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Donald trump has become president elect. President elect talks politics with president obama. His transition website gives an indication he intends to stick to his promises on immigration and health care reform. Dow jones adding more than 200 points. Investors start to draw increasingly bright lines between the perceived winners and losers from a trump residency. Tech stocks selloff. The trump slump in the global bond market continues with losses now topping 1 trillion. The emerging markets rout deepens amid concerns about capital outflows. We round off the most dramatic of weeks with our guests in london and new york. Anna marshall from the British Chamber of commerce gives us the business view. Lord Norman Lamont talks about the future of transatlantic relations. And we will keep you uptodate with all the markets as investors find their way in the new environment. Lets get to the bloomberg first word news. Heres sebastian salek. Donaldnstrations against trumps election has continued across the u. S. Police in portland have set a riot is broken. That follows a second night of protest outside trump tower in new york city. Former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani has called the protesters a bunch of cry babies. Jens weidmann has urged people to stay calm about the u. S. Election results. Central bankers did say that uncertainty was weighing on growth prospects. Say isonly thing i can that i would first advise staying levelheaded and calm. Lets take the newly elected president by his words after his election victory. Sebastian alibaba is on track to smash hit singles they sales record after nudging almost 12 billion around my have way mark. Enlisted scarlett johansson, david beckham, and kobe bryant to promote the spending blitz. Leonard cohen, the singer behind hits such as hallelujah, has died aged 82. He once said he got into music because he couldnt make a living as a poet. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted, no other artists music felt or sounded like leonard cohens. Canada and the world will miss him. Global news 24 hours a day powered by more than 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. Francine thank you. This is my data check on the week of the u. S. Elections. Overall, quite a selloff in emerging markets. There are more concerns about investors unable to put money in the u. S. They may face capital outflows and weakening exports as donald trump gets into the white house. The msci emerging market index down 2. 3 . Vix at 15. 14. Stocks in europe gaining. Look out for the banks because of deregulation. Tom keene will look at copper. I wanted to show him the london copper market, gaining 4. 7 as we expect donald trump to build more. We will get to the markets in a second. As the shape of Trumps White House begins to emerge, investors pick the winners and losers. Fors introduced our guest the program. Is the us from london dcc director general, Adam Marshall. Here with me in new york, michael mckee. I want to get into policies but we need to talk about some of what weve seen in the streets. There is one in oregon which we understand is turning into a riot. Michael police have classified that as a riot, which makes it a felony if you are arrested for participating in that. They are hoping that will bring down the level of tension. We are seeing all these protests in all these different cities. In 2012, donald trump tweeted out after president obamas election to a new term, we cant let this happen. We should march on washington and stop this travesty. Trump encouraging that four years ago and last night he tweeted out just the opposite, calling people who are protesting professionally paid protesters incited by the media, which does seem to be spontaneous and may helped along by social media. Francine is this going to get worse . We also saw protests largely peaceful when brexit happened. Theres always some people that are very unhappy. Does it go to have the president elect needs to handle this . Michael it does. Then may be the key to how soon this dissipates. If hes going to incite people by insulting them, perhaps they stay in the streets longer. The United States is not the kind of place where we are going to see protests continue on a regular basis. It will be interesting to see how long this continues. We hope that it remains peaceful. Francine lets talk policies. What do we know about what donald trump is sticking to in terms of the pledges he made during his campaign . Michael yesterday he reminded everybody that he put out this, Donald Trumps contract with america, saying these are the things he wants to do immediately, including build the wall, start deporting people, aliens who have committed crimes , back to their original countries, and cancel visas from those countries if they dont take them back. A lot of things he wants to do that he ran on. As youve seen, global wall street on the equity side is betting he will change. Somebodys going to lose here. Either the people who voted for him or the people who are now investing in him. Francine Adam Marshall, you are in london. Your members employ a lot of people. Is this a plus or automatically a negative for u. K. Employers . The initial messages keep calm and carry on. The businesses have been trading with each other for centuries. Weve been quite a few transitions of government in the u. K. And the u. S. And some of those have been quite significant transitions. I think we need to wait and see what the new u. S. Administration is likely to do. In the meantime, keep doing business. Francine overall, do you think theres a sense that what a lot of policies will end up looking like is getting to reflate the u. S. Economy may be at