The highest calling of mankind ive often thought was private equity. Then i started interviewing. I watched your interview so i know how to do interviews. I learned from doing my interviews how leaders make it to the top. I asked how much he wanted, he said 250. I did not negotiate. David i have something id like to sell. And how they stay there. You dont feel inadequate now because youre only the second wealthiest man in the world, is that right . One of the most admired people in the world is dr. Jane goodall. About 60 years ago she moved to africa to study chimpanzees. What she learned revolutionize our understanding of what nonhumans can do. Today she is devoting herself to inspiring young people around the world to do much more to protect the climate and the environment for animals in africa and all over the world. I had a chance to sit down with dr. Jane goodall recently and learn firsthand why this woman, 89 years old, is still so admired and dedicated to helping make the planet a better place. So, thank you very much for coming here and we will go through a lot of what youve done on the things that made you make you so popular. On your last name, that kind of describes everything. Good all. You ever thought of changing it to good for all because you are doing some any other things were great all . Dr. Goodall we do have dr. Good for all news. In the media we need to know the doom and the gloom. We do. But i like to give more time to the amazing people and wonderful projects around the world that you read and people will say, wow, they did that, we could do it too. David you inspired a lot of people and a lot of people here read about what you have done. Lets go through how this came about at the outset. You grew up in london, or england, and when you are one years old, you were given a book about chimpanzees, is that true . Dr. Goodall it was my father who i didnt know because it was just before world war ii and he joined up as soon as war was declared. But he gave me a stuffed chimpanzee, jubilee, it was the name for the first chimpanzee born in the london zoo, the jubilee of queen george and mary, i suppose, and they took him everywhere with me. But, people have the misapprehension that because of that, i study chimpanzees, it wasnt true, the chimpanzee interest began, i finally saved up money, i had a be a waitress, we had no money in my family, we couldnt even afford university. So high did this boring old secretarial cores, then i got invited to kenya by a school friend, so i worked as a waitress to save up the fair. I wouldve studied any animal. I was 10 years old when my dream was go to africa, live with wild animals in my book is about them. Why, because i was in love with tarzan. David you did that i 10 years old. You told your mother you would like to go to africa and see the chimpanzees and what did she say . Dr. Goodall not the chimpanzees, i wouldve studied anything. David what did your mother say to anything . Dr. Goodall my mother attribute a great deal of who i am and what ive done to the wise way that she brought me up. She was supportive. So when i said i wanted to go to africa, everybody laughed at me, how will you do that, africas far away, its dangerous, and you are just a girl. Remember this is going back 70 years now, but my mother said, if you really want to do this, you are going to have to work really hard, take advantage of every opportunity. And if you dont give up, hopefully you will find a way. David you save your money and you told your parents you were going to africa, they didnt say, that was nice to talk about, but you cant do it. Dr. Goodall my father was still away, they divorced. And it was my mother. And she just said, well, stick with it. If you want to do it. Do you know how many people have written to me and said, jane, i want to thank you because you did it, i can do it too. David so you did this at the age of 23, how did you pick which part of africa . How did you get to tanzania, for example . Dr. Goodall my friends parents had bought a farm in kenya and the famous paleontologist, louis leakey, he gave me this opportunity to go and study not just any animal, but the one most like us, chimpanzee. I would have studied a mouse if i could be out in the african david lewis leakey was the famous paleontologist who came up with a theory that humans pretty much evolved out of Southern Africa and he was famous for that. Did you get to know him . Dr. Goodall very well. I told you i had to do that boring secretarial cores. When i heard about lewis leakey and going to see him, his secretary had just left. He needed a secretary. Here i was surrounded by people who can answer all my questions about the animals, the birds and everything. David at one point you said, i really want to go live with the chimpanzees. Dr. Goodall no, i didnt. David as i said, you didnt say that, right. What did you say . Dr. Goodall i told him i wanted to study animals. Although i hadnt been to college, he believed that i could do it. He was looking for someone for 10 years, he told me, to go and study not just any animal, but our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees. David so he said, ok. How long did you work for him before he said you could do this. A year. So he said, you can do this, but did he just give you guidance or tell you where to go . Dr. Goodall no, he didnt have money, so it took him a year to get the money. Tanzania, where the chimpanzees were an hour, is still part of the british protectorate. And the authorities the british authorities said we wont take responsibility for this young girl, but he never gave up so in the end they said, yes, but she cannot come alone. So who volunteered, that same, amazing supportive mother. David your mother came with you to africa to study the chimpanzees . Dr. Goodall she didnt do the studying, she looked after the camp. David when you do get there to live with the chimpanzees, you are supposed to live with them, is that right . Dr. Goodall live with them and learn with them. David did you get a tent or something . I they dangerous, werent you worried they might attack you . Dr. Goodall well, for me, we had an old ex army tent, mom and i, between us. No mosquito windows, nothing like that. And i would go happily