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From our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Welcome to the program. We begin on a sad note. Ben bradlee, the editor of the washington post, died yesterday at age 93. Here are two excerpts from his appearances on this program. I wanted to be considered in the same breath as the New York Times. That was i didnt like people saying the New York Times. I wanted the New York Times and the post. That helped. It was a big step on the way. The chemistry between the two of you seems like an odd couple that works. How odd it is. You and catherine were very different evil. You sat down with her and when you wanted this job and said, the famous line, i will give my left one to be the editor of the washington post. [laughter] it was managing editor. Editor, i would have given the other one. I was going to say well, i liked her. I thought she was, i mean, daily newspaper is so vibrant, though so positive. You can do things with it. You can get somebody into jail, do something overnight. The chance to do it, it was the perfect opportunity. Because i knew all the reporters in america at that time. The good the good young ones. Ones. But you needed a publisher like her and she needed an editor like you. That is probably why it worked. Most people say this, what bradlee has is great instinct. That is what you have in abundance. What do you think it is about being a good editor that served you well . I was curious. I came along at the perfect time. You cant quibble with my sense of timing. Just as Katharine Graham was interested in expanding the post and spending some money on the news product, the conversation about the post it now sounds like the post was a nothing, no good, rotten little paper when i went there, which is not true. It wasnt the best paper in town. But it was a good paper. It had a wonderful editorial page. A wonderful editor. Barham salih is here. A veteran kurdish politician. He was Prime Minister of Iraqi Kurdistan after the fall of Saddam Husseins regime. He was appointed deputy Prime Minister of the interim iraqi government. He served as deputy Prime Minister to nouri almalikis cabinet after the 2005 elections. In 2007, he founded the American University of iraq. Its mission is to offer iraqi citizens americanstyle education. I am pleased to have him here at this table for the first time. Welcome. Thank you, sir. I appreciate you coming here. You have been recommended by my friends as someone who has a real understanding of where we are with respect to isis and what is happening within iraq and its implications beyond iraq, syria and throughout the middle east. Let me begin with help us understand how isis became what it is. It is really difficult to answer that question. The logistics behind what we see is quite phenomenal. Despite the American Air Force attacks and despite the International Effort that is going into stopping isis, we still find them agile at taking us on. One should not underestimate it. The logistics and organization the tenacity and resourcefulness , of this organization. But if i were to come up with a reasonable answer to the question, it is a consequence of failing politics in our part of the world, a consequence of the carnage in syria that has become an incubator for extremism and terrorism. In some ways also, if i were to take a step back, there are parallels to be drawn between this situation and that of afghanistan. Remember, to defeat the soviet union, western powers poured lots of money and resources in to defeat the soviet union. The soviet union was defeated, mission accomplished, people walked away. They overlooked a small detail at the time, fanatics called al qaeda that were in the caves of afghanistan. Only to discover years after that that they were very vengeful and very dangerous. In the context of syria and the conflict in iraq, a lot of enabling in the environment was creating these terrorists and these extremists. We are paying the price. The consequence of broken a consequence in the regional order, the rivalry between the turks, the iranians, and the saudis. The alienation of sunni communities. All of this combined has led to the emergence of this scourge and very serious and profound challenge to everything we stand for. And the seats go back to the iraqi war. I think the iraqi war, you are talking 2003 al qaeda in iraq. Al qaeda in iraq. I pose to you the question about s inmic extremist afghanistan, how it was overlooked and then became a contaminater to political discourse in that part of the world. Before there was sectarian is him and a brutal regime under Saddam Hussein committed genocide against the kurds, sectarian discrimination against the shiites. To be fair it has also , eliminated any alternatives in leadership to saddam. Under saddam, while the violence was under the table and the New York Times of the world would not be able to report on it in detail, that violence was happening. This has led to broken iraqi society, polarized iraqi society. When saddam was overthrown, all of these resources came to play. I have to say in the last 10 , years and certainly on the eve of the war, when we had High Expectations of what would happen in iraq, somewhere along the lines, we did not achieve what we hoped for. The present leader of isis the political construct in iraq could not the present leader of isis was with zarqawi in iraq. One way of looking at this thing, the analogy is viruses and bacteria. It started with a small sunni insurgency in 2004 or so. We did not address the root causes of that conflict. It led to