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Full responsibility for it. Charlie the International Tennis federation band sharapova from competition for two years. Today, the court of arbitration for sport announced it was reducing her suspension by nine months. The ruling held that the itfs original penalty went too far for a violation that was committed unintentionally. Sharapova is cleared to return to competitive tennis in april. I am pleased to have her at this table for this first time. Tell me your reaction to this decision that came from switzerland. Maria friday morning was a Beautiful Day for me and my family and my friends. Just the thought of coming back, i was in my bedroom, and i received the note from c. A. S. And i just screamed down to the first floor to my mother that im coming back. So, ist seven months or knew that i had to she came up, she ran up the stairs, and i gave her a hug. I was so emotional. Much,ing that i wanted so i was having another opportunity at it. Charlie how heavy did it hang on you, the suspension . Maria it was a lot. I went through so many different emotions, from finding out when i received the first email that i had taken the substance, and it was a shock to me. I said, how did i not know about this . I went through this shock, anger, sadness, and then something inside me just went above everything and i felt like it was almost the process of going through a breakup. [laughter] charlie a breakup . Maria yes. I went through all these emotions. After a little time, i felt really of of it. There is some sort of strength in me that felt really good about things. I went through twp different two different hearings. Obviously i was nervous about them, but i was so strong inside and i knew that the truth of my story, being upfront and honest, would get me through this. Charlie it came after investigation, you testified, and your team testified, and they looked into it. Repudiation of the International Tennis federation . Maria it is. It is sad to say that, but i think it really is. I feel that in many ways, i have this Incredible Opportunity to play tennis again, but what i went through as i said, when i received the email back in march, i was so shocked because i was taking a substance that was completely legal for 10 years, that a doctor had recommended for me after so many different medical tests. I was 18 years old. I had won a grand slam. All of a sudden i get an email from the itf saying i had this violation. Charlie after the australian open. Maria it was actually a month after. The testing took place at the australian open. I thought, how could i have not known . There were so many ways i could have known, and i did not. Ive had a lot of time to think about it. Hink i took it for granted i became comfortable with the fact that it was just natural for me to take something that is completely legal. I was getting Laboratory Reports from moscow and confirmation that it was legal. Charlie this was prescribed by your doctor maria it wasnt even prescribed. It was an overthecounter product. Charlie he suggested you take it. Maria mostly because i had a regular ekgs and they were quite concerned with it. I think it just came with all the physical demand i started receiving after winning a big major. Playing more tournaments, teenager at the time, went to a doctor i had never had a doctor before. Going home, i dont want to practice for a week. This is not a normal feeling for an 18yearold. My parents said we should probably find a doctor to do some blood work, some examinations. After doing all that, i started taking charlie it was called melt onium at the time. Maria when i received the email in march, i the first thing i did, i got on my phone and googled what it was. I have no idea. What hundreds and millions of people in russia see it as. Charlie but not use here and not in europe as well. In the majority of Eastern European countries, parents, grandparents my grandparents take it. Charlie do you consider it a performance enhancer . Maria absolutely not. Charlie even now, you dont think it has the possibility of enhancing performance . Maria no, because i know how common it is. It is on the vital and essential list in russia, which protects, along with ibuprofen it is taken as aspirin in russia. I cant even wrap my head around that fact. I took it under my doctors orders. That is how i kept taking it for years. Charlie they sent you a notification in december. Might somebody in your team who knew you were taking this there were others who knew you were taking it. Why didnt they know . Maria the notifications were completely inadequate. It was false advertising. ,he emails that we received saying changes to the antidoping rules, had no additions to the prohibited list. No signs, no warnings. If you look at the others, weightlifting, figure skating, none of this was in that association. Charlie a more significant set of earnings in other sports . Maria there were no warnings from the itf. Charlie they said a number of things as a result of the investigation. They