Very briefly before we get to the news of the day as it pertains to the shutdown and everything, what did you experience . Well, our office is on the seventh floor. Although i didnt hear the shots, my Staff Members did. I was meeting with another group of folks. We went into lockdown. Basically tid what we needed to do to make sure that the staff was safe. And just kind of waited till the police did their work that theyre so very good at. And so it was it was just kind of a wait and see. I still dont know all the particulars of what happened. By the same token, theyve got some of the best Law Enforcement in the country in my opinion that work around these capitol grounds. Im very appreciative of that. Senator, do you have any information about the extent to which Law Enforcement may have been affected by the shutdown . Well, i mean, thats a problem. Im sure the Police Officers that were running in there to fight this fight probably were furloughed Police Officers that werent getting paid. But were deemed essential like many of the employees on the hill. I think it just speaks to the fact that we need to get this shutdown put behind us. I think it really does impede the progress of government. I know theres different folks out there that want to cherry pick different agencies to fund. Why not just put the bill in front of the house of representatives. There are the votes there to pass it. Pass that clean cr. Move on. Start dealing with the debt limit which is the next big challenge thats ahead of us. One of the headlines before all of the incident this afternoon was that Speaker Boehner apparently was telling members of the gop that he was going to do all was possible in his capabilities not to default, not to take us to the debt ceiling. Are you encouraged by that . Do you think its possible . Theres talk of him invehicokin this traditional haster rule. Denny haster when he was House Speaker never brought a bill before the house floor unless he knew he had a majority of the gop voting for that bill. It is said that maybe john boehner will be willing to do to do that where he wouldnt have that majority of the gop in order to get a clean resolution to the senate. Are you encouraged . Do you think thats possible . First of all, i think were in a different time right now than we were when haster was speaker of the house. Ill also tell you that, yes, i am encouraged by that because i think the debt limit does need to be increased and we need to meet our constitutional obligations to pay our bills. On the other side of the coin i will tell you that the speaker said that if we negotiate down this 986 billion level on the continuing resolution that we would get a clean continuing resolution. That never happened. I think thats very, very, very unfortunate. We need to, you know, we need to get the Government Back operating. Then we need to deal with the tet ceiling in a common sense way so we can move this country forward and start dealing with some more issues that are out there, whether its Housing Finance reform or background checks for folks who get security clearance. The list goes on and on and on. Were bumping up against this News Conference. I must ask you just to play devils advocate, i know if we had a republican here they would be saying its unfair of your leader, harry reid, to insist upon a clean bill, a continuing resolution bill be passed before hes willing to negotiate on the budget. Why not just sit down now and begin the negotiations even without that bill . Look, weve tried to get the budget to go to conference. Its been held up by some of the same people that are promoting this Government Shutdown. I think that the time is to quit playing games. I think people are tired of it. I think they see an opportunity to keep the government open, keep it running, and deal with the issues that we have here. I do not fault marry reid at all for this. I think harry wants to see the government running and running as effectively and as lean, as mean as possible. I think thats exactly why the speaker needs to put this bill in front of the house, get them to vote on it. It will pass. Then we can start dealing with issues again. Important issues. Senator tester, always good to see you. Thank you for your time. Glad youre safe. Thank you. Jon tester. Were just moments away, in the meantime, of hearing from Capitol Hill Police. Again, bill, the last time that we heard from them they said 4 15 or thereabouts theyd give us more information. Thats coming up. Were going to take a short break. As soon as we come back well get to it. Keep it here on the closing bell. Mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. Vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. 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Im beginning to sense a pattern. Get up to 140 in mailin rebates when you buy four select tires with the Ford Service Credit card. Whered you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. Awaiting a press briefing by the metro police, Capitol Hill Police to give us an update on the situation. What we to or dont know about the incident that occurred a little over two hours ago there on capitol hill that caused the lockdown of the Capitol Building for about an hour today. That appears to be were getting these live pictures in right now. That appears to be the squad car of the Police Officer who was injured in all of this. Taken by medevac helicopter to a local hospital. What appears to have happened we dont know this yet. We may learn this during this News Conference. We probably will. Is whether he used his car as a shield to block the progress of the black car that was being chased by Capitol Hill Police up to that