up into the mountains every morning, following my dream. Mom would be left in the camp. And if you wanted air in that tent, you rolled up the side flaps and in came air, but also scorpions, spiders, snakes, which i dont mind, but poor mom. David you set up a tense how did you engage the chimpanzees, how did you get close to them, how did you not worry about them attacking you and how did you befriend them . Dr. Goodall with great difficulty. Remember, i had money for six months, for four of those months they ran away as soon as they saw me. I knew, given time, that i could win their trust. But did i have the time days turned to weeks, turn to months. It was wonderful because mom boosted my morale and said, jane, with your binoculars you see how chimps Wander Around by themselves, in small groups, big groups. You are learning about the course they make, the foods they eat. How they make messes at night. She really helped to boost my morale. David you are not trained as a scientist so you use your powers of observation to see what they were doing . Dr. Goodall yes, and my inborn love of animals, my curiosity, my fascination. Leakey told me nothing. He never even visited. David when you go to see the chimpanzees, you first engage them, do you give them food or something . Dr. Goodall no, i tried to get them used to me. It was very sad. It was just two weeks after mom left that i saw this one famous chimpanzee, very handsome, he was the first one to lose his fear and on this special day, i saw him using grass stems to fish termites from their nest. David does he get lonely out there were is due on the chimpanzees . Theres no cell phones, anything. Dr. Goodall we didnt even have lab computers at that time. Lonely, never. David all day, whatd you do . Look at the chimpanzees, try to get close to them . Dr. Goodall try to get close. Sometimes i stayed out, if they nested, i would have supper with mom, then i would go back out so i could be near them in the morning. I was scared of leopards. Back then we had leopards. I would hear them at night when i was up there alone with my little blanket. And i would hear the leopards hunting sound and i would think, pulled the blanket over my head. David did you ever say to yourself, how did i get myself into this or did you always say, im glad doing this. Dr. Goodall i was following my dream, they were the best days of my life. David eventually you go back to the doctor and give them a report on what you learn. In that report you kind of change the perception around the world of chimpanzees because people thought, at that time, as i understand it, that chimpanzees are not capable of making tools, only humans could do that. And you discovered that they make tools for what purpose . Dr. Goodall fishing for termites, crumpling leaves to get water from a hollow in a tree that they cannot reach with your lips. David did you eat the term ants termites . Dr. Goodall i had to eat one just to say i gaves done so. David after you gave your report, he sent it to somebody and people said, how could this woman, not trained as a scientist, come up with the discovery that we famous scientists did not know about. Dr. Goodall they were extremely arrogant, most of them, and they were saying things like, shes just a girl, shes a Straight Arrow from england, why should we believe her. One even said, maybe she taught the chimps to use tools. As they were running away at the time. David eventually, National Geographic decides to get a photographer to come over. Dr. Goodall National Geographic came after leakey approach them and said we will fund her research. David National Geographic came over and was able to get people interested in this because of what reason . Dr. Goodall this is what the scientist said, the scientist said the geographics giving her money because they can put her on the cover because shes got nice legs. If that would happen today, there would be a lawsuit it was a different world back then. I thought, if my legs got me the money to do what i wanted to do, i say, thank you, legs. David National Geographic sent the photographer over, said the pictures, it became a famous article and then you became pretty wellknown. Did you decide to go back to england and do Something Else then, get your phd . Dr. Goodall no, he wrote to me and said, i picked you because you had not been to university in your brain wasnt cluttered up with it. The very arrogant way scientist treated animals back then as mere things, but he said, i want you to be respected by other scientists, so you must get a degree. He said you should do a phd in a follow g. I did not know what a solid gman, study and behavior. David you skip the undergraduate part and got a phd. Dr. Goodall i was very nervous. You can imagine, ive never been to college. Just imagine what i felt like when i was told by the scientists, well, first of all, you shouldnt have given the chimpanzee names. If you are proper scientist, you give them numbers, then they said, you cant talk about their personalities, their minds or their emotions, those are unique to us. They also said, you must not have empathy with your subject because a good scientists is subjective, and if you have empathy, you cannot be objective, which is rubbish. David you got your phd, did you decide to teach at cambridge or go back to africa . I was staying back in between because i was still learning. David chimpanzees he discovered are not as nice as you wanted them to be, they kill each other from time to time, is that right . The nails are territorial and if they see an individual from a neighboring community, communities are about 50. In that individual probably died. David when you go away, go back to england, come back, they recognize you . How did they befriend you when you come back, do they bring you a gift or do they bring you something . Dr. Goodall i never wanted that kind of relationship. Diane fosse with a curlers, she did. Like looking through a window, i wanted to watch the behavior as it is, without me being in the picture. David for many years you are living in africa, no electricity, no cell phones, no television, none of the important things you need in life to get by. Dr. Goodall they are not that important at all. David so, obviously they