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We have a full hour to figure out what the hell is going on, including what a ban of muslims entering the United States might mean for Donald Trumps candidacy. This morning, as is his want, he called some Television Shows to defend his plan. You are increasingly being compared to hitler. Does that bother you at all . Trump i am more like fdr. He called on a ban on germans. You are certainly not proposing internment camps. You have to look at president ial proclamations. This is not internment. We are not talking about japanese camps, not at all. But we have a very serious problem and its getting worse. We will have more World Trade Centers and bigger than the World Trade Center if we dont toughen up and use our heads. We have people out there that want to do great destruction to our country. We have people out there who want our buildings to come down. They want our cities to be crushed. They are living in our country and many want to come from outside our country. Until we figure this out, we should have a ban. Its a very simple. John the reaction to his proposal has been almost universally scathing. We will get to this in a minute, but first, josh earnest had this to say. The first thing a president does when he or she takes the office is to swear an oath to preserve, defend and protect the constitution of the United States, and what donald trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president. For republican candidates for him him him president to stand by their pledge to support mr. Trump, that in and of itself is disqualifying. Disqualifying. We have heard than in ca ands of trump dashed enunciations we have heard people denouncing trump after every time he has said these things. Is he in a stronger or weaker position . Mark he is in a weaker position to be president. Him he walked it back and suggested shortterm. I believe this will be at worst a wash and a little bit of a positive. I think it hurts his chances of being president because, again, this is a position that is out of step with mainstream thought and american tradition. To be denounced by dick cheney and paul ryan, this is bad for him if he wants to be president. He has said temporary, but he has not given any timeframe, two weeks, two months, two years. But he says we have to get our arm around the problem. At this moment, the time is indefinite. I could not agree more with the notion that this is a vile thing to suggest, genuinely vile. Across this country, we have Muslim Americans who run major corporations, contribute to the armed forces, have relatives who live abroad, who live in the middle east, who live all over the world. Those people now, under the trump proposal, would be banned from entering the United States for no reason whatsoever. Be on the constitutionality, a it plays on an atmosphere of fear and a climate of uncertainty. It plays to the worst instincts voters have and it should be denounced. It has been denounced. I think youre right. I dont think it hurts him in the nomination. I thought it would be hard for him to become president. Now i think it is impossible. Mark the republican response was hard, fast, and furious. I dont think he is serious. We are living in serious times. We need real leadership. In our fight against islamic terrorism, we have to maintain our common sense. Rating, a race c, religious bigot who does not represent my party. You know how you make America Great again . Tell donald trump to go to hell. I think his overreaction is as dangerous as Barack Obamas under reaction. He is saying lets trample the constitution by having a religious test. I dont think we need a religious test, but i do think we need to pause on immigration from the middle east. I like donald trump. A lot of our friends have encouraged me to criticize and attacked donald trump. I am not interested in doing that. The threat we are facing is radical islamic terrorism. Its why i have introduced legislation on suspending refugees from countries where isis or al qaeda controls us is that controls a substantial territory, because that is the threat we are facing. Mark i want to read you the numbers from a new poll. Donald trump, 32 . Marco rubio second at 14 . Chris christie 9 , jeb bush 8 , ted cruz 6 , ben carson and Carly Fiorina 5 . Another poll showing donald trump with a substantial lead. John just to make the point that these polls were taken before his statement. Mark you see ted cruz consistently says he disagrees, its not his policy, but he doesnt dennounce them. Every other major candidate denounced him. John the person who has been weakest in terms of moral taste and decency is ted cruz, but i think he benefits the most because it makes his noxious proposal on the matter look reasonable. I am still going to speak to your fears, but i am doing it with a targeted, reasonable, policydriven way. I think his proposal is not as bad as Donald Trumps by any means, but bad. In the competition for that pool of voters, cruz looks reasonable. Mark last night, trump went after Chris Christie. He put cruz on warning and said hey, if you come after me, im going to go after you. I think ted cruz benefits for a variety of reasons. He is not getting Incredible National