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Republican hopefuls will be there. How do you think that most of this crowd views that . Is there a favorite at this stage . I think our folks that are really the faithbased, grassroots of the party. My sense is that they are the primary electorate writ large. This is kind of all jumbled up. They like ted cruz but they like mike huckabee, they like rick santorum. I think rand paul has got some jazz. I think they will kick the tires and look at the more established frontrunning type candidates. Chris christie will be here this weekend. He will make i believe his First National appearance before a social conservative audience of this type. Are you accepting of him . I think you will get a fair hearing. I think he will make the fair case. Why didnt you invite any elected democrats . Well, i think unfortunately, i have always reached out to democrats. Our agenda is not really partisan if you really look at where we are on Immigration Reform, where we are on education reform. If you look at where we are in criminal justice. You did not invite any democrats. We have an awful lot that we work with. Will you invite Hillary Clinton . Yes, if she runs. We invited her husband whole time he was president , but he never came. Kevin mccarthy has been elected the new majority leader. The faith and freedom coalition, how do they assess him . I think he is a great political talent. He will give his first major address at our Conference Friday morning. He is a conservative, but he knows how to operate in a blue state environment. And he will be good on your social issues. He is highly regarded among the membership and you have to have that to do that job. He has razorsharp political as well as a book policy. You said the religious right isnt going to accept apologetic conservatives. You said you are not going to be with people who dont embrace the principles of religious freedom, that are not prolife, that are progay marriage. Does that mean that anyone for samesex marriage is unacceptable to evangelicals as a president ial or Vice President shall candidate . I think that is certainly our view. That is the position that we take. What i would point out is that if you poll republican primary voters, 75 80 are in support of traditional marriage. As you look at the field today we are a ways out but if you look at the field today, with all of the prospective candidates, i dont know any one of them that isnt prolife, profamily, promarriage. I am pretty confident about the republican nominee. By promarriage, you mean antigay marriage. I mean traditional marriage. In all but six states, that is how the people have expressed their will. This had been imposed by judicial fiat. Public opinion has changed dramatically and young people are overwhelmingly prosamesex marriage. They are. A lot of people do in the 60s and 70s were protesting the vietnam war and for legalizing drugs were voting for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984. You dont think youre on the wrong side of history . Not at all. As a political operative, not someone who feels that way about the issue. People are overstating the polling. You look at the poll that was done about three weeks ago and the voters who are likely to vote in battleground states and districts in 2014, it is 5248 on my side. Furthermore, this issue is tough to poll. Remember, in north carolina, when they voted on samesex marriage, there was a college poll that showed that traditional marriage would win 5149. It won 6139. You think the opposition to samesex marriage, the support for traditional marriage might be a plus for republicans . It is definitely a winner. It is a winner in ways that surprise people. California voters voted on this issue, all of the polling showed it would win overwhelmingly. What happens is if you talk to pollsters who polled this, there is a lot of minority voters who are traditionally democratic voters but theyre also people of faith. And they tend to tell pollsters that they will vote one way and they go in and vote another. You have said that the House Republicans are wrong to deep six Immigration Reform and yet that is exactly what they are doing. When you talk to them, they will say, but the ralph reeds of the world are for some immigration bill but it wont matter. We wont pay any price and we will kill Immigration Reform. I am cautiously optimistic that we will get a fix of the broken immigration system. I dont know if it will be this year or it will be in a new Republican Congress but i will tell you this we oppose amnesty and we oppose a path to citizenship for those who enter this country illegally. We think it rewards lawbreaking. The bigger problem is that it punishes the millions of people this is not far from the same position. This is a lot closer than the tea party position. We have to occupy the middle ground between the build the wall crowd and the amnesty crowd. Right now, you have got a million husbands, wives, and minor children standing in lines as long as 10 years long to join their families legally. They have no priority under current law. We want to fix that. This was in the senate bill. We would like to see it in the house bill. Lets talk about foreign policy. Do you think that most are closer to the position of dick cheney who actually wants more intervention, more intervention or rand paul who says