the expense of european economies, and the way the president thinks his mandate is, construction, which means that may be well spur the u. K. For its competition when you look at various industries they are pointing on. Adam the president has a continent sized market that he will be looking to grow. He has already said that he has a strong interest in trade with other countries while trying to grow that market. He has made comments about the u. K. Has a strong affinity. We hope that will translate into a continuation of trade and perhaps some new freetrade agreement or extended freetrade between the two countries. They are each others biggest investment markets. For the u. K. , the u. S. Is the single Biggest Country with which it trades. It is a very important relationship economically as well as politically. We hope that will be a key plank in their thinking. Francine this is key, mike. It is about the new administration. We dont know who he will choose yet. That will have a huge impact. Michael it is going to be interesting to see who he picks and will take a job in his administration. On the Foreign Policy side, during the campaign, most of the experienced hands say they would never work for trump. What some of them for the good of the country come back and do that . We not exactly sure who he would pick. For wall street, a lot a focus on the treasury department. Steve munchen who used to work at Goldman Sachs and was trumps finance director, has been the process the most prominent name floated for treasury secretary. Yesterday somebody floated the name of jamie dimon. Hes the poster child for wall street. Hes the most well known banker in the world. If you voted against donald trump voted against wall street, how is that going to go down . Francine weve heard that it is so farfetched that it doesnt exactly play out just because of what you were saying. Adam, give me a sense of whether you are concerned that a rise in populism puts business does it put pressure on businesses do not grow as much . Are we becoming too protectionist . Adam businesses are concerned about rising protectionist trends in a number of countries. Not just the u. S. And the u. K. What we would like to see is continuation of trade across borders. It is not governments that trade. It is businesses that do it. Governments can put incentives in. We are in a situation with Global Growth being a little stagnant. We need to see trade because it is one of the biggest things to promote that growth. Francine Adam Marshall, thank you so much. Michael mckee joined us and at a marshall continues with us through the hour. Hes the british director general of chambers of commerce. Plenty coming up including business in a very uncertain environment. Unleash theirs own political earthquake. We will talk about how trump and brexit will affect europes companies. Trump sends bank stocks surging on the prospect of lighter regulation. Then, will trump boost brexit . How will the new american president elect affect the European Union as the u. K. Plans to exit . We will talk security with lord lamont. This is bloomberg. Francine this is bloomberg surveillance. We bring you full coverage of the final trading day of this very historic week. The u. S. Elections brought on donald trump as president elect. Heres sebastian salek. Sebastian alianza has said profit rose by more than a third , beating estimates. Income increased to 1. 6 billion euros while the company confirmed the target for the full year. At the same time, pimco had its first quarterly inflows in more than three years. It is the first positive , 4. 5w quarter for pimco billion euros, so that is actually, since the tapering started, it is really the first positive. Sebastian esther now has rejected an approach from a belgian rival. The dutch operator said the offer doesnt represent a good deal for its shareholders. Postnl having to adapt to declining letter volumes. Lloyd blankfein said hes seen a few terrific aspects to the prospects of donald trump asking jamie dimon to serve as u. S. Treasury secretary. That came after a report that trump advisors are considering the jpmorgan boss for the position. Blankfein said he would be a great treasury secretary. That is the Bloomberg Business flash. Francine i like a little bit of tongueincheek. People are keeping their spirits up and humor. Salek. So much, sebastian as the world grapples with Donald Trumps brexit plus plus plus as he said it, his words, not mine, the u. K. Continues to work toward the original version. We talk about what impact the u. S. Election might have. First lets break down the immediate challenges. Adam marshall is director general of the British Chambers of commerce. Clearly whatvery your main concerns for brexit were. Amongst them, finding talent. Why is this going to be a problem . Certainty, stability, clarity, action. These are things businesses are telling us. They got a little more clarity on the Prime Ministers timescale when she announced she would trigger article 50 two exit the European Union in march of 2017. Theres probably a twoyear period until the exit from there. All this gives clarity, as did her assertion that the u. K. Would have stability at the time of the exit, so you wouldnt see a chaotic situation. Theres still a long way to go on things like tariffs in terms of trade on labor market and eu workforce. Theres so many things that still need to be decided. Francine we dont really know what the reality would look like. We dont know what negotiations will look like. Has donald trump changed everything for brexit . Adam i dont think it has changed everything and i dont think the High Court Decision has changed everything either. I think the High Court Decision has basically given rise to how brexit will