coverage. But he is building a base and raising money. Trump is blocking anyone else from growing. That means that if trump falls, ted cruz is poised to take over his supporters. John you cant believe ted cruz would say i am the electable version of donald trump. For those of you who think he is a huge general election albatross, here is a guy who is in league with him but looks more reasonable, and could be more electable, although, again, i think he would have huge problems in the fall. More reaction to trump when we come back. John last night, a big question we had on this program was how members of the republican establishment not running for president would react. Today, we got our answer. Many who were previously hesitant to jump on trump have been pushed over the edge. Freedom of religion is a fundamental constitutional principle of this country. Normally, i do not comment on what is going on in the president ial election. I will take exception today. This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for, and more importantly, it is not what this country stands for. I am not concerned about lasting damage to the party. I am concerned about standing up for our countrys principles. These are first principles, and our party is dedicated to these principles. I think it is incumbent upon leaders of our party to stand up and defend what conservatism is and what the Republican Party stands for. Let me first say that would be completely inconsistent with american values, and second, to show how completely unworkable it would be, King Abdullah of jordan, a great friend and ally of ours would presumably not be able to come to the United States, or the president of afghanistan, a great friend and ally of ours, would not be able to come to the United States. This suggestion is totally inconsistent with american values. John also of note, mitt romney tweeted, fired before aiming. John Reince Pribus said we need to take on terrorism, but not at the expense of our values. The republican establishment has wanted to stop donald trump four months. Are they in a better position to do that on the basis of this story, and if so, how . Mark they are not in a better position, except that the mind has been focused. While privately people like paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell have been watching this closely, particularly on the senate side, where they believe trump could cost them the senate majority. Their mind is focused. They realize trump could do and say things like this in the general election if he were the nominee. I think they are going to be looking now more than ever for an opportunity to rally around a establishment candidate. Whoever comes out of New Hampshire looking like they can stop trump, i think they are going to try to quickly anoint. John it has been believed for a long time that the establishment has wanted to treat him with kid gloves because if they didnt he would run as an independent. Mark or it would backfire. John today the establishment basically said enough. Mark but i have to say, not the entire establishment, number one. Number two, they didnt call for him to leave the race. John they went further than they have gone before. Mark to no effect. John before, i think a lot of people had views about how trump could drag the party down. The senate and the house. This kind of thing makes you think you know what . It might be worth it. Even if he was an independent that would be better than having , him be the nominee. A guy who can say stuff like this would be a disaster. Mark they have a big problem on their hands, and today did not solve it. There is no political forecast on the program today because we asked our political chief to take on the fundamentally fatiguing task of listening to a lot of talk radio and watching a lot of news and trying to figure out what was going on on the trump story. What he found was that the sense decibel level and focus was a lot lower than elsewhere in the media world. Sean hannity and Rush Limbaugh were not super negative about trump to say the least. In some ways, they supported it. And you have people like laura ingram absolutely celebrating what he did. Mark its her birthday. John trump fared perfectly well there and with the grassroots. Going forward, does donald trump have a stranglehold on both the grassroots as well as conservative media no matter what he says or does. We all know that the conservative Media Echo Chamber is powerful. We dont actually understand its power in any meaningful way. It seems to me that if this does not bring forth a defection of that part of the base echo chamber, nothing will. Whether you call it a stranglehold, hammerlock, or whatever. Trump seems to be immune mark and the paradox is, the more outrageous things he says, the more vociferously he will beat announced by the New York Times Editorial Board and liberal commentators, which makes it impossible, and instinctively, the tribe thing kicks in. They are coming after our front runner . Forget it. We are going to circle the wagons and be supportive. Rupert murdoch tweeted about Mark Halperin donald trump in a way that was not all that critical. I think people underestimate that trump stood up to fox and still won the fox primary. It is kind