point. And whether he just ran in front of this woman who was driving at the time to try and stop her progress. Perhaps one of the key questions that centers both around that activity and the way this event is being described generally is whether or not it was a shooting. Again, early reports suggested there was gunfire that people heard gunfire. What the d. C. Police told us is that the initial event at the white house was a car crash. A car crash, perhaps, of that barrier, of that barricade, that is. This culmination, which was really what they were talking about at the time, is a car crash. We have not heard that this woman was armed at all. That she may have used simply used her vehicle as a weapon in this particular case. Well wait for that press briefing from the Capitol Hill Police. We want to bring in chad sweet, former chief of staff in the department of homeland security. Now ceo of the Chertoff Group. What do you make of whats happened today . Always when Something Like this happens we learn something about where the holes are in security and where they need to be plugged. Have you learned anything from what you know so far today . I think what weve learned, bill, is that the ability to have Rapid Reaction is key in incidents like this. Not only as we saw in the naval yard shooting just a couple weeks ago, but also in a vehicle situation like were witnesses today. The other point i would make is, when you look at the overall resiliency of the capitol area, youll notice that this incident happened, and literally within two hours of it, theyve already restarted allowing pedestrians to go back in front of the white house. And the legislature has already reconve reconvened. I think what we are learning is theres room for improvement and well probably find out more about as you mentioned a moment ago whether this individual was killed through either ballistics impact or through the trauma of the car accident. But what we are seeing in two back to back incidences is that the inner operable response of Law Enforcement and counterterrorism in this area has been extremely rapid and effective gl effective. Is there any reason, chad, weve been having this discussion with a couple law maukers on the program already. Is there any reason you can think of the shutdown interfering with the work the police will be doing on this instance . I think there is clearly today the example here was of effectiveness. There doesnt appear to be any evidence of the shutdown having impacted it. Thats not to say there couldnt be in other situations. As director clapper, the director of national on the international scale, it certainly may not have been the same. Resources in the National Capitol region are far greater than what we will see in a number of jury dictions. Certainly with our embassies abroad. Are you in d. C. . We are. Yeah. I wondered, it occurred to me a little while ago the fact that the shutdown occurred, is in place right now, whether traffic is lighter in the capitol area. And there were fewer cars that may have been involved in all of this. Maybe that might have been a good thing, you know. Thats right, bill. Ironically, it was an unexpected benefit of the shutdown. But i think the lesson really here is we have to operate whether were in full tourist season or not. At the end of the day, a lot of the complaints that people have had about the vehicle barriers in front of the white house, around the capitol, it still allows pedestrians and tourists to enjoy the nations capitol. As the same time in front of the white house as we just mentioned, those barriers post9 11 are critical to addressing the asymmetric threat that individuals, both domestic isolated incidents like we saw today or even future terrorism might pose. Its a great point, chad. Chad sweet, we thank you for joining us. With the Chertoff Group now. Formerly of homeland security. Youve seen shots of the capitol. Live pictures where we are expecting Capitol Police to hold a briefing any minute now. It will be the second time weve heard from them. We hope, bill, they can answer plenty more of our questions. Well come back after this short break. Stay with us. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . Paying ourselves maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. We have come upon this picture were going to show you. Apparently we are told this is the black car that the woman was driving who tried to ram the white house gate and then was pursued by police toward capitol hill. Im sorry. What did you say . Yeah. No, i mean obviously we cant see a whole lot of the car. Weve been trying to study it for a little while during commercial break here to try to figure out the make and where its from and all. Its just too far away at this point. One thing you can tell right away, this is not an suv as some early reports may have indicated. This is not the kind of vehicle that seems capable of taking out some of the barriers in place at the white house underscoring the nature of the entire incident. Were waiting for the press briefing by the Capitol Hill Police. Maybe theyll be able to answer some of those questions. Were just trying to figure out more about who this person was and and in a twodoor car like that, bill, if youve got a child in the backseat there is not much cushion from any blow. Exactly. Good point. Sue herera, more update of what we know at this point on the shooting. Bill, lets just recap for those who are just joining us. There obviously was an indent at about 2 18 p. M. Eastern time in washington, d. C. It began at the white house where a female suspect attempted to ram her car into one of the white house gates. At that point, police engaged with her and chased her in her car. There was a car chase. Down about 2. 