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We have the chief executive of the rock n roll hall of fame. Hes going to explain what case, kiss and what nirvana have in common. Microsoft saying it anticipates completing the thech for its next ceo in early part of 2014. Lead independent director john compton wrote in a blog post that the company has identified 100 candidates, talk to several dozen, and has focused on 20 individuals. The senate has moved nearer to passing a bipartisan budget deal that would ease 63 billion in spending cuts. With 12te voted today republicans joining all the chambers democrats. President obama said he will sign the plan into law. This set the stage for a final vote by tomorrow. Back over to you. Executives from 15 Technology Companies went to the white house today to meet president obama. One issue at the top of their list, the u. S. Intelligence activity. White house correspondent Phil Mattingly joins us now. What did Silicon Valley have to say to the president in the white house . A statementased shortly thereafter, and the key point was this the white house needs to move reformingely on those intelligence collection activities as soon as possible. Industry officials tell us the key points that were made are largely in line with the statement of principles eight Tech Companies, including google and facebook and apple, put out last week. They want more transparency. They want the administration to work with them. Since the disclosures by Edward Snowden earlier this year, these companies are facing a major hit the business, business billions of dollars. They need some help, and they need it now. Big development yesterday, a federal judge calling the nsas collection programs likely unconstitutional. Google, microsoft, facebook, how do they fit into what is going on with the legal apparatus . It is interesting. First, they have their own suits that are moving through right now. Where they are focused on is this secret court, the fisc, that is basically compelling them to comply with the governments requests for this for these data points for their customers. What they want is to be able to disclose more information about that. Theyve got their own separate legal track. As far as the case itself, it puts new pressure on the white house. Their task force on the intelligence collection delivered a report, some recommendations. The president is going to speak on those sometime in january. The Tech Companies made their points today. The hope is that the case that is going to right now may actually bolster the case that the white house needs to be more transparent about what they are doing. While that meeting was going on, the white house was actually announcing that they were taking someone from the Technology Sector in order to help them with their health care rollout. Who did they bring in . Thats right. The funny part about this entire meeting is when the Obama Administration set it up, they wanted it to be all about healthcare. Gov. People tell being that Tech Companies would not meet with them unless intelligence issues were brought up. Thats said, a microsoft executive, former microsoft executive, was named over to take over for jeff zients, the overlord of this program, kind of a big mess after the october 1 rollout. He has been overseeing it, trying to stamp out the problems over the last month and half were two months. Ene will take a doubt will take over for jeff zients sometime in february. Thanks very much, Phil Mattingly from washington, d. C. The National Security agency remains under scrutiny because of the Way Technology has been used to gather data. Lets use that to jump off and talk about how technology can be legally used in order to provide some Safe Solutions to some global issues relating to terror. Within the same week, the one year remembrance of sandy hook, the Elementary School massacre in newtown, connecticut, and there was another school shooting, this time in suburban denver, colorado. School administrators are eager for an effective way to protect their students and their faculty. Guest, saysmy next he has a potential solution. Companye ceo of a geared towards streamlining the Emergency Response process. Tell us about the Technology Behind the company that you have. It didnt start off just being about School Safety response. Good evening. Thank you for having me. I have an absolutely incredible job. My company saves lives. We have saved more than 4000 people in the past seven years. Our base business, which we have been doing globally by partnering with the majority of the satellite providers in the world, and through their devices with emergency sos buttons, they can alert us from anywhere. The signals go to our International Emergency coordination center, which is in a nuclear bomb blastproof underground bunker outside of texas staffed by femacertified and incredibly trained technicians. They coordinate rescues on a global basis. For example, if you happen to be a sailor going across the atlantic or you are hiking in the Rocky Mountains and something goes wrong, you push a button, and you are immediately connected with this Response Center in texas . Absolutely. We do that everyday. We save people all over the globe, out in the ocean and mountains, like you said. The third leg of our stool is we provide the coverage to our memberships in order to pay for those rescues. Now you have decided that there is another market, a response to school shootings, to potential violence in the nations schools. Tell us about School Safety response. We were greatly moved and influenced by what happened