can talk to each other. Is it possible that humans cap conveys some type of language to chimpanzees and teach them how to add, was in that what you are working on at some point, teaching them words and how did that work . Dr. Goodall i never have, but chimpanzees can be taught sign language and they can learn up to about several hundred words that deaf people use. From that you can learn fascinating things. For example, some chimpanzees learned to paint or draw. Not all of them. These are captive ones, of course. But one young chimpanzee, she was four years old, she used to fill her page with lovely lines of different colors. On this occasion, she made a drawing like that. So her teacher handed the paper back and signed, finish. So the chimpanzee looked at it and handed it back and said, finish. And so this went on about two times. Then, the teacher had the brains to say, what is it, and the chimpanzee signed back, able a full a human doing a bowl would do a bowl. What has the chimp done . And that gives you a whole new feeling of looking at the world through the eyes of the chimp. She is drawing the movement. David why do you think people are so fascinated by what you have achieved in your life . When you were doing this, you didnt do it for world acclaim, you did it because you are interested. It turns out the world is fascinated by what youve done with your life. Why do you think that is, do people love chimpanzees or the dedication you shown . They just admire your courage to do this . Why do you think you are so loved . Dr. Goodall i think you should ask somebody else. David some people are fascinated by the chimps, basically children. Some people love that i was a woman. I think of myself as a human, i dont care about the mail, female pit. David do you think a man could have done this better than you did this . No. Dr. Goodall there are amazing mail people studying apes, but it just happened it was me. David a lot of people, when they turn 89 they want to chill out a little bit and relax, maybe spend time with her grandkids, you are not slowing down any. Dr. Goodall i truly feel i was put on this planet with a mission, and right now the mission is to give people hope. What does a good Investment Opportunity look like . At t. Rowe price we let curiosity light the way. Asking Smart Questions about opportunities like clean water. 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David most of your life youre devoted to the study of chimpanzees to make sure they are better understood and better appreciated, but in recent years you created the institute, the jane Goodall Institute, what is that designed to do . Dr. Goodall that started in 1977. By then i had a Little Research station. Four of my students were kidnapped and i have everything shut down. So, some friends of mine said, lets start in institute so that this research can carry on. Bless them. So that was 1977 and it was set up to study, conserve chimpanzees and other animals and educate. And it has developed since then, so, weve got 27 jane Goodall Institutes around the world. And then i realized at some point that, the African People living in and around chimpanzee habitats right in africa, were struggling to survive. It was crippling poverty, lack of health and education. Moving deeper into the forest. Being exposed to diseases like ebola and hiv from the chimpanzees, and vice a versa. Suddenly it hit me, if we dont help these people to find ways of making a living without destroying the environment, we cannot conservation wont work. David you have devoted a large part of the Goodall Institute to Climate Change and conservation, is that right . Dr. Goodall yes, absolutely. Right now we face these two existential threats. Climate change, which has changed weather pattern all around the world, even the flooding yesterday, the day before yesterday, and file diversity, and what people dont realize, we are not only part of the natural world, even though we are not cell phones and virtual reality, we feel divorced from nature, we depend on it for food, water, clothing, everything. But what we depend on his healthy ecosystems. In an ecosystem is this magical mix of plants and animals, each one with a role to play. So if you think of it as a beautiful tapestry, every time a species goes from that tapestry, its like pulling a thread until the tapestry hangs in tatters. Then, the ecosystem will collapse. And its happening. David how frequently do you get back to africa, every couple of weeks you are back there now . Dr. Goodall twice a year because my family is there partly. But we also have a big sanctuary for orphaned chimps in congo. We have another one in south africa. Theres one in uganda. I need to go back there. I need to give support to the staff there. I go back, my family, my grandchildren can come with me, so its time. David if you go back now and he wanted to look for some chimpanzees, what you find some that already knew you, and what they recognize you . Dr. Goodall there is just one mother and her daughter that i knew. Since i only go back three or four days at a time, i dont know the new ones, i dont know the children and the young ones. But gremlin i knew intimately. David you are 89 years old. Is that right . 89. Ok. A lot of people, when they turn 89 they want to chill out a little bit and relax, maybe spend time with the grandkids or something, great grandkids. You are not slowing down any at all. You are not sitting on the beach anywhere, going to palm beach or something . Dr. Goodall how can i. This may sound weird to you, but i truly feel i was put on this planet with a mission. And right now the mission is to give people hope because if you dont have hope, you give up, you become apathetic and do nothing, then we are doomed. If our young people give up, we are doomed. So, ok, i dont know how many years i have left, but, when i was young i had this time, and i am coming out towards whenever the end is could be. It could be one year, could be five years, could be 10, could be 20, but im getting closer. I have to speak up because there is so much i still have to do. Thanks to avalara, we can calculate sales tax automatically. Avalarahhhhhh what if tax rates change . 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