2 miles down to the capitol. Youll see a black car that is going to make a circle around several times, and then go straight. End up down at the capitol where, again, she engaged with police. We have reports at that point keep in mind, as you look at this route that this car traveled down, as i said, its about 2. 2 miles from the white house to capitol hill. When that incident started and as she made her way down to capitol hill, they did put the hill on lockdown. So both in the house and the senate were given a shelter in place order, which meant that they had to move to the interior portions of their offices or seek shelter in an area that was not exposed to outside windows and outside doors. That was lifted shortly after police engaged with the suspect. Now, we heard from u. S. Capitol hill Police Spokesman chris dines that he did not know the status of the suspect. However, the sergeant at arms said to nbc news Pete Williams and luke russert that the suspect had been shot and killed. So were looking forward to more clarification of that particular part of the story from chief dynes when he comes to the microphone. The woman reportedly had a child in the car. Thats what luke russert is reporting. That was confirmed by chief dynes. However, we dont know the status of the child. We dont know the age of the child. By status i mean medical status of the child. Police say they have stabilized the incident at this point. The lockdown was lifted at 3 30 p. M. Eastern time. The house went back into session at 3 30 eastern time and started to debate various resolutions that were on the hill. Thats what we know right now. Bill, were looking forward to the next News Conference, which we believe was going to be at about 4 15 eastern time. Obviously, that has been pushed back. Theres another report that we have now that the background briefing will be at 6 00 p. M. And it has been expanded now to include not only the u. S. Capitol police, but the metropolitan Police Department as well as the u. S. Secret service. So were hoping for some clarification on some of the key questions that have been floated out there. The white house was informed of the situation. I would be curious to know whether the white house went into lockdown mode or not. We dont know that. Were hoping for some clarification. That would probably come from the u. S. Secret service. But, once again, they have pushed back this News Conference just slightly. They may have one before the 6 00 p. M. News conference. What we do know, when they do come out at 6 00 p. M. Or thereabouts it will be an expanded group of Law Enforcement officials. As eamon javers so aptly told us earlier, there are a number of different Police Departments and Law Enforcement departments that cooperate in patrolling and keeping the capitol safe. And they do include the metropolitan Police Department, the Capitol Police, and then theres the u. S. Secret service. All three of those branches of Law Enforcement will be involved in the 6 00 p. M. News conference. We may yet get this 4 15, 4 30 News Conference under way at some point. Back to you, guys. Word were getting is that 4 15 has been moved to 6 00. Thats the one were waiting for. Thank you, sue. Want to get out to eamon javers now. Hes on capitol hill. Hes got more on this incredible story. Eamon, for the first time, we were at least able to see pictures of some of the chase and of that vehicle involved. Reporter yeah. Looks like it was a black sedan, kelly. We just had the opportunity to speak a few minutes ago to an eyewitness here at the capitol who said what he saw from the capitol was a regular traffic stop involving several police cars surrounding that black sedan over here on the southwest portion of the west front of the Capitol Building. Thats the Capitol Building near the Botanic Gardens if youve been down here as a tourist. That police stop was broken up by the black sedan reversing course, smashing into a police car and taking off at a high rate of speed. Take a listen to this eyewitness interview from just a few seconds ago. Im sorry. We dont we do not have that eyewitness tape queued up. What he describes is a scene where police were surrounding the black car. They were out of their vehicles. They had their guns drawn. They were pointing them at the car. The car then backed up in reverse gear. Smashed into one of those police cars and was able to manage to get out of the cordon of the police cars. Then head off at a pretty high rate of speed. Were told the entire incident ended actually on 2nd and maryland avenue. Thats over on the other side of the Capitol Building from where im standing right here. Thats over by the United States Supreme Court. If you can see pictures of the black vehicle thats now parked up there and surrounded by police, thats where that is taking place. The entire incident seems to have ranged from the white house at 16th and pennsylvania on down here to the west front of the Capitol Building and then over to near the Supreme Court on the other side of the Capitol Building from where im standing. Im sorry, bill. Go ahead. I was just going to say, were looking at new piece of video. I dont know if you have a return monitor. We keep i dont. Coming up with different pieces of video. What weve got here is somebody shot pictures, whether its a news photographer or not, of the chase. And then the aftermath. People are rushing away from the scene of the cars as they were making their way around the Capitol Building there. We just saw an armed Police Officer there as well. You know, pretty dramatic stuff as it was happening there. Eamon, just want to