in newtown, as you mentioned. We realize we could take our technology in our core strengths and apply them not just to individuals, but to an overall School Safety solution. Again, we look at three Different Things, our three core strengths. The first is, almost everyone has a smartphone. Have a button. School bus driver, or administrator can push the button. It sends an alert to my Response Center. The beauty and the secret sauce of this is we create a conference with First Responders and law enforcement, and that gives them Situational Awareness is they are responding. What is going on inside the school, the location of the person who pushed the button, and they are able to hear and listen, discreetly if necessary, or to chat back and forth, in order to provide the right response. Is the frequency on which this operates any different from what a regular mobile telephone call would operate . That is the beauty of it. There is no infrastructure to install. We use what everybody has, their existing cell phones, any smart phone. We can install a solution in an hour or two at any school. We are not tied to the school. There are field trips, off campus, the football field. The solution travels everywhere. Youre able to provide safety for schools. As far as making the connection between your Response Center and First Responders who might be in the community, do those individuals in the Fire Departments and various law enforcement, do they have to sign up for this, as well . Absolutely not. We conference them in immediately. We are able to give them detailed information about the school and patch them in if necessary, so that if they recommend either actuation or locked down they are able to communicate. Is this an expensive solution . How do you end up making money with this . It is quite inexpensive because it doesnt require any infrastructure. Your own device. To be honest with you, the way we like to say it, it is the equivalent of two big macs and to coax two cokes per year. What about the security of the communications that would exist . It is absolutely secure. It comes either through your cell phone connection or over the data connection. We protect all the integrity of that, and no one can listen in, except for the First Responders or Police Department who are coordinating any kind of rescue. Are there any kind of specific numerical goals you would like to see for adoption, lets say in the next 612 months . We are the guys behind the buggy. We think we have a powerful, eloquent solution that can be deployed easily,apidly, at low cost. In fact, anyone who would like to have has it been diploid yet . It has. We have trials going on at the Steiner School in manhattan. Long island, the Middletown School district. We would like to invoice invite any concerned parent to come to our website where they can nominate their school and request a free trial. Thank you very much for joining me, david ruby, the chief executive of geos. What does it to you like to actually win around a racetrack at the speeds of 200 Miles Per Hour . Later on, i will ask the 2013 nascar nationwide rookie of the year, kyle larson. Coming up next, to stay on the racetrack, but it is digital. A look ahead to the top videogame player in the world and why in a racing game a ford is his topic of the holiday season. While slaying bosses in my next guest simultaneously amassed fans in the hundreds of thousands in youtube and on twitter. He holds eight gaming world records, and he has also parlayed his Gaming Experience into a very nice sixfigure income. He joins me now to discuss his favorite games, and also who is going to win the console wars and how became the worlds top gamer. Athene, good to have you with us. Do you just call yourself athene because it is easier in the world of online game playing . It is actually my name in the gaming world, my interactive name. How did you get start and this started in this world of gaming . You have a lot of world titles. You have probably played every videogame i can imagine. I have been playing video games since i was eight years old. Up, i started playing more and more games. Here i am. Were your parents ever concerned about your game playing habits and saying, stop playing video games, go to school . I actually had a really good grades at school. Even though i couldnt play during the week, during the weekends, i could play. I grew up playing responsibly. There were some rules in the house print every parent needs to know this. Tell us about the games right now. Lets start out with some of your titles. How did you get into this world . The way i got into the world was actually really random. I started playing world of warcraft back in the days. I broke several records when i started playing. Uploading videos on youtube, that is when i really blew up. When you talk about breaking records, what do you mean . You are able to reach certain , and as athis game result, you end up being the head of the class . You also play against other players. When you top the rankings, that is how you are like, yeah, im one of the best. What are some of your favorites right now . League of legends right now is one of my favorite games. It is actually has actually it is amazing what they are doing. It is pretty crazy. There are tournaments where you can make more than 1 million. It is pretty crazy what is going on with the gaming scene. We also have microft. I am working with making mincrafts next server. Gone home is another top game this year. What about racing games . There is one on the xbox one. It is a very popular racing game. It is really cool. Xboxox 