take place, either process,liamentary rather than whether it will take place. Businesses are under the assumption that this process will work its way through over that two to threeyear timeline. The election of mr. Trump could have interesting impacts on u. K. U. S. Relationships and trade. Perhaps we can go to the front of the queue rather than be at the back for future trade deals. That would be one thing businesses would be looking at. Whatare still looking at the new Administration May do in general. Francine what is the one thing you really need to know right now . Are your members not investing in key projects because theyre concerned about access to the Single Market . Are they concerned about visas or overall trade . If theres one thing you could find out now that would help your members and most, what would it be . Adam it would be telling businesses that the millions of eu workers currently in the u. K. , have a permanent right to stay. These are people who contribute to our economy. They have our businesses be more productive. Whether you are in the rural areas where the city of london it self, it is a big issue for businesses. The government shouldnt make it conditional. Francine what do you think the u. K. Economy will look like in five years . Are we going to be more skewed towards manufacturing . Is it going to be more export driven . Adam theres a huge number of different factors in play. I would like to see a u. K. Economy where everywhere in the United Kingdom has the same level of activity and productivity as london and the southeast. Businesses, but we need to see more businesses growing in other parts of the u. K. And providing that counterpoint to london. I think the u. K. Will continue to be a major economy. We have to build an optimistic future. We have to have a sense of national mission, that we want to be a prosperous and productive country. If we say that and developed the policies, we can achieve it. Francine thank you so much. Adam marshall, director general of the British Chambers of commerce. We will be getting plenty more from him. Up next, new york versus london. Brexit and trump deal the u. K. A double lanny as the battle between the city and wall street. Francine im Francine Lacqua in new york. On the week where donald trump has been elected u. S. President , the election has seen bankshares rally on the prospect of later u. S. Regulations and higher lending rates. Should europes Financial Services industry fear the new president elect . That is the warning in an opinion piece by bloombergs gadfly columnist. Adam marshall is still with us. Congratulations on a great piece. Overall, the title says it all. You say if brexit wasnt enough, europes banks now face trump. How ugly can it be for european banks . Theres a lot we dont know and there are shortterm good benefits to the banking industry. I think this is a real important issue for europes regulators to watch closely. There are negotiations still going on over regulation that have yet to be finalized. Commitmentsobal that the u. S. Has committed to since 2009 on Global Financial sector reform. If you get a huge divide between the u. S. And europe than business could move from london and europe to the u. S. And if we are still squabbling about exit and the derivatives market, that is going to be a bigger handicap for europe. Farfetched to think europe will cool down on regulation . I dont think so. The eu is making noises along that line. Again, it is about what youve established now and the reforms such as basel four that are still to be negotiated. Europe wants to call a truce on capital requirements, but i dont think it wants to tear up the whole financial rulebook. That is the question on donald trump. Francine thank you so much. We will get back to Adam Marshall in just a couple seconds. We will talk to him a little more about the parallels between brexit and the donald Trump Presidency. What does trump mean for brexit . We will be talking currencies. We will also be talking security. There has been a line of thought that says because donald trump is in charge of the white house or soon will be, theresa may has an advantage when negotiating with the eu. Ive spent my life planting a sizesix, nonslip shoe into that door. On this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. But these days its phones before forks. They want wifi out here. But behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. Wifi pro from comcast business. Public wifi for your customers. Private wifi for your business. Strong and secure. Good for a door. And a network. Comcast business. Built for security. Built for business. We wanted to be. There are huge differences still. There will be no completion of negotiations under the obama administration, that is clear. There is no difference between andview of the commission the member states. And we have to work look, what is going to happen to the new american government. How we can go on if we go on with ttp. That is the decision of the American American administration. Francine that was the german deputy economy minister. He is in brussels with other eu trade ministers to discuss the there of ttp under presidency of donald trump. We bring you coverage of this week in u. S. Politics. Lets get to the first word news. Here is the bastion sarlacc. Demonstration against donald trump have continued across the u. S. Police in portland, oregon say a riot has broken out with criminal behavior. That follows a demonstration outside of trump tower. Rudy giuliani has called them a bunch of cry babies. Ecb governing councilmember has urged people to stay calm about the u. S. Election results are the central bankers said Political Uncertainty would weigh on growth prospects. The only thing i