said they rejected the argument that you were significantly at fault for taking a prohibited substance to enhance performance, that you did not try to hide the use, that you took it in good faith over a long time. They said this was not about an athlete who cheated. Under no circumstances could you be considered a doper. The question has to do with their motive in part. Believed they be so that this, in your words, deserved a 24month suspension . Maria i got a 24month suspension, but they wanted four years, charlie. Me for wanted to vaban four years. I went through the itf hearing in front of an arbitration that was chosen by the itf. So im in a hearing knowing that the people im speaking to this was four or five months back in london the people that im speaking to work chosen by the people that im in a fight with. They call that neutral. That is not neutral. C. A. S. Is neutral and this is what c. A. S. Awarded to me. Charlie do you think they were trying to make an example of you . Maria i never wanted to believe that, but im starting to think that. Charlie someone used the expression tall poppy. Maria i never heard that. Charlie some say you were an example, saying that doping has no place, and no matter how strong and have celebrated the person was, if they thought they were using drug enhancement, they would take them down. Maria it is hard for me to speak for them. I think that i know what i was fighting against. Right tohting for my get back to the court. I was also fighting an organization wanted to ban me for four years. That was wrong because they didnt do their part. From the beginning, i came out three days after i got that letter about the violation. I came out to the world and explained my story and im proud of that. Charlie because you wanted to control your own case. Maria when i saw that, i wanted the world to know. There was no way i was going to tell people im injured, or let me just wait this out, or pretend like it is something im not. Charlie you wanted to take command of it yourself. To my yes, and i owed it fans, fans that wake up in the middle of the night to watch me play, that have supported me, i owed that to them. Charlie as you were going through this, did you find people you expected to support you didnt . , iia what i learned is think ive always been an that, ive said this from the beginning, i never had a role model growing up. There was never one person that i said, i want to be just like them. As ive been going through my career and young boys and girls would come up to me and say, i want to be just like you, i would say, no, you want to be better than me. Dream to be even better than i ever was. During this process, i realized how impactful my career has been to millions of people and how it impacted young girls and boys, and older generations that have watched me from a 17yearold girl to now. The amount of people that have stopped me in the last seven months is more than ive ever seen in my life, saying, i hope you get through this, you absolutely deserve to get back, you never deserved to get punished like this. The amount of people that i didnt know in Different Industries contacted me, email me, showed their support, i think that is when i realized i always try to maybe i was a little naive about everything, my compliments and how it impacted so many peoples lives. Thatally made me realize you set an example. I was proud of the fact that i came out and was able to say that. Charlie were your sponsors and the people you have contracts with fully supportive, or did they pull back and say, lets see this through . Maria my sponsors have been incredible. It was difficult in the beginning because none of them knew until my announcement. They didnt know about it until my press conference. From that point of view, it was a shock to everyone. It to come for me and not for anyone else. Toughade a pretty statement. It was hard. Charlie what did it say . Maria i dont remember word by word, but it was aggressive. Theyve been through a lot with athletes. I took a personal because i consider them my family. I have a lot of pride in being part of their family. It took a little bit of time to speak to mark parker about what happened. Charlie and when you told him . Maria we had a great conversation. Hes been amazing. All my sponsors have been incredibly supportive. Charlie you will not lose any sponsors because of this . Maria i hope not. Charlie the interesting question too, a remarkable career, but to be away for 24 months you are, what, 29 . Yes . [laughter] maria dont say it like that. Charlie but you have a remarkable career, but this kind of absence, if it had been two years or four years, could have had an incredible impact on your career. It could have been over. Maria absolutely. My career was never going to end this way. From the first day i got that letter, that was when i started my comeback. Charlie did you ever doubt he would be sitting here today, feeling very good about the future . Maria i never doubted that i would be back. I certainly had negative