Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20170420

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Nevertheless she persisted. En was reading a 1986 letter from the widow of Martin Luther king jr. That criticized sessions. Once silenced, she kept right reading outside the senate chamber. Punishsessions fault to older black civil rights activists. Do you think there was some sexism . There is a problem with having Jeff Sessions has attorney general. Next day,say is the fou rmen stood up and read the same letter and they all got to finish. Charli this fight is our fight. I am pleased to have senator Elizabeth Warren at this table. Is this book we see these come out within three or four years before a president ial election. President obama did it. Secretary of state clinton did it. , thiss a kind of campaign is what Elizabeth Warren believes . Warren it is about what i believe, but now it is not a camping. This is my 11th book. Books are part of how you fight. How you get in a fight and how you make an argument for what is it we need to change in this country, and how we are going to get together and how were going to change it. Charlie the battle to save americas middle class. For anyone that follows politics, that seems an essential argument that ought to be made. Rep. Warren no kidding. Charlie republican, democrat, libertarian rep. Warren vegetarian. The book has two things that we all the way through. Weave all of the way through. To 2016hat goes up about how we built a middleclass, and all of the things that took the legs out of underneath the middle class. A big argument about what has happened since 1935. Charlie tell me how we built the middle class. Rep. Warren coming out of the Great Depression keep this in mind. Gdp starts going up. It keeps going up all the way to 2016. Gross domestic product, america is getting richer. Good news, right . I am going to divide this line , 1935 to 1980. What happens during that time . Gdp is going up. America has impressive taxation. It has has progressive taxation. It has firm regulation on big misses is. It makes sure that the banks are not cheating people. With progressive taxation, we are investing in opportunity. We are investing in public bill, roads g. I. And bridges and international highway systems. Inare investing in research, a giant pipeline of ideas that help us build a robust economy. Heres the deal it worked. It so worked. That is the part that gives me goosebumps. 1980, 90 of america everybody outside the top 10 , theof all of america, workingclass, the working poor, the poor poor and that 90 of america got 70 of all of the wage growth created in this country. But, the rich did better, the pie got bigger. Everyone was doing better. Look, it wasnt perfect. Africanamericans were locked solidly at the bottom. But the idea of opportunity had taken hold. In the 1960s and 1970s, the gap, which wealth has been as long as we have measured, it shrinks by 30 . We are not where we need to become about we are on a good path. Then we get hit, in 1980. Trickledown economics, ronald reagan. Deregulating turned corporations loose, less enforcement of antitrust laws, told the banks to have a good time. And cut taxes for those at the top. Once you cut taxes for those at the top, you start dialing back on investments in education, in its structure, and in basic research. Make words government work for those at the top. The rich and powerful get richer charlie there is an ideological argument in favor of national security. Sen. Warren no, it was about letting those at the top keep more of their money. That is what tax breaks were sold on. And it would trickle down to everyone else. Yeah, let them eat more take and there will be more crumbs for everyone else. 2016, gdp is still going what proportion did they get of all that Income Growth . The answer is zero, none. Nearly 100 of the Income Growth 2016 goes to the top 10 income earners. I mean all of the new income that we create, all of the new stuff coming in. Since 1980, the new growth in has gone to the top 10 . Charlie the top 10 present dont make most of their money from Income Growth, not from wages or salary. Sen. Warren they do both. That is the point. It all moves to the top. The blackwhite wealth cap tripled during that time period. In other words, what is happened in these two time periods, is government once worked, made its central middle of the target, how do we make america work better for the middle class . Now they have switched it. From the 1980s forward, it is making it work from the top. Charlie people might pause at some of the arguments you have made. Lets assume some essentially are true. Sen. Warren plenty of documentation in the book. Charlie people felt like there was huge income inequality. That word had lots of light play beforets of 2016. Why did donald trump when when the person you are campaigning for didnt win . Because he somehow had the capacity to speak a language behinde people left responded do. Heardarren donald trump the anger. And people are right to the angry. Angry that their kids cant get an education without getting crushed by student loan debt. Angry that their wages havent gone up for an entire generation. Angry that after a lifetime of hard work, that they cant retire with any dignity or economic security. People are right to be angry. Promised andrump what he has delivered have been night and today, exactly opposite directions. Charlie example . Sen. Warren he starts out after carrying on and on about Goldman Sachs. You remember that. Charlie and so did you. Sen. Warren he goes in and he hires an entire team of billionaires and bankers. He has got Goldman Sachs employees at the white house. They could open a branch bank there. Charlie who is to say he is not the most qualified person that has the job that he has . Hear fromn i want to someone that has