of likeohn anything that barack obama is for, republicans are going to be against. Members of talk radio say i cannot be on josh earnests side. I have got to be with trump. Mark one question i get all the time is, is trump aging is . Is there a method to the madness one question i get all the time is, is trump a genius . Is there a method to the madness or is it actually ad hoc and disorganized . I coming out with this proposal on paper and seemingly specific, and then an aide says it applies to everybody, i know if all of that was on purpose, but the sequence allowed him to dominate the news again. By suggesting this is a temporary thing that could only apply to some people, he has softened it enough that politically he could be in a good place. The base has circled around him. I dont suspect this is going to hurt him. John ultimately, what he is a genius at is that he has the courage to be improvisational. He says i will Say Something and get your reaction. If its too hot, i will walk it back. And im going to get so much coverage that my walk back will get almost as much coverage as the first thing. I more trump coming up, along with a new attack ad from jeb bushs super pac, after this. John and now some other news of the day, starting with an ad from the Jeb Bush Super pac right to rise. The ad is called, appropriately, desk. When the attacks come here, the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. Will he be impulsive and reckless like donald trump . Will he have voted to weaken . Ounterterrorism surveillance will he have skipped crucial National Security hearings and devotes just to Campaign Like marco rubio . 27 admirals support jeb bush because he has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. John so, since the formation of right to rise and the appointment of Michael Murphy to run it, it was expected to go negative at some point. Now it has. How effectively do you think it has gone negative . Mark they need to start spending money in a way that donors will be happy with and this could shake things up. Its possible this is a good ad. My reaction is that it is a little confusing, attacking three people at once. Its a little complicated. But it does hit the theme jeb bush wants to hit, which is that he wants to be the last man standing. This advertisement highlights the flaws the jeb bush season his three rivals, and those are the three most likely nominees today. John to me, i dont think it is a particularly effective ad. I dont think its going to move anybodys numbers. You cant take people out by going after three people. Its too indiscriminate. To me, its like a smoke signal or a telegram telling you its coming. It signals out here are the three guys jeb bush thinks are standing in his way of being the nominee and here are the basic lines of attack on each one of them. It gives you a roadmap to what murphy and his group are thinking. John the only way it will look president ial is if it is reinforced by the media. It is going to take a jeb bush himself as well as major sarah surrogates from the campaign to reinforce whatever the paid message is from an ad like this. In the bush world, what is wrong with trump . What is wrong with rubio . What is wrong with ted cruz . Bush himself could go out and talk about those three things. In this communication you do between these two entities, they are a line with the super pac in saying this is how we are going to take these guys down. Mark the problem is bush has made those criticisms against those guys and got nowhere. We will see how it works. John we brought up one poll earlier. Here is another one. A survey from iowa democrats. Hillary clinton 55 , Bernie Sanders at 33 , Martin Omalley at 6 , a pretty good showing for him. According to that poll, Bernie Sanders is well behind. Before we look at the national number, i will just say the clinton and sanders people would both tell you the iowa race is closer than that poll shows. Nationally, clinton is well ahead. The survey also looked at some republican president ial candidates. Trump, cruz, and carson are all close to her. In iowa, sanders gained, not enough, but what is responsible for the closing of the gap . John i think there was artificial widening of the gap. Sanders has also been on the air in iowa for longer. I think you are right that the race is closer than the numbers suggest. But again, from Sanders Point of view, its the first good news hes had in a while. He has positive momentum Going Forward into a crucial stretch. Mark how much time can you spend fundraising in other cities . How much time in other constituencies . He was in baltimore today and seem to do a good event with African American leaders. But man, eye on the prize. If she beats him badly in iowa, this is probably over. John in the long run, to be the nominee, he has to build support and build support in minority communities. If i were him, go live in des moines. John we are going to talk more about the right to rise super pac and donald trump when we come back. Sure, tv has evolved over the years. Its gotten squarer. Brighter. Bigger. Its gotten thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Tand thats what were doings to chat xfinity. Rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Mark