days. I went through the ups and downs. Charlie who did you depend on, your mother . Maria my mother, my father, my team. A very small group of people. My coach has been amazing this whole process. Charlie maria i feel there are people in my career and in my life for certain reasons, and one of them was this. Charlie you were born in chernobyl. Maria i was. Charlie and then maria my mother was pregnant with me for eight months about 30 kilometers from the explosion. Charlie you left chernobyl. , then wewas in belarus fled to russia while my mother was pregnant. I was born in russia, inside the area. When i was two, we moved down to sochi, much warmer place. Charlie the story is that Martina Navratilova saw you when you were seven. Maria i started playing tennis when i was four, and when i was about six, i went with my dad, and they said that i had talent. Im not sure how anyone could say that when you are six years old, but they said, theres an exhibition that Martina Navratilova is hosting in moscow with 200 kids. They said, why dont you go . My father and i went. I was on court with hundreds of kids. It was chaos. She was feeding a few balls to the kids, having a chat. Im not sure what happened, but the next thing you know, i did see her coming up to my dad and having a conversation. I think she said she thought that i had talent and we should do something about it. A year and a half later, we were on our flight to miami. Charlie on your way to see nick bolitierri. And he didnt take you at first glance. Maria we went to a few different academies. Heres a sevenyearold girl. She just wants to play tennis. She has this dream. Eventually, ive never been back to russia ever since, not to live. Charlie and your mother came later. Maria i came with my father. He got a working visa and i joined him as someone who could at the time. My mom couldnt come for the first two years. I couldnt go back. Charlie you simply had to communicate in whatever way you could. Maria at that time, it was just regular mail. Charlie when did you know you had the right stuff, that you could win competitively against the best players in the world . Maria i dont like to ever know that. That is what keeps me motivated. I never feel that im great. People asked me about legacy. Grand slam champion, youve been number one in the world i go to a tournament as if i never won it. I always feel that i have to have that edge, where i inspire my own self. That is how i do it. Garros you won roland twice. The next time we see you playing competitively will be a roland garros. Maria that will be my first grand slam back. Charlie tell me how you see your game today. Maria well i havent seen it in eight months. I dont know what to say about that. It is funny. I havent thought about my game in a while. Charlie preoccupied since you got the phone call . Maria well, ive been very occupied. I havent been home that much. Ive traveled a lot. Ive done things that i never had the opportunity to do, in a time where i didnt know what my future would be. I felt like i had a schedule and i had a plan. I never knew what weekends felt like. For the first time, i actually know that theres a saturday and a sunday and im actually looking forward to those days. Before, your mindset is so different. The weekends are grand slam finals. Charlie some of the best tennis may be ahead of you. Maria i hope so. I just got the best gifts that i could have got for my 30th birthday. Charlie you have some reason to believe they had reduced they would reduce the suspension based on what they had done in the past with some variety of occasions. Maria but you never know. Past hasribunal in the been overruled by c. A. S. In the last six times, including my case. So you can be optimistic and hopeful, but charlie it is your life and career at stake. Maria yes. I went into the c. A. S. Hearing with a different mindset. I went into it as, you know what, this is my career on the line. Im going to do something about it. It was more of an internal feeling. Charlie do you feel like it is fair to say you are tough in the face of adversity, that somehow the kind of life you have lived has given you some of that . Maria i believe so. Ive never used the word rejection in my life. I dont believe in rejection. I dont believe in noes. I just get through it. I was born to be a warrior. Charlie how were you born to be a warrior . Maria theres something, when ive had challenges in my life, ive persevered. That is not just me. Whether you are a tennis player, another career, when you have challenging moments in your life my first one came when i had shoulder surgery. I was out for a year. There is something that builds. You dont know it is happening, but it is something inside of you that builds. It almost becomes immunity to pain almost. During that time, i was training, doing everything i could, with no knowledge that i would ever go back on the tennis court after shoulder surgery, with no one that ever came back and won a grand slam after shoulder surgery. But i went through it. I grind it it