can say, i would first advise staying levelheaded and con. Lets take the president by his afterthe words he spoke his election victory. Alibaba has broken its single day sales records. Despite the nations economic slowdown. The annual promotion is closely watched by the online retailer. The hugelyen, influential singersongwriter has died at age 82. He once said he got into music because he could not make a living as a poet and didnt release his first record until he was 33 very the canadian Prime Minister said no other music sounded like leonard cohen. Canada and the world will miss him. Global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2600 journalists and analysts in more , i am20 countries sebastian sarlacc, this is bloomberg. Francine will donald trump effect the exit from the eu . Will it strengthen or weaken it in its negotiating hand . Can the u. S. Maintain the special relationship under the leadership of Prime Minister may and the new president donald trump. Joining us from london, lord lamont. A trump election give theresa may and upper hand in negotiating trade with the eu . In athink it will help psychological sense because donald trump is sympathetic to brexit and the eu will be very worried about the relationship with the United States. In a general psychological sense, it will be a boost. There are obvious differences of the the approach brexit government and donald trump in that brexit actually is about pretrade. Opening up opportunities worldwide. On the whole, i think the psychological effect is one that will worry the europeans quite a lot. Odd, the letter that the president of the council sent to the american president. I think they are nervous. Francine because they are, would it not be going a step further. If you have a president elect casting doubts on the u. S. Commitment to nato, given the strength of the british military, even the intelligence of the british military, does it not mean that the eu will have to be a lot more friendly with theresa may . Guest i think what you say about nato i was ignoring that dimension, sorry. You are right. Be verypeans will anxious to have britains commitment to nato reaffirmed. They will come under a lot of pressure to increase defense spending. But they will be very anxious. Britain, for example, contributes men to the defense it is baltic states, doing it on a large scale. That will be something they will be anxious to continue. Theresa may has made that clear it will be part of the negotiation. Not just about the terms of britains trade with the eu, but also about how contribution on intelligence, counterterrorism, security and nato. Do you believe the same, adam . Stance,globalization does it mean the u. K. Can be a saving partner for the eu, even if they decide to brexit . Adam i think the eu has always been a bridge between the other countries of the eu and the United States. It just so happens its role there may change to more of a geopolitical one rather than economic. With some interesting industries. U. K. Nk they u. S. , partnership will continue. Keeping industries are calm and waiting to see what the new administrations policies are likely to be. There is divergence between what we have heard so far. On one hand, protectionist. On the other hand, new freetrade deals with countries like the u. K. Deny the factt that the new president elect has a sentimental relationship with the u. K. , and family links. You could play in our favor as we look to future relationships. What are the similarities between a donald Trump Presidency and brexit . Adam i dont really see any similarities. Is an exit brexit after Common Market after 43 years, a change in the way a country sees itself. The u. S. President ial election is a transfer of power within that country. I dont see similarities. I do see two things coming together at a particular time that will be important from the perspective of business. That neither disrupts our ability to trade across borders or continue to be competitive in the world. That is why we look to the u. K. Government to give us the ability and clarity in the months ahead. Francine you actively campaigned for the brexit. Do you see any similarities . Guest i agree with what adam said. I want to emphasize that, because the Prime Minister has made it clear that brexit implies that britain will be a leader in the fight for open trade. Will be seeking to visit dismantle trade barriers rather than put them out. Thatnly real similarity people can see between brexit and what happened in the United States is that both of them were slightly antiestablishment, unexpected. But that should not cause one to put the two together. I want to stress that brexit is ,ot xena phobic, antiforeigner far from it. It is time to widen the horizons of the eu, which is rather narrow and protectionist and nationalistic. Francine was the brexit vote against authority . We are seeing a little of that in the u. S. And markets rallying on the fact that we are hoping that donald trump will reflate the economy i focusing on Infrastructure Spending. Will we see the same in the u. K. . Guest i dont think the brexit vote was an antiausterity vote. There was an element of those who felt they had been left behind in the industrial areas. That was there, but was not the predominant element in the brexit voting, quite the way it was a strong element in donald trump vote. U. K. , you will see a slight move towards fiscal policy spending, but i dont intending is it to loosen the Purse Strings in a way that some people are talking about. Find the Infrastructure Spending he announced november, 23rd will be modest. There will be a lot of small projects. Maybe the reannouncement of some big projects. That seems to happen on these occasions. Happening in the