zarqawi and al qaeda which i would consider to be a more dangerous mutant. Now we have isis, which again is difficult to say this one is worse than the other, but another mutant. My point is that unless we deal with the root causes of this problem, five years from now, even if we deal with this threat, we could have a mutant. What are the root causes . Broken politics. The political arrangement that isolates or marginalizes the sunni community. In my view, corruption. This conflict has a political economy of its own that allows these conflicts to continue. Lots of people are making money out of it. The regional rivalries between the major powers of that part of the world, are seeing major pulls in that region. I would say, also, the International Community has a lot of responsibility in terms of how the engagement with the middle east has been. In terms of immediate causes of this conflict, syria has been a real problem. It has become an incubating ground. Again i go back to my parallel with afghanistan. , in order tomics achieve a certain objective people tolerate a lot of human suffering and loss of human life. In the process, things like this often develop. They become difficult to deal with. You argue isis is different because it is they take advantage of some command and structure because they have access to former officers, and those sunni military people in a way, the term state applies to them. They have territory, they are in control of territory. They have command and control. There is a fusion between hardcore jihadis and former officers, and other communities. Today i was told an interesting story. A Telecommunication Company has been running an Internet Service in the city of mosul. Isis has taken control of that place, has appointed a western educated person to be in charge of Internet Service in that town. They talked to this Internet Provider about how the service should improve or not improve, what to do. You are talking not only of typical al qaeda operations. You are talking about a semistate with access to money. A lot of money from smuggling and bank accounts. Command structure from the former military people, and also the weapons they have received in syria. From what i am told, a lot of weapons went from the warehouses in libya to what was hoped to be the moderate Syrian Opposition but ended up in the wrong hands. , in other words, when the president said he worried about that at the time, there was evidence that it was coming from other places, headed for the moderate syrians and never got there. We see the evidence now. A lot of these weapons have come from what we see. Libyan warehouses in the aftermath of the conflict. But also, in mosul and other places where isis attacked, they were very specific in going to the Army Barracks and acquiring a lot of weapons systems. And apparently, they have a trained core of officers. People who are able to utilize these weapons. My point of view, this threat should not be underestimated. This is something that should be with us for some time. I hear you clearly. The present fight is in kobani. Where is that as we speak . I was speaking actually to a senior person they are the ones who are on the ground. In kobani, the fighting continues. Today there was fighting around kobani. The threat has not been alleviated. The American Military strikes and the Arab Coalition have taken part. One has to appreciate that. That was a significant development. Even women pilots. Kobani, in a way, has put to me, as a kurd has a lot of , significance. Kurdish history has been a tragedy. We have been left alone and International Powers have often ignored us. December terrible consequence is terriblefer america consequences. With the american nofly zone and american support over the last few years, a lot of things happened in Iraqi Kurdistan. There was a period of time when we all thought that kobani was on its own. Left to die. The message was that kobani was of no strategic value, going to be taken over sooner or later by isis. These brave men and women took on isis, defended their territory, and really changed the narrative. I think the image of these people defending their homes, it is truly, in my view, it tells me and should tell others the middle east and that part of the world are not all fundamentalists. People care about decent quality of life. For women to take action and be in the front line, taking on these bigots who forced them to who want to enslave women, who forced them to cover themselves from head to toe, it is a powerful mess. In both a powerful message. A symbol of resistance. It is said there was a time, 10 days ago, in which you could here in washington and in iraq, kobani is going to fall. Is it less certain today . I think the dynamics have shifted in favor of the defenders. I was told today, the threat is still there, not to be underestimated. Talking about a very tenacious, resourceful, determined enemy, an equipped army that sees kobani as a symbol. Kobani, if it were to fall to isis, this would be a major victory for isis. And a major defeat for the coalition. It also is a strategic victory because of how they can use it. Of course. Despite the american support, despite the coalition support, we can do it. I am hopeful. With the determination we have, we must really make sure it will happen. Some important developments that have happened, i am told that the turks will allow safe passage. With some Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga units. That has a lot of significance. We have invested a lot of effort in turkey and turkey has to be fair to