mention reporter i can tell you sorry. Those images coming from algora, a u. S. Based arab tv station. Theres the vehicle were looking at. Wow. It appears as though thats the incident hes talking about. Wow. There goes the car. That is amazing. We have it on video. Somebody does. Algora. There it goes. There goes the black vehicle. Hang on, eamon. Were watching this black vehicle now as its being chased around the Capitol Building by the white squad cars. Lets see how long it stays with us. I guess that must have been around yeah. Thats around the capitol. There it circled around there. We had seen that from a distance. This is a new angle now for this camera. Then it makes its way around and tis appears. This camera is going to pull back. We will see that armed Police Officer in a moment. Wow. This is amazing video. Were able to see it on camera. Now it pulls back and the armed Police Officer will make his way into the picture and the people rushing away from that area. That is thats very good video. We get a good sense of what was going on as this story unfolded. Theres a reporter there with his camera. Bill, i can tell you go ahead, eamon. Reporter i can tell you our eyewitness said he heard a large number of gunshots immediately after the black sedan took off from that traffic stop area and began to move around the west front of the Capitol Building. He said it wasnt clear to him with an untrained eye necessarily whether those were capitol Police Officers firing at the vehicle or the vehicle firing back. He couldnt tell whether any gunshots at all came from that vehicle. But he heard a large number of gunshots in that vicinity as soon as that vehicle started to move away. I will say as we were watching that video, it didnt look like the windows were down on that vehicle. It would be tough for any gunfire to come from the car. Out. If there was all the windows are closed. Reporter thats right. He described it as a vehicle with tinted windows. I cant see the video that youre looking at right now. We dont have return here. But he described a black sedan with tinted windows. We do have some video that weve seen on nbc of that vehicle. Now up at 2nd and maryland where it came to a stop. Thats up near the intersection. Really that separates the United States capitol complex from the Supreme Court complex which is on the other side of 2nd street up there. Again, this video comes from alhora. Partly funded by the u. S. Congress. We can be grateful, i suppose, they were actually up and running today. Were going to repeat it here. Our director is telling us eamon, you wonder. We were just discussing here back office whether the Capitol Police here we go again. Were watching the Police Surround this black car. You wonder. They see the baby. This is where it happens. Whether they hesitate. Theyre trying to hold it in place. This car backed into that white police car then takes off and makes a circle around that portion of the capitol. Youre going to see it again here as the police make a chase. Its going to go around this circle in front of the capitol. Then disappear. Now here it is to circle around. The white squad car is right on its tail. Then itll take off and tis appear behind the trees around the Capitol Building there. Amazing video. Amazing video that somebody got that as it was happening there. A Satellite Channel part lu funded by the u. S. Congress aimed at presenting more coverage of the middle east in north africa, alhora i believe is the pronunciation there. Reporter bill and kelly, if you guys can still hear me, i can tell you that there were it shall just by coincidence, there were a number of news crews down here on the west front of the capitol. The satellite truck were actually broadcasting to you now from was parked here by coincidence because reporters were doing stories about the federal Government Shutdown. Theyre interviews tourists. Talking to federal workers all out of work. Enjoying what has been up until now a Beautiful Day here on the National Mall. So this is the place where a lot of cameras already were. Then suddenly this high speed chase comes into the scene. A number of camera people apparently were able to just immediately train their cameras on it and capture at least a portion of it in action as youve been describing. A lot of news crews here. Of course, washington, d. C. , is a very heavily covered area. What id like to see at some point now is what we can see from the white house perspective. What happened up there as this incident happened. Because you cannot get a vehicle right up to the gate of the white house. You would be stopped some distance away from the white house. They have the jersey barriers and other things up there to stop cars from approaching. That whole area in front of the white house, pennsylvania avenue, has been closed off since the Oklahoma City bombing back in 1995. You cant drive in front of the white house anymore. Wherever that incident at the white house happened, it may have been some distance away from the white house at one of the guard huts that closes off some of those nearby cross streets. We were told it was on the treasury side of the white house. At any rate, well get more information at that News Conference coming up at 6 00 eastern time. I presume well be showing it here on cnbc. Well take a break. Come back with more. This incredible day in washington after this. [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain. [ thunder rumbles ] [ male announcer ] when the world moves. Futures move first. Learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. And trade with papermoney to testdrive the market. All on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. All on thinkorswim so ally bank really has no hidden fno hidden fees. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Hey daddy, whats your job . Daddys a uhh florist. 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She just leads them on a quick chase, circular chase around the Capitol Building there. Then it ends on, i believe, the northeast side of the capitol there at 2nd and maryland. Dont quote me on that one. At any rate, dramatic footage coming to us here from this news organization, alhora. Operated by the Nonprofit Corporation middle east Broadcasting Networks financed by the u. S. Government through a grant from the broadcasting board of governor. Thats why they were up and running today and not shut down. Yes, we are mindful, it looks like it was a black infiniti. Now were getting sound as well. You get to hear some of the sound as it happened. Joining us on the phone, by the way, from the capitol is congressman jim hines, democrat of connecticut. I dont know if youre seeing this, congressman. Dramatic footage. A dramatic day. What did you experience . Well, i was on the floor of the house of representatives when this all happened. It was kind of interesting. There were a lot of people around because we just finished a vote and were starting to take up some additional debate. Then sitting on the floor all of the sudden the energy in the room changed pretty dramatically as some of the security personnel began to lock up the doors and a note was passed to the speaker protem and things shut down pretty quickly. The floor is usually pretty quiet other than whos giving a speech at in a moment. Radios started crackling. It was pretty cool that something out of the ordinary was happening when it began to occur. Representative, what can you tell us if anything about the resources here that might have been affected by the shutdown today across the capitol . Theres a lot of talk. I just got off the floor. There was a huge round of applause led by majority leader cantor and minority whip steny hoyer, a standing ovation on the floor just now for the Capitol Police. I think everybody is looking at these Capitol Police just a little bit differently now given what they just went through and what we all went through. And, you know, theres no reason to believe theres not a particularly reduced security presence. At least to the civilian eye on the capitol. The word going around, by the way, is that these guys are working because theyre essential. I cant confirm this puts a different spin on the whole question of shut down. Makes it very personal for people that we care about. We thank you for your time. Thank you very much. Much more on the shooting. Were getting ready for fast money at the top of the hour as well. Stay with us. [ female announcer ] its time for the annual shareholders meeting. Therell be the usual presentations on research. And development. Some new members of the team will be introduced. The chairman emeritus will distribute his usual wisdom. And you . Well, youre the chief life officer. 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Just got back from the floor where we gave a standing ovation and thankful for the job that we do every day. You know, were going to get the News Conference at the top congressman. Trying to get the minibilled funded. Are you making progress on that . I know you went back into session at 3 30 eastern time today. Can you update us on whats going on in the house right now . Well, again, we did pass one of the other many bills today. We probably will take up another one tomorrow. There is talk about, you know, perhaps combining this all into a big deal. Combining the debt ceiling and the cr, coming up with a plan that we can negotiate with the senate on. Are you seeing progress being made . Negotiations are going to have to start soon. Congress man, trying to do a grand bargain has alluded this administration for years chl why should we expect now everyone come together. Do you have a sense of a time line on that at all, sir . No. All we know is what the treasury secretary says. It really needs to be done within two weeks. I think given the fact that were in a partial shut down, that just gives eextra emphasis and urgency. Are you going to try to meet harry reid, at least his request to get a clean bill passed before you begin some sort of negotiation . That would still be very difficult. I think thats the way it might come down. Andy harris of maryland. Thank you so much for your time. All right. Much more on the capital hill shooting. vo you are a business pro. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the worlds best sport sedan. People noticed. The cadillac ats 2013 north american car of the year. Lease this cadillac ats for around 299 per month with premium Care Maintenance included. The dow finishing down 36 points. It was down about a percent and a half. But were down 5 from the all time highs that were set august 18. A big down day. The first one we have had since the shut down here. While there are many people out there saying we are still near the all time highs, just as many are spooked about the fact that we closed below 15,000. And then we have the story that we will be continuing to were still not sure. All attention will continue to be on washington for the time being. That does it for closing bell. Thanks for joining us. Fast money begins right now. Live from the Nasdaq Market si site. We give you the top five items to watch. Tesla is stalling out. First a downgrade and then a fire. Driving the tesla coaster for a while. Find out if he thinks the bull case is finally cracked. And mobile money. 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