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It. This is the fourth time we have passed a budget like this. We said, this is how we plan to pay off the debt. We should say what we believe in. Technically, we do not have to do a budget this year. The agreement that we reached if we think that that is what we should be doing. We owe the country an alternative. Let me ask you about the particulars that have been criticized for programs and wanted to expand opportunities. How does cutting this is about growth. The president does the same thing. We keep pell grants funded. They turned it into an entitlement. We think that it needs to stay under Discretionary Spending so that Congress Continues to do oversight. Here is the big concern we have. We are worried that it is leading to tuition inflation. We do not cut back on the awards. Only in washington is an increase in spending considered a massive cut. The research is inconclusive. A very good economist from Ohio University has done amazing work on this. I am saying, lets get at the root cause of these problems. This is the concern i have with the status quo in washington. Dont you want more workingclass kids to go to college . Are we feeding tuition . Are we getting it because of tuition inflation . Instead of doing more of the same and getting a predictable outcome, why dont we get to the root cause . Why does College Costs are much . We should not subsidize higher costs. Medicaid. You want to block some of the grants to the states. We have seen the history. States will slash benefits. We believe in federalism. We do not believe that all of the best ideas lie in washington. Look at indiana. They have done a phenomenal job in overhauling their medicare. Look at wisconsin. When we have states that have been given a little bit of flexibility, they have improved their programs. The problem with medicaid is that providers do not want medicaid coming in the door. They lose money. You have to reform the program. That is why we want to give states the ability to customize the programs. It is arrogant to sit here and say, all of the states, we know better than you do. Do you reject the study from the urban institute . They said that it was lower provider rates. 14 million people. That is if we repeal obamacare in the expansions. We do not think that is the smart way to go. We are throwing more people into a bankrupt program. You proposed to repeal obamacare. That will cost 1. 7 billion . What is interesting is that every year it goes farther. This whole estimation changes. The problem of obamacare as we are watching this, is that rates will be really high. You will kick a lot of people off of insurance. You are putting them on a broken system like medicaid. Providers will be hit with cuts. That means providers will start going out of business. This is not going to work. Lets get rid of this and start over with patientcentered health care reform. I am working on a proposal. A lot of us are working on proposals. What would we replace obamacare with . You have 15 million people. You will not repeat you cannot change it. I question the premise of that argument. We have 7. 1 million. We will not even get into the legitimacy of that system. So lets just take it for arguments sake. You cannot change it. You have to live with it. I did not buy that for a second. You think that it will be repealed by the next president . Cbo was telling us to. The architecture of this law is so fundamentally wrong that it will the sooner those of us who want reform can show a better way forward, the faster we can repeal it. I believe that the next administration, with a better congress, will replace the law and save the health care system. What are the things you will replace it with . There are some provisions that are popular. Insurance companies cannot discriminate for preexisting conditions. You are allowed to stay on insurance with your parents until you are 26. It closes a doughnut hole for seniors. Will those all survive . We can go through each one of those. If you look at the kinds of reforms like the state of kentucky, you basically make it impossible for insurance. You crank up the cost and you make it hard people to get Affordable Health care. We cannot have in this country universal access to Affordable Health insurance for everybody, including people with preexisting conditions, without a blow to our economy. There are better issues. It keeps all of those protections. That was in the republican alternative. It does not discriminate against people who do physical labor . There are better ways to deal with those issues. There are better ways of dealing with those without doing it this way. This is the wrong approach. The same thing with filling the doughnut hole . How long do you have . You want to get into it all . The point i am trying to make, is that this approach with the government taking the lead is not going to work. There are patientcentered reforms with the right kind of reforms that make sure that people with preexisting conditions get the subsidies and care that they need. There are insurance rules so that insurance works well and is competitive. Do you call for lowering the individual tax rate . This committee spent months we eliminated and made a lot of sacrifices. He gets a top rate of 35 . You have not called for any specific sacrifices. This is what tax reform is all about. In the budget committee, we do not write tax laws. That is the ways and Means Committee. We will not say, this is exactly how to do tax reform. We will say, this is the objective. We want to take a discussion draft and continue the conversation. You have to broaden the base to lower the rate. This is a great first step. There are a lot of things we can do to improve this legislation going forward. We need to look at how this affects the economy. That is one of the things we need to look at. The measuring sticks we use in congress on these policies, we need to make sure that they represent reality. Do you want to be the next chairman of the ways and Means Committee . It is premature to get into this. They have been doing a great job. It is too early to get into that. Mr. Chairman, thank you so much. When we come back, we will talk about the committee chairman. Welcome back. We are joined by the chairman of the house intelligence committee. As you know, the Senate Intelligence committee voted out a report that said the cia exaggerated the effectiveness of torture that was used a decade ago. They misled congress. You are chairman feinsteins counterpart. Does that report bother you . I had an opportunity to get through some of it. I am concerned about the methodology. I have tremendous respect for senator dianne feinstein. I think the methodology of the report is flawed. It is not possible to come to a conclusion without interviewing the persons involved. Some of the cia people say that this has a lot to do it is an fbi report. You used to be with the fbi. Do you think there is something to that rivalry . There is some politics involved in this. It is driving up an issue that is 10 years old. It is long gone. We do not engage in these activities. The president had an option for enhanced interrogation if he chooses to approve it. My concern is, why now . I did not understand the purpose of the report. It was done only by the democrats. The methodology of it was in question. I do not think it will shed new light. Senator feinstein and i have a candid conversations. We could not come to an agreement that this is a valuable thing to push out into the public. Let me ask you about another cia