embark on a Peace Process with the kurds of turkey, develop relations with Iraqi Kurdistan. During that period of time, it seemed things would not turn out the way we wanted it to be. This opening in turkey helped salvage the Peace Process. This will hopefully bring in this coalition of International Actors with the local communities, with the Kurdish People, on one fundamental common cause. Defeating extremism in that part of the world. We can disagree. We can have different views about this issue and that but , with isis and what they represent, there should be no differences here. You believe the turks have come, whether it is because of pressure from the United States or other places . I think that the passage will be allowed. I would welcome that as an important opening. Have they also been attacking some of the revolutionary kurds that they fear . Indeed. Do they have a reason to fear . In my view, no. Over the last few years, it was a lot of effort put into the Peace Process to change the violence between the Turkish Military and the pkk. This has been really a drag on turkish democracy. The Kurdish People are the Indigenous People of that part of the world. They should have the right to speak their own language, to express their national identity. In the 21st century, there should be a Peace Process. There was a Peace Process. There was. When that attack happened, when that military strike happened, we all got very concerned. But i hope with this thing that we see with the passage to kobani and the changing policy which we hope we will be seeing in reality, things could come back. There is so much at stake with that Peace Process. At the dawn of the 21st century, the Kurdish People cannot be denied their basic rights to identity, language and to be equal citizens. Part of iraq or a separate state . Every kurd dreams of independence. When i am in new york, it pains me not to see the kurdish flag. As you know, there were people at the time of the iraqi war who argued that, like the balkans, that iraq split up would split up between sunni, shia, kurds. After the iraqi war, the kurds did well economically and were considered a great ally. There were many who wished that it would be a separate state. It seemed to me that there was a conventional wisdom that that is not the best thing to do at this time. Let me explain to you where we are. Every kurd dreams of independence and that is a basic right. We have given iraq the chance. We voted for a constitution that promised us a federal democratic iraq. And kurds are part of the government. As you were. Absolutely. We want a democratic iraq. If iraq succeeds and baghdad is stable and democratic, i think the kurds would want to stay within iraq. If it is democratic and what . Federal. A federal iraq which allows the kurds selfgovernment as we have now. The way that is going these days, is really a challenge. It has serious Political Security situations. In my view, it is in our interest to help baghdad solve its problems, and for us to be part of a democratic and iraq is a viable option. If iraq were to become dictatorial, we will be cursed. They will be very few kurds who can be convinced to stay in iraq. When will that moment of truth, . At the moment, everybody is busy fighting isis. That is a big challenge we all confront. The new Prime Minister has a difficult challenge ahead of him. In my view, we have to support him and make this government work to deal with the security situation, but deal also with huge economic problems that he has inherited, also compounded by the decline in oil prices. This is in our interest, in the interest of the shia, sunnis and kurds. To really work on this. This will be decided in baghdad. If we manage and prevail, i think there is a chance to overcome some of the sensitivities. I dont want to be a dreamer and say this can be done overnight. It is a long way towards becoming a democratic state. Let me go back to the fight against isis. What is necessary to defeat them . I saw general dempsey say the climactic battle will come after kobani for mosul. General dempsey is a good friend who i worked with when he was in baghdad. But you beg to differ . I think obviously the battle for mosul will be very crucial but so is the battle for anbar , which is not far off from baghdad. This threat is too serious. In my view, we need a Major Military component to deal with this. The Iraqi Military has collapsed and it will be sometime why did it collapse . Politicization, sectarian divide, and recently, bad command. At the end of the day, you try the best you can. If you do not have loyal officers and commanders who believe in this project, you cant sustain it. In my view, corruption was the most critical reason why the military collapsed. At the moment, the prime i want agned council. The military component is very important but also not sufficient. You can defeat isis militarily but if you underestimate the political causes of this conflict, two years from now you may invite me again to this show. We will be talking about the son of isis. Let me just do this and be clear. Militarily, what you need to do is make sure that you win in kobani. Number two, anbar, and number three, cut off their financial supply. I would say cutting off the financial supply is dealing with the political economy of the conflict. Not only what money gets to isis, but also the corruption in Political Security institutions. The Kurdish Forces are doing better now. We have had a few difficulties early on. We are receiving some american and european airdrops and so on. We need to develop that. Sunnis