360 or the new versus playstation . Do you have a choice right now . Reviews, thehe playstation 4 has superior tech, but the xbox one has a better launch. You recommend if someone is trying to get better at this game or any game and they have parents that they want to deal with, what would be the best solutions to get better . I think having the right gear really helps. I myself am sponsored by razor. They have amazing gear that can give you an advantage in the gaming scene. It is almost like you can compare it with sports. You also have special gear for the gaming industry. Special gear for the gaming industry . Indeed. Do you have a particular thing . Just tell me one thing you think everybody ought to have. Crack and pro. Who knew . Athene, thinks therein much, the worlds top videogame. Coming up, it is time to strap him with the rising star in nascar. Kyle larson is going to be here to tell us how hes going for the checkered flag, next on taking stock. The Talent Agency landscape ofld be on the verge significant change. Silver Lake Partners is said to be poised to buy img worldwide for more than 2 billion. We got Cristina Alesci a Bloomberg News for some insight into these stories. Why would silver lake want to acquire ing . Not forget silver lake owns a stock and William Morris endeavor, another huge agency made are that has really name for itself, partially runss to ari emanuel who that agency. Here we could see a potential wme, williamf morris endeavor, with eventually img. Again, this is a deal that is very unusual. The seller is being acquired by a buyer who is much smaller. Has to swallow a much bigger fish. And you look at its business, when you look at imgs business, it has 3500 employees. Has muchorris endeavor fewer. This is definitely going to reshape the game. Have ant really licensing business in the sense that img does a lot of College Sport licensing. That has been the main driver of a lot of growth, both on the topline and bottomline. This brings William Morris into a much different game now. Assumptions,ot of a lot of cap locations with this deal. One of the things that was complicated the deal was the fact that they had to go out and raise money. William morris endeavor had to go out and raise money. A lot of that is indexed. There are some concerns about whether or not this new company will be able to shoulder the new debt that is going to be involved. Christina, just to give some has a about it, img fashion model representation business. They also represent musical artists. By ari it is run emanuel, the brother of the mayor of chicago, former chief of staff to president obama, correct . William morris endeavor, the buyer, is run by ari emanuel. He will be the head of the new company . Hypothetically, yes. That presents another discussion about culture clash. Ari has a strong reputation for a strong personality. That could come into play when you talk about some big personalities over at img. When of these kinds of Companies Come together, those are questions that are always coming up. We are going to have to see how this integration plays out, but ari does have a track record in integrating talent agencies. William morris endeavor, after all, was created when you combined William Morris with endeavor. Very much, bloombergs Cristina Alesci. Lets continue with img, a major player when it comes to representing sports, athletes, as well as producing sports programming. Our next guest is becoming a star in his own right. Kyle larson was the nascar rookie of the year. This upcoming year, he will not only be racing in the nationwide spirit series, but also the sprint cup series. It is a pleasure, kyle. Thanks for coming in. I have been busy in new york, driving around. It is not the same kind of traffic. I think we need to bring some of these taxidrivers onto to the racetrack. They would do a good job. Tell us about the first time you got into nascar. What was it like . Untilidnt get into it 2012. I havent been in it a whole lot, very long, but i had a blast with it. I think i got night or something my first race. I have been a big fan of nascar growing up, as a child, a big fan of jeff gordon and guys like that. Im glad to be up in the cup series now and get to compete with those guys. 17 top 10 nationwide finishes in 2013. You are changing cars. What is going on . Into thethe promotion cup series. Im really excited about next year. Thefully, ill get to 20 2014 sprint nascar rookie of the year. We are looking forward to getting next season started. What is your training regimen like in order to prepare for going around the track at 200 Miles Per Hour . There are a lot of drivers that do a lot of training. My training more comes from i raise a lot more than anyone else does. To 100120 times a year. That is my working out. I know jimmie johnson, like you said, he is a super workout guy. Maybe someday i will get to the gym and get to running. Well, keep us uptodate on the progress of the 2014 season. Thank you very much, kyle larson. Coming up on taking stock, kiss is the fan favorite, nirvana is in the first time. We will bring in the rock n roll hall of fame class of 2014. We have the chief executive, next. Onhis is taking stock bloomberg. Line to go to bottom anchor mark crumpton. Among u. S. Ce homebuilders increased more than forecast in december, matching the highest level in eight years. At build her confidence rose in the three of four regions. Jefferies group says profit rose stock underwriting more than doubled, and the Investment Banking reached a record. The Securities Firm reported net income of 120 million, a rise of 71 . 