out. When i went back on the court, and i was playing tournaments, i was making errors and losing matches i maybe shouldnt have lost. People were saying, shes never going to come back. Nothing fazed me because something i built inside of myself got me through that. For me, this is another example of that. Charlie when you go on the court against serena, in your mind, you think youre going to win. Maria of course. [laughter] maria why would you go on the court if that is not the way charlie she can intimidate people. Shes won more recent matches oneonone against you. Maria in a huge way. But as a competitor, you cant think like that when you go out on the court . You should just leave. Charlie if you think you cant win, you dont want to be on the court anymore . Maria not that you dont want to, you shouldnt be. Charlie some people get intimidated. In fact, you did that to people. Maria i think theres definitely when i walk on the court, a lot of times, i feel that i have a great edge and i havent even hit a ball. Charlie because you have confidence in what you can do. Maria yeah. Its a confidence that transitions into in tennis, its different. Bestont have to be the version of yourself every single day. You just have to be better than your opponent on that day. If that means you are better than your opponent by being mediocre on that day, that is good enough. Charlie when you lose, what do you say to yourself . My opponent happened to be better than i am this day . Maria that is one of a few things. Charlie what else do you say . Maria im a little more critical than that. Im tough on myself. I expect a lot from myself. What do i train for if i dont . Charlie when do you think you can do in dennis now . Youve won every grand slam. The u. S. Open, the french, wimbledon, the australian. That puts you in the hall of fame right there. Maria i hope so. Charlie what are the career objectives now . Maria to continue that. I dont think of a particular title. I dont think of a particular trophy. I dont think of a particular tournament. Of course the grand slams are special. Especially when ive had the amazing opportunity to hold all four. But when i go in the middle of nowhere to play a tournament and it is a smaller event that is maybe not covered on tv, my attitude is no different than when i go out and play the finals of a grand slam. Of course i want to win grand slams, but it doesnt matter if im going out and playing an exhibition. I still travel with my team to make sure im doing the right thing. Charlie who is on your team . Io, my my coach, my phys fitness coach, and a hitting partner. Occasionally my mother travels with me. Charlie one of the people who came to your defense was the number one male player in the world, novak djokovic. Really supportive, believed in you, had confidence in you. It means something. Maria it does. It means a lot. Public wording is a little different. I received some personal messages. I received a lot of personal notes and emails and messages. Charlie saying what . Maria messages of support from many players, many top male players as well. Every time i would receive one of those messages, i would be quite strong. Ok, this is all going well. I would receive one of those messages and get so emotional. The greats had opportunity to meet people from Different Industries, actors, musicians, but when i meet athletes, theres a sense of respect for each other just because we know our careers from the inside and out. The sacrifice we give, what it takes, it meant a lot to me. Charlie there was also this, one you did not know. Email. t open the i guess there was some question as to whether they had need repeated efforts before. Maria the itf . Charlie did they do that or not . Maria i opened all the emails in 2015, but none of them talked about the new prohibited list. Charlie there was no email you opened that said theres a new prohibited list . Maria that didnt exist. That has been talked about in the c. A. S. Report. Rlie here we have a case you didnt intend to take a performanceenhancing drug. You took something that you thought you were taking for medical reasons. Maria i didnt think. I was. Charlie you were. You have to sit out 15 months. It is a lot. It is not fair or it is fair, or do you simply say, yes, it was a prohibited drug, and therefore i have to take the medicine they have prescribed . Maria according to the rules, it was impossible to get less than a year. I knew that i would be out for a year for sure. Charlie you have to get a year suspension. Maria in the tennis rulebook. Not in baseball or football. In tennis, for this particular substance. Charlie so it is defined almost by law. Maria yes. So i received 15 months because i did not delegate to my manager how he was checking that list. I just gave him the responsibility from 2013. In 2015, that list wasnt checked. Charlie what is the lesson youve learned from this . Learned many lessons. Learned there are a lot of things that could have been done to prevent this. Charlie by you and your team . Maria myself being more