at the end of the day, the people of mosul need to take on isis. Obviously the how can we empower them . By helping them militarily, by enabling them to be a part of the government, by giving them a stake in this process. One of the reasons we have for the rise of these extremists, probably these communities do not feel a part of the political process. We welcome the health of the iranian would you welcome in the iranians . A1out from concern they of theirout concern own security. That i think that the antimilitary issue, beyond beyond the military issue there is an address that need to be addressed. There are a number of regional actors. They need to be brought into play the part. Saudisalbanians, arabs, and the United States . Of course. Im talking about regional actors. Any of these powers that are not part of the big strategy to eradicate this group, at a minimum they can be spoilers. In my view it cannot be done. It is like the city of conflict. We can talk about a military solution. In my view, it has been complicated so profoundly. It is difficult to think of a military strategy. We need some form of a regional compact, a regional agreement to enable or force a political sentiment. In a way, iraqs polity is a of consequence to us. The neighbors of iraq have a lot of influence, leverage. They often metal and intervene in these things. The situation is a bit more complicated. The americans have a vital role to play. My mantra to my colleagues at home, even to american friends i talked to in washington america , is the indispensable nation in the world. America is vitally important. But we also have to understand the limitations of america. At the end of the day, this is a battle that can only be won by the people in that part of the world. We will need american assistance and support, but if we are not willing to carry water for our home country and own up to our responsibility years from now, you and i will be talking about the same problem. Thank you. Pleasure to have you. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Martin amis is here. By reputation, he is the bad boy rock star of british fiction even though he is a grandfather and lives in brooklyn. His latest novel is the zone of interest, a dark satire set in a fictional part of auschwitz. As the war effort unravels the murder activity of the cap accelerates. Against that backdrop, a love story unfolds. The zone of interest is a controversial novel. French and german publishers rejected it. In his native britain, reviewers are calling it his best work for 25 years. I am pleased to have martin amis back at this table. Would you disagree with any part of that introduction . I dont think so. But you think this is the best work you have done in 25 years . I think it has a chance of being my best novel. I am very when i pick it up, i am agreeably surprised and impressed by how it hangs together. I thought it was going to ask a lot of the reader. In fact, it seems to me that it moves along. Tell me what it was that drove you could do this. You have touched on this elsewhere. I read a novel about it 25 years ago. Novels come from your unconscious. Novels come from silent anxiety, what you dont know you are worrying about. Something is eating you but it is subliminal. You get a glimpse of this subliminal world, your dream world as well. Sometimes you just get a shiver and a throb and you think, i could write fiction about this. That is what makes you go forward. It is not any determination to investigate a historical event. It is just this gift from your subconscious. All i had, and it is expended on the very first page of the novel, is a love at first sight moment against a violently implausible background. I wrote the page, and as sometimes happens, when all is going well, the rest of the novel just sort of appears to be there. You are sculpting away at it. You said you were liberated when you read, it is the sacred duty not to understand. It was a real eureka moment. I had been reading about this for a quarter century and i was becoming frustratedly aware that when i knew much more than i used to, i hadnt penetrated it, not an inch. It seemed just as incomprehensible, as unbelievable as it had when i started seriously looking into it. I reread Martin Gilbert and i compared the two editions that i read. The same exclamation marks in the margin. The same undiminished incredulity. I thought, i cannot penetrate it. Then i read that one must not understand. To understand is to include it within yourself, to absorb it. And you cant do that. Because it is so horrific. Because it is antihuman, really counterhuman. The nazi hatred is a hatred that is not in us. It is outside man. I tried to understand why they did it. He takes the pressure off the why and suddenly i could proceed. There is this one says, why . To a guard. And he says, you will not find why here. Here there is no why. He means there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it. That is true of the whole policy. It is a remarkable fact that no historian claims to understand hitler. Many of them make a point of saying that they dont. Some, like bullock, his first british biography, the more i learn about hitler, the harder i find it to understand. You say that you constantly find yourself intrigued by that question. I do. There are no historical figures who cause such universal consternation. No one would say that of stalin. He is a kind of singularity, hitler. A couple of brilliant contemporary diaries said that this is all beyond history. It is outside history, as if it is a tear in the universe. There