6 million from a year earlier. Ukraine has secured 15 billion worth of russian financing at a one third discount on energy imports. This is russian president Vladimir Putin who has said russian will russia will buy Government Debt this year and next. Antigovernment protesters flocked independent square on hearing news of the agreement, demanding to know what ukraine may have given up and return. Coming up tonight at 7 00 p. M. New york time, we will talk about amc and its initial Public Offering with paul sweeney of bloomberg industries. We will see why people are still willing to pay for a movie ticket when they can watch most movies in the comfort of their own homes. That is on bottom line coming up in about 90 minutes. Thank you. The rock n roll hall of fame announced its 2014 inductees in the performance. Category, cat stevens, peter gabriel, hall and oates, kiss, nirvana, and linda ronstadt. At the ceremony will take place thursday, april 10 at the Barclays Center in brooklyn, new york. Theharassment president of the rock n roll hall of Fame Foundation joins me now. Weve got nascar. I used to work at William Morris. There is a theme, img worldwide. Lets go back. Before you became the head of the rock n roll hall of Fame Foundation, you had a variety of jobs in the world of entertainment. Start us off with your love of music and how that has transitioned through Madison Square garden i want to mention the concerts for new york. Kid, i realized that i had zero musical aptitude, but i used a love to listen to the radio and buy records and do things. As i got older, in high school into college, i was trying to figure out, there is money to be made here. I cannot sing. I cannot play an instrument. This is when you were growing up in pittsburgh . I ended up working for a concert promoter, starting as a security guard, running hospitality, working on things when i was going to college, and then somebody told me the way to get into business there are people that have training programs. I came up and interviewed with the William Morris agency and a number of others. I took the job with William Morris because friendly that is the only one my parents had heard about the time. I started in the mailroom. Carts, answering phones, becoming an assistant to an agent, learning the business, and growing up in that business. You have learned really the nuts and bolts of will of everything you can consider when putting together a big music concert . Ive always started on the live site. I started with booking, how to get the artist, how to produce their shows, and eventually when i went to work at Madison Square garden, it was the same business, but the other side. Instead of selling acts, we were ,uying ask, trying to keep them Madison Square garden, radio city as full as possible. That led me to the job at the rock n roll hall of fame, which has been able to take all of the things ive learned in being able to use them to do everything we can to produce events, like we do at the annual induction ceremony, and also look over and oversee things that happen at the museum in cleveland. Lets talk about some of the inductees this year. Kiss has been a fan favorite for a long time. Says, whatsomebody you do, and i tell them what i do, i get that, how come . How come soandso isnt in their . That forbeen one like years. There is no rhyme and reason to it. Artists, after they become eligible after 25 years this year, they got on the ballot. They got enough votes to be in. Top vote getter from the fan ballot that we started for the second year. Nirvana . Nirvana is an iconic band from their time. There are certain artists in their period that set a standard for all other artists that come after them. They created a new sound, a new feel, and they are really one of the first time first bands that are firsttime eligible, getting in there the first time. Peter gabriel. Beenter gabriel has incredibly groundbreaking on his use of world rhythms, his use of video. He really set himself apart from what he did in genesis to make himself an iconic artist. All of these artists cat stevens, hall and oates they all have their niche. Everyone has been able to kind of create a name for themselves and a type of music that has has really really has been recognized around the world. Linda ronstadt, not only iconic in terms of who she is as a person, but also her music. Not only that, but where she started, she was really the sound of Southern California in that time. Thoseou look at the band, who became the eagles brown was her friend at the time they created the sound that has really influenced a generation of female vocalists. You also helped to create an economic renaissance in cleveland. Ellis about the role that the rock n roll hall of fame plays in that city. We also have a library that just opened up recently. The museum is just a generator of tourism for the Northern Ohio market. We have been able to estimate that on a yearly basis we bring in over 100 million to the region because of the 500,000 people that go through the museum. 