proactive, speaking to my manager at the end of last year and saying, did you check it . Is it permissible . But as ive been going through this process, ive learned how much more other federations did in this case, around this substance. Charlie trying to inform players and athletes . Maria the informed players directly. We are not in hiding. We play over 20 tournaments a year. We are constantly on the road. The itf organizers are always around us. I played the fed cup final last year, which is one of the biggest itf events for the year. Ive been on the monitoring list through wada last year. They knew i was taking meldonium. There was no direct access to me. I was right there. They could have told me. Charlie they knew you were taking it, and then it became on the list and they should have told you. They owed that to you. Maria theres a reason why theres a monitoring list. They said, theres a confidentiality breach if they would like me know. But what confidentiality breach would there be if they went directly to me . Substancevery popular in Eastern Europe. Millions of people take it. It is like aspirin in the United States. Why not make a bigger notice of it . Charlie do you know of other players who were taking it . Maria i do not. Charlie other players from Eastern Europe or russia . Maria no. Charlie it is never talked about . Maria no. ,harlie when you look at this it raises questions by the nature of all the exposure this has gotten as to whether there is doping, a drug enhancement, performance enhancement, in tennis. Is there, to a significant degree, in your judgment . Maria i think i can only speak from this case, from my own experience. Cant speak on behalf of anyone else. When i found out about my violation, i took it into my own hands. I knew my medical history. I knew i was taking the substance under doctors orders. Else, i havething no idea, no knowledge. Charlie players dont talk about it. Maria not at all. Charlie theres the old saying, if it doesnt kill me, it makes me stronger. Maria i believe in that saying so much. I do believe it. There are a lot of things in my life that have made me really strong. I had a very tough upbringing. I moved to the United States as a young girl. We didnt have much money. Charlie with one parent. Maria with one parent, with 700, with no knowledge of where we were going. I was living a dream. Basically, my parents paved the way for me to realize my dream. Ive gone through a lot. This is part of my journey. Theres no doubt in my mind. As i said before, im coming back in april. Charlie thank you for stopping by. Maria thank you for having me. Charlie maria sharapova. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Aoki is here. And known for his energetic infectious sounds. Hes also known for his onstage antics. Fellow dj diplo says, dance really have a personality. Steve has an abundance of personality. He has been called the hardest working dj in the industry. A new documentary on netflix really is reveals a lesserknown dimension of the entertainer. Here is the trailer for ill sleep when im dead. Performing your music, having that connection, that is the ultimate rush. And the truest of addictions. Cracked over 300 shows. Hes a machine. Steve brought a rocker attitude to dance music that didnt exist. Motivated byis whatever weird passion his father had. His father is an Insane Person too. His dad was almost like a superhero to steve. He broke a world record hot air ballooning. He didnt really know what he was doing. He just did it. Growing up, it was always, how do i impress my father . He struggled. I didnt know how to run a label. He would say, you need to get a job. You need to do something with your life. Family comes number three. I wanted to prove to him that i could be successful with music. It was showing that i can uphold the aoki legacy. They said he was crazy. The man with nine lives. It is sort of dangerous for the artist himself. Lucky that imso in this position. I dont want to sleep on it. Charlie im pleased to have steve aoki at this table for the first time. Welcome and congratulations. I met your father. Steve europe was his Stomping Ground too. Whenever i come here, i say goodbye. Charlie what was it . The thing that sticks delisting you is a sense of the life he lived, a sense that, give it all youve got every time . Steve he instilled that in every waking moment when i was around him. He was the busiest man that i knew. Insane. Ethic was hes always drilling that into his kids, into me. Charlie but you have that same kind of work ethic. Steve right. Me by ke he taught in a way, he instilled this idea that you have to do it on your own. I cant just hand things to you. If i hand things to you, youre not going to understand how to survive. If he was like, this is my business, benihana, follow in the footsteps. Then i might not learn the survival skills and business ethos to really, possibly run a company like that. Instead he was like, you figure out what you need to do with your lives. When i decided it was going to be far