was this awful aberration. Yes. Something that felt supernatural. I dont know about you, but i dont believe in the supernatural. This certainly looks and feels supernatural. Whereas stalin, who was a much more remarkable man then trotsky ever gave him credit for, stalin was never that. What he was was a marxist. He tried the socialist experiment along rigid marxists lines. With the results that you see. He tried to better reality into this utopia. Reality resisting all the time of course. With hitler, there is no real ideology. A couple of cheap and vulgar notions about race. The jewish conspiracy, which is the schizophrenics first and most miserable cliche, and that is it. And thatsnsraum, it. One german historian said that it was never an ideology. It was just a rallying cry for sadists. If you are prepared to kill and beat and rob for no provocation, come to my flag. We will march together. Where does the banality of evil fit into here . Very cleverendt was indeed. They called that book on eichmann in jerusalem, she proved herself to be the worst Court Reporter of all time. She absolutely seemed to fall for eichmanns self exoneration when he said, i am just a bureaucrat following orders. I dont have the imagination to do anything other. Eichmann has been recently shown not at all banal. There is a new book on him. He said, i will leap laughing into my grave knowing i have the death of a million jews on my conscience. That was his great source of strength. He said that near the end . Nearish the end. I think the best remark about the banality of evil is the author of the nazi doctors, who said they may have been banal when they started, but once they started killing and producing atrocities, they werent banal anymore. They were what . Monstrous. It is perhaps the greater mystery hitler is a mystery, the german people, another mystery. It is the slander of jews, but not a slander of a huge fraction of the germans, that they went like sheep to the slaughterhouse and donned the rubber aprons and got to work. The most highly educated society there had ever been on earth was capable of that. Incomprehensible. You quote from macbeth, i am in blood, but should i wade no more. Returning were as tedious to go. It is a mystery to people. The war was lost very early on. It was lost in december, 1941, when the blitzkrieg against russia collapsed. Hitler acknowledges this in the war diary. No victory can be won. Four days later, pearl harbor and he declares war on america. He has the ussr on one flank and the usa on the other, as well as the British Empire arranged against him. Then, he is obviously thinking, the war aim of dominating europe is over, but the war aim of killing the jews is still achievable. He sort of thought that was worth doing. In his last will and testament, just a few days before his suicide, he said, i will be thanked by future generations for purging europe of its jews. That cancer of mankind. He honestly thought he had done humanity a service. I dont understand that. Have you read anything that argues that if he had not gone to russia, if he had not learned the lessons of napoleon, the war would have been different . The first law of warfare is, never invade russia. The same historian i mentioned said that if we search for coherence in hitlers psychology and actions, the only one that makes any sense is selfdestruction. The only coherent idea is selfdestruction . His ideas were inoperable. Land empire was a preindustrial notion, that you could just swallow up. Once the war had failed, he honed in on a new enemy, germans. His conduct of the war, especially in the last year, was designed to let the russians in, not the allies, and make it as rough as possible, make the defeat as thorough and disastrous as possible. National death was what he had in mind for germany. Talk about creating the characters. Tell me who thompson is. Thompson is a young ss officer. He is the nephew of martin and he is independently rich. This gives him a sort of zelig aspect in that he pops up in various places in the reich. He does various odd jobs for his uncle. For protection. With some protection from his uncle. In this case, the extent of this surprised me very much, auschwitz consisted of three camps. Birkenau, where the killings took place. And five kilometers away. There, they were building the biggest and most advanced plant in europe. I. G. Farben was funding it. The idea was to make germany selfsufficient in rubber and synthetic fuel. Which could have been a factor in the war. It could have prolonged the war. When the factory was supposed to come online, it would have consumed more electricity than berlin. And 30,000 jewish slaves died trying to produce synthetic rubber and fuel. Thompson, who is really the hero of the book, he is one of millions of germans they say about 40 of germans hated the regime and obstructed it as best they could without putting their lives on the line all the way. Only a few people did that. First he is just an instructor, obstructor, gives bad advice, ideologically sound but ruinous advice. Then, when the relationship with the commandants wife blossoms into real feeling, he starts to be an active senator. Aboteusaboteur. He is discovered and arrested in the very last pages of the straight narrative. But protected. He does a few years in prison. Why the affair . What is the purpose of having him have an affair . It is not an affair. He doesnt even kiss her on the lips. It is just one kiss. Is it an obsession . Attraction . Was it love . Yes, he falls in love. That is what empowers him to become a real resister and