10 are from 9 ohio. People come from all over. They help us fund being able to do exhibits, do the deep Educational Programs we do it amusing that work with kids from prek to college. We also keep the exhibits and the place really vibrant. Why are you holding the ceremony next year at the Berkeley Center . What we have done the last ace rs, it used to be a small industryonly event. We really wanted to get an opportunity for fans to be able to come in and enjoy this show. Not being able to see the show on hbo, which it will be on in may, but being able to buy a ticket and celebrate with their favorite acts. Last year, we did it at the nokia theatre in los angeles. Sold out. A brilliant night. It just worked out from availability at the Barclays Center, the right place, and they were aggressive about wanting the event. Can you tell us one artist that did not get in that did not get in then maybe we can look forward to in the future . People are not cut off when they dont get in. You are always eligible. Who can vote . The voters are made up of past inductees. They are made up of other people in the music industry, writers, critics, authors. Last year, we started the fan ballot, which this year had over one million votes. It gives the opportunity for fans to get a vote. To thank you very much, the chief executive and president of the rock n roll hall of Fame Foundation. Look to april 10 the show will be on hbo in may. Coming up next on taking stock, reviver, the company that sought saw its ad go viral this week. First, a look at what wall street has on its agenda for tomorrow, i want to go to carol massar for our bloomberg brief report. Day. The u. S. , it is fed the fmoc will release its latest white decision. Chairman ben bernanke will speak at a news conference. He will address of the taper talk surrounding the central bank. In europe, eu finance ministers will hold an emergency meeting in brussels. Earningswe will get from a few companies that include oracle, fedex, and general mills. For more, head to bloombergbvrief bloombergbrief. Com. My next guests have created a product called breath mints for your clothes. The face of reviver happens to be the daughter of the actor tom selleck. Her name is hanna. She is appearing in ads featuring a variety of situations in which you might need a reviver. Lets get more details from the creators of reviver. Thank you for being here. Lets start off, maybe you can explain to people what exactly is reviver, and where did this idea come from . I will actually show you. It looks like a handy wipe. It is actually reusable. You would hold up your shirt like this, have a few wipes on your hair and clothes, and youre instantly fresh. We initially invented the product to get rid of smoke for cigarette smokers. People have that Scarlet Letter on them after they take a quick smoke break. Thats why we invented the market and the product, to fill that need, but it has become so much bigger. Weve had military members. To clean their rucksack and to clean their clothes in the field. We have mothers with babies who stood up on their clothes, and they want to use reviver without having to change every couple hours. It is a fun product that again started for smokers and has just become something fun and great. Do you use this . I do. How many do you use a regular basis . They are reusable. I can have one of my pocket that i can use for a week. 2030 uses is what we say. How did you get into this business . Its not like you got a pedigree in air fresheners. Exactly. I was a buyer for neiman marcus. I was used to hearing differentiated pitches of new and unique products. I heard my brother, and i was like, that is a really different product and something i got excited about. I was happy to help them try to take this to market. Where did you get the money to start this business . It was familyfinanced. We had a father that believed in us. It kind of went that way. Now we are going and blowing, and we are actually Going International next week. We will be selling in japan. What is the scale of the business . Right now, we are in every walgreens in the country and every petco in the country. We are very lucky to partner with two great retailers already. We have sold 300 thousand units. It is less than the year into this thing. We are off to a very good start. Irchbox . Boxx b tell people what it is. It has about 400 thousand qualified customers, people who have opted in to receive the latest and greatest products. We have to find ways to get directly to the consumer. The Hannah Selleck campaign was a great way for us to create a conversation. It is the same kind of thing for getting our product and customers hands. People pay a monthly fee. They get a boxx of the hottest new products. This is one of them . It is a way to get to a lot of people and create a Critical Mass of customers to get to know about the product and continue purchasing. At the risk of inserting my low for in my mouth, maybe you can tell us about another way you have found to attract attention to reviver. That has to do with an ad campaign that seems to have attracted how many people . Many, many people. Youtube, going viral. The impressions generated by this campaign have blown us away. Hannah selleck is an equestrian. She is used to being around the farm, smelly situations. We got this great idea to show her in these situations, a little bit more glamorized perhaps, but in the situations where you can use reviver. You can use it in so many places. I think her look might have helped us a little bit, but this campaign did go pretty viral. We are pretty happy with it. This shade of rent that you are turning it was a fun campaign. My fiancee took a very editorial approach. In likea celebrity name Hannah Selleck, and it is a recipe to go big. We had our fingers crossed. It went viral, as they say. For us, it was successful. Were you ready for it . Whenere telling me before you were here last time, this is not even available. It really wasnt. Youve always got to be on your feet. As a small company, youve got to think small constantly. We had that idea spur of the moment. We pulled the pieces together. It just clicked. You can hope for it and pray for it. Lets say you want to buy one of these. How much are they . They are 2. 