welcome back. Joining us now is the Communications Director for the super pac right to rise, which supports jeb bush. Also, our contributor, who popped open the lid on right to rise with an interview in october with the super pac chieftain. You can read his story, very relevant to whats going on right now. So, we looked at the ad in the last segment. Just explain generally, why is your Group Running this ad at this time . Right now is a critical time for voters to start looking at the candidates records and their character, and their judgment, and i think when you look at Donald Trumps reckless comments, even before yesterday, which were just impulsive, offensive, and reckless. Ted cruz for not denouncing him. He doesnt pass the test either. We think there are a lot of important things to talk about when it comes to marco rubios record. Its a time when voters are trying to look for more information on all of these candidates, and we want to make sure they are well informed so they can make the right choice for who is going to take on Hillary Clinton in the general election. Mark you heard me say that i john you heard me say that i thought going after three candidates at once may not be terribly effective. Tell me why i am wrong about that and why a shotgun blast as opposed to a rifle shot is the right ad. You may have noticed that there are a lot of candidates in the race for the republican nomination. Not going to tell you what we are going to do down the road, but we do think its important to set the stage and talk about the character and the records of the three candidates we talk about in the ad, and then talk about jobs record, which we know to be the best record in the race. We think this is going to come down to a race about quality and we have the best qualified candidate in the race. I can imagine that if some rubio supporters are persuaded that he doesnt have the experience, they could go to jeb afterward, what i find it hard to believe you are the second choice for many trump or ted cruz supporters in the country. Look, if you look at donald trump, obviously, he is on the other spectrum from where jeb bush is. Jeb has the brains and the guts and he has the experience to be in the oval office, to make tough judgments, to take on isis, to make washington work better. Donald trump obviously doesnt have those skills. There are a lot of contrasts we could go about with each of these candidates in the race, not just the three in the ad, but i think it is important to not only sets the stage and show what jebs attributes are, but also the records and character of the other candidates. Mark this is not a particularly scathing ad. I wonder if you think the public mood is such that they dont want to see a particularly scathing ad. There is no spooky music or jaws theme. Why is the tone as tepid as it is . Again, we want to make sure voters are informed. Mark you are easing into the pool. The water is a little cold. I am not going to speculate on what we are going to do down the road. Mark jaws music. We did want to make sure that the voters had the visual and understood what they were doing by voting for donald trump. Visualizing him in the oval office, i think for most americans, is a very scary thought. The ad does that, and also tells a story about how jeb has been endorsed by admirals, folks who have actually worn the uniform and know that he will be a , strong commander in chief. John your colleague, mr. Murphy, has done a lot of negative ads in his life. He has a history of taking people on. He has done a lot of positive ads for right to rise over the last few months, but we have all been kind of waiting for this moment when you decide to go negative. Will we see a positive ad for your group again or is it going to be all negative now . There is going to be a lot of information flow from us over the next couple of months this. This ad is running in rotation with a positive spot about jebs plan to defeat isis. We have a lot of information out there for voters to go to to learn about jebs record. We have given them a lot of information. We have talked about jebs plan Going Forward and how he is going to defeat isis and help disrupt washington. Now we think it is important that other candidates in the race get a little more information and scrutiny of their records before voters make a very important choice. John i will take that as a basically all neg for the rest of the time. It is a simplified version of that answer. We will continue to allow the d. C. Press corps to speculate what we are going to do. It is amusing to watch everyone speculate on it. We are going to sit back and enjoy that. As john suggested, you guys have had a lot of ads on the air this year and it doesnt seem to have had much of an impact, favorable or negative. We think this is going to become a race to quality in the next six weeks and continue on , past New Hampshire, that voters are going to start looking for serious candidates actually can sit behind the desk in the oval office. What we have done in the months leading up to this was build a foundation, talking about jebs story and his conservative record in florida, which is completely unmatched. Going forward, we want to make sure everyone has the information they