experience seeing this economy from the other side. We have had enough people in republican and democratic and administrations from the point of view of the billionaires. That is a problem we have had for a long time. Charlie suppose you are the president elect. What are the main tenants of your economic agenda, beyond what you want to do beyond producing income inequality, beyond making sure that the middle class is not losing its place in the American Economic sphere. Sen. Warren let me answer this in a personal way. This is what gets me up in the morning. Charlie you have sent in this book that this is your lifes work. Sen. Warren it is. I grew up in a family that was holding onto its spot in the middle class truly by our fingernail. A lot of ups, a part of downs. My dad had a heart attack. We lost family car. We nearly lost the family house. My mother got a job at sears at minimum wage. It saved our house and saved our family. I wanted one thing in my life. I just wanted one door to open, and that is that i wanted to be a teacher. I talk about this in the book. College is the only way you get to be a teacher. Key. Ie education is the sen. Warren the bottom line is their pension. That is right. Johns, opportunities, you bet. That is the heart of america. Charlie they thought they could easily be the republican nominee. Why didnt Hillary Clinton . You are a politician. You dont need to be a pungent. You cant be where you are with understanding both the economy and the politics of it. Sen. Warren i know what i fight for. Charlie you have said it was like watching a train wreck. Sen. Warren it was. Charlie what was it you are seeing . The democrats didnt get out there and talk about what was wrong. Said, happy days, stock market is up, unemployment is down all of which are good numbers. The problem is those numbers have giant blind spots in them. They hide the lived experience of america. Charlie was it necessary to run against the incumbent . Sen. Warren i think it was necessary to touch the lived experience of most of america. Charlie would you be in favor of taking more out of the Defense Budget . Sen. Warren i would be in favor of a lot of changes. The Defense Budget has not been on it. How can it be that we audit on one side of the ledger, not on the Defense Budget . That is a lot of money that we spend. Charlie when you look at this book, and think about your other thesea fighting chance, are arguments you have been making. It is not like you went in a log cabin and thought and thought about what was right about america and what was wrong. This has been a central theme of your political life. Sen. Warren it has been a central theme of my work for 35 years. This is what i have been working on. Look charlie, this is my life. Let me put it this way. I opened the book with this point. I told you this story about how my mom was a stayathome mom. My brothers were in the military. When my mom got that minimum wage job, that made all the difference in the world to my family. We kept our house. Here is the deal. It was a minimumwage job at a time when Congress Passed said, weve got to think about minimum wage in terms of what supports a family. A minimumwage job would support a family of 30. Treatment that a family of three. It meant that we could make a mortgage payment. Sears and a lot of business, she had 40 hours a week. Business, sheo still had 40 hours a week. The minimum wage is set today where a mom working 40 hours a week cannot support herself and a baby. She cannot avoid charlie you would like to see the minimum wage at 12 or 15 . Sen. Warren i will take all of the above. Charlie but what do you recommend . Sen. Warren im in the fight for 15, no doubt about it. Look at how congress looks at it. They looked at it a generation and said, what does it take to support a family . Gdp kept going up. Today there are so many folks in congress who hear from walmart about what the minimum wage should be, who ignore and plaster over data that says to raise the minimum wage. It wont have any impact on jobs. They are not thinking about working families, they are thinking about the top 10 . We cant continue to run the government like this. It matters to everybodys life. Charlie you have to get power in order to change the government. How are you going to do that . What is your prescription for the Democratic Party . Sen. Warren that is why iran for the u. S. Senate. Charlie why didnt you run for president . A lot of people wanted you to run for president. Sen. Warren i had just been elected to the senate. Charlie obama had just been elected to the senate. Sen. Warren i thought i should have learned my job. There are places where i do make a difference. And it matters. I am in this fight. I want to be in this fight. Charlie Chuck Schumer is giving you a leadership position in the senate. Your voice is heard in the u. S. Senate. Sen. Warren yeah. Charlie what does the Democratic Party have to do . One thing is the womens march. Why are you looking in the . Sen. Warren oh, smiling, because this is where i draw the book to an end, talking about the womens march. Charlie what is its potential . Sen. Warren when we read the history of this time period charlie from 2016 forward . Trumpsren donald election will occupy a lot of space. But the day after his inauguration will also be a big deal. That is the day of the womens march. That is the day when women at d. C. Andmmon, in North Carolina and around the world changed democracy. They said, our voices will be heard. And it matters. Let me tell you how i know it matters. We get into fights. I get it, we are going to lose fights. Look at what happened on health care. The republicans said 60 plus times in the house of representatives they voted to repeal obamacare. Donald trump said, how many zillion times while running for president , on day one we will review obamacare . Day one came and went and they did not review obamacare. Charlie they said they were going to repeal and replace. Sen. Warren no, they did not say that. I have to stop you there. Why did they change . Because of the voices. Because people across this country it was more than just democrats. People protested. They went to temples. To town halls. Charlie dont take this away until you show me what youre going to do. Sen. Warren even donald trump said repeal and replace. And even then, they had to show what they had on the table. They were going to take away Health Care Coverage for 24 million americans, raise the cost on the past families. And why . To produce a tax break on a handful of millionaires and billionaires. Americans across the country said no. It that at the end of the day, the reason that Trumpcare Failed because for some republicans, it was not brutal enough. The key is the rest of the republicans did not follow them charlie and certain aspects of obamacare they did not want to give up. Sen. Warren dont use that tired voice on me, these are good things. People said all across this country, they begin to look at what it means to have Health Care Coverage. They said in effect, health care is a basic human right. Votes thatof democrats had in the house and did not increase. What changed was democracy. That started with the womens movement. Charlie a direct connection between the womens march and what happened in the house . Sen. Warren yes. Changes where we go next. That is why it is so important. Charlie as the Democratic Party turned left . Explain it to me. You think the Democratic Party is going. It is a different Democratic Party than other president obama . Sen. Warren i think it is a Different Party because i think the energy of the Democratic Party is about getting out and fighting for working people. Charlie is this different from the message of Bernie Sanders . Sen. Warren i think bernie is a big part of that. I think he is part of the energy of the Democratic Party right now. Bernie has been out on the front lines. There have been others out on the front lines. I think the key is that we must be there to fight for people. Charlie but also do you believe you must resist in addition to or in addition to moving forward ideas, he must resist what donald trump is doing at every step . Sen. Warren it depends on what he is doing. I will tell you what exactly i have supported. Donald trump centering the campaign he was in favor of glasssteagall, reeking of the biggest financial institutions. Sen. Warren when the next ceo of citibank or Goldman Sachs makes a call to the secretary of. Reasury on every single point that comes up, do you think they take a call from my brother david in an oklahoma . Charlie i dont think they would take a call from my cousin either. Sen. Warren that is part of the point. The question is, what information do you get . What understanding of the world . Charlie they would take a call from a labor union. Sen. Warren i think i want to get a couple labor union guys in here to talk about that. Charlie we have seen the president talking to labor union guys. Sen. Warren im sorry, did you watch negotiations over the tpp . Did you see how actively involved the unions the labor unions were not actively considered in large parts of the negotiations. If we are going to do this on tpp, because this really matters charlie of course it matters. Sen. Warren order the people that come from that negotiate the trade deals . Either ceos ofe major corporations or lobbyists for those corporations. They were the ones out. My point it was 85 . Aboute we got here talking about who would take whos phone calls. I said that leaders of labor unions sen. Warren you said they had as much a swing. So how much swing do they have . That is my question. 15 was left over for the environmentalists, the labor unions. Charlie it seems that the issue here is that the people who matter, a, not listening to as many voices as they should. Sen. Warren that is my point. Charlie that is my point too. But clearly they are not talking. They are shouting past each other. That is happening in american life, is it not . But rren it is, charlie and they are labeling each other. Sen. Warren the point is that personalities policy. Is who you know. Part is, do you have some demonstrated independence to be able to separate yourself from the people who have paid your checks . Charlie i totally agree. Is, warren my only point weve got to have people who have the keys to our economy. We have people that have a range of experiences and have demonstrated independence. That does not mean they have never been to wall street, and that doesnt mean there arent wall street guys that can do that. It isnt about labeling. But it is saying that personnel matters. The experience of the people that get to run the economy charlie i think it is fundamental. Sen. Warren i think it would be fundamentally his work for the fact if it werent for the fact that donald trump put together a team of bankers that dont have much demonstrated experience of working in public interest, or some other way that says they can separate. Does that mean i wont try to work with them . Charlie you are already working. If he will step up and agree with you sen. Warren no no, im there. Donald trump said he is in favor of glasssteagall. I have written the bill and i am many to go within. Charlie i promised it would only take 15 and 25 minutes. It is 30 minutes now. Sen. Warren i am having fun. Charlie do we always . With respect to the Democratic Party and the election that took place, when Hillary Clinton came to talk to you, did you talk about running on the ticket as Vice President . Sen. Warren yeah. Charlie were you open to that were not . Sen. Warren she did not make the offer. Charlie you could say look, i would like to help in any way that i can. If i could