99 each. You can buy them at reviver. Com. We have a brand for pets at petco. Of course. Are you going to change the actual scent . There is a ton of opportunity for us. Licensing is definitely a thing we can go to in the future. Different form factors, different functions. There are many Different Things that you can include in the formulations to serve different functions. We are really a platform for certain fragrance and other delivery compounds. You smell very good. Weve got to leave it there. Thank you very much, ben and eric kusin. They started reviver. Coming up next, using technology to fight poverty. We are going to talk to the chief executive of a website that is using social networking features in order to help people connect with what they need. Also, how to make the right charitable contributions in your neighborhood. That is next. According to the u. S. Census than 46 million americans live below the poverty line. That is defined as an income of about 23,000 a year for a family of four. My next guest is using technology and social media in order to help people who face hard times. Hes the chief executive of givelocally. Net. Nice to see you. Tell people about the service, how this all works. Elocally. Net is a social media platform with giving as our focus print what we want to do is make giving fun and exciting again. We want to give people the opportunity to help those in need who would otherwise not be able to help debt help from charity or government. Is this for the giver or for the end recipient . There are lots of ways to give money. It helps both. It is an opportunity to have transparency and accountability in your giftgiving so that you can give a targeted gift to help a specific person with a specific need in the area in which you choose. All of our recipients are prescreened. You give with confidence. Most of our recipients are hard working americans like you and i who otherwise would not have the opportunity to get help. People maybe who have fallen on hard times or are going through some difficult periods financially . It can be as simple as someone between jobs or someone with a hardship who has a full time job, but based on their tight budget, are unable to make ends meet. Net steps in and ask as a deity de facto caseworker to unite givers with recipients. It doesnt necessarily have to be large amounts of money . We find that small micro gifts add up quickly. People are able to help those in need who otherwise would not have the opportunity to get this type of assistance. The opportunities are limitless. We can help a young lady get help with her graduation fees. What charity is going to do that . We helped a gentleman between jobs and got a new job but couldnt afford the safety equipment. We raise the money to get him the steel toe boots, reflective jacket, and the hardhat. They are very practical needs that we help people with. Also, rent assistance and utilities, but we always give inkind gifts. We never give money directly to the recipient. Our recipients are always prescreened. Youve got a history in your family of helping people. For people who may not know your own personal background not only are you doing something, but you also carry around the name that has a lot of significance. Andrewather, ambassador young, has given his life to helping others. As a preacher, as well as a top aide to dr. Martin luther king. Its giving back is in my dna. Going back to my grandparents and great grandparents who always had an open home and always helped people in need. We all, i think, as humans have an inner responsibility to want to give back and want to help. In many cases, we just dont know how. We think givelocally. Net creates that vehicle. With your own personal story, is it as much a burden as a responsibility . As you come on and talk about your family, people are going to have preconceived notions. How do you cut through that . Is it go to givelocally. Net and separate it all from the background . I think im a very socially conscious person, and im involved in my church and local ymca. At the same time, i do have a personal responsibility, as i think most americans do, to give back. With givelocally. Net, it is a fun and easy way to point and click. We also have a new game that we have launched, give galaxy. What is that about . Goes have a character that around the world, trying to help save people in need through different mediums. It is a very fun and Interactive Game trade you can get it on the iphone. Or on the it has gotten great reviews. It has been a lot of fun not only for our users, but for everyone who has downloaded the game. I want to thank you very much for sharing some insight with us. Andrew young, the chief executive of givelocally. Net. It is 56 minutes past the hour. Stocks are falling today. The Dow Jones Industrial average loses nine. The s p 500, 1781. The nasdaq falls five points. Thanks for taking stock. I am pimm fox. Good night. Live from pier 3 in san francisco, welcome to the late edition of bloomberg west, where we cover the Global Technology and Media Companies that are reshaping our world. Im emily chang. Our focus is on innovation, technology, and the future of business. Lets get straight to the rundown. Derek schmidt, marissa mayer, and other execs sit down with barack obama to discuss surveillance and what wrong with healthcare. Gov. Facebook is rolling out video ads in some newsfeeds as part of

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