need to go into the voting booth. But we are using different mediums besides tv. We are using visual and a lot of different mediums. I think as voters becoming engaged, we want to make sure they are getting as much information about all of the candidates in this race as possible. Paul, thanks very much. You bet. John let me ask you about what you just asked paul about. Has the quality of the product not been good or have paid evision as are not just are just not effective . Other candidates are trying to approach this question and they are becoming incredibly skeptical about the ability to move anything. We talk about the big audience for the debates. I think its an indicator of what is happening in the free media environment. Trump jokes about this. Why would he buy ads to run in between speeches . John the bush ads have run during a time of horrific Media Coverage of jeb bush. He has very few good days in the media. To me, that overwhelms anything he might spend money on. How many times are they seeing jeb on cable, broadcast tv, digital, print . John they have spent 31. 7 million dollars, right to rise, so far this year. Almost all of it on positive ads , but it hasnt seemed to do much good. Is that wasted money . If bush were to suddenly make a comeback, will there be an argument that that was all a longterm investment on a slow burn . The reasonable counterfactual is, where would jeb bush be right now without it . Mark the super pac should have said we are giving this to Little Sisters of the poor in jebs name. That would have gotten some newspaper coverage. I talked to murphy a few months ago, and he said throughout the year, we are not going to go after trump because we think this will be a twoperson race when the dust settles between rubio and bush. They are getting pressure from establishmente an motive to stop donald trump. I asked paul the question about why are you going after ted cruz, i think some of it is covered to go after rubio and lump them in with other people. Mark excellent point. Sasha eisenberg thanks for , coming in. When we come back, more reaction to Donald Trumps proposal from muslim immigrants right after this. John joining us now is the author of standing alone, the american womana struggle for the soul of islam. Thank you for coming on the show. We have spoken about Donald Trumps proposal yesterday. I am curious about your reaction. I think donald trump should put his money where his mouth is and take care of his business in the middle east and other places that involve getting funds from the saudi government, qatar, and other places that have exported the ideology of islam that puts us in this crisis today. John what is the record on that . How much business entanglement does trump have with those regimes . What i am reading is that if ivanka is looking at Hotel Business interests in qatar and saudi arabia. Orald trump has saudi guests renters in his building in new york city. I am curious about the ties. More than donald trump, speaking with you, and it is great to be with you, john, i am reminded of many years ago when life was much more innocent and we didnt have this existential threat of islamists extremism facing us. I think back to these decades and wonder about how these ideologies came out of these countries, causing these crises. We have really been asleep as a country. I feel that we are at a time, much like americom trees were american countries were companies were during i feel like we are at a time, much like American Companies were during the debate on the holocaust and various companies were involved in that horrible tragedy, a lot of companies are going to have to think deep and hard about their own Business Investments in regimes that are causing us so much crisis and so much trouble. Mark there has been a lot of discussion about how the Hispanic Community feels about donald trump in the wake of comments he has made. Without overgeneralizing, how is the Muslim Community feeling about donald trump today . It is not monolithic, but what has happened is, sadly, a lot of the muslim lobby, special Interest Groups inside of our own community, take these moments like this to seize on an opportunity to claim that this is a country that is antimuslim. I dont feel that way. I have grown up in america. Muslim immigrant myself at the age of four. I grew up in west virginia, not exactly most peoples idea of cosmopolitan culture, but i experienced the kind of tolerance and kindness that allowed me to make this place my home. What we have, unfortunately, our e folks that are campaigning. This is a crisis of identity for muslims. I think they are exploiting it. But there are muslims like myself and the courageous band of brothers and sisters i came together with last week in washington, d. C. We are calling ourselves the muslim reform movement. What we are trying to do is say look, we have a problem. Donald trump is creating hysteria because we have had a failure to deal effectively with this issue of extremism. We are muslims who want to own of up to the problem, but we also want help from the leaders and policymakers who are sadly asleep at the wheel on these issues. John you were close today danny pearl, someone we are both friends with. You were with him in