help as a running mate, i am here for you. Did you Say Something like that . Sen. Warren what i said is that, heres what i think is important. I said that before the Vice President ial thing was on the table, and after it was off the table. Here are the issues i hope you will talk about, and here of the things i hope you will do if elected. Charlie there are things you set on the podium with her. Sen. Warren i say the same things in private as i do in public. How the democrats connected this in some way to tax reform will they be able trump tome way, donald release his income tax . Sen. Warren well, i dont know. Here is what worries me charlie about donald trump and his taxes. He has already admitted and said, i dont pay taxes, that makes me smart. He got over what was an insurmountable hump for mitt romney. That is not is what is hiding in his taxes. Charlie what is hiding in his taxes . Sen. Warren exactly. And he has done the work of getting elected already. What bothers me is, what is in his taxes . Where has he borrowed money. Thatll show up on your money on your taxes, you know money to. That raises questions about who has leverage over you. Charlie there were rumors about a russian oligarch. Sen. Warren where does your money come from . Are you exposed . Where are you exposed . Those are the things that could affect his decisions as president of the United States. It is the ultimate conflict of interest. Are you putting the interests of the American People first, or are you putting the interest of protecting your own fanny first . Charlie what is your assessment of the . Sen. Warren well, i cant see his taxes. It makes me very uneasy. It is important point tuesday after. Stay after. Charlie there are two investigations. Sen. Warren i mean an investigation with a special prosecutor and independent commission. Think about the facts that we know. The Intelligence Community has made clear that the russians hacked into american systems in order to influence the outcome of the election. The fbi has an active and Ongoing Investigation into the relationship between the Trump Campaign manager the russians, and major figures in the Trump Campaign had to resign in disgrace because of the connections with the russians. That is enough for investigation. Oneally want to be on this nonpartisan, a political. Whether you are a republican, democrat, libertarian, independent whatever you are, you should care about getting to the bottom about whether the russians finagled the electoral system. We need an independent investigation. We need it now and we need to get to the bottom of it. Charlie the fight is our fight the battle to save the middle class. Elizabeth warren, democratic senator from massachusetts. Sen. Warren thank you. Charlie back in a moment. Stay with us. Charlie the Armenian Genocide of 1950 and 1923 claimed the lives of 1. 3 Million People. The event,recognized the u. S. And turkey have not. One of the first feature films depict the genocide. Here is the trailer. Thank you. [shouting] the world is at your feet. I am with the Associated Press. A toast to old friends and new. Bravo. [applause] she is a fine woman. You make me feel like i have come home. She was very fond of you, it is obvious. It is very dangerous for armenians right now. I want to get you out of here. Is it is not safe for me, it is not safe for any of my people. The Associated Press reporting on the war. There is no war here. No one here is safe. I have to get us out of here. I was told to organize an escape route. What can i do . Love,r chris . We will build a future together. Joining me now is the films writer and director, terry george as well as three of its stars, christian theyll, oscar isaac im pleased to have them here at his table. This is historical. Tell us what happened and why there is so much controversy, and why there has not been a film. Terry the background to the genocide result is that when the first war broke out, the turkish government, the Ottoman Empire government made a decision to eliminate the armenian population. War used the cover of a between the turks and the russians in the northern border to say to the armenians had risen up, and they had to be moved out of that war zone. What happened is that the bulk of the population around the Ottoman Empire were walked into the desert and massacred in ffs, drownedds, cli at sea. This was not the first genocide of the 20th century, but a key moment in these catastrophes in that the word itself genocide came from this event. Charlie why has the United States refused to clearly call it a genocide . Terry the fact that it hasnt been covered by film. The reason why are merged together in that turkey has enormous strategic influence, both during the cold war and now. The turkish government said about denying the event and suppressing the event in terms of filmmaking and reporting. Twice attempts were made to make a film about the siege. The turkish government leaned on the the state department and studios to have its cost. To have it squashed. Charlie and still being fought over. Terry before president obama was elected promised to recognize the genocide, and reneged on that promise. His last comment was, my opinion of the event hasnt changed, but the g word could not be spoken. Friend,sador, who was a was unable to say the gword either although she wrote a book highlighting the Armenian Genocide. It is a very emotive topic. Now the position that president taken increased this week. I dont see a change in turkeys attitude or President Trumps attitude toward it. Charlie this is also a love story too. Tell me about that. It involves both your costars. Traditional armenian woman. Believe that there are two different kinds of love in this love story. Here, i believe that she is in love with michael. Betrothed for practical reasons. He goes on to become a medical student