different than what he expected, he was like, this is not what i intended when i said, step out on your own. Then i had to prove to myself and to him that i could actually make it on my own. At the tail end of his life, i was able to show him that i got to a place where he didnt have to worry about me. Charlie was music a part of his life . Steve not really. He started as a bassist when he was in high school. I think he retired that because he didnt see a career path there. Guitar,icked it up, the the base, and started being in bands, i thought he would share an affinity with me. At the time he was like, have fun with your toys. You will eventually grow up. Charlie and do something real. Steve and then he realized that this was the career path i wanted to choose. When you are in these bands, you are not making much money. When you are starting a label, you are not making much money. Lifespan as far as where my career path was going. Just like any traditional japanese parent, he was like, you need to wake up. Get a real job, a stable job. Youre not going to like it, but you have to do that. Charlie you said once that if you werent a dj, would be dreaming of the life of a dj. What is the life of a dj . Steve i guess the life im living now. Charlie music and music. Steve making music and playing music. That is like, essentially the same thread i was doing in bands. Charlie visit the performance aspect that is most appealing to you . Steve it is the end result. You make this music so you can connect with people when you play it out. You play all around the world. You get to see the impact it has , from people in spain to people in el salvador, japan, australia, all over europe, america. It is incredible. Theres a global connection. Charlie do you consider yourself an artist, musician, dj, what is it . Performance artist . Steve all of the above. Charlie performer, musician, creative up it dj kind of wraps all. Charlie what is the deal about throwing cake at the audience . Steve ill rewind back before then. There was a point in time where i wasnt doing any sort of activities on stage. When i had the opportunity at coachella in 2009 to have a stage show, i thought about what i would be bringing to the stage. Song, im going to be stage diving. In this song, im bringing out these rafts in the crowd. I was thinking about new ideas to entertain the audience. Some of them stuck. Some of them were really popular. The cake was something i introduced in 2011. Every artist wants to bring a unique element to the show. Something that says, hey, that is a steve aoki thing. I want to see that show. I want to get caked in the face. These kind of things. Charlie is a defining act. Steve it makes it unique and experiential. You go to the show, you are experiencing it. Charlie tell me how you think you changed electronic dance music. What did you bring to it that was not there, or how did you make it more of something . Steve i was part of a group of people that brought a level of entertainment, if you will, to the show. As far as the live show, i brought a level of entertainment that might have not been there before. For added more color. As far as the production side of things, which is why people even come to the show, because you have to have the music to draw people, my goal is always to work outside of my status quo. I prefer to work with hiphop artists, country artists, singers that have not worked in this space. I want to find new ways to reinvent this sound and not be so pigeonholed. The sound is changing. For one, edm artists are top of the charts as far as what is out there in music. Us more of a forum to think outside the box and not necessarily think, is this going to affect only the dance floor . Charlie where do you think you are in that . If Calvin Harris is where he is, where are you . Steve i dont really think about it in the scale of if i think, i need to write a number one hit so i can survive ive always survived without having hits. I have a very healthy ecosystem that exists. My music survives in that world. But of course we can all dream to have songs that permeate culture and or listen to buy millions of people. That is essentially the goal. Usedie how have you social media . Steve for me, it is a big deal. You get instant feedback. Not always good. But i love that feedback. The feedback is a big part of the process. Charlie where do you see the evolution of all this, or are you just in the moment and that is it . Steve everyone thinks about the fiveyear plan. Charlie not so much a plan, but how it has its own momentum. And you know it is going somewhere. Steve that is the hardest thing to answer. That question is always asked. Where is our music going . It is always fluctuating. Charlie but it has never been stronger, never been more listened to and performed. Its moment is now. Steve theres artists that, like we said, have reached the top of the charts. We have that as an outlet. That is incredible, that we have that. Charlie suppose somebody is watching this show right now and saying to themselves, what