not just a foot dragger. What happened to ordinary, sane germans was that, after 1933, it wasnt horror, it was a complete sense of unreality. You are in a synthetic world. Then, as the private space was crushed into almost nothing, you would think all your finer feelings would leave you and you would be quite glad to see them go. Let it go, i cant be thinking about poetry or about love. You divest yourself of sensibility. What happens to him in auschwitz is that he feels that feeling coming back when he sees her. So he gains a sense of what it means to be human. Yes. Then there is, i dont know how to pronounce this [indiscernible] he is a polish jew, who is the most degraded of everyone in the whole story of the holocaust. He is part of the special detail that deals not only with the corpses, shaves the head and gets out the fillings and grinds the bones and all that, but they also have to mingle with the evacuees when they arrive on the ramp and say, welcome. Hope you are not too tired after your voyage. You will soon feel better when you have your meal at the guesthouse. In fact, they were all going to be dead in an hour. The most ambiguous, most morally questionable of all the actors and they would be killed themselves. You only delayed your death by a few weeks. So he would be dead. Yes. He prolongs it by making himself indispensable, which is agony. He is helping the german war effort against the jews. But they did, the sonders did occasionally save a life. They would go up to a young man and say, you are 18 years old and you have a trade. Approaching the selection. Then the nazi doctor would look you over and say, how old are you . Say 18. Any younger, you would go straight to the gas. You would say, i am an electrician, a carpenter. You would prove your worth that way. Imagine a job where your first duty is to cremate your predecessors. That is how they inducted them into the squad. Many refused to do it out right and were killed at once. What is the magic mirror . This is an old story. I got it from a marvelous book called journey back from hell, and elaborated it in the novel. The king asks his wizard to make a magic mirror, a mirror that will not show your reflection, but show who you are, your soul. He builds the mirror, creates the mirror, and the king cant look at it without turning away, nor can the wizard. In this peaceful land, the king offers any of his subjects a chest full of treasure if they can look at the mirror for a minute without turning away, and no one can. Now, in my is it because of disgust with your soul . You normally dont see more than about 5 of anyone, yourself included. And quite right that you shouldnt. This terrible just the tip of , the iceberg, not the mass of the iceberg. In an atrocityproducing situation like auschwitz, you see the rest of the 95 . Everyone describes the experience as one of staggering surprise. As a perpetrator, you find that you can do it or you like it. As a victim, you find enormous strength in yourself. The voices of the survivors are of such a high level of perception and wisdom, and aphorism, that it convinces you that what help you survive was the force of life. You had to have other things. Immunity to despair, constantly cherishing your sense of innocence cherishing your sense of innocence. He cant even do that because he doesnt feel innocent. He says, i am choking, i am drowning. And i need something more than words. He also saw his sons being killed, so it is as bad as it could be. And then at the end of the war, the wife of the commandant, he goes to see her he tracks her down. I got this insight from a married couple who were in auschwitz together. A doctor and his wife. They found themselves drifting apart after the liberation. He said he is a psychologist and he said, what seems to have gone wrong is that when we were in this hell hole together, we looked to each other to represent civilization and normality. After it is all over, they look at each other and see the camp. And she says, i cannot be part of anything that suggests good can come out of the camp. And i want to say, they are not french. [laughter] writing about the holocaust, the whole idea, the unimaginable, if you write about it, the unimaginable is stripped of some of its horror. So you shouldnt write about it . But he also said, no poetry after auschwitz. No poetry. But there was poetry during auschwitz. Primo levi, his fiction and poems. Just to elaborate on why i think novelists and poets should be welcome, it says open it shouldnt say poets and novelists not welcome. Poets, novelists and historians are like the team that goes to investigate the crash of an airplane. They cant say there will be no more crashes. Planes dont crash because this happened again. That itself is enough to justify any sort of person for visiting this subject and reinforcing that investigation. Thank you. Martin amis, the book is called the zone of interest. Thank you for joining us. See you next time. Live from san francisco, welcome to bloomberg west where we cover innovation, technology and the future of business. Im emily chang. First a look at the headlines. Canadian police say the gunman who killed a soldier outside parliament recently apply forward passport to travel to syria. Heres stephen harper, the Prime Minister, talking about extremism. Let there be no misunderstanding, we will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated. In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts, and those of our National Security agency. Harper and the rest of

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