that we are overextended and we should pull back . They believe that this administration has squandered american blood and treasure. Are they closer to cheney or paul . They agree with cheney that this administration squandered an opportunity to have a stable iraq by precipitously withdrawing u. S. Forces and not negotiating a status of force agreement. I think they would agree with rand paul who talks very eloquently about religious liberty and says we should not be subsidizing regimes that are discriminating against christians. Military intervention should be a last resort come in on a first resort. Ralph reed, thank you so much. What the new gop leadership means for the midterm elections. Welcome back. The dust has settled on the new House Republican leadership and here to examine that plus all kinds of other issues, we have our brain trust. Former republican senator, john sununu. Former white house adviser, david plouffe. Tell us about the new leadership. It matters that they got these leadership races done pretty shortly. The rank and file were pleased that they had them so quickly. That gives them a little bit of momentum. They are very wellknown to the rank and foul. Kevin mccarthy, pretty straightforward. Steve scalise, more conservative. The Republican Study Committee which is a conservative policy group. I dont think there will be anything missed in terms of momentum and cadence. They got two bills done, one bill on nsa, one bill on defense authorization. Was Kevin Mccarthy better than eric cantor . My suspicion is that boehner and mccarthy will move in alignment. There will not be the fear that you will get stabbed in the back. Saclise does have conservative bona fides. Let me skip around and say john that the cantor vote shocked some republicans. The race is a tossup. What implications will that have for other republicans . I dont think it will have any more implications beyond what has been felt. To your point, cantors race shocked almost every republican in the house. They didnt see it coming, cantor didnt see it coming. Everyone knew Thad Cochrans race would be tough. He has a long record of service. When you have a long record of service, someone can just stand up and say, it is time for change. I dont think it will be a shock if cochran loses. What do you think . It is a nice reminder that politics does have a surprise. That is what makes it so fun. I dont think it will have much impact in 14. It is a good reminder that the eventual republican nominee is going to have to win a lot of those conservative Southern States where the tea party dominates. Can a moderate republican navigate those waters . I think the tea party will have a lot to say. Let me turn to iraq, the president said he is sending 300 military advisers. Is he getting trapped back in iraq . I think is clear that there will be no boots on the ground, no combat operations. What we need is for the maliki government to become more inclusive. I think this was a safe and prudent. The notion that there will be mission creep, i dont see that happening. His policy was declared as an abyssal failure by none other than dick cheney. Are the neocons back . They never went anywhere. They have been speaking out forcefully and clearly about some of the policy missteps. Thats no surprise. What i do think is the risk is that these 300 advisors are being put in iraq on the ground without any clear clarity about where this government is headed. We dont have a status of force agreement with the iraqis. Unclear what their mission and role is going to be. That is when you get into trouble. It is been a hallmark of this administration, they do seem to be shooting from the hip and in the case of iraq, that is what they seem to be doing. What was the take from the cheney comment . This is that chief cheerleader for a totally misguided war. Everything he predicted didnt happen. The notion that somehow if we had 500010,000 troops in iraq, that would wave away centuries of history is completely wrong. I think the challenge for the white house is to make people understand what this is and isnt from a communications perspective. Let me turn to another challenge which was Hillary Clintons rollout. It really wasnt that smooth, was it . I am little surprised because i do think that she has some pretty thoughtful professional people around her. They obviously made a lot of mistakes. I think she tried to do too much and in some cases be too cute. At the end of the day, i dont think it makes a big difference. What this book and book tour is about is Hillary Clinton being able to say, when the questions about benghazi or our relationship with iran came up, or even many of the issues she dealt with that secretary of state, as i wrote about in my book, she can get a 30 second answer and essentially say, i already dealt with that. I dont have to talk about that in detail because it has been dealt with. And she can check that blocks but it wasnt a very successful, smooth and popular rollout. She said that you guys tried to get her to attack sarah palin as a woman. We never tried to do that. We did not want her to go out and speak. This would be bad for the women that voted for hillary. She did 10, 12 hours of interviews. She did pretty well. The big focus is the comment about being dead broke. She cleaned that up the next day. I agree with senator sununu, this is not even spring