pakistan, where he was killed. You talk about there being no Political Correctness, how police were able to search mosques and other places to get to the bottom of what happened. We are now in a president ial campaign where Chris Christie and others argue that Political Correctness is getting in the way of confronting radical islamic terrorism. Do you think that is true . Is pc culture here a big problem . Absolutely. Just thinking about you and remembering danny, i think about the Police Reports and the files of the men involved in his 27 kidnapping and murder. On these pages are explicit ways int extremist interpretation datedmosques and dr. These men to take danny from the restaurant to the compound, where they held him and murdered him. We lost our friend to the same ideology that now, 13 years later, confronts our country. I thought about danny as i was sitting here waiting to start this conversation. I thought what would danny want me to be able to say to people. I think it is simply, wake up. Stop with the Political Correctness. Deal honestly and sincerely with this problem. The Pakistani Police realized there is an interpretation of islam that is taking these young men and turning them into criminals. We have to be clear and honest about it. This movement we have created, we are explicitly calling out the islamist extremist interpretation. Saudi arabia and qatar are the greatest incubators of this theology. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who takes credit for killing our friend danny was indoctrinated by that same ideology. Those two young people in california, same ideology. And yet we still cannot call it by the name it should be called, and that is what i would urge the administration to do. Call it the islamist ideology that it is and, with effective strategies to come to a middle path and come up with Reasonable Solutions and not extreme ideologies. Mark we have less than a minute. Forget the government and the lobbies, what would be something productive for americans to do . I think stop with the Political Correctness. Stop worrying about offending anybody. There is an industry in saudi arabia that wants to stop us from having this conversation. They need to look into their own hearts about the kind of values they care about and see if that is the interpretation of the islamic prophets. If it isnt, which i do not think it is not fight it not , just for muslims, but for our neighbors. Because as you know, everybody has a stake in this battle. John my old friend, thank you for doing this. Her book, standing alone, an american womans struggle for the soul of islam. You can buy that, please do. We will be back with a greatest hits real of the donalds provocations. Mark if you were shocked shocked when you heard that donald trump wants to stop muslims from coming to the United States, you probably havent been listening to donald trump for all that long. Rainbow coalition of the insulted and maligned. To jog your memory, here are his greatest hits. Donald trump i have a great relationship with the blacks. I have always had a great relationship with the blacks. Paula dean was crucified. Why doesnt he show his birth certificate . He has a grandmother in kenya who says he was born in a kenyan hospital. We have to look at it. We have to see is it real . Is it proper . What is on it . But i hope it checks out beautifully. Au take a look at her, she is slob. If i were on the view, i would fire rosie. I would look at her fat ugly face and say rosie, you are fired. Pumpwanted to breast right in front of me. He retweeted that she is a quote bimbo. There was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever. Essentially, its caroline kennedy. I mean, give me a break. We saw trump take a shot at bush on twitter when he said bush has to like mexican illegals because of his wife. Donald trump when mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. They are rapists. And some, i assume, are good people. Somebody is doing the raping. Somebody is doing it. Women are being raped. Who is doing the raping . Who is doing the raping . About blacka tweet on black crime saying that black , people are responsible for killing the most white people in the United States, and cited a bureau that does not exist. Donald trump i will apologize sometime in the hopefully this and future if i am ever wrong. Mark we will be right back. Mark please check out bloombergpolitics. Com for our interview with loretta lynch. We will see you tomorrow. Thanks for watching. Sayonara. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Theaad it is wednesday, ninth of december. You are watching trending business. Rishaad what we are watching. The economy is stabilizing. Yahoo ceo under pressure from investors. Hunting found, malaysia the owners of three abandoned jumbo jets. They reserve the right to sell them if they are not collected in 14 days. It is a Public Holiday in indonesia. Commodities reverberating across exchanges in the asiapacific. Downturn we have an commodities across the board playing into markets. And gas sector slightly higher on the regional benchmark index, led by a rebound in some Companies Hit hard. Weakness coming through in shanghai. 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