issue. They misread Vladimir Putin on crimea. What are they telling us now that the russian leaders want to do . There are two things in that. There are two analytical products. One from defense, and one from the agency. The civilian side and the defense side. One of them got it completely wrong and the other laid out a scenario where it is optimal for him to go into crimea. Our committee has tried to review the punishment mode what did you see that you did not see . It could be a valuable lesson or all of us. Part of the problem has been that it is really difficult when putin has continued to shrink those who make decisions. His inner circle has gotten small. We are not sure what he is doing. You cannot get in his head. In the history of his actions, as with any information, there is more that he will do. I believe that he will probably try to create a land bridge across the top of the baltic sea to crimea. It is some very interesting activities in georgia where he is putting some pretty sophisticated military equipment where you would not normally see it or need it. We have some concerns that he is trying to create land bridges from russia to armenia. In georgia, we have concerns that he is trying to create land bridge. Your Committee Heard this week from the former deputy nsa director on benghazi. There have been dozens of hearings across congress on benghazi. A year and a half later, is it time to call a halt and say, here is what we know, and move on . My lane is the intelligence community. It took longer because some of the individuals we need to talk to were out and deployed. I was not going to disrupt operations in order to hasten an investigation. It took a little longer than normal. I felt it was important we have had two meetings with the Deputy Director in classified session. There were lots of conspiracies surrounding the area and if it was classified to keep it under wraps. I think you will see more on the state department side. We have a full picture. I will issue a report that will lay it all out. Hopefully we will get to the bottom of it. The tragic murders this week at fort hood, perpetrated by a mentallyderanged person. A measure has been introduced involving the iraq and afghan war veterans to increase support for Mental Health for veterans. Would you support that . Absolutely. One of the things that we have to do is we do not talk about it much, but we need a broader Mental Health approach in the united states. We need to change the stigma. The ptsd stigma, i think some people believe, which contributes to a higher Unemployment Rate for veterans, not because they are not great employees, but employers are skittish. We need to change that. There is very little effort to get folks back. Most of it takes a little effort. With a sound Mental Health program and an intervention in service program, we could get a lot of these members back on their feet. You would not know the difference. They will be great employees. You announced your retirement from congress. You are going to have a radio talkshow. You even said you might consider running for president in 2016. If you do not, and the two current front runners, Hillary Clinton and rand paul ran, who would be better at National Security . I will not answer that question. Through the process of moving the needle on National Security, we will get people back to what is away from these isolationist tendencies and engagement in the world. You have a strong military, so that you do not have to use it. I think if we have that dialogue, we can move that needle. The president ial candidate for the republicans will be a proengagement, antiisolationist candidate. That would be a victory. You answered that question beautifully. Thank you for doing the show today. When we come back, we talked about College Athletics and final four picks. Welcome back. Billy packer has not broadcast the final four since 2008. He retired as the best College Basketball analyst ever and we are delighted to have him on the eve of the final four. Let me ask you about coaches. Kevin hawley is going to the finals in his second year. I am fascinated by bo ryan. He has never been to the final four. He has really built a great program. It is under the public radar. Why is he so good . He has won four National Championships as a division iii coach. He proved that he knows how to coach the game. It was an honor to go to his practice. They started out with things that are very fundamental, like how to pass a ball and where to catch a ball. He sticks to his fundamentals. He recruits for his program. He does not recruit stars. He does an incredible job getting guys to play his style of basketball. You were a great player at wakeforest. Is the acc overrated . By each year, we will find College Basketball on a different field than it was in the past. It will be very difficult for the likes of the dean smiths to put together programs that have the staying power year after year. With the advent of the freshmen impact player, it makes it difficult to build a consistent program over a period of time. They have taken it to a different level with a modernday oneyear program. The consistency that we used to see, Mike Krzyzewski as an example, that has been knocked out. There were one and done players on all of those teams. It is different from how it used to be. You have to take a look at what they are doing. There are five or six colleges that are capable of playing with top one or done players. They are competitive at the highest level. The acc has not made that transition as well as some of the other conferences. The nba is now talking about being 20 years old before you can go on the nba. That would replace one and done. Will it be better . In the shortterm term it will hurt College Basketball. In the long term, it will destroy the nba as we know it. There have been 59 kids who have gone one and done. Of those 59, 14 are now starters at the nba. Seven have star status. Nine are not even in the league. The nba has been hurt by the one and done more than the colleges have. Every year we make you pull out your crystal ball. We will do that this year. Who is going to hoist the championship banner . I go by the chop. The Number One Team that has a chance to win is florida for the simple reason that Billy Donovan has been there before. He has the potential to join the likes of other coaches. Some coaches have won one. After the interview, billy packer talked about the move toward unionization. I would applaud it. I would say, ok, we will make those kids employees. They have to understand what an employee is. It is the person who can be fired. It is a person who gets paid on performance. It is a person we withhold taxes from. They take a ridiculous position to show student athlete there are ramifications. The counter argument is that this is a scam that some of these colleges have. They pay coaches 10 times more than College President s. The whole system does not work. I could not agree with you more. I would like to see a committee of guys like bill bradley say, hey, Intercollegiate Athletics are out of control. You saw the Athletic Director for ohio state. He got an 18,000 bonus because a wrestler won a national championship. If i am a student athlete, i say, you have to be crapping me. See you next week. Advertising cant anymore. You cant pull the wool over someones eyes. Traditional advertising is dead. Being a Great Company is the new brand. There is not going to be anything between the consumer and that company. The essence of every great

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