United States and what the markets are saying will happen. That is not what will happen here. Look at adam, when you what the Global Economy could look like under president donald trump, it is clear that the emerging markets are seeing a selloff. How will that affect your members . Adam u. K. Businesses have trading business relationships all around the world. The u. S. Is the single biggest, and many within the European Union that make up the bulk of our trade. The u. K. Has tried to improve its increase its presence in emerging markets. A bit of turbulence in emerging markets is less likely to affect the average u. K. Exporter that it is other countries that are more exposed to those markets. However, there are systemic effects from concerns in emerging markets. We will be keeping a close eye on that. But it is not an immediate concern. How much concerned you have for a rising town . Investors concerned about the what the world economy, Foreign Policy will look like under theld trump means that benefits are going to the pound, sterling climbed against its 31 major peers. Will that hurt the u. K. Economy . This was a benefit of brexit, after all. Guest we cant have it every way, can we . The pound has gained a little bit. But there has been a significant devaluation from the preexit level brexit level. They indicated they thought the pound was overvalued by 15 or so. We had a huge account deficit. Through this phenomenon of the pound falling up to 20 , i dont think it would be a good idea if it went all the way back. We are not in control. I dont think that is going to happen. The pound will probably settle at what will be a sensible level. From the point of view of reducing our current deficit. There is some interesting forecast coming through about taking into account the investment account, as well. Pastnt account could move back to surplus quickly. Francine one other thing i was hoping to ask. Are you disappointed by the slowness of the certainties about the exit . Are you worried we already dont know the form brexit will take . Honestly, i think this is a lot of nonsense. We do know what the government are aiming for. The government are aiming for the best possible access. Code for a treat Free Trade Agreement between britain and the eu. Theyre seeking for control of immigration and combining that with access to the Single Market , and i think they will be seeking something because Financial Services do not face tariffs, they will be looking at something based on equivalence to get something similar to passport and rights. I believe this is negotiable. You cant expect a government to go into much more detail beyond those headlines because there are lots of things that if they dont get all they want, one against the other. There are those saying we dont know the details are either being unrealistic. It may be nonsense, but this is what ceos are asking. It is not me making it up. Want is clarity on where they can invest and how and in what time frame. Adam the very first thing our members want is for the government to take actions on the things within their control. Infrastructure, we would like to the firstthe was hinckley, the second was heathrow, the third is highspeed railroad. We would like to see infrastructure projects. These are things the u. K. Directly. Controls we understand uncertainty around the negotiations and the process. The best thing they can do is create the best Business Environment at home. Businesses will continue trading if we have that environment. Incentives to invest would not be bad either. Francine thank you so much. Both, thank you so much for joining us. We will have to get you back soon. Stay with surveillance. The trump shakeout. The markets winners and losers of the week of elections. Stress theymakers Central Banks political independence post trump. Still on track for a december hike, how highest Political Risk . Withlk trump transition the former u. S. Agriculture secretary under bill clinton. This is bloomberg. Francine breaking news on a deadly attack of the german consulate in afghanistan. That heavilyrting armed taliban militants launched an attack on the consulate in the afghan city. That was late last night or early this morning depending on where you live. It has been injuring a lot of afghan personnel, it has killed six. Have been injured. Week Donald Trumps president elect, it has huge implications for Foreign Policy and the u. S. Commitment to nato. We will wrap up this week and markets. Mark i will look a global stocks and bonds. The white light is capital bonds. It has risen by 1. 3 trillion over a trillion dollars has been added to global stocks this week. Most of those gains did come on monday before the election. Is how more significant global bonds have fared. The blue line is the Bloomberg Global aggregate index. Global aggregate index which has fallen by 1 trillion this week. Only the second time in two decades that has happened. China stock market entered able market today, rising 20 from january. Boosting thes lower equity. A huge divergence this week between equities and between bonds, as well. That is stocks versus bonds. Emergingmarket assets have seen a slump this week. We are talking currencies and equities. Both emerging markets index, the blue line andthe the emerging markets currency index, the white line have fallen this week. Four month lows. Both down to four month lows. There is fear emerging economies will face capital outflows and weakening exports once donald trump is in the white house. A significant move in emergingmarket assets. Huge moves among metals. The industrial metal sub index has risen 10 this week. The highest since june 2015. This is on hope that chinese demand will curb and donald trump will boost spending on infrastructure, which will boost the other of copper. 