training, this is very very early. Its as good practice, actually. It is a reminder of how hard it is. You are walking the high wire. I am taking it to the bank. Thank you for being with us. When we come back, we will take a close look at iraq. Then we will debate renaming the redskins with Megan Mcardle and Margaret Carlson. Welcome back. Megan mcardle and Margaret Carlson in a moment. Lets take up iraq. The president sending in 300 advisors but says we will not send any ground troops. We will leave open whether we will take any other military action. What he said is that he is kept open the possibility saying that we observed the right of u. S. National interests. If we are under threat, to take unilateral action. That would probably be targeted airstrikes. They will have the advisors and embed them with the Iraqi Security forces. He is trying to get more information about where the militants are, trying to help plug up a failure. Once you send advisors in, at least two more coming in. But they also say that maliki is a disaster. Who replaces him and what kind of sectarian collision could you put in there . There are a lot of state department folks trying to keep what they call the constitutional process on track. Remember, they already had elections back in april. They had fairly high turnout and they were supposed to choose a new parliament. By the time that parliament was chosen, then there will be 30 days for the president to choose a new prime minister. Part of what president obama was doing was trying to encourage whether it is maliki or someone else, that whoever it is, stops with the sectarian nonsense, which is causing so much violence and discontent. It would be nice to stop the sectarian nonsense. Let me turn to libya where we captured a prime suspect in the benghazi murders. Assuming this guy is guilty, does that wrap it up or do we have to go after other guys . No, there is more. He is no doubt a big fish in the group that was blamed for the benghazi attack. He was neither a preacher or a leader before he came to light. They will keep them on a ship. What will we do with him . Well, we will put him into the federal court system. That has caused a stink in congress as the gop wants to see him gitmo and obama has said he will not send him to gitmo. They have had about 100 convictions in the Court Systems in the u. S. , whereas within guantanamo they have had nothing close to that record. This is the highest profile guy who has been nabbed overseas. There was the underwear bomber, there was the attempted times square bomber. A lot of people got serious sentences and this guy could face the Death Penalty in the u. S. Thank you. Let me turn to megan and margaret. The big debate is over the common core. Most candidates are against it but jeb bush is a staunch advocate. Who is right . Both sides are right and neither side is right. This is not a terrible curriculum but not revolutionary. Governor jindals rejecting common core this week is an indication he is running for president. Such Breathtaking Hypocrisy in that he was one of the driving forces among other governors to get the common core. So, he backs out of it just because once obama favored the common core, then republicans had to flee it in order to pander to the ultra right wing of the party. Some of the standards dont work but the idea of having common standards, isnt that a good idea . Wasnt that part of the problem before . It was a good conservative idea at one time. There was an idea a few years ago that the real problem with the School Systems with that we needed tough accountability and really high standards. When you look at what has happened with education reform, a lot of those ideas havent panned out. It is culturally fine to try to get a common set of ideas. Given the diverse country, there will be a lot to fight about. The u. S. Patent office denied a trademark extension for the Washington Redskins because the name is offensive. Is that a right decision . I will come out with my own line of redskin branded clothes, caps, and cologne. Can i have some . I will give you some freebies. If the nfl was like the nba, dan snyder would have already changed the names. The name should be changed because the people that it is ostensibly honoring dont like it. That is reason enough to say, values have changed. That said, the government should not get involved in this particular dispute. The right to free speech is the right to offensive speech. And the government starts getting in and trying to play around on the margins, we will not legally make you do this but we will withhold your patent registration. You start wondering if we have a tax on the New York Times or the other areas. Ok, you guys never make it more difficult. Thank you very much and thank you for watching. We will see you next week. Political capital is a production of bloomberg television. The name means little rice but chinese phone maker xiaomi has big ambitions. Already more popular in china than apple and worth a staggering 10 billion. Now, xiaomi, chinas number three phone maker, is going global, launching in 10 new countries this year. So how have they become apples biggest threat in china . We reveal the secrets to xiaomis success in a bloomberg special, xiaomi rising. Im emily chang. It is one of the Fastestgrowing Companies in the world

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