to pursue his dreams. I was lucky enough to play this armenian traditional woman. The armenian myself, both my mother and grandmother are fine examples. This story was very personal for me. I have heard the story from my ancestors brought down to my grandparents, told us about how they survived. It was very special to be part of the film. Charlie who is your character . Christian i play a member of the Associated Press. More for his love for a different armenian character in the film, who wants to return to her roots. Acerbicassertive, proud, but irritatingly correct about things. He felt himself to be seizing to be an observer and becoming a participant in the event. He sees it up close. E sees these massacres Immediate Impact of it. It was illegal to take photo documentation. He just has a change in spirit. One wheretwo lines, michael says to my character, it must be so convenient to witness peoples pain and report on it and returned to the comfort of your own home. Yes, butsponse is, without the press, no one would know anything about the Armenian Genocide. Charlie does he have deeper involvement . Christian yes, he participates trying to save armenians. Charlie what do you hope people take away from this film . Recognizeope people not only the atrocity of what happened, but make parallels to what is happening today in the same parts of the world, the same types of attacks in this country on the press in the idea of refugees, that there is compassionate elicit sympathy. The 1. 5ears go by, million number becomes abstract. Hopefully the movie helps humanize these events and gets closer to eliciting that empathy, to see this is the same thing going on now. We were shooting scenes of orphans jumping into the water, swinging fleeing from the desert. At the same time reports were happening about refugees drowning in the water trying to save his family. Impactful to know that the same thing was happening again. Also that people can know that 100 of the proceeds of the film will go to charity. I think that is unprecedented. Terry i have not heard of that. [laughter] amnestyto international, Human Rights Watch all charities Holding People accountable for human rights abuses and refugee crises. Charlie was john in any way involved in this . No, he wasnt. With consultants and supporters, he is active in helping us keep the promise drive. This is a story that families passed on from generation to generation. Angela yes, just like my family did. It is interesting, if you see the film, the orphans in the story are my greatgrandparents survived. The funny line that brings everything. Circle,everything full my grandparents lived old armenia because they were left with monuments of charges that now kurds live in. These are the things that have existed before christ, and now they are the homes of other people. They left old armenia and went for refuge. Eppo now people are leaving syria for the very thing. They can go to spain or other places. That 100so pertinent years later the same thing is happening. Charlie how much did you know . Christian almost nothing. It is stunning almost no one knows anything. That is just how vendors. Just horrendous. 1. 5 Million People died. You think of the lack of consequences provoked the other genocides we have had to witness since. Charlie definition of a genocide . It is an attempt by a group, a government or group to exterminate either a nation, tribe, religious sect, or organization. Charlie how many have there been in the last one committed by the germans in the movie is the first genocide of the 21st century. There were the armenians, then the holocaust. The slaughter of ukrainians, currentlyrwanda, and guatemala. They are pushing the situation of the yazidis in Northern Iraq to be recognized as a genocide. The yazidi is a separate sect, but the christians were also presented. Also persecuted. But their systematic slaughter by isis, they want that recognized. The purpose is beyond recognition. It is to identify the perpetrators and have them pursued and prosecuted for genocide. Established by a lawyer to describe what happened to the armenians, and subsequently what happened in the holocaust. Wordhole denial, the very being denied by the turks is very ironic. Christian that denial, dont you think that is serious as well . It is like a debate about climate change. It is a smokescreen there is no debate. There is climate change. Charlie lots of people make that argument now. Al gore among others. This is your kind of story. My kind of story is when ordinary people with weaknesses are confronted by monumental events, and find the inner strength to carry on and triumph over evil. That is what i always look for. Hotel rwanda, or here with michael, i like the idea of ordinary people finding their inner strength. That is the greatest form of storytelling to get a message out. Did you choose this role because of the story, because of the script, the other actors . There were a lot of reasons. It is that scene that he village, finding a everyone slaughtered on the side of a river i could not read that without getting emotional. Every time i try to consider other things, that scene was undeniable. That was what made me say i want to understand this, or at least shed some light on it. Charlie thank you for coming. It is great to see. Much success. Promiseis called the opening in theaters friday, april 21. Thank you for joining us. See you next time. Betty telling us that the economy is on track for more hikes, but no rush to unwind the balance sheet. Yvonne bank of japan governors it speak exclusively to bloomberg. He will retain current policies for some time. Betty asiapacific markets following wall street heiser. It rose on bets President Trump will cut taxes soon. Yvonne betting against protectionism. Concerns about global growth

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