16 higher, biggest gain ever. The best developed stock . Eight, which provides building materials, comes from the u. S. It all comes back to trump. On hopes of Infrastructure Spending. I love that chart. I have one later on that although there is a lot of copper strength, if you charge it with the peso, the story is not quite that we are going to spend ourselves out of it. Thank you so much. Next month is a reasonable time to raise rates and he hasnt changed his outlook on the economy since donald trump became president elect. While the result caught people by surprise, it certainly breaks gridlock in washington which has been a key complaint of how the economy has operated, at least over the last six years. That divided government. You dont have divided government. Many are wondering what that means or what would happen, trying to assess that. That is natural. Lets welcome the former u. S. Secretary of agriculture in bill clintons. Michael mckee also joins us now. Thoughts int your the second but first of all, what have we learned in the fast past four days about where the economy is going . We havent learned a whole lot because we dont know where it is going under president trump. That he plans to cut taxes and spend more on infrastructure. How much and how successful appeal be . Many can speak to how difficult it is to get a tax package through congress. But what we do know is that he plans to increase Fiscal Health to the economy. ,he one thing we have learned Inflation Expectations have shot higher over the last couple of days. That is probably what will influence the fed more than anything else. If that continues, we are likely a higher forecast for inflation, perhaps more a rapid rate of race rate increases. Up. Cine lets pull it this is inflation. You can see, the biggest impact to the economy though will be fiscal stimulus. What we see here is consumption expenditures versus deficit in gdp. This brings us back to what reagan did. Given the composition of the have said they were against president obama spending more. What have you learned over the last three days on what the shape of the u. S. Economy will be 12 months from now . I think it is pretty unpredictable. Idea which way trump will go. We have reason to believe there will be a large infrastructure package next year. Two reasons. We need it, and there has to be something he does to produce jobs. His whole campaign was about jobs. It was a whole part of the infrastructure package. Three, most members of congress in both parties want to see more on sewers and water systems, that kind of thing. I dont know the size of the package, but i think that will be his first big initiative. Francine does it mean the rest of the world will be far worse off . We are trying to figure our a donald Trump Presidency is a good thing. I have my own views on this thing. The american political system is resilient. We have checks and balances, the separation of hours. If the president goes far too far, congress will tend to be a counter action. Radicalsee anything as as some people see. At least i hope not. That is why the markets have been reasonably stable, reasonably bullish. Francine but will he be able to how do you fund all of that Infrastructure Spending . And will it work . There are ways to fund it. You can raise the gas tax. You can set up a National Infrastructure bank. We could rechange americas budget policy to have a capital budget. There are ways to do it. Mostly the states do it now. Federal government doesnt do it. But we have a massive infrastructure need in america. Airports, water systems, sewer systems. Lets see if he puts his money where his mouth is. It is the few one of the few places where you can produce jobs. Does he need to put in his cabinet, democrats . Yes. Clintonought secretary would win and needed to put republicans in his cabinet. He needs political and gender diversity in his cabinet. We will see. I hope he has learned a lesson from last election. ,e have a diverse country demographics are changing, and it would be a positive step to have a diverse. Francine will we know when the next two weeks . It would probably take through the month of december to get people in place. He has to convince people to join his administration. When writing came to office, he had Business People who had been with him while he was governor of california, had worked for him, raised money for him. Donald trump does not bring that to the table. He is starting from scratch. He says he wants smart Business People. We will see who is interested. I was a Junior Member of congress when reagan was in congress. Differences, reagan had been governor for years. He had people of great stature around him. He had a wife who was very interested in reserving Ronald Reagans legacy. We are in a whole new ballgame now. Francine we certainly are. Thank you so much. Michael mckee, our economics editor. Tom keene joins us. We will be looking at fiscal spending and the markets. Francine the emerging market season is concerned about capital outflows and weaker trade as commodities and equities get a boost. Thewipeout, bonds extend sellout as treasuries either worst week since 2009. Market and its bear on it. This is bloomberg surveillance. I am francine aqua here in new york. What a week. Its been a week. We are looking at the new york post. Tom for the global audience, this is the summary of the majesty seen yesterday at the white house area there is so much to talk about to give a broader view this morning and you have the new york times. Francine this is very similar. Comp and obama meet to break the ice. I wish i could listen to Michelle Obama speaking to a lot

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