is electronic dance music . Is it simply what they say, electronic, dance, music . Steve that is why edm is such a great term for it. , maybe 5, 6nt term years old. But the words are very much what it is. Producerscally about that produce electronic dance music. You can merge with different genres. Producers that producenow it is happeningd more. Charlie has the bubble burst in america . Steve the bubble, in my opinion, has burst to a point where the level of inflation existed a few years ago and there was a huge influx of djs coming in, getting paid at a really high value. Now it is simmering down to the economics of the business. Especially like las vegas, the djs are being paid in proportion to what they are bringing to the table. Djs say like at a club, a is getting paid an exorbitant amount of money. Is it being valued at the right price . So in a sense, you are seeing a certain percentage. Steve theres certain ones that can exist in that system. Charlie night after night. Steve that can bring in that amount. The rest are being valued at the rate, the economic scale of the business. Influx,t was just everyone coming in, and the hype was there. Now it is leveling the Playing Field out. Charlie there must be a whole bunch of people now seeing the economic success, seeing the popularity, saying, this is what i want to do. Steve of course. Charlie that is the kind of music i want to be. Steve when i was a kid, i wanted to be in a band. 20 toappy getting paid play in front of 15 people. I was extremely happy about that. Now im a dj. Ive been a dj for 15 years. I see that as, this is a generations choice of music. Wherever i play, i feel that kind of gravitational pull. It is a lot of coming into the scene, becoming young producers, young djs, and they have a strong voice. Some of them are the strongest, like martin, who is really young. Hes been dj in since he was nine years old. Hes one of the most influential voices in the whole ecosystem. Charlie in terms of what he does is where the business is going . Steve hes also part of the future of the business. It is about the connection with your fans. People really connect with him. I think also because of the age and because he writes and produces incredible music, you combine the two. It is like exponential, one plus one equals 10. Charlie your father once said his priorities were work, family work, health, and family. Steve the first time i heard that was when i watched his film. But that is not foreign to me. That is what i grew up under. That is the rocky aoki tradition. Charlie you knew that because you lived that. Giggling. As kind of this is a very rocky aoki saying. He drove that into everyone that was around him. Work is number one. Charlie what criticism bothers you the most . Steve i love what i do and i care about it so deeply, so when people trod on that, that is what hurts. Dj, ihey say, i dont dont produce, i dont do this, i dont do that, try to cut me down in that way when i worked point, thatto this is what hurts. Charlie to not get the credit you think you deserve. Steve exactly. Day, i justof the keep doing more. Itakes me feel like gives me a sense of my ethos. What did andy warhol say . If people are criticizing your work, you just create more work. The idea for the documentary, ill sleep when im dead, your title . Steve im not entirely sure. I tattooed it on my neck. [laughter] to of definitely a mott mine. Right here. Charlie where do you want to be next year if we come back and do another interview . How will it be different . Charlie i would love to come back. Steve i would love to come back. My future projects, i have one coming. Im starting to write a book. Charlie a documentary, a book, continuing to perform 300 nights out of 365 . Steve my magic number now is 220. I like to hover around that number. 300 was excessive. The low to hundreds is a smfortable place low 200 is a comfortable place. Charlie i love the fact that this is an lp. Steve it was my first time seeing this physical copy. Having you hold it is a special moment. Having you hold the physical product that ive been staring at one a computer screen. Charlie tell me about it, neon future odyssey. Steve it is a collection of my first two albums selected new tracks. Neon future is my obsession with future science. I have ray kurzweil. Hes speaking on it with jj abrams. Thorne, a huge astrophysicist as well. Charlie great to see you. Thank you for joining us. See you next time. Big problems big thinkers is brought to you by cisco. There has never been a better time to change the world. Terre we asked some of the best minds in the world from business, government, the arts, and academia, what are the most urgent problems facing humanity, and how do we solve them . The result is big problems big thinkers. What is the number one major problem facing mankind . I think it is the lack of education. Politics has been getting dumber and dumber. There is a balance of green spirit. If we dont have a more sustainable way

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